Trapped in the Circus of Fear

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Trapped in the Circus of Fear Page 4

by R. L. Stine

  Go on to PAGE 31.

  You decide to hide. You’re sure Richie will come looking for you. Then you can escape together.

  But where should you hide? You glance around quickly — and spot the clown car.

  Hmmm, you think. That ought to be a good hiding place.

  And besides, you’ve always wanted to see inside a clown car. To find out how they fit so many clowns inside such a small space.

  You hurry over to the little car. It’s painted bright yellow, with a siren on top.

  You open the door. It’s dark inside. You can’t see anything as you creep in.

  “Ouch!” a voice cries.

  Watch your step on PAGE 71.

  For an instant, your eyes burn fiercely.

  Mistake, you think. This was a horrible mistake.

  But then you feel a strange sensation of power. It shoots from your eyeballs to your brain.

  I don’t want to dance anymore, you think.

  Instantly, your feet stop moving. Yes! It works!

  You feel so powerful! Suddenly you know that anything you want, anything you think, will come true!

  “You don’t belong in a circus,” you shout at Mistress Barbarous. “You belong in a zoo!”

  Without doing anything else, you simply stare at her and imagine her as an ape.


  “Nooooo!” she cries as the purple beam hits her. In a split second, she is transformed into a large, hairy gorilla.

  “Wow!” you exclaim, your mouth gaping open. “Cool!”

  You take the pendant from the ape’s hand. Then you turn your purple gaze on Ramon. “Stop playing,” you command.

  Ramon drops his bow, exhausted.

  “What are you going to do with the pendant?” he asks nervously.

  Make up your mind on PAGE 50.


  You should have ducked!

  “Ooooohh,” Richie cries, turning his eyes away.

  He can’t stand to look at you. You’re pinned to the board like a butterfly in a science project.

  “That’s it, Morton,” Mistress Barbarous says with a sigh to the knife thrower. “You have the worst aim I’ve ever seen. You’re fired.”

  Too bad for Morton.

  But it’s much worse for you!


  The flashing knife reminds you that you’re in terrible trouble. Here’s what you’re up against:

  1) Morton the Knife Thrower is trying to kill you.

  2) The twin trapeze artists are lurking above.

  3) Geyorg the Clown wants to crunch you.

  4) The lions are waiting to tear you to shreds.

  You’ve got problems! You’d better think fast and decide what to do.

  Should you jump off the trampoline? On the floor you’ll be able to use the whip on the animals — and on the knife thrower, too.

  Or should you keep bouncing on the trampoline and try to bounce so high that you’re out of reach? You see an empty trapeze above you. Maybe you can reach it….

  THWAP! The knives keep coming! Hurry!

  To keep bouncing, turn to PAGE 91.

  If you think you can handle the lions, turn to PAGE 7.

  You’re one of the fastest kids you know. You’re fast, real fast.

  “Later, guys!” you cry. “I’ll try to come back for you!”

  You glance over at Mr. Peepers.

  “That way!” he instructs you, pointing to the other end of the sideshow tent.

  You take off like lightning. But as you burst through the tent flaps into the sunshine, you hear a man’s voice behind you. Calling.

  “Hey, kid! Wait up! That was amazing! I clocked you at two-point-three seconds for that sprint! A world record!”

  The voice sounds friendly.

  “Come back!” he calls. “I can make you a star!”

  Hmmm …

  If you go back to the sideshow, turn to PAGE 10.

  If you keep running, turn to PAGE 37.

  “Ssshhhh! Stop screaming. It’s all right,” a voice murmurs in your ear.

  “Huh? What happened? Where am I?” you croak, opening your eyes.

  “You’re home in bed, of course,” your mom tells you. “But you’ve got to wake up. It’s time to get ready for your week at the circus. Remember?”

  Oh, no, you think. This was all just a dream?

  You shudder.

  Man, oh, man. If that was just a dream, you can’t imagine how scary the real thing will be!

  “I changed my mind. I think I’ll just stay home,” you tell your mom.

  And that’s exactly what you do in


  “Ah, here’s the switch!” Mistress Barbarous exclaims.

  CLICK! Bright lights illuminate the sideshow.

  You choke back a terrified scream.

  Your hand is clutching the tail of a giant lizard with the face of a boy! You’re touching one of the sideshow freaks!

  You drop the tail in disgust.

  “I see you’ve met the Lizard Boy!” Mistress Barbarous chuckles. “I’m sure you two will become good friends!”

  The crazy thing is: He looks sort of familiar.

  The whole tent is filled with freaky kids!

  There’s a girl with five tongues. She can’t even close her mouth! The five tongues flop out onto her chin. It’s so gross!

  Next to her is a dog girl. She has the body of a girl but the head of a dog! And instead of fingers she has paws!

  “Run!” the Lizard Boy warns you. “Run — or she’ll turn you into a freak, just like us!”

  “Shut up!” Barbarous shouts at the Lizard Boy. “Shut up or I’ll make you into a pair of lizard-skin boots!”

  Go on to PAGE 20.

  You turn to race toward the exit. You’ve got to get out of the way before the slime guy drops down!

  But you freeze in your tracks.

  Mistress Barbarous is standing by the exit. She’s talking to one of the circus performers. Probably telling him to be on the lookout for you!

  If she spots you, you’re dead.

  “Pssst!” From above, you hear the guy on the perch.

  “It’s me, Richie!” he calls down in a loud whisper. “Come hide with me!”

  You see a ladder leading up to the platform. You could climb it and hide with your friend.

  But maybe you should just make a run for it. You don’t want to be in this creepy circus for one minute longer!

  Make up your mind — before Mistress Barbarous sees you!

  To climb up and hide with Richie, turn to PAGE 23.

  To run past Mistress Barbarous, turn to PAGE 36.

  “AAAAAHH-CHOO!” the Great Bostini cries.

  His head snaps forward in a great convulsive sneeze. His mouth opens wide enough for a television to fit inside.

  Then it chomps closed with a terrible snap.

  Unfortunately, it snaps shut … on you! His teeth close around your neck, biting your head right off.

  He swallows your head in one gulp. But there’s one part he doesn’t like. Your ears!

  He burps them up.

  “Perfect,” Mistress Barbarous coos as she enters the sideshow tent. She uses her magic powers to stick the ears onto the sides of your neck. Now you have no head, but you can hear everything just fine.

  “We have a new attraction for the sideshow,” Mistress Barbarous announces. “The Eerie Ear-ie Kid!”


  You think quickly about the stuff you brought to the circus.

  None of it seems like something this crazed ringmistress would want. You’re not going to be able to make a deal with her.

  There’s only one thing you can think of to do: Scream your head off!

  “Help me!” you scream. “Somebody come quick!”

  A second later, a bulky, muscular man with a huge mustache rushes into the sideshow.

  “What’s going on?” he asks, scowling at Mistress Barbarous.

  The sound of his voice makes her j
ump. And she drops you into the jar!

  It’s awful. The stinky goop covers your whole body. Ugh!

  “Nothing, Janos,” Mistress Barbarous snaps. “I just hired a new person for the sideshow, that’s all.”

  “No, she didn’t!” you shout from the jar. “She didn’t hire me! She kidnapped me! I want out of here!”

  “Barbarous, are you up to your old tricks?” Janos demands.

  “Back off!” Mistress Barbarous snarls. She pulls out a carved jade pendant on a cord from inside her blouse.

  “No!” Janos cries. “Please, not the pendant!”

  See what happens on PAGE 78.

  You brought bananas from home. Luckily, you stuck one in your pocket.

  You can barely speak, because the giant clown is choking you. But you reach into your pocket and pull out the banana.

  You toss it to the pudgy clown.

  “Just a banana?” the clown complains. “No chocolate?”

  “You said you’d help,” you choke out.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Mr. Peepers peels the banana, eats it, and tosses the peel to the ground in front of the huge, evil clown.

  “Hey, look at me!” Mr. Peepers yells. Then he deliberately steps on the peel. He slips and lands with a dramatic SPLAT!

  “Ha-ha!” the huge clown laughs, letting go of your throat.

  You fall to the ground, gasping for air.

  You’re so psyched that you’re free!

  But then the huge clown takes a step forward and slips on the banana peel himself.

  “Whoops!” he cries in delight, falling.

  Falling … falling … falling your way!

  Try to dodge him on PAGE 87.

  The woman in the pink leotard swings toward you. “I’m Susan the Human Snake,” she calls in a sweet voice.

  When she comes within a few feet of you, she reaches out.

  Thank goodness, you think. She’s going to help you!

  Help you get away from the clown …

  You start to take her hand. But as you lean out, she grabs your ankles instead!

  An instant later, she lets her whole body drop so that she’s hanging on to the bottom of your legs. Her weight drags at you.

  You were having trouble holding on to Geyorg before.

  Now you’re doomed!

  “Ahhh!” you cry. “Get off me!”

  You try to kick her loose. But she holds on tight, laughing.

  Your hands ache from clutching the clown’s costume so tightly. What are you going to do?

  Then you remember: You brought some stuff from home.

  But will any of it help you now?

  If you brought the ball of twine, turn to PAGE 41.

  If you don’t have the twine, turn to PAGE 122.

  Something horrible is going to happen, you realize.

  But what?

  Mistress Barbarous reaches for the large green jade pendant she wears around her neck. She lifts the pendant in one hand and takes out a small, ancient-looking mirror with the other.

  A chill of dread creeps up your spine. That pendant is dangerous. You’re sure of it!

  You raise your whip, ready to snap it and knock the pendant and mirror out of Barbarous’s hands.

  But right then, one of the lions crouches, tail lashing. He’s about to spring at you!

  Now you’ve got two targets! But which is more dangerous? The lion — or Mistress Barbarous?

  You have one split second to decide!

  If you crack the whip at the lion, turn to PAGE 121.

  If you crack the whip at Mistress Barbarous, turn to PAGE 128.

  You freeze. Panicked.

  You’ve just stepped on someone. But who?

  “Get off my foot!” the voice in the clown car says.

  Hey! You recognize that voice.

  “Richie?” you ask.

  “Yeah!” he cries. “I’m so glad you found me! I was just hiding here, hoping you would come!”

  “Excellent!” you exclaim. “Let’s get out of here!”

  You reach for the handle. But before Richie can answer you, the car door flies open, and a clown climbs in.

  Then another clown.

  And another, and another, and another …

  “Ouch!” Richie screams as you and he are squashed against the back of the car.

  “Hey, get out!” you cry. “There’s not enough room!”

  But the clowns don’t listen to you. They keep coming and coming and coming.

  They call clown makeup “pancake makeup.”

  Now you know why — you’re squashed as flat as a pancake, and you wish you could make up another ending to this story!


  Wild, loud circus music starts to play.

  Spotlights sweep across the circus rings. You’re afraid to move a muscle.

  Then the clown car speeds into the center ring, almost running you down.

  Your heart starts hammering when you see the first clown step out of the car. It’s the clown who can stretch his body!

  His name is written on his shirt: GEYORG THE CLOWN.

  Geyorg stretches his arms out long, grabbing you by the shoulders. Then he stretches his legs!

  Up, up he goes. Lifting you up with him.

  A moment later, he’s fifteen feet tall. And you’re dangling in midair!

  “Don’t drop me!” you plead with him.

  “Ha-ha-ha!” he roars with laughter.

  You cling to his costume so you won’t fall.

  Hold on tight until you reach PAGE 96.

  “Thanks a lot,” you tell Sara. “But I’m looking for my friend right now. Maybe later.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” she says. As she turns away, you glimpse something flickering out of the corner of her mouth.

  It looks like a forked tongue!

  You probably just made a very good choice!

  You hurry on through the crowds of circus people. Leaving the backstage tent, you find yourself in the clowns’ dressing room. It’s strangely quiet as you step inside.

  “Richie?” you call out softly. No answer.

  There are no clowns in sight. The little clown car sits empty off to the side. Dressing tables with mirrors and lights line the sides of the tent. This is where the clowns put on their makeup.

  Richie’s not in here, you think. Where should I look now?

  You’re trying to decide when you hear a voice over the microphone system. It’s Mistress Barbarous!

  “Attention, staff,” she says. “Our two young visitors are lost. Keep your eyes open. Bring them to me if you spot them!”

  Your throat tightens up when you hear that. Now everyone in the whole circus will be looking for you!

  Decide what to do on PAGE 19.

  You didn’t bring the bullwhip.

  No way are you going to let go and drop to the floor where those lions are waiting!

  Not without a whip of some sort.

  You hold on tight. Tighter. Praying that Geyorg the Clown can’t shake you off and make you fall.

  But suddenly you have something else to worry about.

  One of the women in pink leotards swings toward you on a rope. You glance at her costume — and see a cobra sewn on the front. In black sequins.

  Does that ring a bell?

  If you’ve met the twin sisters before, you’ll know whether you can trust this twin. If not, you’ll have to guess.

  If you trust this twin, take her hand on PAGE 69.

  If you don’t trust her, turn to PAGE 32.

  No way are you going to stick around and get stuck!

  “Yikes!” you cry as you leap away from the board.

  THWAP! The knife pierces the wooden target. Stabbing it right through the heart!

  “Whoa!” Richie cries.

  What kind of circus is this? If you hadn’t moved you’d be dead!

  “Richie, let’s get out of here!” you yell. “Come on!”

  You and Richie race toward the closest exit. It’s a slit in
the tent flaps.

  “Catch them!” Mistress Barbarous screams over the microphone. “Don’t let them get away!”

  You and Richie dash out of the main tent and into a large backstage tent. Costumes and pieces of circus equipment are scattered on the floor.

  “What’s going on?” Richie cries. He shoots you a terrified glance. “Are they trying to kill us or what?”

  “I don’t know!” you yell. “But look out!”

  A clown car is barreling straight at you.

  Trying to run you down.

  “Jump!” you shout. “Out of the way!”

  Dodge the clown car on PAGE 94.

  Pietro laughs when he sees the horrified look on your face.

  “No, no.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, it’s not dangerous. Here’s what will happen: You’ll lead a parade of clowns, unicyclists, and animals out into the ring.”

  “Okay,” you say cautiously. “Sounds easy so far.”

  “Good,” Pietro exclaims. “Then you’ll start to run. The clowns won’t be able to keep up, so they’ll fall all over the place acting goofy.

  “Here’s the tricky part,” he continues. “The lions, tigers, and unicyclists chase you. You’ll run faster and faster, looking over your shoulder like you’re scared! Finally, you run away and head backstage. What do you think? Want to be in the show?”

  “Yeah!” you exclaim. It sounds like fun!

  “But what about Mistress Barbarous?” you ask. “She’s been out to get me ever since I got here!”

  Turn to PAGE 131.

  The Great Bostini’s horrible lion teeth snap in the air, inches from your nose.

  “Ahhhh!” you scream.

  Panic fills you. You kick at Bostini. He’s enormous — nearly seven feet tall! His long black hair is greased back.

  Bostini roars again, baring his deadly teeth.

  It’s terrifying!


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