Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 34

by Brianna Hawthorne

  His smile is playful; I can't help but echo it. I listen ahead of us and hear yet another heated argument. Llywelyn's strong voice rings out in my mind.

  “It is the duty of the Princes to lead the armies while the Emperor oversees the battle. The people draw their confidence from our actions, we must be visible and involved!”

  Vespasian argues, “It is also the duty of the Heir to stay alive! What good will winning do if our future leadership is cut down?”

  Llywelyn counters, “Our father has many sons. If elder ones are killed, younger ones will take up the mantle of leadership. That is the way it has always been, Vespasian, have you not read our histories?” Their argument abruptly ends as other family members begin to arrive.

  Storming in well ahead of us is a large, impressive man. He catches Llywelyn's eyes immediately.

  “Maximus!” Llywelyn walks forward and embraces the man. “It is good to see you again, brother.” The man steps back and looks Llywelyn over carefully, then looks slightly up into Llywelyn's eyes and smiles.

  “I always knew you would return, my brother. Welcome home, Llywelyn.” William and I avoid their space to allow them privacy, and to see who else is here. Many individuals that I have not seen before enter the room. There are not many who generally stay in stasis, yet apparently far from all the family members spend much time here. I hear a joyful voice behind me.

  “Shi'ahn!” I turn and find myself in Casanova’s arms.

  “Cas! You look terrible.” He has deep though mostly faded bruises on much of his exposed skin.

  “Gee, thanks. You, however, look more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen.”

  “Flatterer.” He hugs me again, and when I pull away I see that his bruises are nearly gone. We share a look of surprise and my heart fills with a new form of joy, but then I see Novanus glaring at me from across the room and my heart turns cold.

  I should pay better attention to this place; I pat Cas' hand and turn my gaze away. There is a table on a lower level of the room where the Emperor and his sons congregate. It's interesting, I'd always thought of Emperor Augustus being the largest, most imposing man I'd ever seen, and yet, both Maximus and Llywelyn overshadow him. Vespasian looks positively scrawny compared to the other three. The Emperor's younger sons are also well built, but none of them have statures greater than their father. I almost get the impression that that is the way the Emperor likes it, and that he rather disapproves of his eldest two sons in this respect. It seems odd behavior for a father, and yet in the Emperor…it doesn't really surprise me.

  Looking around I see three tiers of long tables arranged in a semi-circle above the primary table, at which those of the younger generations, those not descended from Augustus, and individuals I have not seen before congregate. Many of these others do not sound like family. There are really impressive displays behind the command table, I think they may be called holographic. The ceiling is also used as a display, reminding me of the great starry sky visible within the tower forest, but this is color-coded. An angry, piercing orange seems as though it is symbolic of the loss of territories. There is a lot of that nasty color up there.

  William explains, “Pretty cool, isn't it? They've linked a massive computer tracking system to the sky representation you told me about deep within the mountain – they can see almost anything up there, as long as they know where to look.”

  I return my eyes to the chamber and notice a few missing individuals. “William, is the real Nero still missing?”

  “Ah.” His expression looks extremely reluctant, as though he has been neglecting to tell me something rather important. The Emperor's voice makes it impossible for him to continue.


  “Be seated, everyone, there is a lot to cover.” William sits to my right, Cas to my left, in the highest, and in this room, least important tier.

  “As many of you have not been to a council recently, I will review the full details of our current situation. Some time ago an individual believed to be an impostor Nero stabbed and killed the Magni Dominar. We have since learned that it really was Nero. He also appeared to be responsible for the kidnapping of Lady Alma, and was guilty of colluding with Chaosians, including just recently bringing about the recapture and enslavement of Alma. This enraged Celeste, who, before Nero could be tried, murdered him. I will not have lawless vengeance within this family: she was executed forthwith.” As he says this last, he glances at Lucian, who gazes straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge the Emperor's words.

  My mind explodes! Lucian killed one of the few people here I truly liked, and I spoke almost civilly with the beast last night? Hatred for the man swells anew in my soul. Someone I don't recognize speaks up.

  “I don't understand, your Majesty, it had been said that the Magni Dominar's murderer was much more powerful than Nero was known to be.”

  “As it turned out, Nero was far more advanced than he let even his own father know. He played the underestimation gambit to perfection. Since he never made it to trial and his brain was irrevocably damaged by Celeste, we were not able to discover how he managed it, or why.”

  Because he was an unmitigated jerk, that's why. He probably tired of waiting for the succession to install him upon the throne. And ultimately because of that bastard, Celeste is dead! It isn't fair; I've lost my homeworld and pretty much my only friend, not counting those with ulterior motives. I've been repeatedly betrayed, what else can go wrong with my life? I wish Zah-Ha'Gor had never shown us that accursed monolith.

  Angry shouts break my lack of concentration, Vespasian yells out, “Listen, I don't know how he managed it! How do you think I feel, discovering that I didn't even know my own son? Now I have no heir!”

  Novanus retorts, “Quit your sniveling, Vespasian, you are hardly the only one among us to suffer terrible loss – and our children didn't earn their demise.” The tremendous pain in his voice almost makes me forget how much I hate that man.

  “Enough!” The Emperor's voice thunders above the argument. “We are here to plan the defense of our realm, not to bicker over what caused this situation. Maximus, what is the status of our outer-world troops?”

  “They have sustained heavy losses. As you can see,” he waves his hand up toward the ceiling, “we have lost a great deal of territory, and thus a corresponding number of troops. The Chaosians have marshaled unprecedented armies, it often does not matter that our troops are superior, for theirs are far more numerous.”

  “Novanus, what of the farthest reaches of our realm? Have all our worlds been attacked?”

  “No. They appear to be concentrating on reaching Lumina – worlds in the farthest reaches are only attacked if they are of particular interest. I sense they are creating 'Passages' into our realm.”

  “That is troubling. Is it possible for them to create a Passage to Lumina?”

  “No, Lumina is too real for that. However, they may be able to get very close, if their most powerful people work together on the endeavor. I have never before seen such cooperation among them.”

  “Hector, what is the status of the near-world defenses?”

  “They are strong, Father, but we could use reinforcements. This offensive appears to go well beyond anything we have encountered before, I do not know if we could hold off the kinds of forces that they have attacked with in the outer galaxies.”

  The Emperor raises his gaze to the outer tiers. “Are there any who have access to additional troops that could be brought in to reinforce Hector's armies?”

  Llywelyn's voice rings out from that lowest table, “I used to keep large forces in near stasis in case something went terribly wrong. I may have been gone for a long time, but they should still be ready to serve if needed, Father.”

  The Emperor doesn't look as pleased as he should. “Martial all that you can, and have those forces report to Hector. Christoff, what of the defenses surrounding our own waters?” My gaze remains for a moment on Llywelyn, who seems calm, but his harmonies almost sputt
er in outrage.

  Christoff responds, “They are strong as well, Father, though, much like Hector, I must admit that they could use reinforcement – just in case.”

  “Vespasian, what of the laser defense system? If any forces actually manage to break through, is it properly tuned to defend us?”

  “Of course, Father. I carefully maintain it at all times.”

  “Continue to do so – if anything does manage to make it through to us, I want that system in perfect working order. Double check the particle cannons as well. Llywelyn, after you have entrusted your troops to Hector, report back to the citadel and organize our physical defenses.”

  Llywelyn still looks outwardly calm, but his harmony sounds as though he has been slapped in the face. He nods obediently nonetheless.

  The Emperor looks up to the rest of us, “Is there anyone else who can provide additional reinforcements?

  To my utter surprise, William speaks up, “Your Majesty, I have marshaled some troops from outlying worlds that would be willing to come to our aid.”

  The Emperor looks very surprised, “I had understood your home world was taken from you.”

  “It was, but since then I have sought out similar beings from other worlds – I think they would serve us well if need be.”

  “Very well. Anyone else?”

  Many individuals, including Casanova, offer troops they have raised – there should be billions about to come to our aid.

  Emperor Augustus concludes, “Very well. Each of you with troops to raise, go do so, and have them report as we have discussed.” He turns his eyes to me, “Shi'ahn, you are to remain here; your unique influence will strengthen Lumina best by staying within this realm.” He looks back to the rest of the room. “I believe we have a plan.”

  With that the meeting is closed. Almost everyone rushes off to perform their assigned duties, but I don't really have any, aside from, 'stay here'. I walk slowly out of the rooms, wandering almost aimlessly. I happen to pass a room where I hear Llywelyn speaking with Gwenllian. I knock tentatively on the door.

  “Llywelyn, may I speak with you for a moment?”


  Gwenllian moves to leave. Llywelyn counters, “No, my daughter, stay; this will not take long.” He captures my eyes with his, but they are cold and hard; my heart sinks. “Shi'ahn, I have already thanked you for rescuing me from my long imprisonment, but now I must ask you to stay away from me.”

  I feel dumbstruck. “I don't understand, Llywelyn, what have I done wrong?”

  He looks at me disapprovingly, “Nothing that I know specifically of, but somehow you have earned both my daughter's and father's intense distrust. If I am to regain my status as the heir to my father’s throne, I must first regain his trust and earn his respect. I cannot do either while associating with you. Stay away from me, Shi'ahn; I want neither your favor nor your support.”

  “I hate politics.”

  “This is not merely political. There must be a reason my father distrusts you so absolutely. He knows you far better than I do, and so I accept his judgment. And of course I trust my daughter's judgment implicitly. From now on, I trust you every bit as much, or as little, as they do. Also” I suddenly feel a blinding flash of light in my mind and I am less than I have been. I feel… alone. “There, the severing of our link should help validate my severing my relationship with you – Father should be pleased.”

  Feelings I’ve suppressed in the past almost explode within me; I can't hold them back. I turn and run before he can see the depth of pain he has caused me.

  Chapter 25

  Darkness and Light

  I keep running, almost blind, caught up in all the terrible things that have happened lately, that until now I’d had unknown help in dealing with. Without that strength, with the terrible feeling of having lost so much, my world, my friend Celeste, a secret friendship that had meant more to me than I had realized… I run through my personal darkness until I find myself caught up in strong arms.

  “Shi'ahn, what's wrong?” Cas' voice.

  “Why does fate hate me so?”

  “What? What's happened?”

  “So many gone! My world, Celeste, and now Llywelyn hates me as well. I wish I'd never come here!”

  Cas' eyes fill with deeper concern as I speak. The air around us shimmers and resolves into my rooms.

  “Shi'ahn, I don't understand. You were fine just minutes ago, and the only new problem is this thing with Llywelyn. I've seen you handle far worse.”

  I interrupt him, “You don't understand! My ring,” I look down to where I used to wear the power siphon, “It was Llywelyn's; he had been linked to my mind, strengthening me. Now he has taken both the ring and the link, and I feel so alone! He hates me! I don't think I can take it anymore, Cas. Everything is falling apart!”

  “You still have me.”

  “No, I can't have you, remember? Cailli won't allow it.” Thoughts of being denied the affections of the only man who seems to care for me bring my tears back. He draws me against his chest, stroking my hair, murmuring words of comfort: to no avail. I surrender to the darkness, to the pain.


  Casanova projects a plea for help from any family member nearby. Shi'ahn is so absorbed in her pain she does not notice anyone arrive.

  “What's so Important, Casanova – I'm a bit busy just now. Do you have any idea what's happening outside?”


  “The Spire has gone dark and it's raining! Everywhere!” He pauses as Shi'ahn's presence breaks through his annoyance; his voice immediately becomes softer, filled with concern. “What's wrong with her?”

  “I'm not sure, something Llywelyn did. I've tried my best, but I can't calm her, I can't even put her to sleep.” Lucian swears.

  “Give her to me.”

  “Are you mad? You're part of the problem! Just try to put her out.”

  Lucian looks down on her, lightly touches her brow, and concentrates. He actually strains with the effort before looking back at Casanova.

  “It's no use. Give her to me, the Old One can help, but she isn't likely to respond to you.”

  Casanova is reluctant, but hands Shi'ahn over into Lucian's strong but exceedingly gentle arms. He transports to Cailliach's office; it is unoccupied.

  “Cailliach!” He hears nothing and curses. “Old One, answer me, we have a problem!”

  Still nothing.

  “Damn, where is she? Shi'ahn, look at me. Open your eyes, Shi'ahn.” He shakes her gently. “Shi'ahn!”


  Someone's calling my name. I fight back the darkness enough to concentrate, I know that voice. The Beast! Murderer! Evil incarnate holds me in his arms! I scream, wordless, senseless. Terrified.

  Sparkles of light leave us in a dark, deep place; the only light comes from a strange glowing object. Cailli's voice is upset, surprising me into silence.

  “Can't I ever leave you children on your own? Where do I have to go to be left alone to meditate?” Her expression of exasperation changes to one of concern, “What's happened to Shi'ahn?”

  “All I know is that it was something Llywelyn did. Casanova found her like this.” He looks meaningfully into Cailli’s eyes before continuing, “The Spire has gone dark and it's raining outside.”

  Cailli stares at me so intensely it seems like she's inspecting my soul; panic and pain slip away like falling silk, leaving me exhausted, unable to think.

  Cailli continues, “I suppose I should have foreseen this possibility.” She pauses, then continues in a surprised tone, “Llywelyn has removed the link between them – why would he do such a foolish thing?”

  “Ah, I see. Attempting to placate the Emperor, I would guess. He hates the girl, though I cannot fathom why.”

  “The cowardly fool. Leave her with me, it seems the climate down there is entirely wrong for her. We need her to be strong and sure, not weakened by the senseless maneuvering of the Emperor and his court.”

should I tell the Emperor?”

  Cailli trains a piercing eye on him before replying. “Tell him this: Throughout all our generations, only his court would ill-treat their own Avatar. I am taking custody of Shi'ahn. William may visit, but the rest of you are to stay out of our sight. You may visit neither the tower nor the Staircase until further notice.”

  Lucian pauses a moment, contemplating voicing something he doesn't really want to say, but decides he should. “Casanova has done her no harm.”

  Her voice softens, “I know, but she is not for him, and the more time she spends with him, the more likely her heart could be captured. And you have been used against her too harshly for her to yet forgive.” She shakes her head, “What a mess this is becoming.”


  Lucian suddenly finds himself back in Shi'ahn's rooms. Cas looks up in surprise.

  “Is she alright?”

  “She will be fine, but we will not see her again for a while. The Old One is rather disgusted with us, only William may visit Shi'ahn now.” Lucian leaves to update the Emperor.

  When he arrives in the Emperor's office, he doesn't even get the chance to relate his message.

  “It was her, wasn't it – that accursed girl! I couldn't even bend Croi'Solas sufficiently to my will to undo her attack.”

  “It was not an attack.”

  “Of course it was! I'll not allow such behavior in my court! Bring her to me and I will deal with her.” His words sound ominous, Lucian is almost certain the Emperor means Shi'ahn harm.

  “I cannot.” He relates Cailliach's message and adds, “The old one is really quite upset with us.”

  Llywelyn looks to his father questioningly, while Vespasian seems outraged.

  “Father, you can't allow her to treat you this way! She's… harboring a criminal!

  Lucian looks disgusted. “Shi'ahn's no criminal, she was distraught! In her current condition she is more closely linked to Lumina than any other being save the Cailliach herself. The girl's world had turned to darkness and tears, and Lumina reacted. Try thinking on that before you persecute her any further.” He shoots a quick angry glare at Llywelyn, then turns and stalks out of the room, shocking all within.


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