Straight To The Heart (Three Of A Kind #3)

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Straight To The Heart (Three Of A Kind #3) Page 16

by Beth Rinyu

  “Hey, how did you know where I was?”

  “I called Lenny.” He walked further into the room until he was just a few inches away from me. “So how much do you charge for dance lessons?” I threw my head back and laughed.

  “Hmm….depends on who’s asking.”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his forehead into mine. “Me.”

  My hand moved up the side of his face and brushed against his razor stubble cheek. “Well, I think we can work out some sort of payment.”

  “Oh yeah?” he grinned. I nodded and brushed my lips against him, teasing him by backing away just as he was expecting more.

  “Now Mr. Hamilton, you may address me as Mademoiselle Gia and welcome to my dance class. We will start off with the simple waltz and then we will go from there. First, let’s get the proper stance down.” I tried my hardest to keep my faux stern demeanor as he continued to laugh at me. I stood inches apart, offsetting myself from him ever so slightly. I placed my arms up in the proper position with my left hand on his shoulder, my right hand waiting to grip his. “Okay, place your right hand under my shoulder and place your other hand in mine,” I directed. He did as I said still unable to stop smiling. “Okay, you’re gonna start off with your left foot and I’m gonna start with my right. Step forward with your heel and back with your toe and your foot.”

  “Geez, you’re bossy.” He teased.

  “Sure am. Now follow my lead. One, two, three. One, two, three.” I counted as we moved together perfectly. It seemed so natural just like everything when it came to me and Cam. “Okay, now let’s see how well you can keep up with the rhythm.” I rushed over to my phone and pulled up another playlist, finally deciding that The Skater’s Waltz would be the best choice for a beginner like him. I walked back over to him and we set up in the proper position as the music began to play. I started out counting the steps for him, but after only a few turns he had it down pat and we glided effortlessly across the floor. I was in my element with the two things that made me the happiest, Cam and dancing. I closed my eyes, wanting this moment to last for the rest of my life. The music continued but our bodies came to a stop. He pulled me closer, effortlessly lifting me off the ground, pressing his forehead into mine and staring up at me. Our lips touched, his hands began to move about my body and suddenly the music was just white noise. The only sound I could hear and wanted to hear were the deep breaths of pure desire coming from him as I pushed him against the wall, lifting his shirt over his head and feverishly unbuttoning his pants. His warm, strong hands moved under my tank top, pulling it off with ease and throwing it onto the floor. I threw back my head and arched my back when his hands moved down to my body and his lips moved down to my breast. I could feel his obvious desire right through his pants and all I wanted was for him to put it to good use. My tongue glided up his neck as I worked the zipper on his pants, giving them a tug until they fell to the ground along with his boxers. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath when I wrapped my fingers around his fullness. I continued to tease him with my hand for a little longer before dropping to my knees and wrapping my lips around him. He threw his head against the wall and closed his eyes as I continued to take him in and out of my mouth. His breathing was becoming heavier and his hands were moving more anxiously through my hair and I knew he was almost there. He grabbed my arm, lifting me from the ground and pulling down my leggings as if his life depended on it. I reached down and quickly untied my pointe shoes before removing my leggings completely, now standing in front of him completely naked. He stared me over up and down before roughly pulling me into him. “You have no fuckin’ clue what you’re doing to me right now, do you? I’ve never wanted to….”

  He stopped himself, like he was afraid to say what he was feeling, so I helped him out. “You’ve never wanted to what, Cam? Fuck someone so badly?” He looked away, seeming a little embarrassed with using that term when it pertained to me, although I was fairly certain that he’d no problem using it with the other women he had been with in the past. I stood on my tippy toes and pressed my naked body into his. “Show me how badly you want to fuck me,” I whispered into his ear. He swallowed hard and turned me around. I grasped on to the ballet bar and stretched my leg across it, bending over and feeling the fullness of him inside of me. I looked in the mirror at him standing behind me, moving in and out of me while he lifted my hair and nibbled on my neck. His movements were hard and fast, much different to his usual soft and gentle lovemaking, and I was finding that I loved both ways equally. We both gazed into the mirror, watching the perfect choreography play in front of us. Each movement we made was in perfect unison, each bit of pleasure felt by the other and each of us anticipating the grand finale of this beautiful production that we were putting on for just the two of us to see.

  The warmth of his breath seeped in to my skin as he lightly grazed my shoulder with his teeth. I threw my head back onto his chest and looked up at him, screaming out his name when I felt myself coming undone. He leaned down and devoured my mouth with his and with a few more deep thrusts, I felt him coming undone as well. I removed my leg from the bar and he wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face into my shoulder while he tried to catch his breath. Turning around to face him, I pressed my forehead into his. “I wonder if that’s what they had in mind when they said they rent the studio by the hour.” I giggled.

  “Gia, that was just –”

  “Pretty hot.”

  “Yes,” he replied, taking my face in his hands and placing a kiss on my forehead while his heart still beat at warp speed. I hugged him tightly before heading into the bathroom to get myself together and dress.

  Cam was deep in thought, now fully dressed and staring out the window when I exited the bathroom. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind. “Hey you,” I snuck up behind him, startling him ever so slightly. “Are you my ride?” I asked, once he turned around and gave me his full attention.

  “Sure am.”

  “Well, don’t tell Lenny, but you’re a much cuter driver.”

  “Cross my heart.”

  I flung my bag over my shoulder and grabbed his hand. “You know what’s funny?”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “In all of my years taking ballet, I never thought of using the bar for that purpose.” I let out a loud laugh when he smiled and shook his head.


  After returning back to Cam’s and showering, we walked out to the beach and took a seat in the sand. Another perfect day was coming to an end as we sat with a blanket wrapped around us, watching the sun sink into the ocean. My time with Cam was dwindling and I didn’t want to think about what was going to happen when I went back to New York. Cam would be leaving for Arizona to start spring training next month and I’d be back to running myself ragged while chasing after a ridiculous dream that seemed like it was getting further and further out of reach. This trip had not only healed my heart, but it had also opened it up to possibilities that I had never imagined, making me feel like I had to pinch myself to be sure it was real. I closed my eyes and rested my head on Cam's shoulder as the cool wind whipped off the ocean. When he pulled me closer and wrapped the blanket around us tighter, I knew this was as real as it gets.



  The sun was just starting to rise as I finished up my morning run. It was hard to believe that tomorrow Gia would be leaving to go back home. I missed her just thinking about it. I never thought that I would want to go to bed every night and wake up every morning with the same woman, but with Gia I wanted all of that and more. I loved to stare at her and caress her warm, soft skin long after she had fallen asleep. She was clueless as to how she made me feel and I was foolish for never admitting those feelings to her, but I knew Gia wasn’t like all the other girls I’d dated. Not only was it the fact that she was a lot more special to me than they were, but she also didn’t get attached to men after sleeping with them in the way that
other girls did, up until that dickhead Jasper. Part of me wondered if she was really over him or if she still had feelings for him. Was I just her rebound guy to help her get it out of her system? I hoped not, but if I was, then so be it, I was happy to help her get over that asshole in any way that I could. She was going to get on that plane tomorrow, never knowing how I truly felt and the more I thought about it, the more I realized how stupid I was. Jason was right, I needed to man up and tell her how I felt. I was a big boy and could deal with the consequences if she didn’t feel the same, but I couldn’t let her leave without knowing. I wasn’t sure how it would work out with my crazy schedule and with her being so far away, it would definitely be tough. I wanted more of her than a part-time basis, I wanted her to be here with me…living with me. I knew that it sounded incredibly selfish and Gia would probably never go for it given her love for New York City, but I had to be straight up with her and lay it on the line because the reality of it was I wanted Gia to be my forever. I just wasn’t sure if she felt the same, but I was willing to take that risk and if she said no, then I would deal with the hurt that came along with it. It was still better than dealing with the regret that would come along if I hadn’t said anything.

  Lucy was making breakfast when I walked into the house. “Coffee?” she asked, right on cue.

  “Yeah, thanks.” I took a sip from the mug she placed in front of me. “Is Gia still sleeping?” I asked.

  “Yeah, she hasn’t been down yet. I sure am gonna miss that girl, Cam.” I nodded, hoping that after I told Gia how I felt, she wouldn’t have to miss her at all. “I can really see why the two of you are such great friends. Her personality is infectious and she brightens up the room with just her laugh and the way she gives it back to Lenny with the wise cracks.” She let out a deep sigh and shook her head. “It sure was nice having her around these past two weeks.” I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was trying to bait me into telling her what my intentions were with Gia. I was pretty sure that she knew that our relationship had progressed passed friendship in the last two weeks just by the comments she would make about Gia’s room not needing to be made up. I was planning on remaining quiet with my plan for now. I wanted Gia to know first and I didn’t want to give Lucy any sense of false hope if it wasn’t what Gia had wanted.

  “Hey, Lucy do you think you can cook dinner tonight for Gia’s last night? I want to make it special for her.”

  “Not a problem! I’m going to head out to the market in a bit and I’ll make sure it’s the most delicious…” She paused for a moment and gave me a smirk. “And the most romantic dinner ever.”

  I nodded and flashed her a quick smile before throwing back the rest of my coffee and heading upstairs to shower.

  Gia was sound asleep in my bed with her long blonde hair spread across the pillow. It was a beautiful sight and one that I hoped I would wake up to for the rest of my life. I would tell her tonight over dinner. I wanted to make this last day enjoyable for the two of us and if she wasn’t amenable as to what I had in mind for our future, I didn’t want to have any awkwardness between the two of us for the rest of the day. She rolled over and her eyes slowly peeled open, looking even bluer first thing in the morning. “Hey, you.” She smiled, speaking in a raspy morning voice.

  “Hey.” I responded back.

  She sat up and rubbed her eyes before turning her head to look out the window. “It looks beautiful out.”

  “It is.” She crooked her finger and motioned for me to come closer. I took a seat on her side of the bed. “Gia, I’m all sweaty, I need to take a shower.”

  “And I need to brush my teeth, so let’s be gross together,” she grinned as she lifted my sweaty shirt over my head and stroked her fingers down my back.

  When she lowered the sheet exposing her bare chest, I was sold and suddenly gross never seemed so sexy


  Gia and I spent the afternoon riding bikes along the Santa Monica Bike Path. I tried warning her about how crowded the path would get in the afternoon and that riding bikes was tricky while trying to maneuver around the people who chose to walk on the bike path instead of the designated walking path, but she insisted. I laughed when I looked over at her a few times and saw her frustration when she had to slam on her brakes to avoid hitting someone who walked out in front of her. We stopped along the way to take in some scenery, drink some smoothies and so I could sign a few autographs. Gia took it all in stride and didn’t seem impressed or annoyed at all when someone would interrupt our conversation to have me sign a hat, a shirt or whatever they had in their hand. I liked that she didn’t see me in any other way, but the Cam she’d known her entire life.

  “So, are you ready to head back?” I looked down at my watch while we were taking a little break on the bench and people watching. “Are you hungry?”

  She nodded and smiled that smile that I had become so addicted to. “A little.”

  “Good, because Lucy is cooking dinner for us.”

  “Awesome!” She exclaimed as she pulled her ringing phone from her pocket, looking like she was debating on whether to answer. She let out a deep sigh and squinted up at me. “I just gotta take this for a sec.”

  “Hey Tom.” she answered. I tuned out her conversation and looked straight ahead, hoping that everything would go the way I hoped tonight. I couldn’t believe that I was actually getting nervous about this. This was Gia, the girl I could talk to about anything, but this was so different.

  “Oh my god! Are you serious?” She shrieked, breaking me from my daydreams. I looked over and saw the huge grin that was stretched across her face and wondered what the person on the other end of the phone was telling her. “Okay, will do.” She grabbed my hand and her smile became wider. “See ya soon!” she said just before hanging up the phone and turning her attention to me. “Oh my god, Cam! That was a choreographer from a few of the performances I was in and he started up his own Dance Company and wants to talk to me about giving me the lead in a ballet! It would be on a six-month basis and then if we’re both amenable at the end of the six months, I’d sign on for two years. I’ll get to travel all over the country and he said that they are even going to Paris for some shows over the summer! I’d be doing what I love to do and making a real salary.”

  I felt the blow to my heart, but there was no way in hell that I was going to act anything but happy for her. This was her dream, Gia loved to dance just as much as I loved baseball and I wasn’t going to be selfish and let my wants stand in her way. “Wow, that’s awesome, Gia.”

  “Can you believe it?!” she shrieked. “You always had faith in me, Cam. You always told me to never give up….I’m so glad I listened to you!” She hugged my arm and rested her head on my shoulder. She had made her choice without me even asking. This is what she had always aspired for and now she was getting it. I shouldn’t have to pretend to be happy for her. I should be genuinely glad that she was finally going to be living the life she had always dreamed of and even though I would still be in her life, it wasn’t the way that I wanted it to be.

  She stood up and took my hand, “Ready?” she asked. I looked up at her and nodded just before she pulled me from the bench. Suddenly, I wasn’t looking forward to the nice romantic dinner that awaited us. I wasn’t looking forward to knowing that this would be the last night I’d be spending with her, and most of all, I wasn’t looking forward to watching her get on that plane tomorrow to go after her dream….a dream that didn’t include me.



  The ride to the airport was eerily quiet. I wasn’t sure if it was a lack of words on either one of our parts or if it was because we were unsure of the way we were leaving things between us. Once the initial excitement over this new opportunity wore off, I started thinking and worrying. Surely if Cam thought that what we shared and had between us was more than a fling, he would’ve said something at the time instead of bursting with enthusiasm at the prospect of me realizing my dream, wouldn’t
he? All of a sudden I felt like I just didn’t matter so much anymore. I had never been as happy as I’d been these past two weeks, I wished it could remain that way forever, but Cam was so much like me when it came to relationships and the last thing I wanted was to feel like some needy chick who was obsessed with him after sleeping with him, even though deep down inside I was. I also didn’t want him to feel like he owed me something because of that. My heart sank when we reached the airport. He grabbed my bags and we headed inside still in silence. When we reached security, I felt my heart sink even more. This was the moment I had been most dreading.

  “Well, I guess all good things must come to an end.” I tried my best to play it off for him.

  He stood with his hands in his pockets and nodded. God, I just wished he would say something like don’t go. I stood on my tippy toes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “I had the best time ever. Thank you so much for everything, Cam.” I was trying to make it as minimally awkward as possible, hoping that I was doing a good job of disguising the pain in my heart.


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