The Visitor: Alien Hunger Special Edition

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The Visitor: Alien Hunger Special Edition Page 7

by Kaitlyn O'Connor

  He made his way to her buttocks after a few moments, cupping them and pressing her tightly against his erection. Releasing her after a moment, he tried to shove his hands down inside her pants. When he couldn’t, he transferred his attention to the front snap and zipper, tugging at them until he’d loosened her jeans. He shoved one hand down the front and one down the back, trying to cup a buttock and explore her cleft at the same time. Realizing he didn’t have much maneuvering room, he pulled his hands out again, hooked his thumbs on the waist of her jeans and tried to peel them down her hips.

  He was only moderately successful. Clearly on a mission now, he pushed her up to her knees, sat up and carried her down on her back, and then got on his knees, grabbed her jeans and hauled them and her panties off, dragging her halfway down the couch in the process. Pitching the jeans and panties aside, he caught her waist, shoved her back up the couch and sprawled on top of her, covering the tip of one breast almost in the same motion.

  Chelsey arched against him as if the suction of his mouth had pulled her into a bow, squeezing her eyes tightly as fire poured through her and created a lava pool in her belly. He teased and suckled the nipple he’d captured until she was grinding her teeth and then released it abruptly, nuzzling her breasts in search of the other. She tangled her fingers in his hair as he found it, latching onto it with such enthusiasm she thought for a moment she would pass out.

  “Garryk!” she gasped, torn between the urge to pry him lose and an equal reluctance for him to stop.

  Garryk jerked his head upward in response to the distress in her voice. Unfortunately, he didn’t let go of her nipple quite as quickly. Electricity shot through her when he stretched it and let go abruptly. After staring at her face blankly for a moment, he surged upward to cover her mouth, shoving his hand between them to wrestle with his own jeans. The teeth of the zipper snagged his boxers on the way down and refused to budge. After wrestling with it a moment, he grabbed his cock and tried to pry it out, hissing into her mouth as he bent his painfully swollen member nearly in half.

  Abandoning that option instantly, he broke the kiss, burrowed his face against the arm of the couch for leverage and lifted off of her enough to grab his jeans with both hands. A piece of the zipper flew off as they yielded to his force. Shoving them down his hips, he grabbed his cock again and stabbed blindly at her cleft several times until he finally rang the hole he’d been searching frantically for.

  She grunted, bowing up and shifting away from him as he thrust. “Wrong hole!” she gasped.

  “Sorry!” Garryk muttered, dragging his cock upward a fraction and heaving again. To his relief, he felt her flesh close around his cock in greeting. Curling one arm around her shoulders to hold her in place, he worked feverishly against the yielding surfaces he had to deal with—the couch beneath his knees and her body—climbing inside her by tortuous degrees until he’d burrowed as far as he could go. He didn’t want to stop then. Her flesh had clamped around the entire length of his cock from root to tip, making it throb so agonizingly that it took his mind a few moments to catch up to the fact that he couldn’t drive any deeper.

  He stopped, panting for breath, struggling with the feverish urge to pump when he knew that was all it would take to blow his load and end the party. He squeezed his eyes tightly, trying to divert his mind to something else. All he could think about, though, was the urge he was fighting and the fact that it felt so good he wanted to stay perfectly still and enjoy it as long as he could stand it without having a heart attack. “Gezis, mabay!” he gasped. “Diz feedle jizit!”

  Bad move! As soon as he’d voiced his pleasure it ripped his efforts for control right out of his hands. His hips jerked as his belly spasmed almost painfully with the war between his mind for control and his body’s urges. Realizing he’d lost the battle, he began to pump into her frantically, trying to push her over the top before he ran out of steam. Luckily, he’d primed her thoroughly. She bucked against him after a few feverish strokes and then groaned as the muscles along her channel began clenching and relaxing around him.

  He felt like he was being gutted. He’d pumped everything he had into her earlier. His body strained harder to eject the little semen he’d managed to accumulate since. He was so wrung out with the effort by the time it finally stopped, he couldn’t move, could barely breathe. It occurred to him that he was probably crushing her with his weight, but he couldn’t seem to gather enough strength even to roll off for several minutes. Finally, he managed to heave himself upward enough to roll between her and the back of the couch. He nearly shoved her off the couch in the process. Fortunately, he still had an arm around her. Dragging her back, he dropped his other arm around her to anchor her, threw one leg across her hips for added measure, and then gave up the effort to prevent himself from sliding into a coma of satisfaction.

  The vibration in the vicinity of his pelvis woke his dick before it woke him. Groggy, disoriented, he lifted his head, trying to figure out where he was and why he was shaking. It dawned on him finally that the vibrations seemed to be centralized in the region of his groin. He felt around until he found the source—his cell phone. It stopped vibrating before he could figure out how to get his hand in his pocket.

  Dismissing it, he nuzzled his face against Chelsey’s neck, trying to decide if he could get up the energy to make love to her again. His phone went off again just about the time that he admitted, reluctantly, that he was going to have to rest a while longer before he could manage anything else. It had been a hell of a long time since he’d had sex twice in such quick succession.

  Leaning away from Chelsey, he felt around until he finally managed to grab the phone and pull it from his pocket. Lifting it, he stared at the screen owl eyed, trying to bring the message into focus. A jolt went through him when he managed to read the numbers, bringing him to full alertness.

  He struggled to extricate himself from Chelsey and lost his balance when the edge of the cushions yielded more than he’d expected. He rolled off and hit the floor, taking Chelsey with him. She grunted when she landed on his chest, lifting her head sleepily.

  “Sorry, baby. I got to go,” he whispered, rolling her off and getting to his feet. She’d managed to sit up by the time he was on his feet. Reaching down, he hauled her up, scooped her into his arms and looked around for the bedroom.

  She clung to him when he settled her on the bed and he felt his chest tighten. Reluctantly, he removed her arms and flicked the cover over her. Leaning down, he kissed her soft lips briefly. “I have to go, baby, otherwise I’d take you up on that.”

  She nodded. “There’s a spare key on the rack by the door. Don’t climb up next time.”

  Garryk felt his throat close. Wondering if he should take her up on it or if she was too sleepy to realize what she’d said, he leaned down and kissed her a little more lingeringly. “Baby, if you had any idea what you do to me, I’d be in serious trouble.”

  Her lips curled. He gave them a light peck and left the bedroom, punching the redial on his phone. “Dr. Sinclair,” he said when the line opened on the other end. Listening to the emergency room nurse on the other end, he searched the walls near the door for the key until he saw the key rack in the shadows. Unhooking the key, he shoved it into his pocket, instructing the nurse on what to do until he got there and giving her an ETA on his arrival as he let himself out, locked the door, and jogged down the stairs.

  Chapter Six

  It was the harsh, jangling ring of her phone that woke Chelsey not the gentle morning sounds programmed into her alarm. Her head came up off the pillow as if some invisible hand had jerked it upwards. She blinked, staring with wide, burning eyes at her headboard, tensed, listening for the noise that had awakened her. When the phone rang again, she rolled over to get up, discovered she was perched on the edge of the bed and hit the floor so hard it rattled her brain in her skull. She might have lain where she landed, too stunned to move for a while, but the phone jangled again.

to her feet, she looked around a little wildly, realized she was in her bedroom and dashed toward the door. She managed to pick up the receiver just in time to hear the dial tone. Her jaw went slack with outrage even while her mind scrambled to identify the caller. It was a short search. Aside from Marla and the school, nobody had the number, so it was either one of them or a random wrong number.

  Glancing out the window, Chelsey stared at the light for several moments before it sank in that it was way too bright outside to be early morning. “Damn it!” She made a grab for the phone to call the school just as it rang again.


  Why wasn’t she at school?

  She searched her mind for a lie that might be believable. “Car trouble.”

  Why hadn’t she called to let them know?

  “Uh … actually that’s because I didn’t break down until after I’d left the house—flat tire!” she elaborated on inspiration. “And I was so filthy after I’d changed it I had to come back to the apartment to clean up. I was just on my way out. Could you get someone to watch my class till I get there?”

  It occurred to her as soon as she hung up that she should’ve given herself more time while she was fabricating excuses! “Shit!”

  Dashing through the apartment, she turned the shower on and grabbed her toothbrush while she was waiting on the water. Fortunately, she didn’t have to undress. Garryk had undressed her.

  The thought distracted her from her purpose and she did a brief mental ‘radar’ survey of the apartment. She didn’t hear him moving around and she hadn’t seen him when she’d been running around the house. He must have left.

  Dismay flickered through her, but she didn’t have time to examine it. Shoving her hair into a shower cap, she leapt into the shower, scrubbed frantically, and leapt out again. She’d already pulled her dress over her head before she realized she hadn’t grabbed a bra. That would go over like a lead balloon, she thought, racing to her dresser to search for one! She’d be accused of trying to seduce the high school boys before she could turn around!

  Garryk’s image rose in her mind.

  She resolutely dismissed it. She hadn’t seduced him! She hadn’t even tried!

  She’d wanted to, but wanting didn’t count, damn it! If it did, ninety percent of the world’s population would probably be in jail for wanting something sometime that they shouldn’t have—maybe even ninety nine percent!

  Maybe she didn’t deserve brownie points for behaving herself, regardless of temptation, but she wasn’t going to beat herself up over something she hadn’t done!

  She arrived at the school almost halfway through her second class, completely unprepared since she’d dashed out and left the papers she’d been grading the night before, and it went downhill from there. Generally, she spent her lunch period dividing her time between watching the students and trying to make friendly with the other teachers. She was so distracted, however, she didn’t pay attention to the students let alone the other teachers.

  “You ok, honey?” Emily Watson asked her sympathetically as they were leaving the lunch room.

  Chelsey stared at her blankly. “Uh … yeah! Fine!”

  It had been an opening and the possibility of making a friend, she realized later, but she hadn’t felt up to inventing another lie and she sure as hell couldn’t tell the truth!

  It finally jelled in her mind about halfway through the afternoon why it was a lie that she was ‘fine’. Garryk had vanished during the night without a word! She picked over that and the implications with morbid intensity for a while before a vague memory surfaced. She’d wondered how she got from the couch to the bed when the last thing she remembered was conking out on the couch under Garryk’s dead weight!

  They’d fallen off the couch and then he’d picked her up and carried her to bed.

  He hadn’t joined her, though. He’d said he had to go.

  Did that constitute ‘wham bam, thank you, ma’am’, she wondered? Or was it sort of a good bye? As in, I’ll see you later?

  She focused on it, trying to remember something that would make her feel more hopeful that he was planning a return engagement until she had a blinding headache. She’d almost managed to convince herself that he did when the school day ended and he didn’t show up. Trying to tell herself that he’d call her in a day or two, or maybe show up again, she went home. The papers they’d been grading together were strewn all over the living room. Glumly, she moved around the room picking them up and trying to smooth out the wrinkles on the papers that had gotten crumpled.

  When she’d collected them all, she began sorting those that had been checked from the ones that hadn’t. Garryk’s bold script leapt out at her and she paused to read through the paper. Pleased when she saw he’d caught everything, including a few things she might’ve missed, she checked several others carefully. Once she was certain she didn’t have to worry about it, she merely scanned the papers looking for the ones she hadn’t finished.

  She was nearing the bottom of the stack when she flipped a page and found herself staring at a big heart. In the middle of it were the letters GS + CL. She stared at it blankly, mentally reviewing her student’s names until it dawned on her that the bold drawing was nothing like the writing on the page. Her heart tripped over itself. Garryk Sinclair plus Chelsey Ledger? She bit her lip. It was so … sweet! So romantic! Ok, so maybe just a teensy bit juvenile, too, but the sentiment thrilled her to her toes. She found herself grinning at it like an idiot until it abruptly dawned on her that he’d written it on a student’s paper!

  Her smile flat lined. Had he meant for her to find it?

  Surely, he had, she thought doubtfully. He would’ve expected her to look through the papers, wouldn’t he?

  She was sure he would have, and yet there was just a niggling of uncomfortable doubt that it was more in the nature of a prank that could’ve made her extremely uncomfortable if she hadn’t noticed it.

  Maybe he’d just sort of doodled it without realizing what he was doing?

  She shook the thoughts off. It didn’t matter. She’d found it. She was going to have to ‘lose’ the student’s paper! There was no way to get it off and leave the paper intact.

  And she didn’t want to give it back, anyway. It was sort a love note, wasn’t it?

  She listened for him until it was so late she was forced to go to bed or fall asleep on the couch. The bed dipped sometime in the wee hours, tipping her over and rousing her. A jolt rippled through her when a man’s arm settled heavily across her waist. “Sorry, baby. Late night. Go back to sleep.”

  Relaxing when she recognized his voice, Chelsey snuggled closer and dropped off the edge again. There was something heavy on her when she surfed toward awareness the next morning, breathing its hot, moist breath against her neck. She was still trying to figure out what it was when her alarm went off. Sighing, she opened her eyes and discovered the ‘heavy’ was Garryk’s muscular thigh and about half his upper body. A flock of goose-bumps erupted along her neck and raced down her back as he shifted.

  A search of her mind produced absolutely no memory of having Garryk over the night before, but she finally decided she must have let him in. He was sleeping in her bed.

  Or had she left the patio door unlocked?

  Dismissing it after a moment, she struggled to wiggle out from under him. His arms tightened. “Where you going?”

  “Work,” she whispered.

  He seemed to wrestle with that for a moment and finally let go and rolled over. She moved around the bed to turn off her alarm. It occurred to her as she did that he might need to get up for work. She realized she had no idea what his work schedule was like. Did he work all week, or just the weekends? As reluctant as she was to wake him, she thought she should. “Do you need me to reset the alarm?”

  He lifted one eyelid a fraction, rolling his eyes around. She bit her lip. “Twelve,” he said finally.

  Weird! Shrugging, she set the alarm for him and headed in for her bath. H
e was sprawled on his belly in the middle of the bed, spread eagle when she came out. She paused to appreciate the view. He really was a beautiful man and the beauty didn’t stop at the skin.

  She frowned at the thought, abruptly wondering how well she really knew him. She’d felt like she understood the boy he once was, but she didn’t even know if that was true. Part of the reason he’d always seemed so mature to her, older than he actually was, was the fact that he was so reticent—surprisingly eloquent for one so young when the mood moved him—but he kept his cards close to his chest. He’d not only been extremely selective about the people he let get close, but he’d been guarded even around them. If he’d been openly hostile or prone to violence, someone might have noticed sooner that he hailed from a background he should’ve been removed from, but he’d been able to project ‘well adjusted’.

  Truthfully, she’d thought he was surprisingly well adjusted, all things considered, but he’d had a rougher time than any child ought to and it had to have left scars, even if he hid them well.

  “Is my ass hanging out?” he growled from the depths of her pillow.

  Jolted, Chelsey flicked a look at the back of his head. Embarrassed that she’d been staring so hard she’d roused him, it took her a moment to recover. “Unfortunately, no. I’d take a peak, but I’ve been admiring the scenery too long already. I need to rush. Sorry I woke you.”

  “Light sleeper,” he muttered.

  “I’ll remember that.”

  She discovered as she headed for the door that the security chain was broken, part of it dangling from the frame and the other part still attached to the door. Braking to a halt, she stared at it, wondering how she could possibly have slept through Garryk breaking in! She must have really been out of it! It unnerved her, filled her mind with all sorts of scary possibilities. When she flicked a glance at the key rack and saw her spare was missing, however, she relaxed fractionally, deciding he must have helped himself to it. There was a note taped to the door. Pulling off, she read it.


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