Cosmic Girl: Looking For Trouble: superhero series for young adults - Book Two

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Cosmic Girl: Looking For Trouble: superhero series for young adults - Book Two Page 19

by R S J Gregory

  Paul’s eyes are bulging as he stares at her. “Let’s do this.” Paul says quickly.

  While Paul begins to dodge the bullets, Pamela, Georgia and Stuart are moving on to the more serious weapons. Machine pistols, and automatic assault rifles.

  Ryan joins us after an hour. He’s now decked out in a black unitard with a hood that comes down and covers the top of his face with holes cut out for his eyes.

  He has black knee-length boots that looks like it’s made of the same strange material. It looks a bit like rubber, but catches the light like chainmail.

  “Have you tested it yet?” I ask as I prod the costume with my fingers experimentally. It feels weird.

  He bursts into flame right in front of me, which makes the soldiers stop what they’re doing and look over. Ryan extinguishes the flames, and the costume is still in one piece.

  “Great. Did you say thank you?” I ask.

  “Yes, mother.” Ryan says and cracks a smile.

  “Basic training.” Bill calls out from the door and points at Ryan.

  Carl comes marching over and looks down at Ryan.

  “This way.” Carl says and leads Ryan away to a quiet part of the room to show him the basic moves.

  I move on to the submachine guns next. But after the shotguns, these are a breeze. I have to move fast and focus hard, but these bullets are easier to see, so it’s not that different from the 9mm ones, just more of them and they come faster.

  The next stage is a little more interesting. The other soldier, Joe, pulls a minigun from the bench with a huge box of ammo.

  “You ready?” Joe asks me as I stand a hundred yards out.

  “Let’s find out.” I reply and ready myself.

  The adrenaline is roaring through me, and of course, I have my irritating head pain warning me, which I don’t really need right now. The barrel starts spinning, then I see the huge muzzle flash as the bullets begin to fly from the contraption.

  I focus on the bullets, and begin to walk towards Joe while swatting the bullets, catching others and letting them drop behind me.

  I twist, turn and duck to avoid others, then my hands become a whirlwind in front of me as I catch as many bullets as I can.

  I get to within a couple of feet of the weapon when Joe releases his finger from the trigger. My eyes feel as wide as plates, and I’m shaking, but I have a huge grin on my face.

  “Alright. You’re done. Good job.” Joe says and extends his huge hand to me. I shake his hand.

  “Thank you.” I stammer, while I try to calm down.

  I sit down near Bill and watch the others go through the various weapons, dodging bullets. I think I’m most proud of Georgia. She’s beginning to show real confidence, and is actually laughing while dodging the bullets.

  “Okay. I think we’re done. Class is dismissed.” Bill says loudly, after he checks his watch.

  “The other thing that we discussed?” I ask Bill.

  He reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out a small metal container about the size of a cell phone.

  “These are strong enough to knock a rampant elephant out for 24 hours.” Bill says as he opens the case.

  Inside, are five small blue pills. They look like jelly beans.

  “We put a transmitter into them as well. So even if it doesn’t work right away, we’ll be able to track them.” Bill says, closing the case as he hands it to me.

  “Thanks. I sure hope they work.” I say as I take the case and slip it into my right boot.

  “Let’s go.” I say and walk towards the door.

  Twenty Four

  Back in Chicago, I keep my cell phone fully charged and on at all times. I constantly check my email as well from time to time. I’m itching to put these pills to the test. That means getting close enough to shove them into their mouths.

  CNN is the only channel I watch when I’m home, which is only at meal times. It’s summer vacationing time, so everyone is off sunning it up, or skiing in Vermont.


  I’m in costume and flying over the city, looking for trouble.

  I find plenty. Several muggings, more than a handful of burglaries, three carjackings, several traffic accidents caused by some knuckle-heads who wanted to jump the red light, oh, and a few street fights. That was just in a couple of hours.

  My absence was sorely missed, although quite a few people saw fit to take advantage of this. A new gang had formed south of Brighton Park.

  They call themselves the B Bloods. Classy. They already have around thirty members, from the gossip I hear on the street.

  They initiate their new members by making them break into local schools and trashing the Principal’s office. I catch one trying to do this at Hackberry High.

  He’s no older than seventeen by the look of him. Very apologetic in private, but swears like a sailor when we get outside.

  “I hope you’re proud of yourself.” I admonish as I carry him over to the sidewalk. I had called ahead, so a police car is already waiting by the curb.

  “Another one?” The office asks as I land in front of him and shove the boy toward them.

  “Yep.” I answer as the boy glares at me, red faced and spitting obscenities.

  “That’s enough of that, you punk.” One of the officers says and snaps the cuffs on him.

  I wave goodbye as they bustle him out of here. I’m about to take off and fly south, when I hear something behind me.

  Huh? It sounds like a faint crash coming from inside the school. Who’s this, a backup in case this idiot failed?

  I fly back inside through the open window on the second floor. I float over the desks towards the now open door. I stop and listen. I hear some grunting coming from downstairs, along with the sound of drawers being opened.

  What the hell?

  I fly down the abandoned hallway, trying to control my breathing as I listen intently. I float down the stairs to the first floor, then stop and listen as it’s gone quiet now. I look left and right down the hall. Nothing, and it’s still quiet. I hover into the hallway and focus on my hearing. I hear a faint rustle of paper, downstairs. I fly down to the ground level, and hover in the hallway.

  There it is again. Rustling. It’s coming from the room opposite the Principal’s office.

  I fly cautiously toward the rustling noise. I check the name plate on the door. Records. The door is ajar. It’s dark inside. Still quiet. I place my purple gloved-hand on the door and slowly ease it open a bit more. The hinges let out a squeak.

  Damn it.

  I feel a rush of air, then something dark slams into me. I find myself knocked on to my back and staring up at the ceiling tiles. I turn my head in time to see a dark blur shoot along the hallway towards the main doors.

  It doesn’t stop, whoever it is. With a crash, the doors are in ruins and the figure vanishes.

  I get up and fly towards the entrance. I fly out and up and do a quick scan of the area. Nothing. Whoever it was is long gone.

  What did they want in the records room?

  I fly back inside and enter the room and switch the light on. Filing cabinets that line one wall are all open. Files litter the floor, and some of the computers have been switched on. One is broken, the screen has a jagged hole where someone has punched it. The keyboard lies in ruins, various keys littered all over the floor and on the desk around it. I grab my cell phone from my boot and dial 911 again. I report the break-in and then high-tail it out of there.

  I hover in the air around a thousand feet up, and watch the boys in blue head inside. My cell phone rings, and I press it to my ear.

  “Hello?” I say as I look down at the red and blue flashing lights.

  “Hi, Pumpkin. Will you be home soon?” Dad asks.

  “Sure, Dad. Give me five minutes.”

  “Okay. Foods ready, don’t let it go cold, okay.”

  “No problem. Be right there.” I say and hang up.

  I rub my shoulder and rotate my right arm.

  Whoever it was
, sure can hit hard.

  I stare about me, frowning. The city seems peaceful at the moment. Just the usual city noises float up to me. I shrug and launch myself up towards the clouds. The stars wink at me as I emerge through the clouds into a clear sky. The full moon bathes me in its pale blue light off to my left.

  Even though I don’t feel the cold, an icy feeling creeps up my spine, making me shudder.

  I rotate and turn my back to the moon and fly home.

  I enter through my open window, slide it shut and close my curtains. After a quick change into some sweats and an old pink Minnie Mouse t-shirt, I head downstairs.

  “I’m home.” I say as I reach the bottom step.

  “Foods on the table.” I hear Dad call from the kitchen.

  When I enter, Dad and Jessica are already tucking into their meal.

  “Mmm, Chinese.” I murmur as I inhale the lovely aromas. Chicken teriyaki, greens and noodles. Yum.

  I devour mine in seconds. “Is there anymore?” I ask as I lick my plate clean.

  “There’s still some sauce left in the wok.” Jessica says.

  “Cool.” I say and grab some bread from the counter and start dunking.

  “How is it out there, tonight?” Dad asks.

  “Weird. My school was broken into, twice.” I say before shoving more teriyaki sauce soaked bread into my mouth.

  “Was anything taken?” Dad asks.

  “Don’t know.” I shrug. “The second one got by me.”

  “How can someone get by you? They would have to be...”

  “A Super? Yeah, I know. It was a Super.”

  “What?” Dad and Jessica say in unison.

  “The police are all over it. If there are any prints, they’ll find them.” I say while I mop up the last of the sauce with my bread.

  I wash my hands, then sit back down at the table. I’m still letting all of the scrambled thoughts I have coalesce, and now, as I sit and stare at my hands, I’m beginning to get a picture in my mind.

  I don’t like what I see.

  School records being rifled through by an unknown Super. This was not good. The icy feeling had now come back.

  “Dad?” I say hesitantly, still forming the plan in my tired head.

  “Yes, Pumpkin?”

  “I need you to take Jessica, and get out of here.” I say firmly as I look up into his now confused face.

  “What? Why?” Dad says.

  “Yeah, what the hell is going on, Britney?” Jessica says.

  “I don’t know, for sure. But I got a bad feeling. I need you both gone. Tonight.” I say.

  “Tonight?” Jessica says, but Dad is already getting up from the table.

  “Pack a suitcase.” Dad says, then turns to Jessica. “Now.”

  “Whatever.” Jessica says and gets up. She gives me a scared look for a second, then she stomps from the room.

  “Thanks, Dad.” I say.

  “We’ll visit your grandparents in Minneapolis.” Dad says, then walks out of the kitchen. I hear him head upstairs.

  I heave a sigh of relief. I feel a little better, but the icy feeling creeping up my spine just won’t quit. I head into the living room and pick up the phone.

  “Hi.” Mitchell’s warm voice answers after a few rings.

  “Our school was broken into tonight.” I say swiftly.

  There’s a few seconds silence. “Was anything taken?” Mitchell asks, his voice now full of concern.

  “I don’t know. Mitch, it was a Super.”

  “We better warn the others.” Mitchell says.

  “I’ll call Stuart and Georgia next.” I say.

  “I’ll call Paul, Ryan and Pamela.”

  “Get your parents out of there. I’m sending mine away tonight.”

  “Okay. Are you alright?” Mitchell asks.

  “I got a bad feeling about this.” I say, my voice breaking.

  “Let’s get to work. I’ll call you again in thirty minutes.” He says before hanging up.

  I call Stuart and Georgia and tell them to get their loved ones to safety, just in case. Beth? I think loudly.

  ‘You rang?’ Beth’s husky voice responds inside my head after a few seconds.

  A Super broke into our school. They went after the school records, Beth. I think loudly.

  ‘Oh, really?’

  I think you need to get your parents out of there, like right now. I say inside my head as I picture her puzzled face.

  ‘As soon as the electrician leaves, I’ll get them out.’

  Don’t wait too long. I urge. Then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I get up and enter the hallway. Dad and Jessica grab their jackets. Two suitcases lie on the floor near the front door.

  “Oh, sis.” Jessica says and rushes toward me. She throws her arms around my shoulders. I stroke her short blond hair, letting my fingers caress her head gently.

  “I love you.” I whisper in her ear. “Take care of Dad.”

  “I will.” She says, then kisses me on the cheek. “Love you.” Then she turns and heads towards the door as Dad opens it. Jessica picks up the two suitcases and heads outside.

  I float towards Dad, and he opens his big bear arms to me. I rise up and wrap my arms around his thick neck.

  “You take care of yourself, okay.” Dad says.

  “Give Granny and Gramps my love.” I say.

  “Remember who you are.” Dad whispers in my ear, before giving me a big squeeze. He releases me, strokes my cheek with his fingers, turns and heads down the steps and rushes to the car. I wave quickly, then close the door.

  I switch off all the lights in the house, get changed into my Cosmic Girl costume, and sit at the table in the dark kitchen.

  Twenty Five

  It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust, then I wait for my heartbeat to settle back down again. My breathing sounds like a steam engine in my ears. I take a few deep breaths, and almost jump out of my costume when my phone rings.

  “Hello?” I answer in a coarse whisper.

  “Why are you whispering?” Paul’s jovial voice asks.

  “Shut up. Is your exchange student’s family safe?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not that they’re going to talk to me ever again after this.” Paul grumbles.

  “Better that than the alternative.”

  “I know. So, what now?”

  “We wait.”

  “Oh, goody. My favorite.”

  “Has Beth got her parents out yet?” I ask him.

  “Not yet. They’re getting some work done, apparently.”

  “Tell her to hurry.”

  “Yes, mother.” Paul says before hanging up.

  I put the cell phone back into my boot, then pull the zip down at my neck and check the metal case that’s tucked inside my bra.

  Reassured it’s still there, I zip myself back up. Then my cell phone buzzes. I check my cell that is in my right boot.

  Nothing. Uh, oh.

  With increasing dread, I slide the cell phone from my left boot. There’s a text message on the cell that the mob gave me.

  Big red sighted in Chicago. F.G.

  Oh, crap.

  My breathing quickens, and the sound of my heartbeat is getting louder in my ears.

  I put the phone back into my left boot, then pull out my new cell phone and tap in a quick message to Mitchell.

  Devlin is in Chicago. Get over here. Please! xxxxx

  I put the cell phone away, right before there’s an almighty crash above me. I hear two loud thuds above me, and dust rains down from the ceiling.

  I get up slowly, my heart racing.

  A light comes on upstairs, then I hear quick steps on the stairs.

  They’re coming down.

  I float to the doorway of the kitchen, and crouch.

  As the first dark shape appears in the hallway, my mind frantically tries to recall the training I got from Carl and Joe.

  A man heads into the living room and switches on the light. His shadow is thrown be
hind him by the lights. I hear him snort.

  The other guy is still on the stairs, so while the man in the living room has his back to me, I launch myself at him.

  In just a few nanoseconds, I unzip, remove the container from my bra, grab a blue pill, put the container back, zip myself back up, hop on to his back, and shove the pill into his mouth.

  I clamp my hand over his mouth and nose while I cling to his back like a Koala bear. He struggles, and coughs while he twists and tries to elbow me. I’m not moving. He tries to reach over his shoulders at me, but I duck and twist while I cling on.

  “There she is.” A man’s voice calls from the hallway behind us.

  I use my body and strength to turn my monkey around so that we face the hallway, while I pull us further into the living room.

  I yank the man’s head back a little while he fights me, then his legs sag under him. I let go and float in the air while he crashes forward on to his face with a crunch. The other man fills the doorframe. He blurs as he rushes me, but I’m ready.


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