Arrow's Hell

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Arrow's Hell Page 4

by Chantal Fernando

  “Orange juice?”

  He nods.


  I hand Lana her drink and turn back to the bartender. “You wouldn’t happen to be hiring, would you?”

  I need a job to make some of my own money. Rake keeps putting money into my account, telling me it’s no problem and that he has a lot saved, but I don’t want to use it. It’s just sitting there in my account and I plan to return every cent to him.

  Mr. Sexy tilts his head and studies me. “You ever worked in a bar before?”

  “Well, no—”

  “Then, no, we’re not hiring,” he replies, cutting me off.


  Lana speaks up. “She’s a scientist, I’m sure she can mix a few drinks.”

  He doesn’t look impressed, even though I’m totally overqualified for this job.

  A beautiful woman walks up behind the man, looking flustered. “Reid, we need to hire someone else; this is insane.”

  Reid? Hot name for a hot man. Shame he’s kind of rude. His eyes soften when they land on her, his whole expression changing.

  That’s love, right there. I wonder if I’ll ever see a look like that pointed in my direction.

  “I know, babe,” he says in a gentler tone than he used with me.

  She glances at me, and I grin widely. “I’m looking for a job.”

  * * *

  “I’m so old,” I mutter as I look at the time on my phone. One a.m. and I’m ready to go home. It’s kind of sad really. I look for Lana, who is currently on the dance floor with some guy. I don’t know who was more shocked when she said yes to his invitation, me or her. I’m assuming the many drinks she’s consumed have something to do with it. I, on the other hand, stopped drinking at bar two and am now ridiculously sober. I guess one of us had to be the responsible one. Who knew it was gonna be me? I sit back on the barstool and look around, my eyes widening when I see a familiar face. Everyone around him gives him a wide berth, and with good reason. Behind him trails Tracker and my brother.


  “What are you doing here?” I ignore Arrow and ask Rake, who is staring at me through narrowed eyes.

  Rake’s lips tighten. “You didn’t tell me you were going out tonight.”

  “And I shouldn’t have to.”

  Rake glances around the bar. “You know who owns this place, right?”

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  Arrow grins, all teeth. “We do.”

  I try to act like I’m not surprised. The bar is called Rift and, according to Lana, only just opened last week. We’d been here for about an hour, our third stop for the night. “So? Am I not allowed to be here? Last I checked, it is a free country.”

  “What the fuck?” Tracker growls. I look at him to see him staring out at the dance floor. Guess he spotted Lana, and I don’t like the way he’s looking at her.

  Not one bit.

  “Leave her alone, she deserves some fun,” I tell him, my tone letting him know I am serious.

  “Anna, if you’re going out, let us know. I don’t want to have to be worrying about where you are every weekend,” Rake tells me, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

  I grit my teeth. “Rake, I’ve been on my own for a long time. You don’t have to treat me like a fucking baby.”

  I get that he cares, but seriously? I’m not a kid anymore, I can take care of my damn self. Do I want my brother’s attention? Yes. Do I want to be a part of his life? Of course. What I don’t want is to be under his thumb. I know he is looking after me the only way he knows how, to protect me and make sure no harm comes my way, but I don’t want to be told where to go, or to have to check in with him to let him know my every move.

  Or even more ridiculous—ask for approval.

  I watch as Rake’s face turns to stone. “You’re going home. Now.”

  “The fuck I am!” I yell, even though I was planning on leaving anyway.

  Rake gives Arrow and Tracker a look.

  They both grin, evil glints in their eyes.

  Tracker heads to the dance floor while Arrow lifts me in the air and throws me over his shoulder.

  My mouth drops open in shock, while my body reacts to being pressed against his.

  Okay, maybe it’s time to go.


  PUT me down, you rat bastard!” I yell, pummeling my fists on his ass. It’s a very nice ass, but still, that’s beside the point.

  This is ridiculous.

  And embarrassing.

  Tracker puts Lana in the car. Unlike me, she never resisted when she was escorted out. However, I know that if I give in now, they will think they can do shit like this all the time. They will try to control my life. I can’t let that happen.

  I won’t.

  “Arrow, seriously! My jeans are falling down!”

  I can feel a cold breeze on my ass.

  He puts me down, grabs my nape, and steers me toward the car. “Maybe next time you should wear jeans that don’t show your ass.”

  I wisely ignore his comment. “Where’s Rake?”

  “He’s inside talking to the manager,” he replies, his warm breath on my neck giving me thoughts I shouldn’t be having.

  I’m pissed at him!

  Control yourself, Anna.

  “Is that how you found out we were here?” I ask, straightening my posture as he removes his warm hand from my neck.

  “Yep,” he replies, sounding almost cheerful about that fact. “We told them to keep an eye out. The second you entered, we got a text.”

  “If any of you brutes so much as look at Lana the wrong way—”

  “Lana is fine,” Arrow replies calmly. “Retract your claws.”

  “I’m serious! She’s not used to your overbearing, assholish ways.”

  “And you are?” he asks as he opens the backseat door.

  I give him a pointed look. “Rake is my brother. I’ve been dealing with him my whole life.”

  “That’s a nice way to put it,” he muses, lip twitching.

  I fume. “You guys need a life. Find something better to do on a Saturday night.”

  He sighs, and then his signature scowl returns. “Trust me, I was busy. Had a fine-looking woman on her knees, my cock deep in her throat, when Rake called me, telling me we had to go find his little sister. So don’t push me right now.”

  My mouth drops open.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you. I’m sure she’s a real catch,” I manage to get out. Like I needed that image. Bastard.

  And screw the whore too, whoever she is.

  I look away from him and am about to get in the car, wanting to leave his presence, when I see someone I never wanted to see again, in my life.


  I quickly look around for Rake, hoping he doesn’t remember what he looks like.


  Fuckity fuck.

  Jacob was the guy I dated in high school. I was fifteen and just entering the dating world. Rake pretty much scared off most of the boys who looked my way, but Jacob was different. He was two years older than me, and a year older than Rake. He was good-looking, with blond hair, hazel eyes, and he had a six-pack. Now, back in those days, a boy having a six-pack at that age was a big thing. It was like winning the lottery. So when Jacob asked me out, I was thrilled. He was a popular boy, liked by all the girls, and into sports. When Rake found out about the date, however, he wasn’t so happy. In fact, he told me I wouldn’t be going.

  I begged.

  He said no.

  I cried.

  He gave in and said yes.

  But there were conditions.

  He told me he would be meeting Jacob before the date and waiting up for me to come home, and if I was home even a second later than ten, he was beating the shit out of my date.

  His words, not mine.

  I agreed. Deep down inside I liked that Rake was looking out for me, so I never argued when he placed rules on me. I was a young girl with no father and a mother who did
n’t give a shit, so when Rake cared, I needed that.

  He met with Jacob before my date, and I could tell he didn’t like him. But me, being young, idealistic, and naïve, thought he was a great guy. We went to dinner and the movies, and then he dropped me back at my house. The problem was, we came home early. Rake was expecting us at ten, and we were home at nine. What I didn’t know was, Rake was seeing a girl of his own and was planning on coming home by nine thirty to make sure he was here to see that I was home safely. So when Jacob walked me to the door and asked to come in for a drink, I didn’t think anything of it. I’d called for Rake when we’d walked through the house but soon realized we were alone. I got him his drink and we sat on the couch, where he kissed me. I was okay with the kissing. It was when his hands went wandering that I told him no, I wasn’t ready. But the bastard didn’t listen. Rake came home just in time to stop something that could have been a hell of a lot worse than it was. Still, he blamed himself for not being there earlier. I remember just being happy I still had my virginity.

  As if sensing someone watching him, Jacob turns and looks in my direction.

  At me.

  He studies me for a few tense moments, grins slowly. Not a friendly grin. No, more like a leer.

  Yep—he saw me.


  Creepy bastard.

  “Who’s that guy you’re staring at?” Arrow rumbles from behind me.

  I turn around, putting my back to Jacob. “No idea.”

  “Then why you fuckin’ watching him?” he asks, narrowing his eyes.

  “Maybe I think he’s good-looking,” I manage to get out, the words tasting like acid on my tongue.

  Arrow stares at Jacob, but I don’t turn around to see if Jacob is staring back. If he was smart he wouldn’t, but he’s not. At least, he never used to be.

  “Will Rake know who he is?” he finally asks. “I don’t like the way he’s looking at you right now.”


  I start to feel panicked. “Please, don’t tell him, Arrow. Rake will kill him! Do you want my brother to go to jail?”

  Arrow crosses his arms over his chest and leans down. “Who you really protecting here, Anna? Your brother or that preppy-looking dickhead?”

  I huff. “Definitely not the dickhead. Trust me on that.”

  “Well, then you better get talking,” Arrow says, waiting patiently.

  I sigh, knowing he isn’t going to let this go. “Did Rake tell you about Jacob? The guy who didn’t know no was no . . .”Arrow takes a few steps in Jacob’s direction. I put my hand on his chest, my eyes pleading with him. “Don’t, Arrow. It was years ago. Like ten years. He’s probably still pissed Rake kicked his ass.”

  My voice sounds doubtful to even my own ears.

  “How far did it go, Anna?” Arrow asks through clenched teeth. His chest is heaving slightly, and I can tell he wants to go over there.

  I lick my lips. “He didn’t rape me. He put his hand . . .”

  Arrow cups my face. “He touched you with his fingers?”

  I nod, looking down, but Arrow lifts my face up. “Don’t be embarrassed, darlin’, you did nothing wrong. That fucker clearly doesn’t know how to treat a girl, and that no means fuckin’ no under any fuckin’ circumstance.”

  “It was a long time ago, but I don’t want to face him and I don’t want to make a scene, so can we please just go?”

  Arrow stares behind me. “He’s the one making a scene. He should have fled the moment he recognized you.”

  He didn’t want to let it go.

  I grab ahold of his bicep. “Please, Arrow.”

  He sighs and scrubs a hand down his face. “Get in the car, okay?”

  I slide in. When he closes the door behind me, I know.

  He isn’t letting it go.

  I watch from the window nervously as he walks right up to Jacob and punches him.

  Right in the nose.

  Jacob holds his face in his hands, blood spurting everywhere. The men Jacob is with don’t step in. They take one look at Arrow and take a step backward.

  Arrow says something to him, then walks back toward the car.

  Jacob lifts his head and looks through the window, right at me. He can’t see me, because of the darkness and the tinted windows, but I feel like he can. My body shivers, and I watch him as his friends help him up and they leave the parking lot.

  Good fucking riddance.

  Arrow leans back on the car and lights a cigarette.

  I open my mouth and then close it again. How can he act so casual after that?

  “Who’s the guy Arrow hit?” Tracker asks, making me jump. I didn’t even realize he was in the car. I turn my head to see Lana, who has fallen asleep against Tracker—who is staring at me with an amused raised eyebrow. It pisses me off; he does not get to be amused right now.

  “Some dickhead that Rake doesn’t need to know about,” I murmur.

  Tracker chuckles. “Rake will find out; we don’t keep shit from each other.”

  I grit my teeth, then turn the tables on him.

  “Allie know you’re out saving other women?” I ask sweetly.

  “Arrow know you want him?” he fires back.

  I shut up.

  He grins but does the same.

  I get out of the car, closing the door behind me, and stand next to Arrow.

  “How’s your fist?” I ask him, glancing down at his hands.

  He blows out a breath of smoke. “Fine.”

  “I wish you hadn’t done that, but . . .”

  “But what?”

  “But thanks,” I whisper.

  I exhale deeply and look up at the night sky. “How fucking ironic is it that if you guys hadn’t dragged me out he would have come in there and I would have had to face him alone?”

  I feel like a stupid fifteen-year-old girl again.

  “And then you could have just called me and I would have been here in five minutes. Same outcome. My fist in his face. Him whimpering like a little bitch.”

  My lip twitches as I look back at him. “How can you make me smile at a time like this?”

  He pushes some errant hair back behind my ear, then leans forward, making it seem like he is going to kiss me. I forget to breathe as he places a kiss just outside the corner of my mouth. “’Cause you know you’re safe with me, darlin’.”

  Our gazes lock, and for a moment we’re both tongue-tied. But then he clears his throat. “With any of us, I mean.”

  I swallow hard, pretending I didn’t notice his slip. “Right.”

  “But you know you can always call me if you need something. Anything. If you’re ever in any trouble, or need help.”

  “I thought you didn’t like me much,” I mumble. “You said I was spoiled.”

  He glances around before looking back at me. “You’re not spoiled. You are a pain in the ass though.”

  “Why?” I grumble. “Because I interrupted your stellar blow job?”

  His mouth twitches. “No, Anna, because I was fuckin’ thinking about you when her mouth was on me.”

  Holy fuck.

  Did he just say that?

  “Did you just say that?” I ask, eyes widening.

  The way he looks away and doesn’t reply makes me feel like he regretted the words the second they left his lips.

  Rake walks out of the club and Arrow pushes off the car, stepping away from me and getting into the driver’s seat. I get back into the car the same time that Rake gets into the front seat.

  No one brings up what happened, and I for one am grateful.

  I look out the window, just wanting to get home. I sit there for about ten minutes before the silence is broken.

  “What did you learn today, Anna Bell?” Tracker asks me in a cheerful, condescending tone.

  My hands turn to fists. “To find out what businesses you guys own and avoid them at all costs.”

  Laughter from everyone except Arrow and a sleeping Lana.

  “Where are we dropping th
em off?” Arrow asks Rake.

  “Clubhouse,” he replies curtly. “They can both sleep in Anna’s room.”

  “Take me home,” I demand, crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t want to go to the clubhouse.”

  I’m ignored.

  I turn to Tracker. “Lana’s never been to the clubhouse, don’t make her go.”

  Tracker sighs. “It’s not a big deal. She should get used to us.”

  I watch as he smiles down at Lana.

  “You gonna sic Allie on her then? Lana’s too sweet to even be in the same vicinity as that bitch,” I grit out, losing my temper.

  “Anna,” Rake warns. “Stay out of it.”

  I can feel Tracker staring at me, but I don’t look at him.

  “No one is going to hurt Lana,” he finally says.

  I scoff and shake my head. He already is, and he doesn’t even know it.

  “Anna, I promise you no one will hurt Lana. Allie included,” my brother interjects, his voice losing its steel. “Besides, I know what you’re capable of.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Arrow asks, deciding to speak.

  Rake shrugs. “My baby sis is badass.”

  The men chuckle.

  Once again, I don’t.

  Growing up in a neighborhood so bad you had to learn to defend yourself isn’t something to be proud of, at least in my eyes. I became even more badass after Jacob, I guess you could say. I refused to be a victim again. I am proud of being a fighter, a survivor, but sometimes it gets exhausting being your own hero. Rake was there for me but he couldn’t always be with me, so I had to watch my own back.

  When the car comes to a stop, Tracker carries out Lana, and I walk behind them, ignoring Arrow and Rake. I can feel their eyes on me as I walk in front of them, but we all remain quiet. Loud music blasts through the clubhouse, but I ignore everyone and everything. As we enter my room, Tracker pulls the blanket down and tucks Lana in, then turns to me with a Don’t start look on his face.

  I shrug. I don’t need to say anything. It’s obvious he has some kind of fascination with Lana, but he also has a crazy girlfriend he’s apparently been with for years now. When he leaves the room, I lock the door behind him, strip down to my panties, and climb in next to Lana.

  I will deal with all this shit tomorrow.


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