His Dakota Captive

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His Dakota Captive Page 23

by Jenna Kernan

  The sight of him, half-dressed, frozen with that look of longing upon his face, did something to her insides. Her fingers grew clumsy as she struggled with the hook and eyes that closed her skirt. Finally it gaped enough for her to draw it down over the petticoats, which she removed one by one. They sat side by side on the log, he removing his moccasins and she removing hers. They placed them side by side as if they rested beneath their wedding bed, instead of beside an old rotting log.

  Unbidden, her mind cast back to her wedding night with Eagle Dancer and her eyes pinched closed at the rush of dread and the shame of that coupling. Some of her ardor drained away.

  Sky knelt before her, his hand upon her knee, just below the laced hem of her bloomer. His thumb moved in tiny circular strokes, but crept no higher. She opened her eyes to see him gazing up at her, his features now a mask of concern.

  “Shadows of the past,” she whispered.

  He nodded his understanding.

  “They leap upon you when you least expect them, like wildcats on a rock ledge.” His smile was gentle and he showed no hint of disgruntlement at her admission. “I do not think they will go away, but perhaps if we fill our minds with other things, they will have no place to perch.”

  She squeezed his hand and nodded her approval of this.

  His thumb swirled over the skin on the back of her hand. “Lucie, I know you have been a wife, but you have never been my wife. It will be different with us.”

  She nodded, knowing in her heart that he was right, that this was right. She stroked his face and he pressed his jaw into her palm—her mind now full of him. Then she reached for the ribbon tying her chemise and dragged the cord until the bow released. The fabric gaped. Sky’s hands spanned her waist and he leaned forward to kiss the flesh she had revealed. Another tug and another knot slipped free. Sky followed the path down between her breasts to her navel, dipping his tongue into this shallow pool. Lucie trembled with anticipation as she slid her shoulders from the chemise. The cool air felt frosty on the wet trail he had blazed down the center of her body and her stomach twitched with delight as his tongue danced a circular path about her abdomen.

  Sky captured her hand and brought her down upon the blanket. She lifted her hips to allow him to draw away her underthings. He crouched back on his heels to stare down at her, stretched out before him in the blue starlight. She was no longer embarrassed or afraid, for she felt truly beautiful and capable of pleasing him. The look in his eyes spoke of appreciation and a reverence that made her feel cherished.

  “I’ve never seen a more lovely sight,” he whispered.

  She stretched out a hand. “Come…husband.”

  A smile flickered on his lips. He stood and shucked out of his trousers as if they were on fire, giving her the most tantalizing glimpse of his slim, muscular haunches before dropping down beside her and covering her body with his.

  His mouth found her neck. The scraping of his teeth along the sensitive flesh caused her to throw her head back with a groan of pleasure. Sky captured the lobe of her ear and sucked. She closed her eyes to savor the erotic sensations. The rhythmic motion of his mouth stirred her, making her lift her hips against his and she heard him groan at the contact of her thigh to the thick shaft of his arousal. She rubbed against him, but he moved quickly away, gliding down her body to caress her breasts, first using his thumb and then his tongue to awaken her nipples into hard buds of sensation. Her entire body now pulsed and rolled like a wave, anxious to throw itself against the shore. Finally his hands moved lower, discovering what she already knew, that she was wet with wanting.

  So this was what it was like to yearn for a man, to crave his touch. Her body knew these things and, although his fingers had never grazed her skin like this, she recognized his touch. How unshakable was the slow steady throb of wanting.

  She reached for him, no longer content to passively receive what he would give and realized this, too, was different. When she was a young bride, she had waited and braced and endured. Now, she relished the warm velvet of skin that covered the bunching muscles of his biceps and the hollow to the right and left of his hip and the long cord that ran like twin ropes down his back to the firm buttocks.

  His knee slid between her thighs. She needed no urging to open for him, for she was anxious to take him into her body. He held back, surprising her. He was ready for her, the pressing of her body to his told her that much, and her body was wet with the honey of desire.

  His hand brushed her thigh and then toyed with the mat of curls that protected her most private of places. He found the cleft that separated her body. His fingers danced gracefully over her swollen flesh. Her urgency to join with him was halted by the exquisite pleasure of his touch. Her head dropped back and a cry came from her. Her breathing changed to an anxious little panting and her thoughts broke apart. All her being seemed focused on the liquid glide of his fingers over her flesh and with each passing moment the pleasure became more unbearable. She arched and writhed. He stilled her with the pressure of one leg thrown across her belly. His mouth found her throat. He whispered endearments in Lakota as he told her how beautiful she was—and she believed him. His words gave her the confidence to relax into the building wave that threatened to consume her. Sky would take care of her, protect her, love her.

  The wave of sensation within crashed upon the shore, sending rivers of pleasure surging out in all directions. Somewhere deep inside her came the pulsing contraction and she cried out her joy at this gift that her husband had given her. Her body went slack as she fell back into the thick grass mattress beneath their blanket. She could not breathe the air fast enough now. He stroked her forehead and her arm as she lay trembling.

  When she opened her eyes he was there above her, gazing down.

  “My beautiful wife,” he whispered and kissed her.

  She pressed her lips to his, clutching at his hair, to keep him from escaping. Her thigh slid along his until she came to the junction of his legs. She used her thigh to stroke his aroused flesh, causing him to groan. Her seeking fingers encircled him, drawing him closer, guiding him and stroking her wet cleft along his shaft.

  His eyes widened and suddenly she was on her back again. She laughed at the strained expression on his face. She bent her knees, nestling him tighter against her body. He drew back and she guided him.

  He held her hips as he arched, driving into her slick body in one smooth, masterful stroke. Now it was his turn to fight the rising desire. She glanced down at them. The sight of his body moving into hers did something to her insides and she found herself riding another upsurge. Each swift stroke of his body added to the momentum filling her. Faster he moved, with her clenching him tightly with each downward thrust. She arched into the contractions, stilling for an instant as the pleasure crested for the second time, only this was better for she felt her body gripping his, as if taking what he had to give. He gave a hoarse cry and thrust, locking them together in a moment of mutual bliss. The swelling pleasure receded her and she sank to the earth. Sky fell upon her a moment later, pressing her down, blanketing her with his warm, moist body.

  It took great effort to lift her arm, but she succeeded, stroking his head as it nestled on her breast. His lips moved and he kissed her. They lay entwined until the night breeze chilled them. She shivered and he moved, instantly, rolling her up in the blanket and pulling her tight to his body. This was what it was like, then, to love and be loved. She smiled and nestled closer. He rubbed her back until the chill was gone.

  “That was wonderful,” she said.

  He squeezed her tighter in response.

  She gazed up at him, seeing the satisfaction glimmer in his eyes.

  “I never knew.”

  He smiled. “Neither did I.”

  “You didn’t?” She did not attempt to keep the astonishment from her voice.

  “Lucie, I have laid with women, but I have never loved one. It changes everything.”

  Now it was her turn to glow with s
atisfaction. “Yes, everything.”

  He stroked her forearm. “You’re pale as starlight.”

  “Not the sort of woman you had planned to have as a wife?”

  He made a sound that was neither affirmation or denial. “I have not thought to have a wife for many years. Not since I left the tribe. But when I was younger I thought of it.”

  “What did you imagine?”

  “Well.” He stopped and shook his head.

  She poked him in the ribs. “Tell me.”

  He drew a long, steady breath and then nodded. “I thought I would not be a warrior’s first choice for his daughter. Three or four ponies wouldn’t do. I knew I would need more and I was too young for raiding. So I learned to sing to the wild mustangs.”

  “I’ve heard you singing.”

  “Have you? In my song, I tell them of the new life they will have and how they are needed, because they are brave and strong. How we could not survive without them. And they listen. My first horse came to me in that way and many more since then. They come because they choose to come.”

  She sat up. “Wild horses?”

  He nodded.

  “I’d like to see that.”

  “You will.” He tucked her back against his side. “So, I imagined a day when I would tie a string of fifty horses outside her father’s lodge. A gift so large, her father might overlook that I was not the ideal son-in-law, but prove I could provide well for a wife. Her mother would come out and say, ‘What is this?’ and run to get her husband. His jaw would drop open as he stared at the riches and then he would lead the horses to his pasture, accepting the dowry. Then my bride, well, she would know I value her above all else.”

  Lucie felt her insides go soft.

  “But what about the girl? What did you imagine she would look like?”

  Sky laughed. “I was so busy catching horses, I never thought about that.”

  Lucie did not know how else to ask her question.

  He lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. “If you are asking if I wanted a Lakota woman, the answer is yes. As a boy, I did. As a man, I decided I did not deserve the happiness of having a wife.”

  “Until now.” She rested her head on his chest and hugged him.

  He stroked her head. “I couldn’t have imagined a woman like you, Lucie. I never expected this kind of happiness could be mine.”

  Lucie fell asleep with Sky petting her head and back in long rhythmic strokes, filled with a happiness she had not felt in years.

  In the morning, they broke camp before dawn and crept through the cover of the juniper and sage, down to the cottonwood and willow that lined the bank. They continued into the morning, keeping clear of the open area and seeing no more soldiers.

  For the next several days they traveled hard, taking short rests of an hour or two at best and then more riding. The horses were losing weight faster than she was, but Sky was determined to put them out of the reach of the army.

  She saw no signs of pursuit. On the fifteenth day of their odyssey Sky stopped beside the river they had been following for days.

  “What?” Lucie asked.

  “The water in this river is running east.”

  She nodded, her tired brain finding no significance to this.

  “Eagle Dancer told me once that the People would run all the way to where the river turned east to escape the soldier. This is that place. We’ve made it.”



  Sky dismounted and pulled Lucie off her horse. She threw her arms about him.

  “We’re safe!” she cried.

  “And no one will separate us again.”

  Lucie’s smile was mischievous. “You haven’t spoken to my parents yet.”

  Sky’s smile dissolved and Lucie laughed.


  It was nearly a year to the day since they reached the Canadian border that Lucie’s father disembarked from the train in Vancouver. Lucie ran forward to meet him, hugging him fiercely. When she opened her eyes it was to see her younger sisters descending the steps. First came Julia, looking tall and lovely in a sky-blue day dress, straw hat and lace gloves. Nelly and Cary nearly knocked her off the steps in their hurry to descend, bounding off the train like foxes in high grass. In the rear came her mother, gripping the hand of her baby brother, Theodore, keeping him from tumbling down the steps.

  Lucie kissed them all. The hugs and kisses she received proved they had missed her, too. She glanced back to see Thomas offer his hand to Sky, but her father’s face remained threatening. She sighed. Her father and mother had protected her all her life. She must make them understand that they had been relieved of duty. But first they would see that she was safe and happy.

  She talked nonstop all the way back in the wagon, telling of their spread and how hard Sky had worked to build the ranch house and fencing. They’d hired several hands, too, and were selling horses as fast as Sky could train them.

  Sarah smiled and Thomas scowled as she extolled the virtues of her husband. She knew they were not happy to have missed her wedding, actually, both of their weddings, since she and Sky had married in the first church they came upon. Nor were they pleased with the reports from David on her part in Sky’s escape.

  At the ranch, she got the children settled in one room, except for Julia, who was already a grown woman and entitled to the privacy of the loft. Her supper was devoured. She was pleased at their appetites, but her siblings’ excitement and the travel took its toll. Nelly nearly dropped off to sleep right at the table and Julia only just stifled a yawn, so Lucie showed her sisters to the loft and then showed her parents the guest room, which Lucie hoped would soon be a nursery, though it was still too early for her to be certain that she was with child. Sarah and Thomas wished them good-night shortly afterward.

  Lucie turned to Sky. “Well?”


  “Did he say anything?”

  Sky nodded.

  Lucie gave him an impatient look.

  Sky quirked an eyebrow as if he did not understand, so she shoved him.

  He chuckled. “He said if I ever hurt you, I’d answer to him.”

  Lucie nodded. “Not so bad.”

  Sky’s smile was sardonic. “But your mother added something about cutting out my liver.”

  Lucie gasped. “She did not!”

  Sky’s look convinced her of the truth of his words.

  “She wouldn’t.” Lucie knew her voice did not hold the confidence she had hoped.

  Sky gave a soft laugh. “She would.”

  Lucie nodded and then led him to bed. “Best keep me happy, then.”

  His smile was knowing as he pulled her down to the bed. She made an effort to be quiet, because of her guests. His lovemaking always helped her sleep, but tonight she was attuned to any noise due to her guests, and that was why she heard Sky rising far earlier than his custom.

  “Where are you going?” she whispered.

  “To the horses.”

  She dropped back to the pillows, intending to only close her eyes for a moment, but as it happened she woke to her mother’s voice.

  “Lucie? Are you awake?”

  She slipped from the bed and quickly donned the nightgown she no longer wore to bed. A moment later she had the door open.

  “I’m sorry, but something odd is happening. Is Sky going to an auction today?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Well.” Her mother glanced back over her shoulder. “I’d better show you.”

  Lucie followed her mother out and saw the line of horses. The first, a fine black mare, was tied to one of the upright beams supporting the porch. Her halter was tied to the following horse. The pattern continued, each to the next. They stretched from the house to the barn and out of sight. Her father stood scratching his head as he stared down the string of ponies. Lucie laughed.

  “What is this?” asked her mother.

  “It’s a gift from Sky to Father. Fifty ponies in ex change for
his daughter.”

  Her mother’s confusion hardened into disapproval. “Christians do not sell their daughters. You should know better, Lucie.”

  Lucie did not let her mother’s censure spoil her de light. Instead she walked forward and stroked the front pony. It was fine and fat, with broad shoulders and a straight spine.

  “It’s my dowry, proof that Sky can provide for me.” She turned to her father. “If you accept them, then you accept our marriage.”

  “But we already have accepted it,” said Sarah.

  Lucie turned and held her mother’s gaze. “Have you?”

  Her mother hesitated only a moment and then nodded. “But the dowry goes to the husband, not the father.”

  “Not in this case,” said Lucie and then turned to her dad. “Do you accept?”

  “It’s too much,” he said.

  “What?” said Sarah, her voice sharp. “Too much for your firstborn?”

  Lucie grinned. “If you agree, then take them to that paddock. It’s empty and by taking them you consent to Sky as your son-in-law.”

  Thomas nodded and untied the first pony from the post. “But what am I going to do with them?”

  Lucie laughed again. “Whatever you like.”

  When all the ponies were in the paddock, Sky appeared atop Falcon. He rode into the yard with an air of authority that made them all straighten. He steered his stallion up to Lucie. She knew what happened next, so she lifted her arms to him. In one smooth motion he scooped her up before him and rode away.

  “But what about breakfast?” called Sarah.

  Lucie peered over Sky’s shoulder. “Start without us!”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6606-7


  Copyright © 2010 by Jeannette H. Monaco

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