Desirable CEO

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Desirable CEO Page 4

by Andrew Davis

  I glared at William and when he stopped laughing, he had the look of fear on his face and said oh shit!. "Yeah, oh shit!" I said with an evilly smile, I probably looked like the devil.

  "Damn! Will, you are dead!" Dylan said while holding his head.

  He started running but I was quicker and tackled him in the water when he finally got up, I splashed water at William and he responded with a hey! And he splashed water on me. Soon we were all splashing water on each other and my sisters joined in. My mother and Aunt Lucinda got splashed, maPotter them join in too. After 30 minutes of playing in the water, I got out and dried myself off. Lucky me, I took off my hoodie so it was dry, I dried myself and put on my hoodie and relaxed on the beach chairs. Soon everyone was out of the water and the boys were playing volleyball.

  "It would be so awesome if we could stay and watch the sunset and the stars." Anabiah said while playing with her hair. "That sounds like an awesome idea, Isa!" Evelyn said excitedly.

  "Sure girls, that is a good idea!" My mother said.

  "So it's settled then! We will stay a bit longer. We will tell Franklin and Harry when they come back!" Aunt Lucinda said excitedly.

  We were just relaxing and talPotter, when we heard footsteps behind us, we all turned around to see my father and Uncle Franklin standing there.

  "Daddy!" My sisters and I yelled in unison and ran and hugged him. I know we act like we haven't seen him in years but that's how we were, we were always closer to our dad, especially me. "Ok girls, you can let go now!" My father chuckled and we let go, my sisters ran and gave Uncle Franklin a hug. When they hugged him, his eyes lit up, he really does like them. I just smiled and kept the thought to myself.

  We all sat down and told my father and Uncle Franklin about the idea and they agreed, we actually supposed to leave when they got here but we wanted to stay a little longer.

  Chapter 8: A Night Under The Stars When we finally stopped sisters, my parents and Uncle Franklin and Aunt Lucinda were tired so they went back to the mansion to bath, William, Anthony, Sebastian, Eric, Dylan and I stayed back and watched the stars. I laid down enjoying the sound of the waves and the feel of the soft sand and watched the beautiful night sky.

  "It is so beautiful." I said softly

  "It is." Dylan said.

  "Look at that one there!" Eric exclaimed and we all looked to see what he is pointing at. "I think that it is the scorpion constellation." Anthony informed.

  "Oh wow!" I said.

  We laid down in a straight row and gazed at the night sky.

  "I think we should go back now, it is getting pretty late." I said and standing up and dusting the sand off my clothes. "Yeah. I am pretty tired." Anthony said while letting out a big yawn.

  We all agreed and left to go back to the mansion. After a long drive, we finally reached the mansion. Everyone was already sleeping when we got back, we ate a quick dinner and went up to our own rooms.

  As soon as I was in my room, I had a nice long shower and changed into my pjs and went straight to bed, as soon as I was in bed I was knocked out. Woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water. So I went downstairs towards the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of ice water from the fridge and was going up to my room when I heard voices coming from the living room. I walked closer and leaned against the wall, it was the voices of William, Sebastian and Anthony.

  "I don't know what to do!?" William said.

  "Come on Will! Just admit you like her!" Anthony said.

  "To think we just said to make her like us but Mr I-Will-Never-Fall-In-Love over here finally decides to fall in love! Sebastian exclaimed.

  "But I never fall in love!" William yelled.

  "So you saying that the bet is still on?" Sebastian asked with a raised brow. What bet are they talPotter about, I questioned myself mentally.

  "Of course it's still on and we will see by the end of the week, who can persuade Helen into liPotter them!" William said with a smirk.

  Chapter 9: Let the games begin!

  I woke up, feeling an unusual amount of excitedness and wickedness. I haven't felt this way in a really long time! I mean like 8 years now... I got up adjusting to the brightness of the room, I walked to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I stood in front of the mirror, combing my hair and I could not help but grin evily at the memory of last night. Sure I was a bit offened, that they betted on me like I was some prize to be won.

  I just remembered my plan, I was going to pretend to like them and when the time is right I would burst their bubble! I know, I am a grown woman and the CEO of Potter Industries but I can't help it, as much as I try to hide the bad side of me, it always comes back up, more evil and wicked than before. I only use this side of me when I really am pissed off or I want to get my hands on a business deal, I would play and persuade people's minds. That was my talent. I have to admit that I do have a smart mouth and that sometimes there would be no filter but I had to keep that in check, as that could affect my image and reputation, you will only hear it when I am really pissed off and I do have a short temper especially when it came to them,

  I finish changing and walked downstairs to see everyone seated by the breakfast table except for William, Anthony and Sebastian. Aunt Lucinda decided that it would be nice to have breakfast outside in the garden.

  I settled down in my seat and place eggs and bacon in my plate, from smaller I always liked bacon especially on pizza!

  Yep! That was my favourite food! I was half way through my breakfast when William, Anthony and Sebastian showed up. I don't know what it is but they always seem to walk in at the same time, in a line going from oldest to youngest, I mean it looks like they are in the military! The way they walk and their toned bodies, a blind man would think they are in the military.

  I looked away immediately when I realised I was staring and awkwardly sipped on my coffee. Everyone continued their conversations after giving the boys their '

  As I was about to open the front door, when someone called out to me, I turned around and and saw William approaching me. He stopped when he was about a foot away from me.

  "I just wanted to say goodbye." He said with a soft smile, I knew it was an act since he is trying to get into my good books, I just played along. "Okay. Goodbye William." I said

  As I was about to turn the door handle, he spoke again.

  "Wait!... I- uh- wanted to know if you would like to grab something to eat with me after you finished worPotter?" He said with a smile but his eyes saud something else but I could not put a finger on it. "Ok sure, around what time?" I asked, I am only agreeing with this to help my plan.

  "I will pick you, so no need to worry." He said.

  "Ok, see you later."

  I walked out of the house and doen the stairs to the car waiting for me. Sam opened my door and I slid in and he then got into the driver seat and drove off to the office. I was busy in my office doing some paperwork, when Minnie called me.

  "Miss Potter. You have a visitor."

  "I am busy, can you take a message or something." I replied to her, a bit irritated that I am getting distracted from my work. I hate it when people disturb or interupt me. "I am sorry, Miss Potter but they said that it is really important and they need to see you." "Fine. Send them in." I said in an unsatisfied tone.

  I heard a knock on my door and replied a

  "Hey Helen." Sebastian said with a smile and walked towards my desk and took a seat in one fo the chairs in front of my desk.

  "How may I help you, Mr Alexander." I said in my business tone. I was so not pleased by this surprise visit. "Oh come on Helen! Enough with the formalities!"

  "What are you doing here, Sebastian." "Aw, can't I come visit you at work and bring you some coffee." he whined

  "No Sebastian. I am busy, I would really appreciate it if you could leave." I said paying my attention to the paperwork in front of me.

  "Don't be so mean, since we are business partners now, so since we would be seeing much of each other,
why not get use to each other's company."

  "Fine but ony for a few minutes." I said in an exasperated tone. I almost forgot about the plan I had and this would be the perfect opportunity. "Okay!" he said excitedly and got up to go and sit on the sofa. I went and sat next to him. He handed me the coffee and sipped his. We talk for about a few minutes and he told a few jokes and I pretended to laugh. I was pretty good at hiding my emotions and faPotter them, I was a good that you could not even recognise if I was faPotter.

  I realised that our time was up and had to get back to work. I told him that I have to get back to work and he said his goodbye and left, I went to my desk and started worPotter again. I finished all the paperwork about 3:00pm and after dismissing Minnie, I walked to the elevator and pressed for the lobby. The doors opened with a ding and as soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw William by the front desk. I walked over to him, a bit surprised about him being here until I remember I told him that I would go to lunch with him.

  "Hey, are you finished with work?" he asked with a smile.


  "Ok then, ready to go?"


  He walked me to his car waiting out side it was a black 2015 BMW 7-series. His driver holding the door open. "Helen, this is my most trusted driver and friend, Marco." William said.

  "Pleased to meet you, Marco. I am Helen Potter"

  "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Potter." he said politely and gestured for me to jump in. I slid in and William came after. Marco closed the door and got into the driver's seat and started driving. "So where are we going?" I asked William.

  "It is a surprise." he said with a smirk.

  "I don't like suprises, William." I said in a serious tone.

  "Aw, Helen come on, I promise I am not going to take you anywhere bad." He said with that smrik still on his face.

  I just ignored him getting irritated by his presence. I don't think I can carry on with this plan, I can't take seeing them for more than twice a day, I just gives me a headache.

  "We are here, Mr Alexander." Marco stopped by a fancy looPotter restaurant, that I have not been too and I have been to a lot of restaurants, I don't know how I missed this one.

  Marco came around and opened the door, William got out first and helped me out, although I could help myself out, but I guess he wanted to play gentleman. We walked inside and a hostess greeted us.

  "Wlecome to

  "William Alexander." William flashed her smile and she blushed. Wow, he really can really charm a girl by just smiling. A real playboy. "Right this way, Mr Alexander." she said showing us to a private table near a big window looPotter out on the city.We took our seats and looked at the menu, when wewas aproached by a waitress, with blonde hair and heavy make up and wearing a tight skirt and shirt with a low neckline which showed her cleveage. I felt sorry for her, she looked so desperate.

  "Hi. I am Carly and I will be your server for the night, are you ready to order." She said looPotter at William and batting her eyelashes. She never even realise that I was even here. "Yes, I will have your famous lasagne and

  "What was all that about." I asked William, glaring at him while he just shrugged and smriked. "What are you talPotter about?"

  "I am not

  "I am sorry, but I had to let her down easy and saying you are my lady, means I am already taken." he said with apology in his voice and smirPotter at the end. "That's a shocker."

  "What do you mean

  "That you are a magor playboy."

  "So..." he said with a smile.

  "I thought you were going to give her your number or hook up with her or something." I said. "No, that would be disrespectful, I am in the company of a lady." He said with a smile. "Oh really." I said with a raised eyebrow.

  "Yes, now can we stop talPotter about this."he said changing the topic.

  We talked for a few minutes, until our food arrived, with our waitress bending a little more showing more cleveage, trying to get William's attention but he just kept his focus on sipping his wine, when she realised she was not getting his attention, she walked away furious.

  About a few minutes later William spoke up.

  "This is nice Helen, I mean just you and me, getting to know each other better." He said with a smile. "Yes it is." I replied, trying to decidr which will be a good time to tell him that I know about the bet. "Would you like to go to dinner on Friday, a date?" He said with a smirk. "Yes, Friday is perfect for a celebration." I said. "Huh? What do you mean?"He asked scrunching up his eyevrows in confusion. "So who is winning so far?" I asked enjoying the look of confusion on his face.

  When he didn't reply trying to think about what I am saying, I spoke again thsi time being blunt about the whole thing. "I know all about the bet you and Sebastian made." I said taPotter a sip of my wine. "Helen-" "Don't William." "When did you find out?" He said with saddness in his voice.

  "Last night, when you and your brothers were by the bar, talPotter in victory on who is closer to winning. News flash, William, none of your'll is even close to winning." I said with a blank expression. "Helen I-" He started but I cut him off. "Goodbye Mr Alexander, thanks for the lunch."I said getting up from my seat and exited the restaurant. I phoned Sam to come and pick me up. When I got down to the lobby, he was already outside waiting for me.

  I walked towards the car. Sam noticed my expression but did not ask what happened, he knew not to try and ask me what happened but he was always worried about me. He is like my uncle, always worrying about me.

  We were driving to my apartment, when I saw that William was trying to call but ignored him and after 5 minutes of trying, he sent about 15 messages and then Anthony, Sebastian, Eric and Dylan, all of them sending me messages but I did not answer them, I just turned my phone off, I was so not in the mood to talk to any of them.

  When we got to the lobby of my building, I texted Selene asPotter if she wanted to come by and have a girls night. She replied minutes later with a ' I opened my door and walked over to the couch and just laid there, exhausted from my busy day. After about 5 minutes, I got up and walked to my bedroom, after picPotter out a pair of pjama pants and a loose fitted t-shirt, I walked into my bathroom ajoining to my bedroom.

  I had a warm shower and got dressed, I went to the lounge and sat down with my legs folded to the side and my elbow on the arm rest and my head in my hand. It was about 5 in the afternoon, when I heard a knock on my door. It was a bit early for Selene to come she normally comes around 7 or 8. I lazily got up and walked over to the door and opened it. The person standing there was not who I wanted to see...

  Chapter 10:When realisation hits...

  I was having tea in the garden with Lucinda when Helen called me to say that she will not be joining us for dinner, I tried to convince her to come but... she spoke in a voice that is very distant. "What is wrong?" Lucinda asked with worry in her voice. "It's Helen... She said she will not be coming for dinner." I replied. "Did you try to convince her to come." "Yes but-" I trailed off "Did something happen to her?" she said with fear in her eyes. "No... she is... distanting herself again." "Again?"Lucinda said with worry and confusion. "Yes, she is always like this, what she does is all an act." "An act!" Lucinda said with a shocked expression.

  "No not that type of act," I chuckled. "She acts like she is okay and nothing is wrong. She was always good at hiding her emotions and only showed those that she wanted to be shown, all by faPotter it, she will smile and laugh but you will not be able to tell that she is faPotter it, yesterday... how she felt was all an act, the time when William dumped her in the water and the joke with Harry... All that, she was pretending." Luncinda was shocked at what I was saying but soon recovered.

  "But why?" Lucinda asked her eyes filled with saddness. "I am not too sure, all I know that it all started last year February... When she and her fiancé broke up." I said with tears in my eyes, remembering how my daughter, became so cold and distant during that month.

  "I am- I - I don't know what to say
, she was engaged..." She said with saddness in her eyes, tears forming. "Yes, to her first love, David Wright, they were together from university and he proposed to her on the 2nd week of February but the next week, she came by and told us that the wedding is cancelled and not to tell anyone about them breaPotter up since we never tell amyone because it was only a week only the intimidiate family knew like us and his parents, after she came by... she left for weeks and never answered our calls, messages or emails." I stopped, taPotter in a a deep breath and continued..."We were worried but when we heard from her secretary that she was fine and just needed some time. We asked if she knew where she was but she said she didn't know but that Helen was worPotter through her laptop and took meetings on call, we were just a little relieved that she was okay but... still worried about her."I said wiping tears that had escaped my eyes and saw Lucinda also wiping tears.

  "I never knew that she has been through such a terrible thing and her first love! Oh poor girl, her heart must have been so broken!" Lucinda said holding onto her chest. It put a smile on my face that she was so concerned about Helen but I can't blame her, she always wanted a daughter but got the boys instead.

  "Please don't tell anyone about this and don't mention to Helen that you know, God knows how she will take it." I said pleading Lucinda.

  "Don't worry Linda I will not tell anyone, even Franklin and the boys. I just can't believe she went through all this." Lucinda said with a sad smile. "One thing, Helen, when she was younger and into her teen years, she was always so bubbly and happy and she could light up any room with just her smile amd when she sees that you are upset or just need a hug, she will always brighten up your day with her cheerful laugh or caring ways." I said thinPotter about all the times when Helen was younger. "But all that is just a memory."

  "Don't worry, I am sure that she still will be that same old person but only time and healing will bring her old self back."Lucinda said holding my hand.


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