Me Tarzan, You Jewel

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Me Tarzan, You Jewel Page 19

by Titania Ladley

  He kissed her long and hard, tasting of her sweet flavor. “I love you, too. And I’m so glad I woke up one morning between two women to find a bottle on my doorstep.”

  “Between two women?” she screeched.

  He chuckled and stood up. Bending, he gathered her into his arms and swept her off her feet. “Yeah, Lacy and Candy. But I tell you what, there wasn’t a woman out there that could ever make me forget you. I tried like hell, but you were in my blood, woman.”

  She snickered. “Woman?”

  “Yep,” he said, carrying her across the sliding glass door threshold to the bed. “You my woman,” he grunted like a savage, eliciting a squeal from her. “Me Tarzan, you Jewel.” He dropped her on the bed and pounded on his chest with a roar. Jewel’s delighted giggles filled the room—until he unfastened his jean shorts and his half-hard erection sprang free. “And Tarzan going to have fiancée’s pussy before cock explodes.”

  * * * * *

  Jennie rapped on the door.

  “I don’t know why we’re knocking when we can just”¾Luke snapped his fingers¾ “pop right in.”

  “Because, you big lout,” she said, whacking him across the arm. “They’re no longer in our jurisdiction. Yes, we can still use our magic, but they’ve given me a very valuable gift. One-half of that one required mission, thanks to them, is now successfully completed. One more, Luke. Just one more successful mission and we’re home free. No more worries about me having to be banished back to the bottle for good.”

  Luke sighed, listening to the footfalls on the opposite side of the suite door as they approached. “Thank the stars.”

  Jennie beamed, noting Luke’s use of that Xanthian phrase of relieved expression.

  The door swung open. Vince clutched the doorknob and leaned into the solid wood panel. Jennie noted with smug satisfaction the smudged lipstick marks trailing down over his wide chest and disappearing into his unfastened shorts. His dark hair stood on end, and she knew that style, one that spoke of frantic female hands combing through its thickness during lovemaking. Pride swelled in her chest. She’d completed her first assignment, and she knew without a doubt that promotion of carnality, along with the inevitable conclusion of love, had truly become her purpose in life. She was determined to move beyond that next crucial mission in order to finally relax in the throes of carnal devotion.

  But first, before bringing on the next subjects, she and Luke had heard a calling from these two.

  “Jennie, Luke. Hello. What brings you two here?” Vince’s eyes snapped. “Don’t tell me you’ve come to throw us back out into the wilderness. Um, if so, you can forget it. We’re quite enjoying a comfortable bed, food, water,” he grinned, “and great sex.”

  Jennie stepped into the suite, breezing by him. Luke followed. “Of course not. We…gathered, somehow, that you two were just discussing a fantasy. We’ve come to help you fulfill it.”

  * * * * *

  Jewel watched from her place on the balcony as Vince turned and closed the door hesitantly behind him. “Are you serious?”

  “As heart failure,” Luke chimed in. “You are, after all, on an island where fantasies are fulfilled and carnality is the main objective.” Plopping down on the oversized rust sofa, he propped his feet on the cherry wood coffee table. He was no longer dressed in the toga Jewel had seen him in earlier that day. Now in trousers and a bright green polo shirt sporting the Carnal Island logo, he looked every bit the relaxed businessman just walking off the golf course after a successful win. Jennie’s shirt matched Luke’s, though she wore tiny white dungaree shorts that accentuated her petite shape and left one wondering if her long, lean, tanned legs were never-ending.

  Jewel had heard their exchange, and her heart palpated with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. Already, her pussy throbbed as she listened to the exchange of words. And her system leaped into overdrive when Luke stared at her across the room. The hot early evening sun baked down on her where she sunbathed on the balcony, but nothing could have scorched her more than the promise in that look. Uncomfortable, she squirmed when Vince and Jennie both turned to watch her as Luke spoke.

  “Jewel’s fantasy of having a threesome with you and another man,” he said to Vince, “is not out of the realm of possibilities.”

  Lying on her stomach on the lounge chair, Jewel gasped and planted her face in her hands. Was there anything sacred with these two genies? she thought with horror. Unable to resist, she peeped between her splayed fingers.

  Vince shook his head. “No, man. A fantasy like that is best kept as a fantasy. I just got her back. I’m not losing her to a stranger. She’s all mine.”

  The bold statement of possessiveness made Jewel’s breath catch in her chest. Love swelled in her heart. She lowered her hands and her gaze captured Vince’s.

  “Even if we can make it so the other man isn’t a real man?” Jennie asked.

  Vince tore his gaze from her and stared at Jennie. “What?”

  Jennie rose and strolled across the room until she stood in the open patio doorway. A balmy breeze ruffled her long midnight hair. She looked intently at Jewel, her pale brown eyes gleaming like two gold coins.

  “Remember? We’re magic. Jewel,” she went on. She glided out onto the terrace, plucked up the bottle of coconut tanning oil and dribbled some in her palm. Kneeling beside Jewel, she smeared the oil on her back, kneading as she did so. A flood of goose bumps washed over her skin and up into the hairs at the back of her head. Immediately, she was aware of every muscle, every cell in her body as it came to life.

  “I know you think Luke is attractive,” Jennie said, leaning down to speak cryptically in Jewel’s ear. “I can clone him just for that purpose, just for you and Vince. How does that sound?” she asked, untying the string of her bikini top.

  By this time, Luke and Vince had moved out onto the deck. They both stood there watching intently as Jennie slathered oil onto Jewel’s back. With an involuntary whimper, she noted the fullness in both of their pants.

  Clamping her muscles against the flood of cream between her legs, she replied on a pant, “I only want Vince. It’s just a fantasy, nothing more.”

  “And you’re here,” Jennie coaxed, sliding down the bikini bottom, “to fulfill a fantasy. First, the goal was to get your man back. Check.” She smacked Jewel’s ass lightly, and hot darts of fire settled into her pussy. “Mission complete. Now’s your chance to fulfill that one that’s always plagued you ever since you can remember.” Hot sunrays bathed her naked ass. Soft, feminine hands slithered down to cup her butt cheeks and smooth the grease in circular motions over the mounds. The sun warmed her, but nothing could heat up her system like seeing those two hard cocks straining against cloth while practiced hands enticed her backside.

  “But…but I don’t want to be unfaithful to him.”

  Vince smiled at her, even as he began to massage his cock through the shorts.

  Luke followed suit.

  “No, no,” Jennie said gently, her hand slipping down to play with Jewel’s hole. “I’m going to clone Luke. The copy of him won’t be a real human being. You will get to fuck him and be fucked by both him and Vince at the same time, without the worry of infidelity. Think of the cloned Luke as you might one of your toys.”

  Jewel gasped at both her telling words and the first-ever sensation of a gentle female finger sinking into her.

  “That’s right, Jewel. The vibrators and dildos you have hidden beneath your mattress at the convent. When you fuck Luke’s clone, it will be exactly like fucking yourself with a fake cock. Because he won’t be real, just as your toys aren’t real people.”

  Vince stared at her, his eyes glazed with lust. “It’s your decision, babe,” he panted as he released his cock and stroked it right there before the whole world to see.

  God, this was turning her on more than she ever thought it could. Inhibitions suddenly to the wayside, Jewel clarified, “So I can have a threesome without the guilt and worry? No foreign se
men, no emotions, just all good, clean, toy-like sex?”

  “Exactly.” Jennie ripped her finger from Jewel and stood, towering over her. “Say the word and carnal fulfillment is all yours.”

  She glanced up at Vince. His jaw clenched with rigid restraint as he fondled himself. Luke remained with his clothes on, but he rubbed himself, too, watching as Jennie slowly disrobed. Her caramel skin gleamed in the evening sun.

  “Remember, Jewel,” Luke warned. “I can read your mind, so no need to put on false airs.”

  She ignored him and glanced back at Vince. “Vince, you’re okay with this?”

  He nodded vigorously, and a sort of a strangled moan escaped his clamped lips.

  “Out here, where everyone can see?” Jewel scanned the rowdy crowd of people below, all in various stages of undress.

  Jennie let out a throaty laugh. “Oh, yes, Jewel. It will further enhance your pleasure. To watch and be watched…it’s like two fantasies fulfilled in one. Just you wait and see.”

  Nerves danced in her belly. Even as she hesitated, she knew what her answer would be. “Okay, but only if it’s not real. Promise me.”

  Jennie crossed her heart. “I swear on Queen Justina’s immortal life.”

  “Well…” Jewel said hesitantly. “I don’t know who Queen Justina is, but I get the distinct impression she’s pretty important.”

  Jennie merely nodded, her black slash of eyebrows arching with emphatic certainty.

  “All right, I’m taking you at your word.”

  Vince blew out a breath. “Oh, yes,” he sighed, closing his eyes with anticipation.

  Luke clapped him on the back. “Just like the old college days, huh, buddy?”

  He slanted a look at his long-time friend. “No, Luke. Nothing will compare to sharing this with Jewel. I love her, and I want what she wants only.”

  The declaration only underscored her decision. Certain now, she stood and said to Jennie, “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  A twinkle of satisfaction lit Jennie’s eyes, and she crossed to where Luke stood. She swiped her hands down and up the length of him, ridding him of his clothes in one magic sweep of the hand. Tilting her head back, she pinched her nipples and began to chant.

  “The arrow is straight, true to the heart, duplicate this god, for this we do start.”

  Vince stepped up behind Jewel, and together, they watched, fascinated, as Jennie continued her ritual. A glimmering cloud of star-like, multi-colored lights appeared around the pair. Luke stood tall and proud and naked, waiting for his wife to complete the spell.

  “Oh Xanthian queen, hear me I pray,” she sang, her voice rising as the wind stirred around them. “Impart in me powers, love and lust, this day. Woman to man, and man again, copy him, oh supreme one, turn this man to men!”

  A jagged jolt of silver light streaked down and struck Luke in the chest. From there, it snaked out and jolted up and down Jennie’s body. Luke slumped, and when his body straightened, Jewel narrowed her gaze sure she needed her glasses to bring the apparition into correct focus. Rubbing her eyes, she stared in awe. Jennie had vanished, and in her place, Luke’s exact copy stood proud, tall and oh-so handsome. The real Luke stepped forward and draped his arm buddy-like over the fake Luke’s shoulders—or rather, over the shoulders of Jennie in disguise as Luke.

  Gesturing toward the clone, Luke replied with a wicked grin, “She’s…um, I mean, he’s all yours.”

  Vince nudged her forward. “Go ahead, it’s okay, babe.”

  Taking three slow steps, she stared, dumbfounded. This couldn’t be happening, she thought, lust curling in her gut. It felt much like waking up on Christmas morning to find exactly what she’d fantasized about, lying beneath the tree. Every last gift on her wish list there at her disposal. His chest, wide and virtually hairless, seemed to call to her to touch, to explore. She raised a hand and trailed it down across one taut nipple, down over bronzed pecs and abs, until she reached the erect cock. Suddenly brave and driven by the incessant ache in her womb, she closed her hand over the length of it. The clone hissed in a breath, so real, it made her briefly wonder if she’d been duped. But a quick glance over his shoulder told her that the real Luke still existed. In fact, he leaned lazily against the railing watching Jewel’s every move.

  Jewel heard Vince groan behind her. She whimpered when he reached around to cup her already tingling breasts. Pressing his now naked body against her backside, she rejoiced, energized that he joined her in the dream.

  “How do you want it, Jewel? It’s your fantasy.” One hand slid down and located her hard bud. She gasped when Vince swirled his finger around it, injecting her with renewed passion. “Do you want to be fucked while you give one of us one of your excellent blowjobs?”

  “No,” she panted, her eyelids fluttering when he slipped one finger into her. She clutched the clone’s cock and stroked the long, thick length of it. He let out a cry of satisfaction that further enflamed her. “I want him up my ass while you’re in my pussy.”

  Vince stiffened. “Really? This from a woman who was thinking of being a nun?”

  She chuckled and led the man by his dick to a raised outdoor bed, of sorts. Her pussy throbbed, for she knew it was like a stage for all below to watch. She’d noticed it before, and had briefly wondered what it could be used for, but now she knew without a doubt. And a quick sweeping glance told her the crowd had already taken notice of the activities above them. Eager excitement flushed warm and wet between her legs.

  “Yes, and thank God I came to my senses,” she replied, gesturing for Vince to lie down on the platform with his feet still on the balcony floor. He obeyed and she drew in a ragged breath when he scooted out of the shadow of the overhang and emerged into the sunlight. His body glistened hard and ready before her, a shrine for her use alone. Leading the Luke look-alike up to the bed with her, she climbed up so that she poised on all fours above Vince.

  Turning only her head, she said to the clone, “After I swallow him up inside my pussy, get me ready and gently fuck me up the ass at the same time.”

  He nodded his understanding, and Jewel’s labia flooded with another wave of juice when she saw the look of pure lust in the clone’s eyes. He reached out and rubbed his large, hot hands over her ass. Her anus tingled in anticipation at the unknown.

  Vince groaned. “Goddamn it, Jewel. You keep up that kind of talk and I’m going to blow before I even get inside you.”

  Her answer was to slam herself down on him, groaning when her pussy accepted him in hungrily. On her hands with her knees bent and drawn up at Vince’s hips, she threw her head back and howled in unison with him. Her mouth came down on his and she tasted pineapple and beer. He shot his tongue upward, sucking the life from her. Holding still, she tightened her muscles around him, sensing the approach of maleness behind her. Two pairs of hands stroked her everywhere so that she couldn’t tell where Vince’s touch ended and the other began. The cheeks of her ass were spread and she struggled to maintain control when the tip of a finger flickered over her anus. Melting droplets of lust fused deep into her core. Groaning into the wet kiss, she inhaled Vince’s scent of spice and man, while another man inhaled her sex-scent.

  And at that moment of relaxation, she screamed into his mouth when a long, wet tongue penetrated her asshole. Vince’s hands dug painfully into her ass helping the clone to hold her open. He moved slow and gentle into her, preventing the jarring of her ass, she knew, for her sake and the clone’s. Vince pushed himself in and out of her in strokes that barely receded yet seemed to go deeper with each rise of his hips. It forced the man’s tongue into depths of her ass that had never been touched before. Fire ignited there, swirling around in her belly to wreak havoc on her clit. Just when she began to feel the first rise of the orgasm, the magic tongue disappeared and disappointment assailed her. But not for long. The bed shifted and she caught the scent of Luke’s pure male arousal right before she saw his large hands slap the bed beside her own.

“Oh God!” He slid his big cock into her wet ass in one slow, long stroke. Her initial reaction was to clamp down and ward off the invasion, but it happened so smoothly, so gentle and adept, she barely had time to stiffen. The intense sensation of being filled front and back at the same time nearly shot her over the edge. The man stilled his movements, allowing her to become accustomed to the new sensations that bombarded her ass and cunt simultaneously. She could feel his hard chest barely brushing her back, could hear his ragged breathing in her ear so convincingly, as if, clone or no, he was truly turned on. Jewel panted, knowing it would take one more single stroke by each of them together to take her to heights she’d never seen before. Her eyes widened and she looked down into Vince’s heavy-lidded, glazed stare. She could sense he struggled to sustain his already weak control.

  “Ah, Jewel, I’m a lucky man.” He drew her face down to his and kissed her lovingly, despite the almost brutal position she found herself in. “You’re so sexy, so full of genuine passion and fire.”

  “Vince,” she spoke against his mouth in a whisper. “Are you ready? Because I am. As soon as you both move one centimeter, I’m a goner.”

  “Ready?” He chuckled, fighting to hold onto his restraint. “I already came once, as soon as you slammed yourself down on me. Now I’m lying here, and I can feel his cock through you, pressed against mine.” His breath came out ragged as he plundered his tongue into her mouth. “Just knowing it’s turning you on makes me ready to come again, which bears noting that twice in one round without so much as a few strokes, is a record for me.”

  Her vision blurred at his heady words. The clone rained tender kisses on her shoulders and neck, sending delicious ripples of cool-hot fire through her veins. Vince filled his palms with her breasts at the exact moment Luke’s body double reached around and cupped their aching fullness over Vince’s knuckles. Four hands moved over her flesh, her torso, her hips and breasts, stoking the flames in unison. It reached an intensity she’d never experienced before. Her pussy dribbled out juice around Vince’s cock, while her ass gloved the other man’s penis to the hilt. She could smell the mixed scent of both the man she loved and the man who was there only for her pleasure. Longing for a sample of Luke’s flavor before she gave in to the insanity of bliss, she turned her head and reached for his neck. Drawing him down to her, she tasted wine and sweet mixed fruit. Hungry for both men, she pulled him further down so that Vince could kiss her at the same time. Three tongues dueled in a flurry of passion.


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