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Atrocity Page 12

by C F Rabbiosi

  Brekter scoffed at her obvious defiance of his orders.

  “Drink. Let’s start there. Drink. Say it.” She pulled the liquid away.

  He sighed heavily. “Drink.” There, he’d learned her word and was rewarded with water sliding down his parched throat. He thought about spitting it in her face, that would be fun, but no, he would need his strength to kill her.

  “I’ve been here for months, hiding out since you fuckers killed my family,” she said, moving to stoke the fire. Without the furs, he could see her tall, slender form perfectly. Dark hair swayed as she walked, and he turned his head, but his desire was still obvious. Why would the mad little animal take my clothes off anyway? he wondered, hating himself for the way his body reacted to her. She was an enemy, a lower being, and the state she was keeping him in, tied and naked, enraged him further.

  “The sky was red for so long,” she said. “We lived in the mountains here, so only a few died from the poisonous air and the rest of us moved up farther to escape it.” She squeezed the strands of his long hair, and her fingertips slid down the tips. “And all of this was because of you.” She took a deep breath and laid on the ground beside me. “Oh, I didn’t agree with what they did to your people. At first.”

  “What are you planning to do to me?” he asked, yanking a chained arm toward her in a fist.

  “But then you came after us.” She leaned on her elbow toward him, not even flinching at his threat. “And we didn’t drop those bombs on your ships, you know! It was our goddamned world leaders, and we all suffered the nuclear fallout too!” She punched him in the shoulder with a grunt then laid down again. “Everything’s a disaster.”

  “Disaster?” Brekter repeated, feeling close to the word somehow. He wanted to understand her, knowing communicating with the dumb beast would increase his odds at getting out of there. “Disaster, ovswargot.” He taught her his word.

  An unattractive snore came sawing out of her, and he snorted with disgust. Searching the room, he looked for sharp things, blunt things, and surveyed everything there was to see. He quietly pulled on the chains, nearly grunting with the force. Every muscle taxed, but the rock restraints held. For the time being.

  He had no choice but to let her sleep next to him, close enough that her arm touched his side at times and her sweet smell drifted across his skin, sending his heart racing. She was torture. She was pain. And he was fascinated with her.

  The next day, she forced him to learn more of her language and he started enjoying the way she laughed, even if her joy was being produced by the awkward way he said her damn words. It was loud and obnoxious, making a strange tickle bubble up in his belly. She would dance around the cave and point to strange things upon the walls called paintings, and feed him something from her black cooking device called stew. Uncomfortable and hating to urinate in her bed pan, he dreaded the other bodily function being necessary. He thought it silly, for it was nothing but a natural process by which all creatures world to world must do. He had to get out of there, but as he worked the chains from the wall, his strength failed him. He needed more nutrients than the girl was supplying, and different ones not known to this planet.

  Still, he couldn’t help but enjoy his captor, because no matter how miserable his state was, her voice and the sparkle in her eyes when he caught her looking upon him was better than a thousand nights of comfort. For years, his life traveling through space was cold and black until he arrived on Earth, just to find the world almost uninhabitable. While he loved to fight and kill, it wasn’t nearly as much fun while starving and suffering atmospheric ailments.

  He was learning from the woman as well though, and realized if he could understand the human language it might give his people advantages over many things in this world. And being that every day since he’d arrived on Earth had been nothing but pain from trying to survive in an environment just slightly below hostile, there was much she could teach him.

  Afternoon came and the girl arrived back from her hunt holding a limp, gray animal. She tossed it in the corner and grabbed the bed pan. She took hold of his cock and gave it aim. “Go ahead.”

  It twitched in her hand and little shocks traveled throughout his body from her touch. Her soft fingers brushed along his shaft, and his breath quickened. He truly couldn’t have relieved his bladder if he wanted to.

  “I’m sorry.” She let go suddenly and took a key from her pocket. “I’ll probably regret this,” she turned the key in one of his shackles and freed his arm, setting the pan within reach, “but I’m tired of having to help you piss.” It ached as he made soft twisting motions, and the freedom made his other wrist’s discomfort glare.

  “Brekter,” he said, pointing into his chest. “Vek swarv, Brekter.”

  She nodded and said, “I’m Maria.” Secretly he would still call her aven draga, because she didn’t look like a Maria at all. She grabbed her kill by its long ears. “This is a rabbit. They hide in burrows, but if you find their hole, you can reach deep and grab them out.” She split the skin on its back and ripped it violently downward, revealing tender, pink skin. That was rather attractive, he thought, and the animal she called a rabbit tasted very nice.

  The weeks went by, and though Brekter was kept prisoner, he still feasted physically upon his avan draga: her black locks and equally as onyx eyes, her shapely frame and the delicious glimpses of her ass and other sensual areas exposed to him as she dressed. And the way she smelled when she noticed him watching her was oxygen. He caught on to her language quickly and sucked up everything she said. To use against her and all her people.

  One night she lay next to him in the small cave with her long hair sprawled out around her, and he was able to piece together what she was saying: “I’ve been waiting here months for them.” She twirled the ring on her finger round and round. “I’ve been waiting for my husband. But in my heart I know he’s dead.” Her arm snaked over Brekter’s chest. His free arm moved to his side, preparing to coil her up like a serpent squeezing prey. She must have known he could do it, break her in two in an instant, so why was she holding him? It caused him to freeze and his conflicted thoughts bashed together.

  She sniffled and wiped a tear from her cheek. “I haven’t seen anyone in all this time and having you here—”

  His powerful arm snatched her around the waist, and he yanked her body on top of his. He would simply crush her to death against him right after he had secured the key tucked away in her torn-up jeans.

  She grunted under the pressure, her lungs squeezing beneath his massive bicep, and he prepared to search her pockets once she passed out. Then he would kill her. Finally, it would be over and he could get back to his… and then the thought became heavy… normal life.

  Maria forced her head up, showing the deep purpling of her face, and her lips searched for his. He was drawn to them, an unexplainable feeling, and lifted up to meet their softness. Again and again, she planted soft kisses on his hungry mouth and his strength failed.

  She burst out of his arms. With frenzied breaths she stumbled backward and held the wall for balance. Brekter’s harsh breathing rivaled her own and his eyes pleaded with her, promising things his beguiling mouth never could.

  “Please,” he said rawly in her language.

  She took a trembling step forward, and, with a tear tracking down her cheek, she jumped on top of him. His mouth moved upon hers and a spine-shattering connection entangled them as though he could feel what she did, and she felt everything that he did. Her kiss drove him to desperately seek for pleasure between her legs, everything about their encounter taboo and mouthwatering. Shaking, she ripped her pants off and dripped upon his cock, warm honey and silk sliding against the underside of him, stroking fire through his every nerve. Her body, though tall and well-built, was so small compared to his gigantic form, and she slipped upward on his shaft to press his crown into her slit. He felt her hot and wet, inviting…

  But he hesitated.

  Thoughts swirled through h
is mind, the deep bruising under the shackle that held his wrist, the powerlessness of being locked in the cave, but also the usefulness of his avan draga and his addiction to her. He was giving up his freedom for sex. Had he completely lost his mind? Ambivalence tore through him, and she sensed it.

  “Please?” she begged. “Make me feel something.” She used her weight to guide her hips over his shaft, but even with her fighting to move down over his oversized cock, he moved in only slightly. A rush of ecstasy possessed his blood, and the urge to spear through her mercilessly overtook him.

  In a red mist, he clutched her in the crook of his elbow. “Out. Now. Let me!” he said clearly, her cheek shoved into his shoulder. She struggled, kicking her feet and putting her fists into him.

  “Never, you fuck!” came her muffled yell. “I’ll never let you have the key. Kill me!”

  Brekter winced at the thought but held her against him and dug in her pockets. It wasn’t there. “I would never lie next to you with your freedom so close,” she growled. “It’s outside under a rock.” Her voice was cold and unfeeling. “I knew it. You bastards can’t feel anything. You’re capable of only rage and violence.”

  “You know how I look at you,” Brekter said in his broken English. “You think I do not want you?” He shoved her away, knowing he couldn’t hurt her anyhow. He couldn’t utter the truth that if he hadn’t turned his passion into rage, he would have destroyed her. A dark presence twisted in his being, begging him to tear her to pieces as he took every ounce of pleasure from her.

  He vowed never to get that close to her again.

  “I do see how you look at me. And I feel you too.” She bit her lip and it took everything in her to keep from reaching out to him again. “I never thought I could love the enemy, but I do.”

  “No. I will never.” He turned over and closed his eyes, his temples throbbing and his insides disintegrating. It was ridiculous, he had never even mated one of his own before, and doing so with a human animal made his blood curdle. And scream. And the way he had wanted to ravage her… she’d never survive it.

  His avan draga had lost the spark that made her laughter so contagious and her speech engaging, though he often couldn’t understand a word of it. She didn’t look at him or speak to him, and all he could do was soak in her beauty, having nothing else of her. And she was so unbelievably beautiful in all her denial of him.

  Another cold night fell and the embers of the fire faintly glimmered. She slept with her back to him, and once again, he fell asleep to deeply needing her against him.

  * * *

  A strange noise woke him from his desperate dreams, and his adrenaline spiked. Maria was still sleeping soundly on her furs, but he was on high alert from the strange clawing and thumping against the cave wall. He sniffed the air and a foul smell of salty aggression permeated his nostrils. “Maria!” he shouted and yanked at his unrelenting chain. She sat up straight and horror washed over her tired countenance as a huge figure stepped into the cave.

  A giant black animal with dripping fangs stood over her, patches of hair missing from its body and a strange mangled deformity twisting its face. “Oh my god, a bear!” she screamed, and he rattled his chained arm at her. He’d never seen such a creature, yet he knew there was something unnatural about it. She lunged for her knife and the monster attacked.

  Her screams filled Brekter’s ears, and he leaped up with such force the chain tore out of the wall, creating a downpour of broken stone. He threw the still-connected chain over the beast’s throat and ripped it off Maria. She crawled away, ruby drops hitting the floor, and cowered in the corner as the bear roared its threatening song. Brekter’s fist landed into its skull and it thrashed, sending him flying into the wall.

  The bear stalked toward him, larger even than the giant Koridon that crouched, saliva dripping. Maria snuck up behind the beast and shoved her blade through the middle of its back, striking at the heart. It cried out then twisted around, deep, wheezing breaths blasting from its mouth. With snapping jaws, it lunged at the small woman, and with her arms shielding her, she disappeared beneath him.

  Brekter, moving like lightning, gripped its giant head, and with a terrible crack, snapped the neck bones. The bear collapsed.

  “Maria?” Brekter hit his knees beside her. Slight movements tremored through the bear’s body and Maria startled.

  Brekter touched her head. “It dies. Do not worry.”

  Maria stood, and with her legs shaking, she motioned toward the entrance. “Go on then. Get lost.”

  Brekter spotted his boots in the corner. “Of course I will.” He had ripped free, finally, after so long. After so many tries. But only when Maria was in danger did he find the true strength to do it. He put his boots on and walked out, dragging the beast behind him.

  The night was dark with only a sliver of moon, but not nearly as cold as it had been when he first arrived in the north. That mutated bear’s teeth still felt fresh on his arm as he stared off toward the south, trying to spot the direction his clan would likely be now. Freedom rushed through his veins, yet his feet stuck into the snowy earth, held by some ethereal force. What life could he expect if he stayed? They would be found, and she would be dragged from his arms to be enslaved or killed. Maybe worse. But as he imagined being anywhere but with her…

  Brekter stepped back inside the cave to find Maria on her knees. His shadow crossed the floor and she jumped. A flicker of pure relief touched her onyx jewels and she stood, breathing hard. Bloodied material fell from her chest, revealing claw marks, and he rushed to her. “This is bad,” he said, touching the wound, but she grabbed his hand and held it to her cheek.

  “It’s nothing.”

  He lifted her to his mouth. They lingered there a moment and she brushed her lips over his. “Don’t leave.” She kissed him, and her fingertips traced down his rippled abdomen. His spine melted at her touch.

  “When I think of being with you,” he spoke against her lips, “I lose my mind. I think if I mate you, I will kill you.” She was everything he hated and feared, a creature with a planet, a creature who belonged somewhere.

  “I’m dead already,” she whispered. “I have no one in the world. I would rather die against your chest than here alone. Or with another one of those fucking bears. She rubbed her cheek against his. “And yes, I would die to feel your love.” The love of a Koridon, which she had to know existed somehow.

  He would protect her, he would kill for her, but that didn’t mean he had to possess her body to do those things. He loved her and would push away the physical need for her. “I still—”

  She devoured his mouth with her kiss, cutting off words she didn’t want to hear, and wrapped her legs around his waist. He fell to his back with her on top of him. She crawled down his body and worked him out of his clothes. Her tongue laved over his crown, and she stroked him with both hands twisting in opposite directions. Jolts of excitement and bliss traveled up into his chest, and his heart captured it all and swelled. She straddled him backward and tongued his sack, gently nipping at it while he had full view of her glistening sex.

  He touched her there, softly at first, drowning in her intensely arousing scent, and her velvety folds drew his finger in. She pushed backward and moaned as it penetrated her, then rocked back and forth, working his mouth-wet cock in her hands. One finger filled her, and the way she bucked with pleasure made him rush and swell. She pulled off him suddenly and, pressing her palms into his shoulders, held her hips over his.

  “No,” Brekter whispered as she moved his heavy shaft up to her slit. “This is—” he searched for the right word in her language, but she finished for him.

  “Bad. Wrong. Taboo.” Her hips dipped and he breached her opening, her slick warmth gripping around his head. He was lost then and wanted all of her, his breathing out of control, his sight drenched in red. Her pussy clenched down as she moaned, taking his tremendous girth inch by inch and he thought he would die if he couldn’t bury inside her to the hilt
. Wet and opening to him, she slid down, easing his pain then lighting him up with complete ecstasy. He stayed still, terrified he would lose control, but his spirit writhed and screamed beneath her.

  Each time she moved, no matter how slight, waves of pure desire, of pure sex, rushed through his giant, muscular body, and sex chemicals poured into his blood, intoxicating his brain. She bent over and kissed him as though she wanted to kiss him forever, then flicked her tongue along his neck, and he did the same to her. They spent an hour with him inside her but barely moving their hips, just worshipping each other.

  He watched her breasts move as she sat up and forced herself over his tremendous size, up and down as she milked him. It took every bit of his strength not to throw her against the wall and rail her savagely from behind, but she was too precious to hurt, and that forced him to stay calm. Soon, pressure built in his sack and he gripped the ground as his climax began. A large knot grew in his shaft and Maria’s eyes widened. “Fuck!” she screamed and sat stuck to him, unable to move. “Ohhhh—” His warm essence pumped into her, and the knot pulsed against her sweet spot, bringing her to full-body chills as deep waves of pleasure washed over.

  Laying together afterward and floating between worlds, hours passed. He stroked her head, deep in thought, and neither of them could sleep, or even speak.

  Every day they laid naked together, exploring each other and learning each other’s ways. She taught him to get between her legs and lick her sensitive bundle of nerves while using his fingers to penetrate her. It made her very pliable for him to mount her, and she was tough, able to take his powerful thrusts as long as he was careful. But he was becoming more and more violent as the new sexuality matured in him. Bruises mottled her arms and thighs, she was often sore and bled, ut she never cursed at him or complained. She only spoke to him softly and reminded him that he must calm himself and be gentler. She was incredible, and in his heart he knew he would never leave her. Not even when the Koridons found them one day and tried to take her for slavery. That would be the day they died, but until then, he was frozen in every moment with her.


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