Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 11

by Brianna Hawthorne

  Where Cailli is involved, I suspect I had better get used to doing as I'm told. At least this time my meal is not interrupted by any space-folding. When I disrobe the crystal and its concealing pouch cling to me, so that I need do nothing to keep it with me as I dress for bed. I lie down and place my hands as to cup the crystal, wondering what wonders I will discover with it. In my dreams, it sings to me, and in it’s song it is as though I tour the connections stored within it. So many faces… many I have read about in my personal library, but others… I don’t know who they are. There are places as well, including Shiral! Still dreaming, I let myself sink into the image of my island home, it becomes so real to me that I can even hear the wind sighing through the trees, the waves upon the shore of my beloved Wilderness Bay. Birds, singing in the early morn’…

  I awake on the beach.

  Chapter 9

  Returning to Shiral

  Can it be? Am I truly home? I listen,

  carefully now, and everything sounds right – almost exactly as it has always sounded to me, yet now more… vivid. Overcome with joy, I pull off my nightgown and run out into the water, diving down into it. I revel in the joyous feel of the waters of my home. Shiral! I surface and draw my hand through the water around me, it whispers back my name; Shi…..Aahnnn. The sound echoes around the bay, building like rolling thunder. I feel the stirring of a presence that had been growing recently deep within the Shir; the soul of Shiral awakened, Gaea. I hear her voice in my mind.

  ‘Shi'ahn, is it you? Have you finally returned?’

  ‘I only left days ago.’

  ‘Nearly a Trinity.’


  ‘Go speak with the people.’

  I leave her beautiful waters, pick up my nightgown and walk up to my home. Mathair’s cottage. Everything in my room is just as I left it, as though it was only yesterday that Zah-Ha’Gor and Puff carried us away to that far mountain. I dress quickly and head to the kitchen to grab some food, and… my favorite foods almost spill out of the room, arranged as if they are offerings. Fruits and vegetables galore, spices, and chocolates. I nibble a bit from several of the plates, then step into the back rooms to see if they also seem undisturbed. Soon I hear a voice.

  “Sacrilege! Who would dare to defile this place?” I step out to reassure her, she freezes when she sees me, then falls to her knees.

  “My Lady! Blessed Shi'ahn! I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you!” I step up and take her hands, bringing her to her feet.

  “It’s all right, Freyda, relax. How long have I been gone?”

  “It has been eight greater triads since you and William were last seen, my Lady. Where have you been?”

  “I hardly know where to begin – but for me, it has only been just six days or so.” And an undetermined amount of that time was spent in a place that ran much faster than Lumina. What is the true differential I wonder?

  “My Lady, you must go to the Council chambers, please. Your people need you.”

  “What has happened, is the council in session?”

  “No, they haven't met fully in a very long time. The council, essentially, is no more.”

  “Then you are right, but first I must choose more appropriate clothes.” I return to my bedroom and don my most impressive state attire. When I come back out her smile is radiant, filled with joy and a great deal of relief. “Come with me, Freyda. Escort me to the Council Chambers.”

  “Yes, My Lady!”

  We leave my peninsula, walking into the interior of the Island that had become the seat of government on Shiral. All who see us fall to their knees. Once we enter the chamber I can see that it has not been used in a long time. It isn't abandoned, the room has been well maintained, but it sounds… neglected. Empty. Walls that should have been reflecting great deals of sound have been left in silence. It reminds me of the feel of a nursery that has stood empty for far, far too long. It's wrong – sad. Lonely. I can't summon the council members to a place that feels dead; it would give off entirely the wrong impression. Instead, I decide to sing to the room, to bring some life back into it before the people return. Freyda looks confused, but looks more understanding as I continue.

  I sing an old nursery song about a great castle that used to be always filled with beautiful music, but after the people quit singing and playing within it, it falls to ruins. For generations solo musicians come to prove their skills by performing at the sight, hoping to raise the castle, but no one ever succeeds. Finally, while one musician sang a well known, ancient song, another joined in quietly with a harmony. It sounded very nice, and the singers gained confidence. Other voices joined in, adding to the beauty of the piece, until hundreds of voices rose up together. Nothing like it had been heard for ages, and when the song was done, the people discovered that the castle had reformed around them.

  As I near the end of the song I try to imbue the council chambers with the joy of that ancient castle, raised from the rubble to be a place of beauty once again. When my song is done, the room doesn't feel dead anymore, instead it feels like anticipation, as though it now awaits being brought back to life. It is time; I pick up the mallet of state and strike the summoning bell. All over Shiral the summoning bells ring, I can feel their vibrations throughout the Shir. Within minutes a few council members appear, first in confusion, then when they see me, their faces light up with almost ecstatic relief.

  A young mans voice cries out, “The Shi'ahn!” I involuntarily wince at his words and he hastily adds, Blessed Lady Shi'ahn, is it truly you?”

  “Please, I am not a religious figure.”

  An older, familiar gentleman responds, “Of course you are not, my Lady.”

  I turn to him and realize, “Cathbadh!”

  “Indeed, my Lady.” A woman steps up beside him.


  “Yes, my Lady.”

  “It is good to see you again, both of you.” I turn to the first one to speak, “You were not a member of the council, Segda, where is your father?”

  “Pryderi passed beyond the veil soon after your disappearance, my Lady. I have taken up his seat on the council. That is, I did before it ceased to be.”

  “I am so sorry, Segda. Your father was a good man, a true servant of the land and people.” I turn to Cathbadh, “Tell me what has happened.”

  “You and Lord William have been gone for so long. I know that you don't care to take such credit, but these last eight triads have proven my point – without you there is no council.”

  “That will not do. I need to go and find William, he is a far better statesman than I.”

  Cathbadh looks surprised, “That isn't true at all! It is you, not William, who brought all the regions together and ended the strife that had raged between us. It is you who created the Great Council. You just don't like acknowledging your true value to us.”

  I find myself remembering my educational years, Cathbadh the relentless instructor of political sciences as well as many other wisdoms. I smile in defeat, “All right, I surrender. Perhaps I should have said that William enjoys such things far more than I do. Be that as it may, there is a great deal of work ahead of us, and I think it would be best accomplished by both William and I.” Cathbadh nods in acceptance, making me feel like a student that has finally provided the correct answer.

  Segda, his voice filled with concern, asks, “Where have you been, Lady? You were gone for so terribly long.”

  “In my experience, I was only away for six days.” It is astoundingly difficult to explain life outside Shiral to those who have never suspected intelligence existed outside our home. And time differentials… it is too much. “The Universe, Segda, is a far more amazing and complicated place than we ever experience on Shiral.” I meet each one's gaze, willing them all to understand how much I value their loyalty, “I do not know exactly how long I will be gone, but when I return I expect far more to answer the summoning. Please do what you can to prepare the people for our return.”

  With that
I take my leave. Although it feels good to see a few of my dear people, there is in truth a great deal to accomplish, and I want to get started as soon as possible.

  Returning finally to my own shoreline, I turn my mind to my new crystal, but a not particularly gentle thump breaks my concentration. A roar shatters the silence.

  “Shi'ah'i! Where have you been?” There is a second thump and more dragon speech.

  “And where is William?”

  “He is where I was. A strange place called Lumina. I have only returned by accident – honestly I didn't know how to return.”

  “You have been gone so long!”

  “Ah yes, well, you see, we have only experienced… it's hard to explain. I've lived through six days, I think, and William has probably only experienced four. It's really difficult to judge these things lately.”

  “But where have you been?! Where is this 'Lumina'?”

  “When I asked, they said it was at the top of the Universe – they said it was the source of Reality.” The two great dragon heads swing toward each other, it seems as though something quite meaningful passes between them.

  Zah-Ha'Gor asks the next logical question. “Are you now able to move freely between there and here?”

  “Can you bring William?” Puffs voice is urgent.

  “I believe so, yes. I was just about to fetch him, actually.”

  “Please do so. We will wait.”

  Again I concentrate on my jewel, feeling somewhat self-conscious with two dragons watching me so keenly. I quickly search for the best image to return to, and find one that takes me right to my rooms! Immediately upon my return I send a mental burst to William. I hear a groggy, ‘Huh?’

  ‘William, I’ve been back to Shiral!’


  ‘I accidentally transported to Shiral, and eight triads have passed there since we left!’

  ‘How did you do that – eight triads?!’

  ‘They need us, William. We need to set up a provisional government, something to keep them functioning during our absences.’

  ‘I’m tired, Shi'ahn, I only recently fell asleep.’

  Zah-Ha’Gor and Puff are waiting for us, come with me and sleep on Shiral.’

  ‘Give me a few minutes, then I’ll be over.’

  While waiting I decide to pick out an elaborate gown from my closet, something that can't be made on Shiral, something that will leave no doubt that I have been elsewhere.

  When he reaches my rooms, he smells faintly of perfume. “William, did I interrupt something?”

  “My well earned sleep. Mind your own business, will you?” I smile at him and he grudgingly returns it. “So, how did you get there?”

  I smile playfully, “Mind your own business and take my hands.” I concentrate on the image of Shiral in my crystal, and will both of us through.

  “Wow – how did you do that?”

  I glance around, it is evening and no one should be nearby. No one but two annoyed looking dragons, that is, but their expressions change quickly.



  This time our dragons approach us, lowering their heads, and both William and I throw ourselves against their necks. I recognize the sparkle behind Zah-Ha'Gor's eyes and quickly climb up in front of her wings. She teaches me something new - she can take flight almost perfectly vertically! Her voice echoes out over the bay, the same cry over and over, the very first word she ever said in my presence, “Mine!” Everyone within miles must hear her, though they will not understand her speech – but she flies high enough, and acrobatically enough that all who see us are sure to realize I'm back. When we land I finally think to ask,

  “How long did you wait for us?”

  “Seven days. How long did you think you were gone?”

  “Oh, maybe nine Ninebreaths. William had just fallen asleep.”

  Puff addresses me seriously, “Shi'ahn, you still have not answered William's question. How did you transport yourself?”

  Well, I suppose there's no reason they shouldn't know. I reach into my bodice and draw out the gem like crystal, lifting it free of the concealing pouch. “I used this, Cailli gave it to me earlier today.”

  William's eyes go wide, “That’s a transport crystal?”

  Puff, sounding very serious, says, “Shi'ah’, please hold that up so that Zah-Ha'Gor and I may properly inspect it.” Then he almost whispers, “I have never seen the like of it.”

  Zah-Ha'Gor breathes, “That is powerful beyond imagination – even dragon imagination. Who is this 'Cailli' that gave you this jewel of tremendous power?”

  “Cailli, the Cailliach is… well, she created the Staircase of Enlightenment, the source of order in the Universe. Apparently, she actually created half of our universe.”

  William adds, “Yea, and she told Shi'ahn to call her 'Grandmother', if she wishes.”

  I protest, “William!” Zah-Ha'Gor lowers her head and gently nuzzles me, her voice a soft rumble,


  William says, “That is far greater than the crystals the Emperor gave us.”

  “Indeed it is. I could swear this crystal is more powerful than the one Aurora possesses.”

  “Why would Cailliach give you such a thing?”

  “I’m not sure. She did imply that it would help me stay out of trouble, or perhaps it will help me escape trouble that I find myself in.”

  “So you’ve been labeled a troublemaker?”

  “I’d say more of a trouble finder…”

  William yawns, surprising our dragons. “I haven't slept much yet, and it's been a long day.”

  Puff sniffs at William, and I could swear there is laughter hiding in his voice.

  “I don't doubt it. Go get some sleep, both of you. We have much to think about.”

  We head up to the cottage, and since I’m not as tired as William, I start carefully exploring the connections available through my new crystal, consciously, this time, and I am careful not to initiate any of them. I could play with this for hours! I shouldn’t, though. I look outside and the moons’ reflections on the lake call to me. Well, why not – I answer.

  My dress discarded on the shore, I frolic in the water for a while before Gaea calls to me.

  ‘Shi'ahn, you have returned.’

  ‘Yes, Gaea, and I have come with William. We are here to make proper provisions for our being gone for extended periods of time. Gaea, I was gone for only about nine ninebreaths in my experience.”

  ‘Then you should have plenty of time here before you must leave again.’ Happy laughter rings out in my voice,

  ‘Yes, we will stay for a while.’


  During the days William and I meet with the leaders of Shiral, after I finally get them all to attend. I cause the summoning bells of those regions that do not at first respond to ring louder, then even louder, until the final stragglers join us more out of self-defense than duty. That proves to be only the beginning of the battle. I've never cared to intimidate people, but this turns out to be a special circumstance; I think William rather enjoys himself. I, on the other hand, do not. I hate politics.

  In the evenings I concentrate on Gaea. I have noticed that Gaea seems stronger after each time I have worked on my spells lately. As an experiment, I enter the trance-like power dance yet again, (I am Song, I am Dance, I'm Shirallian Dust) but instead of weaving spells, I weave power into Gaea, strengthening her and increasing her capabilities; her song, her harmony, becomes far more complex than it was when we arrived. Before I sleep I listen carefully to my surroundings, which are more resonant now than they were after my first return visit, letting them lull me into dream.

  Each day I follow the same pattern – politics during the day, work with Gaea in the evening, strengthening different aspects of her being. I also try to build protective shielding around our world, I wouldn't want uninvited people walking through on 'passages' like Alma recently experienced. And if any more crystals provide acces
s to this place besides mine and William's, I want them blocked! Whenever Zah-Ha'Gor appears, I spend the rest of that day, and often the night as well, in her company. By the end of three ninedays I have done all for Gaea I can think to, and William and I have worked with the government to the point that we feel confident they will be able to carry on fine without our regular presence. It appears that we have accomplished all that it need be done before our next return; I end my evening of frolicking with Zah-Ha'Gor early and get a good nights sleep. After a breakfast of all our favorite morning foods, we each use our own crystals to return to Lumina.

  Chapter 10


  Only minutes after arriving, there is a knock on my door. “Enter.”

  “Lady Shi'ahn, Prince Lucian has requested your presence.”


  “I shall escort you to him in… a half hour? I know it is very early; I have brought you some food.”

  “Yes, of course.” She leaves without further ado. I’ve just eaten, but not wanting the food to go to waste, I place a stasis spell over it – I'll eat it when I return. Half an hour? It’s still night. Will I ever have a leisurely morning again?

  I am led to a room where Lucian awaits me; I can’t help my skeptical expression. “What do you want with me, Lucian?”

  He pauses a moment as he looks me over; I detect I quiet sniff. “Shi'ahn, what have you been doing recently?”

  Oh, I should have showered. I hadn't thought I'd needed to, since Zah-Ha'Gor and I had been playing in the water last night. “I… took a little swim.” He looks questioningly at me, but then shakes his head.

  “Shi'ahn, there are issues you must understand. What came between you and I was a minor personal strife, of no importance really. Family and realm security are far more important – we must both set aside any personal bias and work together for the good of this realm.” He pauses momentarily, frowning. “You have been chosen to assist in the questioning of Cas Lydia, in a mental interrogation.”


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