All Yours

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All Yours Page 2

by Tory Baker

  Her angelic face, down to her curvaceous figure, she’s built like a woman, one that you aren’t afraid to hold onto. Her body is the kind you can imagine manipulating to not only your pleasure but also hers. Yeah, Kori is definitely the type that won’t break in half and fuck do I love that about her already. Her body is a work of fucking art.

  She’s something else, with her hand engulfed in my own. I want to bring her body in closer, to feel her pressed against me, take in her scent, and I want her lips melded with mine.

  If that makes me a poet, then sign me the fuck up.

  “Hey Kori, you can call me Nate. It’s nice to finally meet you,” my voice comes out with a huskiness that has never been there before.

  She blushes, ducking her head a little bit, and as much as it pains me to take her hand out of mine, I do.

  “Thank you for coming out here. I tried flipping the breaker a couple of times but it kept tripping after a few minutes.” I’m following her to the hallway and fuck, I can see the way her hips sway even in the shapeless sweater she’s wearing. Her legs are meant to be wrapped around my waist as I thrust into her.

  I snap out of my lustful thoughts when we get there, “I’ll take a look and let you know what I think.”

  Bringing in a few of my hand tools and stowing them in my shirt pocket, I pull the screwdriver out and get to work. Looking to see if it’s a fuse or an even bigger problem.

  As I take a look, I don’t expect Kori to still be lingering and watching over what I’m doing, but she hasn’t left. Her eyes are glued to me in every way imaginable. I turn back around and get to my task with a smirk on my face. Yeah, she’s every bit affected as I am.



  Gob smacked, that would be the appropriate word on how I felt when I first laid eyes on Nate. He’s tall, way taller than my five-foot seven stature, probably a good seven inches taller than me. His dark skin, that you can tell he comes by naturally, looks like it has been kissed by the sun, but when he moved his shirt sleeves up, the intricate tattoos he has curving along his inner forearms makes me want to trace each and every one with the tips of my fingers.

  When he was opening the panel and working, I took the time to catalogue everything I could about him. His eyes that were as blue as the ocean on the Gulf Coast, his dark hair that he’s sporting in a messy way, down to the delicious build of his body. He’s not overly muscular, but there’s enough muscle on him to know he works out.

  Nate catches me practically gawking at him and it spurs me into action, “Umm…I guess I’ll let you get to work. If you need me, my office is the second door on the left. I’ll keep the door open, just in case.”

  “Sounds good, I should know something shortly,” he has a grin on his face and I quickly duck my head in shyness.

  “Oh, okay. Uh…that works,” I mumble out and then start heading to my office.

  “Hey Kori?”

  My eyes are down and I’m trying to duck out of this awkward situation as fast as I can, but his question stops me in my tracks.

  “Yes?” I respond.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he winks and then goes back to his work.

  I blow out an exasperated breath, knowing full well I’m in trouble when it comes to Nate, but he just might be the best kind of trouble there is.

  Returning to my office, I plop, yes, plop down so hard it makes the chair spin. I nearly squeal out loud, refraining at the last minute. That’s all I would need is for Nate to see me making a fool out of myself on the first day. Boy, if Colton would have told me just how handsome his uncle was, shoo, I probably would have looked elsewhere.

  I get back into the swing of things and try to lose myself in my work. Only every few minutes my thoughts wander back to Nate. It’s probably pathetic. I just met him, but the way he made me feel when his soulful eyes met mine, I felt the magnetism with a simple touch, and the wink he gave me — add that all together, and I am completely smitten.



  I hated seeing Kori leave me. The view I got when she turned to leave, it was almost worth it. Shit, if Colton would have given me this in with Kori before, I probably would have been to her shelter long before now.

  Now though, now, I’m going to be playing catch up. She’s in my sights and I’m not letting her go.

  I return to my work disassembling the plate cover for the electrical box. I’m hoping it’s something easy and not too expensive. Colton told me the shelter is doing good profit wise, enough to bring him on part-time, but other than that, I don’t know what a place like this takes to maintain, let alone run, on a day to day basis.

  Once I have the panel plate off, I look around at the breakers. It’s rare that only one breaker will trip, but after seeing the outside, I’d say Kori does like to go a little overboard.

  “A-ha,” I mumble out loud, as I see a loose wire that feeds the breaker. I tighten it back up and then put the breaker in the on position. Leaving everything out and in the open, I walk to Kori’s office and knock on her open door, “Hey Kori, you got a minute?”

  “Sure, let me save this really quick,” her eyebrows are furrowed as she’s concentrating on her computer. Fuck, but she’s beautiful.

  “No problem. Pretty sure I figured out the electrical problem,” I tell her as I’m leaning against her door jam.

  “Really, that fast?” she stands up and damn is her body something I want to get my hands on.

  “I’m hoping this is it, but I need to know where you have the Christmas lights plugged in at,” my gaze never leaves hers as she slowly walks towards me. I can see the heat in her eyes and how she takes me in from head to toe. Yeah, Kori is going to be mine, forever.

  “Oh, I’ll show you,” she tucks a stray hair behind her ear. I don’t move completely out of the way like most men would do, no instead I want to feel her anyway I can. Our bodies are facing each other as she turns to her side to go through the door. It’s a small door and it puts our bodies perfectly together. I can feel the curves and I can’t help but put my hands on her hips.

  “Oh,” she whispers out. We’re both looking at each other. I can feel her body slowly melt into mine and the intake of her breath rushes over me.

  Here in this moment, we‘re sandwiched together so closely, I can feel the hardening of her nipples, and I’m sure she can feel the damn cock stand that’s taken over my body.

  “Yeah, beautiful,” I breathe out.

  We slowly pull apart and it feels like a piece of my heart is missing. Shit, I want her near me more than ever now.



  That moment where Nate and I were basically one body melded together, it had to have been the best feeling on earth.

  We walked side by side down the hallway, his hand placed possessively on the small of my back. Every once in a while, he would massage it with his hand. It took everything I had not to moan out loud, it felt that amazing.

  When we get to the front reception desk, I see Wanda looking at us, and she gives a glowing smile.

  “Show me where you turn the lights on,” he murmurs into my ear, the huskiness in his voice turns me on, something that’s never happened before. I’m twenty-three years old and have never felt this pull that I do to Nate.

  “Oh, it’s over here for the outside lights, then I have these plug-in things, and the remote to turn them on,” I say with a proud smile. Last year I could barely get decorations out in the lobby, let alone the outside. This year, though, I went all out. Okay, maybe even a little overboard, but it’s so pretty.

  I hand Nate the remotes and watch as he turns them on, hesitant at first, then he finishes clicking the on buttons for the whole lobby.

  I smile with pride, “Looks good,” he mumbles and then ambles to the switch for the outside lights.

  “Yeah, but who knows what will happen with the outside lights,” I grouse.

  “Whatever it is, we’ll get it figured out and working,” he replies.

p; He flips the switch and I watch through the window as everything comes to life, my fingers are crossed praying he fixed whatever the problem may have been, and hoping it was something simple, too.

  “Hey! It’s on and it’s not fizzling out, either!” I exclaim, ecstatic that everything is working. I run up to him, throwing my hands around his neck, and pulling him down to hug him.

  He returns my hug with a laugh, but then he brings me in closer, closer than we were in the doorway just a bit ago. I close my eyes and soak in the scent that is surrounding me. It assaults my senses in the best way possible, it’s seductive in the way you can smell the woodsy and citrus scent. I want to be wrapped up in his warmth for as long as possible.

  Sadly, that doesn’t happen, we release each other. I can see he wasn’t thrilled either, if his facial expression has anything to say about it.

  “I’m glad, was it an easy fix?” I question.

  “It was, let me go put the panel back in place and clean up. You going to be in your office?”

  “Yeah, just come on in. I only have a few things left to do before I head out myself.” He nods his head and guides me back to my office before leaving to clean up.

  I return to my desk with the biggest smile on my face.



  I almost wish that there was something more complex going on with her electrical system. In the same sense, I’m glad there isn’t, but I know one thing for sure, I want to be in Kori’s presence a lot longer than the hour I’ve been here.

  Now, I just need to figure out a way to get her to go out with me. At the age of thirty-one, I shouldn’t be as nervous as I am. Yet, the feel of her surrounding me is making me hungry for more time with her.

  Getting back to work, it only takes me a few minutes until I’m done. The buzz of my phone stops me, and I pull it out of my pocket and see that I have a text from Colton.

  How are things going with Kori?

  I smile before responding, the kid is as smart as a tack, and I have every reason to know why he was fast to recommend me.

  All finished, thanks for the in. How’d you know though?

  The panel is back in place and I make my way to the woman who has me all tied up in knots.

  My phone buzzes again, I take it out and glance at it. I don’t bother to respond when I see it’s from Colton.

  Dude, your facial expression says it all when I talk about her.

  That little shit, he’s lucky I love him, but if I’m lucky enough, Kori will be hanging out with me for the rest of the day.

  The weather is beautiful this time of year in Tennessee and the small cabin I like to rent for a few days after Christmas is calling my name. Maybe this year I’ll have Kori up there with me.

  Making my way to her office, I stop at her door, taking her in. Kori’s head is down, curls are falling loosely around her angelic face. Her hair is long, all the way down below breasts even with the looseness of it. Fuck what I’d love to see her look like completely naked. Would her hair hide her nipples from me? Damn, what a thought, I wonder if they’d hide the color of her nipples or maybe tease my senses even more. Would they tease her nipples into tighter points? Just imagining it is making me rock hard.

  Kori looks up at me and this time I’m the one that got caught staring at her.

  “That was fast,” she says breathlessly, as if she’s thinking the exact same thing I am.

  “Yeah, glad it wasn’t something more serious. If it does it again, then we’ll have to figure out what makes the wires come loose. As it is, it’s probably from some of the remodeling Colton said you had done a bit ago.”

  “Hopefully. What do I owe you?” she questions and there is no way I could charge her.

  “No charge, Kori. It wasn’t all that much. Plus, you’ve helped Colton in a big way. That boy, he was on a fast track to somewhere bad. I was worried his mother, or I, would get a call from the police at one point,” I respond.

  “He’s a great kid, sometimes they get that way when life gets tough. Since you won’t let me pay you, can I at least take you out to lunch?” she’s blushing as she asks. Kori can think she’s taking me out to lunch, but really, it’ll be me paying, and I’ll get what I really want in the long run.

  “I can do lunch, you done for the day?” A plan is already forming in my head, and if I have it my way, she’ll be with me a lot longer than just lunch.

  “Sure am, let me grab my purse and we can go.” I watch as she stands up from her chair, grabbing what looks like a tote bag, before heading my way.

  When she gets closer to me, I stop her in her tracks. I bring my hand up to her hair, sweeping it to the side, then lingering on the side of her neck. Fuck, but do I want to kiss her.

  “You feel it too, don’t you,” she says in a hesitant voice.

  “Yeah, beautiful, I do.” We slowly pull apart from each other and I guide her out to my truck, not even allowing her to detour to her own vehicle.



  Nate took us to the bigger city outside of our small town of Townsend. I never really come out this way, but the restaurant he took us to served the best food I ever had. I ordered the prime rib sandwich to dip with au jus sauce. Nate had the southern fried chicken, and we both shared a few bites of each other’s food.

  The heat I saw in Nate’s eyes when I licked my fingers while moaning about how good lunch was, it was palpable. I didn’t even realize I was doing it until he grunted and moved around in his own seat.

  I was blushing like a schoolgirl after that. We never had a moment of awkward silence. We learned everything we could about each other until the sun was slowly lowering.

  “I guess we should get back to the shelter, so I can get my car,” I announce. I asked for the check when I thought Nate wasn’t looking but was detoured when he took the receipt and paid. I even tried to pay for the tip at least. He wasn’t having any of that and groused that, “Not going to let you pay, even when you offered. Hell, I appreciate you asking, but if you’re out with me, I’ll be the one paying.”

  I let it drop. I knew in this instance I wasn’t going to win, no matter what I said. So, I thanked him, but I already know something I can do to make up for it. After all, it is Christmas time.

  “Thank you for everything, it means so much,” I tell Nate as we make it to his truck, he’s in the process of opening my door. Once it’s open and he’s waiting for me to climb inside, I go up on my toes and kiss the side of his cheek. It’s chaste at best, but I wanted him to know today was perfect in every way.

  “You’re welcome. Next time you kiss me though, I want your lips on mine, Kori,” he groans, his hand goes to the back of my neck and we look at each other. This man, he sets my soul on fire.

  “That can be arranged,” I say with a wink and then turn around to climb into the cab of his truck.

  Once I’m in, Nate helps me put my seatbelt on. I could have done it myself, but secretly I think it gives him a reason to stay close to me. Little does he know if I had my way, I’d never leave.

  Sure, we just met, but when the heart knows, well it just knows.

  He clicks my seatbelt into place, he palms the side of my face, before closing the door, and heading to his side of the truck.

  This right here, it’s nothing but pure bliss.



  The day ended before I was ready for it. The best part though, is that we both are feeling the exact same thing.

  I’m not ashamed to say I kissed her. When I dropped her off at the shelter, Wanda was already gone for the night, and the next employee wasn’t coming in for a few more hours. The Christmas lights were on, the magical feeling was surrounding us, not to mention how happy Kori looked to have everything up and working.

  I had a hand in that, it pulled at my heartstrings. She was looking up at me, my eyes never leaving her mouth, and that first taste of her on my lips, it’s something that will be seared in my memory forever.

ur first kiss was short and sweet, but it had a whole fuck of a lot of depth to it. We parted ways and I made sure she was securely in her car before I returned to my truck to head towards my house.

  We’ve seen and talked to each other almost every day, if not every other day, for two weeks. Sometimes it was something short, for the most part it was a long in-depth conversation. We talked about her childhood, my childhood, and even how I got my company started. It’s brought us closer in a way than I never thought imaginable, and I’m thankful the weekend is fast approaching, because between her schedule and mine, it left no time for us to actually see each other.

  But this weekend, that’s changing. She got the weekend off and I’m taking it off as well, together we’re going to my small cabin in the mountains. Nothing but nature and the two of us. Maybe we’ll get to use the hot tub that’s on the back porch, too. Fuck, what I’d do to see Kori dripping wet and naked.

  I shake my thoughts away and get back to grocery shopping for the weekend. The cabin only has necessities. The last time I was up there was with Colton over the summer, and what we caught while fishing we ate, well that and junk food. That boy has a taste for sweets and junk food. I had to detox my body for a week straight after a weekend with him.

  Grabbing the necessities as well as foods that I know Kori will like, I’m stopped when my sister comes up to me.

  “Hey Nathan,” she’s the only one that calls me by full name besides Colton. It’s something she’s always done. It’s not my favorite, but for her, I’d let anything slide, due to the fact that she basically raised me, and I wasn’t an easy teenager, imagine that. Kind of like Colton, well minus being around the wrong crowd, I was just a mouthy shit.


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