Inchbald, Elizabeth, 267
Individuation, 479
Ireland: STC’s dislike of, 226
Ireland, Mrs (“Mrs Carnosity”; fellow passenger on Mediterranean journey), 3, 6, 15–16
Irving, Edward, 487n, 549
Italy: STC in, 50–61; British nationals expelled from, 59; in STC’s poetry, 552
Jackson (English consul, Rome), 51–2, 59
Jackson, William, 33
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 401n
Jacobinism, 169–71, 404, 449
Jameson, Robert, 520, 527
Jean-Paul see Richter, Jean-Paul
Jeffrey, Francis: accepts STC’s essay on Clarkson’s slavery book, 141–3; and launch of The Friend, 151–4; subscribes to The Friend, 161; and Scott’s Lady of the Lake, 208; criticises Wordsworth’s “Excursion”, 382; and Byron’s plea to Moore to praise STC, 415; Southey offers to defend STC against, 446
Jerningham, Edward, 128, 135
Jerningham, Lady, 236
Jews: STC’s sympathy for, 460–1
Johnson, Samuel, 129, 190, 223, 247, 265, 271, 276, 280, 284; Dictionary, 394n; Notes to the Complete Edition of Shakespeare, 282
Jordan, Dorothea, 331, 416
Josephus, 419
Jung, Carl Gustav, 495n
Kant, Immanuel: STC discusses with De Quincey, 100; STC cites in lectures, 127, 227; STC discusses with Crabb Robinson, 224–5; Rigaud discusses, 248; and STC’s supposed plagiarism, 280n, 401n; STC proposes study of, 379, 391; STC embraces doctrines, 393–4; and Imagination, 400, 405, 408; Magee on, 411n; and religious belief, 412; STC expounds, 437; John Wilson accuses STC of ignorance of, 454; Anthropologie, 394n; The Critique of Judgement, 360, 398; Critique of Pure Reason, 398
Keats, George (John’s brother), 497–8
Keats, John: death, 52; and STC’s willing suspension of disbelief, 130n; on monsters in STC’s poetry, 140n; absent from STC’s Shakespeare lectures, 267; discusses STC, 432; at Guy’s Hospital, 450; regard for STC’s writings, 456; meets STC and Wordsworth, 464; reads Cary’s translation of Dante, 468; on Hazlitt’s damning, 472n; political radicalism, 478; meets STC in Highgate, 496–500, 534; tuberculosis, 496–7; opium dream, 498; “La Belle Dame Sans Merci”, 498; “The Dream”, 498; “Endymion”, 438; “Hyperion”, 496, 500; “Isabella, or the Pot of Basil”, 467; “Ode to the Nightingale”, 498; Otho the Great, 323n; “St Agnes Eve”, 500
Keats, Tom (John’s brother), 496
Keble, John, 514
Kelley, Miss (of Highgate), 511
Kelly, Michael, 332
Kendal: STC visits after return from Mediterranean, 70, 72, 74–5; STC attempts to print The Friend in, 157–8; STC revisits after Shakespeare lectures, 289–90
Kent, Edward Augustus, Duke of, 265
Kenwood House, Highgate, 427
Kepler, Johann, 482, 491
Keswick see Greta Hall
Kiddle (of Bristol), 344
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 246
Knight, Richard Payne: An Analytical Enquiry into the Principles of Taste, 118
knowledge, 461–2
Kropotkin, Peter, 540n
Krusve, Bernard, 271, 275–6
Kubla Khan: missing section, 113; sacred caves, 175; and STC’s opium addiction, 216; and Remorse, 324n; unfinished, 372; unmentioned in Biographia Literaria, 380; copy found at Calne, 387, 404; Preface, 409, 435, 436n, 458; STC recites to Byron, 425–6, 457; Murray publishes, 426, 429, 431; reception, 434–5, 533; and ‘person from Porlock’, 435–6; water-imagery in, 435; unconscious composition, 436n; Wordsworth’s silence on, 458; and Lockhart, 509; and STC’s later poems, 547, 556
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de, 479
Lamb, Captain, 47
Lamb, Charles: and STC’s journey abroad, 1; and STC’s return from Italy, 64, 66; meets George Fricker, 71; uses Poole’s bookroom, 95; friendship with Morgan, 111; letter to Manning on STC’s lectures, 119; letters from STC, 119; on Wordsworth coming to London, 122; Wordsworth shows “The White Doe” to, 125; relief at STC’s recovery, 142; doubts success of The Friend, 151; encourages STC’s writing in The Friend, 169; and STC’s return to London at Montagus’ invitation, 215; STC visits, 222, 224–5, 233, 236, 423; in Crabb Robinson’s diaries, 223; and Hogarth’s “Rake’s Progress”, 255; and STC’s Shakespeare lectures, 257, 267, 273; defends STC to Crabb Robinson, 258; on Morgans’ kindness to STC, 263; hosts party for STC’s lectures, 271–2; and STC’s quarrel with Wordsworth, 299–301, 303; on Charlotte Brent’s resemblance to Asra, 312; STC describes opium-addiction symptoms to, 358; approves of Hartley’s visit to STC at Calne, 385; Mary Morgan writes to on writing of Biographia Literaria, 391–2; writes to Wordsworth on STC’s moving in with Gillman, 429; praises STC, 430; turned away by Gillman, 430–1; entertains Wordsworth and STC, 463–4; at Haydon’s “immortal dinner”, 464; invited to STC’s 1818 lectures, 465; on Hazlitt’s articles on STC, 472n; and Hartley’s writing for London Magazine, 518; on Sara junior’s learning, 534; at Monkhouse’s dinner party, 536–7; visits STC in Highgate, 551; bequest from STC, 559; “Christ’s Hospital Five-and-Thirty Years Ago”, 519; The Essays of Elia, 480, 492n, 519; “Two Classes of Men”, 492n
Lamb, Mary: cares for STC, 66, 94, 215; Dorothy Wordsworth writes to, 68; persuades STC to write to wife, 69; George Fricker meets, 71; helps with STC’s marriage difficulties, 94; feels rejected by STC, 142; and STC’s breach with Wordsworth, 215; on STC’s cheerfulness, 222; mental problems, 233, 236; released from asylum, 255; and writing of Biographia Literaria, 391–2; and STC’s meeting with Wordsworth, 464
Lancaster, Joseph, 131–2, 273
Landor, Walter Savage, 161, 280n
Landseer, John, 119
Lane (tutor to Ball’s son), 17
language: STC on, 73n
Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquis of, 373–4, 391
laudanum see opium
Law, William, 145, 399
Lawrence, D.H., 20
Lawrence, T.E.: Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 266n
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 122–3
Leake, Captain, 31
Leckie, G.F., 21–2, 26–8, 50
Leckie, Mrs G.F., 22
Leeds, 145
Leighton, Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow, 525, 533, 538–9; see also Coleridge, S.T.: Works: Prose: Aids to Reflection
Leslie, Charles Robert, 486; portrait of STC, 487
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 276
Leviathan, HMS, 2, 6
Lewes, George Henry, 367n
Liberal, The (journal), 367n
Lincoln’s Inn Fields: STC’s seminars in, 524
Linnaeus, Carl, 43, 482
Literary Fund (later Royal Literary Fund): makes grant to STC, 421
Literary Gazette, 454
Literary Panorama, The (magazine), 434
Littlehampton, Sussex, 458–9
Liverpool, 289–91
Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, 475, 505, 531–2
Livorno, Italy, 57–60
Lloyd family, 156
Lloyd, Agatha, 156–7
Lloyd’s Bank: and Morgans’ debts, 343, 345–6
Locke, John, 246, 379, 391, 393
Lockhart, John Gibson, 508–9, 554
Logos: STC on, 72–3
London: STC stays in on return from Italy, 64–70; STC stays in with Hartley, 93; STC’s isolation and loneliness in, 119, 134, 137, 255; STC’s social life in, 222–7; STC returns to from Lakes (1812), 297; STC’s 1816 return to from Calne, 423; see also individual places and streets
London Institution, 70
London Magazine, 518, 523
Longman (publishers): publishes Wordsworth’s Poems in Two Volumes, 87; STC contracts with for two-volume edition of poems, 94, 109; and negotiations over Wordsworth’s “White Doe”, 123, 125, 133, 138; STC and Wordsworth dine with, 123; and publication of The Friend, 144, 158; STC offers copyright on poems to, 160–1, 241; STC fails to deliver prom
ised MS to, 242
Lonsdale, William Lowther, 1st Earl of, 306
love: STC’s thoughts on, 177, 196, 231–3, 274, 316–17, 495 & n; Wordsworth and, 232–3, 306–7
Lovelock, James, 36n
Luddite riots (1811–12), 242, 307
Luther, Martin, 43, 167–9, 178, 205, 226, 493
Lyell, Sir Charles, 559
Lyrical Ballads, 130, 209, 274, 383–4, 388–9, 414
Maass, Johann Gebhard Ehrenreich, 280n, 401; Einbildungskraft, 394n
Macauley (Public Secretary of Malta), 33
Mackintosh, Sir James, 97, 310, 467
MacNeice, Louis, 367n
Magee, Brian, 411n
Maidstone, HMS, 11–12, 14
Maldon, Essex, 478–80
Malta: STC visits on Mediterranean voyage, 1; strategic importance, 8; and loss of Hindoostan (ship), 9; STC plans to meet Adye in, 10; noise in, 16, 45; STC stays and works in, 16–20, 29, 32–5, 38–43, 45–7; STC’s notebooks in, 18, 32; earthquake, 45; STC leaves, 49–50; STC’s memories of, 180; STC writes on in The Friend, 190
Malta Gazette (sometime Argus), 19, 46, 49, 158
Mandeville, Bernard: The Fable of the Bees, 540n
Manning, Thomas, 119
Marble Hill House, Twickenham, 460
Marcus Aurelius, 3, 7
Margate, Kent, 64–5, 141
Marsh, James, 548
Martineau, Harriet, 487n
Mathews, Charles, 487n, 510
Maurice, Frederick Denison, 484, 492n
May family, 245, 247–8
May, Mrs (Bath inn landlady), 350
Medici, Cosimo de’, 493
Mediterranean: STC’s visit to, 1–16, 31–3, 38, 50, 71; British naval strategy in, 18; STC plans book on travels in, 109; STC writes on British role in, 190; see also Malta
Merton College, Oxford, 514
metaphysics: STC’s passion for, 73, 108, 128–9, 248, 268, 408–9
Method: STC’s essay on, 481–3
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 56, 61
Mill, John Stuart, 281n, 484, 487n, 525, 538, 549; On Bentham and Coleridge, 462n, 484n
Milton, John, 107, 127, 247, 265, 269, 286, 354, 389, 467
Mitford, George, 231
Mitford, Mary Russell, 231, 267
Money, Rev. William, 416–17
Monkhouse, John: and launching of The Friend, 151; and Asra’s leaving Allan Bank, 191, 193; Wordsworth visits, 200, 202; STC believes Asra plans to marry, 202; STC writes to, 215; and STC’s quarrel with Wordsworth, 292; Wordsworth meets STC at home of, 463–4; literary dinner party, 536
Monkhouse, Mary, 177, 244
Montagu family, 93
Montagu, Basil: attends STC lecture, 130; friendship with STC, 133; STC writes to about The Friend, 151; invites then refuses STC, 211–14, 233, 260; and Wordsworth’s confrontation with STC, 300–4; supports fund for STC’s children, 359; takes in Hartley after dismissal from Oriel, 513, 518; expels Hartley, 519; visits STC in Highgate, 551
Montagu, Mrs Basil, 211, 213–15, 513, 519, 551
Montaigne, Michel de, 229n
Montgomery, James, 161
Monthly Mirror, 227
Monthly Review, 454
Moore & James (London apothecaries), 423
Moore, General Sir John, 245–6
Moore, Thomas: Byron requests to praise STC, 415; attacks “Christabel”, 438–9; at Monkhouse’s dinner party, 536
More, Hannah: Percy, 321
More, Sir Thomas, 33
Moreton House see Highgate
Morgan family: STC stays with, 111, 113, 338; STC’s poem to, 114–15; letters from STC, 119; STC leaves home, 256; reconciliation with and hospitality to STC, 257, 259–60, 262–4; and STC’s behaviour, 259–60, 262; and STC’s opium addiction, 263; move to Berners Street, 288, 297; and STC’s visit to Lakes, 289, 291; and STC’s children, 294; and STC’s 1812 return from Lakes, 297; Wordsworth visits, 312–13; attend STC’s Surrey Institution lectures, 318; and STC’s reaction to death of Tom Wordsworth, 333; attend opening of STC’s Remorse, 335; STC’s financial aid for, 342–3, 345–8; STC visits at Ashley, 360; STC sends delicacies to, 363; STC retreats to at Ashley, 365, 367–73; move to Calne with STC, 373–5; invite Hartley to Calne, 385–6; give support to STC, 413; accompany STC to London (1816), 424; STC greets from Highgate, 464; invited to STC’s 1818 lectures, 465; STC’s bad dreams of, 501
Morgan, John: STC stays with, 111–12; invites STC to revisit, 120, 197; STC corresponds with, 143; optimism over The Friend, 152; subscribes to The Friend, 161; on obscurity of The Friend, 171–2; takes in STC at Hammersmith, 220, 221–2, 229–30, 236, 241, 244; reconciliation with STC, 259–60; character, 260; letters, 263; as STC’s amanuensis, 264, 372, 378, 383, 391–3, 404, 406, 408, 429, 440; and STC’s Shakespeare lectures, 265–7, 270; letter from STC in Lakes, 296; STC requests Sara send money to, 297; Wordsworth praises, 312; financial difficulties and flight to Ireland, 341–3, 345–6; illness, 341; returns from Ireland, 354; STC confesses opium addiction to, 356, 358; STC stays with at Ashley, 365; witnesses Catholic persecutions in Ireland, 370; interest in theatricals, 386; and publication of Biographia Literaria, 404–5; and STC’s relapse, 417; and STC’s stay with Gillman, 429; and STC’s withdrawal symptoms, 430; and STC’s retreat to Highgate, 433; second bankruptcy and stroke (1819), 501; in STC’s dream, 501; decline and death, 502
Morgan, Mary (née Brent): marriage, 111; STC stays with, 111, 221, 244, 263; STC’s romantic attachment to Charlotte Brent and, 112, 120–1, 221, 259–60, 314, 347, 351, 360; and STC’s marriage difficulties, 119; in STC’s Notebooks, 220; character and appearance, 260, 312–13; letters lost, 263; and husband’s illness, 341; moves after husband’s business failure, 342; STC’s financial aid for, 345–8, 502; travels to West Country with STC, 348–51; and STC’s behaviour under opium influence, 356–7; at Ashley, 365; on Hartley, 385; organizes STC’s study room, 387; on STC’s writing of Biographia Literaria, 391–2; and STC’s unruly behaviour, 416–17; reproaches STC for opium episode, 501; in STC’s dream, 501; and John’s decline and death, 502
Morning Chronicle, 265, 310, 319, 328, 466
Morning Herald, 336
Morning Post, 173, 182
Mudeford, Hampshire, 443–4
Mudford, William, 466, 476
Murray, John (publisher): and reduced audiences for STC’s lectures, 310–11; STC offers miscellaneous anthology to, 313; Southey asks to review Remorse, 338; STC proposes translating Goethe’s Faust to, 365–7, 376, 413; and Byron, 377, 434, 457; publishes STC, 426, 429, 431, 434, 437–9; payments to Southey, 437; and reviewers’ attacks on STC, 438–9; payments to STC, 446; STC alienated from, 446; STC seeks negotiations with, 507; STC offers Leighton book (Aids to Reflection) to, 525, 538; publishes STC’s daughter Sara, 534
Musset, Alfred de, 101, 323n
Naples, 26–7, 50–1
Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of France: in Italy, 56, 59; evacuates Spanish Peninsula, 155; STC attacks regime, 166; STC’s essay on, 182; campaign in Spain, 184; Ball and, 186; advances and successes, 190; war with, 238; STC attacks and satirizes in Courier articles, 239; Hazlitt defends, 240; STC promises article on, 256–7; German reaction to, 277–8; invades Russia, 288; abdicates to Elba, 360, 362; escape from Elba and Waterloo defeat, 363, 386
Nature: Schelling on, 352; STC exalts, 494
negative belief: STC’s idea of, 130
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 1st Viscount: activities in Mediterranean, 2, 5, 8–9, 18; actions off Azores, 39, 41; death at Trafalgar, 50–1, 186, 192; STC writes on, 164; and Ball, 188–9; STC talks to nephews about, 247
Nerval, Gerard de, 114n, 367n
Nether Stowey, Somerset, 95–7, 103–5, 109, 379, 452
New Times, 466
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, 514; An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, 205n
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