The Wedding Gift

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The Wedding Gift Page 9

by Judy Kentrus

  Mid afternoon, the crowd had dwindled, but most would be back to attend the concert. Jack’s Pizzeria had donated pizza to the Santa’s village workers. Cindi had just replenished the trays of cookies and stepped outside the cottage when she spotted the smiling faces of the three little girls who had agreed to be in the wedding. Their fathers were best friends, and this past summer the three girls had dubbed themselves the Wishing Sisters.

  “Miss Cindi, we are so happy to be here,” cried seven-year-old Susan Landis, giving Cindi a hug. “I promised Mommy and Daddy I would be on my best behavior.”

  “Did you make the same promise?” Cindi asked Vicky, Susan’s sister, and gave her a hug. These two didn’t have to look for trouble. They drew trouble like a magnet. The blond beauties had blossomed the past few months, and their father better be prepared to fight off the male population.

  Vicky spread the front of her white Sherpa jacket. The green trim matched her leggings. “Our tops have a Christmas tree on the front. If you push this little button, the lights blink on and off. We brought one for Edie, too. Mommy got us white boots with the fur around the top just for today.” Vicky suddenly remembered Cindi’s question. “Susan is the one who gets us in trouble.”

  The two could pass for twins with their long blond hair and slight build, but one would never know they were stepsisters. Their parents had met under very unusual circumstances, and their initial introduction had never been revealed to their children. It would cause untold embarrassment.

  “That is why you have been dubbed Trouble and Double Trouble. This time of year, Santa checks his list for those who deserve coal in their stockings.”

  Edith Amanda adjusted her headband with light-up antlers and pursed her lips. She was ten years old and recently questioned if all this Santa stuff was real, but then again, she never believed in ghosts until she’d met one this past summer in the basement of Trinity Church. “Miss Cindi, do you really believe Santa has a naughty list?”

  Cindi wasn’t surprised by Edie’s question. Lincoln and Jessie’s daughter was extremely bright and mature for her age. From the skepticism in her voice, it was evident Edie had a wavering disbelief in Santa Claus. It was time to “do a good deed for a friend in need” and put some doubt in Edie’s disbelief. “I hate to burst your bubble, but I recently held the top spot on the naughty list.”

  As anticipated, the three Wishing Sisters stared up at her in disbelief.

  “Honest?” Edie asked.

  “You don’t believe me? I can prove it.”

  Preston chose that moment to come out of the house. When a sexy whistle rent the air, he glowered at the Grinch and turned his attention to Edie, Susan, and Vicky. “I thought I heard my three favorite girls out here.” He gave each one a kiss on the cheek and a chocolate-dipped pretzel rod. “I love your light-up antlers. All set for next week?”

  “We’re cool with what you need us to do,” Edie said, and gave Preston a high five. “It’s going to be the best wedding ever, except for when Mommy and Daddy got married.” Only the three girls had seen the ghosts in the Trinity Church balcony.

  “Oh, thank you,” Vicky said. “We made these in Girl Scouts. Our troop visited a nursing home and we handed out pretzel goodie bags to the old people. Some of them didn’t smell good, and all they wanted to do was kiss us on the cheek.”

  Susan moved to stand next to Preston. “You look great in your costume. I know Santa has lots of elves helping him, but I’ll bet you are the first Santa’s elf to have pros…” Susan hesitated, unsure of how to pronounce the rest of the word. “You know, a special leg. Edie told us you are a hero and saved her daddy’s life.”

  Preston gave her a big smile and a gentlemanly bow. “I am truly honored to be one of Santa’s helpers, and the word is prosthesis.” Before Cindi, Preston would never have found himself in a position to openly discuss his disability, let alone wear tights that accentuated his prosthesis in a public place. She’d saved his life.

  Victoria still wanted an answer about the naughty list, and stared up at Preston with crystal-blue eyes. “Since you are one of Santa’s helpers, you can’t lie, right?”

  Preston inwardly braced himself. He’d heard horror stories from their father and uncle about the questions these girls had asked. He put a hand to Vicky’s shoulder, but addressed all three girls. “Absolutely. You should always tell the truth, even if it hurts. Once you get it out, your heart will feel better.”

  Cindi knew where this was heading, and wished she could give him a heads-up. She stepped closer and slipped a supporting arm around his waist.

  “Was Cindi ever on the naughty list?”

  Preston avoided all eye contact with his future wife and somehow managed to keep his serious face in place. “Absolutely! She’s made the list a number of times. Just yesterday, she was very naughty and was number one on the list.”

  Edith Amanda looked to Cindi for confirmation. “Really?”

  For one of the few times in her life, Cindi Pearl Sullivan was speechless. There was Santa’s naughty, and then there was naughty, naughty. She was guilty of both, and it was all her incredibly sexy future husband’s fault! Cindi breathed a sigh of relief when Susan spoke up.

  “He has to tell the truth. Preston is one of Santa’s guys.”

  “What did she do?” Edith Amanda still wasn’t convinced.

  “She was very naughty.” A delightful memory shone in his eyes. “Just last night she—” Preston never finished because of the hand clamped over his mouth.

  “Where are your mother and father?” Cindi quickly asked, ignoring the embarrassing hotness in her cheeks.

  “They dropped us off and went to look for a parking spot. Uncle Russell and Aunt Alexis were right behind us. They brought the triplets.”

  “And where are your mother and father?” Cindi asked Edie.

  “I came early because I have to play piano with the school band. The boy who was supposed to play is sick. Mommy had to stop at police headquarters and Daddy had to speak to one of the detectives about a sneaky character, whatever that means.”

  Preston didn’t react to the last of her statement, not wanting to give Cindi additional worries. As an official courtesy, Lincoln had decided to bring the Laurel Heights detective squad into the now official investigation into Thomas Leland’s illegal activities, since it involved two of the residents. He looked away from the pretty, smiling faces and spotted Trouble and Double Trouble’s parents pushing a twin baby carriage. Scott wore his favorite red and black check woodcutter’s jacket. Julie walked alongside her handsome husband. Her slenderizing navy jeans were tucked into black leather boots. The two-inch heels gave a slight lift to her much shorter height. She’d tucked a spray of holly with red berries into her curly auburn hair. Comical reindeer danced across the front of her Christmas-green Polartec jacket.

  They were followed by the Longs, pushing a carriage that accommodated their fifteen-month-old triplets. Russell and his wife, a former fashion model, were almost the same height, and could have stepped off the cover of a world-class magazine cover. They, too, had met under very unusual circumstances, and planned to tell their children when they were older. Russell’s golden blond hair was in direct contrast to Alexis’s long black hair. He favored custom-made cowboy boots and western-cut jeans and shirts. Despite having triplets, Alexis retained her willowy body, presently poured into a red one-piece bodysuit and a waist-skimming snowball-white fleece jacket. Both claimed that being parents was the best thing that had ever happened to them, other than falling in love with each other.

  “Perfect timing!” Preston shook hands with the two men who would be ushers in the wedding.

  “I am so glad you could make it.” Cindi greeted them with warm hugs and kisses. She lowered to her knees and kissed Joshua and then Anna. Their eyes were brown, like their father’s, but they had Julie’s auburn hair. They laughed, showing their teeth, and immediately reached for the ball on her hat. “Santa is going to love you two.”

  “They are eighteen-month-old hellions. They’d like nothing better than to be free of this carriage and attack those fake presents,” Julie said, lowering the zippers on the front of their puffy quilted jackets. Underneath they wore coveralls decorated with frolicking reindeer.

  Alexis returned Cindi’s warm greeting. “Are you ready for next week?”

  “Just about. I can’t believe how big Cole, Garrett, and Mary Jane have grown.”

  “They’re almost fifteen months and give us so much joy.”

  Susan and Vicky had had enough of this adult talk, and circled their father. “Daddy, did you know that Santa puts adults on the naughty list?” Susan loudly asked.

  “Who told you that?”

  “Cindi. Preston said she was naughty, especially last night, and he can’t lie because he is one of Santa’s helpers.”

  Scott’s head popped up and he zeroed in on Preston, then Cindi. Her cheeks were as red as her dress. “It must be true, then.” He gave a contemplative nod and rubbed the bottom of his jaw with his fingers. “Now that you mention the naughty list, your mother has been on the list quite a number of times.”

  Julie turned a murderous eye on her husband. That was the last time she’d order his favorite edible body cream. “You know, men can also be placed on the naughty list, and you know what happens?”

  Scott looked to his friends for advice, but found no help. Their eyes danced with merriment and their lips were tight from suppressed grins.

  “I don’t have a clue, but I’m sure you will tell me, since you are familiar with the list.”

  “Their punishment isn’t coal in their stocking. They have to sleep on the couch.”

  Scott loved his wife dearly, and leaned in close to whisper, “Our couch is wide enough for two.”

  Russell, the peacekeeper, pushed the carriage with his triplets toward Santa. “I think it’s time we livened up Santa’s day and introduced him to our youngest troublemakers.”

  No one argued. The three girls raced toward the almost vacant line to visit Santa, followed by the carriage brigade.

  By four thirty, Santa’s village shut down for the day. For the North Pole workers, it had been an exhausting, fun-filled day. Santa used the excuse he had to get back to the North Pole, but would be back next Saturday. People lingered and others strolled down the walking path, enjoying the beauty of the lights, relishing the joy of the season.

  Preston closed the door on Mrs. Claus’s kitchen. They’d handed out every cookie and treat and had to refill the urns four times. He took Cindi’s hand and walked a short distance to one of the park benches. “I don’t know about you, but being an elf is exhausting. It would be perfectly all right if I never ate another cookie or poured another cup of hot chocolate.”

  “Hush your mouth! That is sacrilegious. No one ever gets tired of cookies and hot chocolate.” She lifted his arm, made herself comfortable against his side, and sighed. “Do you realize this time next week we’ll be husband and wife?”

  “The thought never left my mind. To be precise, that will be.” Preston lifted his arm to check the hourly countdown on his watch. “Exactly one hundred sixty-four hours.”

  “What do you say we go home, ditch these costumes, and do something to earn a spot on the naughty list?”

  Before Preston could heartily agree with her suggestion, Clyde Thornton lumbered up the path, still in his Grinch costume, and took up the vacant spot beside Preston. “Do you know how many people have seen the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas? One little kid told me my heart is full of unwashed socks and my soul is full of gunk. Supposedly my brain is full of spiders. Another kid advised I shouldn’t be bad or Santa would put me on the naughty list.”

  The landscaper was confused when Cindi and Preston burst out laughing.

  “Apparently it was something I said, but you won’t be laughing when I tell you he showed up this afternoon.”

  Preston immediately sobered and his blood ran cold. Cindi’s body stiffened against his side, and he tightened his hold on her. “Anything special you observed?”

  “He showed up with a little girl. While she sat on Santa’s lap, he kept watching Miss Cindi pass out the cookies and drinks. He pulled out his cell phone and I got a little closer. He told the person on the other end that everything was working out exactly as planned. Then they left.”

  “He didn’t refer to this person by name?”

  “No. Whatever this person said made him smile. Wish I could tell you more.”

  “Thanks, Clyde. You did great. We really appreciate you keeping an eye out for this guy. If you see him around town, call me or Mr. Adams.”

  “Did someone mention my name?”

  Cindi and Preston looked up to see Lincoln Adams approaching the bench. He wasn’t alone. Russell, Scott, and Sam Morlock stood beside him, grinning like banshees. “Prepare to say goodbye to bachelorhood.” Scott held out a black plastic ball and chain and shackled it to Preston’s left ankle.

  The groom-to-be was thoroughly confused. “I thought we were going to watch a game tonight?”

  “Oh, we are, but you won’t be back until tomorrow. Tonight we’re flying to New York to watch the game in person. After that, it’s dinner at your favorite steakhouse. We’ll all get a little drunk and spend the night in one of Adams Security’s corporate hotel suites.”

  “You’re kidnapping me wearing an elf costume?”

  Russell shrugged a shoulder. “If we get stopped, we’ll tell the police we caught one of Santa’s elves test-driving the sleigh and accidentally landed on top of our copter.”

  Preston turned his head to meet Cindi’s laughing face. “Did you know about this?”

  “Absolutely. Who do you think made all of the arrangements? And I didn’t order a stripper. You will find a change of clothes in the company helicopter.”

  Preston lifted his leg with the lightweight ball and chain. “There’s no escaping now. What are you going to do this evening?”

  “Go home, have a glass of wine, and read Judy Kentrus’ latest romance novel.”

  All of the men burst out laughing.

  Chapter 9

  Cindi had no idea what was going on. Samantha had sent her a text. After you get home and change your clothes, come to the house. She took a quick shower and put on a comfortable pair of jeans and her purple sweatshirt. She’d barely set foot in the kitchen when her best friend said, “Don’t take off your coat or ask any questions. We’re going out.”

  She got in the passenger seat of Samantha’s Jeep Wrangler and waited until they were headed down the country road that led directly to Laurel Heights before she asked any questions. “I’m not dressed to go someplace fancy. I barely had time to run a brush through my hair, which is still damp. Where are we going?”

  “To have some fun! After the week you’ve had, you deserve to let your hair down.”

  “This is Laurel Heights we’re talking about. The only place open is the Roadhouse, and I’m not in the mood to return there anytime soon.”

  “We’re not going there. Trust me. No one is going to get arrested, not with a Laurel Heights police lieutenant and the mayor in attendance. No more questions.”

  At least she’d be with friends. Cindi closed her eyes and leaned back against the headrest, recalling how the men had laughed when she said she was going to spend the evening reading a good book. Preston had joined right in, so that meant he knew what was going to happen. She couldn’t get mad, because she’d helped the men take him to New York. He’d sent a text when they arrived: Heading for game but would rather be home with you doing something naughty. Have fun with the girls. I love you. One hundred sixty hours until you become my wife.

  The Spoonful was dark when they pulled up to the rear entrance and parked between Jessie’s SUV and Suzie Q’s delivery van. The back entrance was unlocked, and Samantha purposely slammed the door to signal their arrival.

  Cindi followed blindly through the neat, closed kitchen, into the silent din
ing area. “Since when did Sallie Mae offer nighttime entertainment and frivolity?”

  “Since now!” Samantha slid open the double doors. The interior lights came on and everyone shouted, “Surprise!”

  Cindi was overwhelmed when she stepped into the private eating area. The richly decorated room that could have passed for speakeasy back in the day had been transformed into a den of iniquity. The tables formed a horseshoe and were draped with purple and white tablecloths. A banner on the back wall read Cindi’s Naughty and Nice Shower. Two tables had been placed along the wall and were laden with an assortment of small cakes and fruit. Bottles of champagne flanked a huge bowl of eggnog and small, foil-covered chocolate bottles of flavored liqueurs. The balloon centerpieces were mouth-dropping. Each pastel penis was cradled by two smaller balloons, creating the obvious. From the theme they’d chosen, Cindi couldn’t begin to imagine what else they had in mind.

  “I never expected anything like this.” She placed a hand over her racing heart and smiled at each of her very close friends. Julie, Alexis, Jessie, Margaret, Sallie Mae, Suzie, and Lisa Kay. All were wearing purple shirts with the words Cindi’s Naughty and Nice Shower! The exclamation point was in the form of an exaggerated penis. Her eyes widened when she spotted her future sister-in-law, Jennie Reynolds.

  “When did you get here? I thought you were arriving on Tuesday.”

  “This morning. We wanted to surprise you.” Jennie kissed Cindi on the cheek and gave her a loving hug. “Lincoln had one of the Adams security guards pick me up from the airport and bring me to Henry Long’s campground. The cabins are so quaint. I wouldn’t mind living in one full-time. It was wonderful of him to make them available for wedding guests.”


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