Stargaze: Half Light

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Stargaze: Half Light Page 4

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “So how much longer are we going to wait for this guy?” Dale tossed an antique sculpture of Andrelexa in the air as if it were a ball. I probably should have stopped him, but I didn’t bother. It didn’t seem worth my energy. Sometimes Dale annoyed me, but he spoke his mind, and I appreciated that. I was tired of always having to guess where someone stood.

  Telton grabbed the spherical model from midair. “We can’t afford to wait much longer. Caspian is already on our tail. I don’t want to consider who the Emperor sent out to find you next.”

  “Hey, I was using that.” Dale pointed to the spherical model in Telton’s hands.

  Telton placed the model on a high shelf. “This isn’t a toy. Find something else to play with.”

  “Does Caspian know I’m with you?” I didn’t particularly want to know the answer. It was easier to push Caspian out of my mind, even though I knew with our history that was impossible.

  “Not that I know of.” Telton watched me carefully. “But I can’t know for sure. I haven’t communicated with him in four days. I warned both him and the Emperor we were headed into the Tala Galaxy and might lose communication.”

  “So they believe you can’t communicate back?” I asked for clarification.

  “I can’t know for sure, but that is my hope. If I’m wrong, we have even less time to wait for Kelby.”

  “How will Kelby contact you?” Noah adjusted the translator on his ear. Telton had given those out with the new clothes.

  “If he made it to Earth it will be easy.” Telton rested a hand against the wall.

  “And if he didn’t?” I leaned back and into Noah’s arm.

  “He needs to get close.”

  “What’s your plan B?” Angie rose to her feet. “I assume you have one.”

  Telton nodded. “I always have a plan B. And C.”

  Did he have a plan B for me then? If I failed in whatever it is he’d expected me to be able to do? But I preferred sticking to plan A.

  “How much time do we have?” Carl had been sitting quietly in a chair in the back corner of the room. “Is it worth taking the risk of contacting him ourselves?”

  “Where did you find this one?” Telton pointed to Carl.

  “He’s Noah’s friend. I found Noah first.” And I would be forever grateful I’d met him.

  Telton looked at Noah, his eyes roving over him as if he were a puzzle. “I am trying to understand how you grew attached so quickly. It didn’t even happen this quickly with Caspian, and they gave you modifiers. It is amazing how Earth bodies work.”

  “I’m not attached.” Attachment was weakness, and I wasn’t weak.

  “Don’t lie to me, Rachel. I saw the way you gripped his hand. You would have refused to leave without him even if it had been in his interest to stay. But it wasn’t. He wouldn’t have survived long with the Fleshards around. They would have picked up your scent on him and tortured him for your location. When he couldn’t give it they would have torn him apart limb by limb and then eaten him.”

  Angie gasped.

  “Hell.” Dale’s face paled. “Did you have to be so graphic?”

  Telton shrugged. “They would have moved on to you as well.”

  “Will they hurt others?” I felt ready to heave picturing what could have happened. And it would have been entirely my fault. “Since they can’t find me?”

  “Only others associated with you. They are following orders. They are always hired out.”

  “Why?” Carl asked calmly. He would have been right at home on Andrelexa. “Why not work for themselves?”

  Telton didn’t answer.

  I wasn’t going to let Telton get away with it. “Answer him. I want to know too.”

  “There is so much about the Universe you don’t understand. I wanted to teach you—but the Emperor insisted you be instructed at the palace.”

  “I don’t understand why you handed me over. If you thought you were doing what was best for me when you took me from Earth, why turn me over to the Emperor? You must have known what kind of man he was.”

  “I had no choice…” Telton trailed off.

  “You picked her on purpose,” Noah spoke for the first time since Telton had described his possible demise. “You knew Caspian would want her.”

  Telton averted his eyes.

  Something in Noah’s words rang true with me. It brought back memories of being told I was there for a reason. “Is that true?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “What does that mean?” I was so frustrated. I wanted straight answers.

  “It means my decision was multi-faceted.”

  “In other words, this is something else you won’t tell me now.” I jumped to my feet. I couldn’t stay calm any longer. I knew everything hinged on this answer. I knew it had the power to change things. Maybe it would change everything.

  “Now is the time to rest.”

  “To rest?” I could feel my eyes widen. “I just slept.”

  “The others haven’t. Perhaps you could think of their welfare as well as your own?”

  “That’s not fair. I do care about them.” He was pressing me where it hurt. And it was intentional. I looked at Telton with new eyes. I’d already been betrayed by him, but now I wondered just how often he’d manipulated me over the years.

  Telton turned his back to me and faced Dale and Angie. “Would you like to see the bunks?”

  “Sure.” Dale’s natural color had finally returned. “You guys have bunks on here?”

  “Where else would we sleep?”

  “Just as long as I don’t have to sleep near these guys.” Angie wove her hand at Dale.

  “You and Rachel will have a separate area if you wish.” Telton pointed at me without making an attempt to look at me at all.

  “I am fine staying with Noah.” I readied myself for a potential fight.

  He spun to look at me. “That quickly? Weren’t you just in Caspian’s bed only—”

  I didn’t think. I slapped him. I slapped the man I’d once called my father. It wasn’t just what he’d said. It was what he’d done. It was for everything. “I was never in his bed, and I never called him to my bed. And even if I did, where I choose to sleep is of no concern to you. You handed me off to them. You handed me off to be a prisoner. And Kelby… you say he’s on your side, but he did too. The things he said to me the other night. His warning… I’d hoped you didn’t know, but I’m sure you did.”

  “Kelby was only doing what he had to do.” Telton’s eyes were cold, and I wondered why at one time I’d believed he cared for me.

  “And I am doing what I need to do. I’m staying with Noah. He’s the only one in all the galaxies that I trust.”

  Tolten turned his back to me again. “Very well. Angie, you will have your own bunk.”

  I couldn’t even look at Noah. What if he thought I was being pushy? He hadn’t minded when I’d fallen asleep beside him earlier, but maybe he’d want more space.

  Noah joined me and wrapped his hand around mine. “I promise I won’t do anything inappropriate, sir.”

  Dale snickered. “Inappropriate?”

  “It is evident my daughter cares nothing for what I think.” Telton still kept his back to us.

  “Daughter?” The disrespect riled me. “You were never my father. I am just a pawn in whatever game you are playing.” I tried to calm down. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I was so angry, and I had no idea how to stop it.

  Noah squeezed my hand. “Can we find those bunks now?” Somehow he understood what I needed most was to get away. Every moment I stared at Telton’s back made the betrayal hurt more. Noah leaned in. “Sorry. I’m not trying to get you in bed or anything… you just seem like you could use a break.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll show you.” Carl rose and headed in our direction.

  “How do you know where they are?” Dale asked.

  “Because Tolten gave me a tour of the ship.” His brow furrowed, as if confus
ed why he was being asked the question. “How else would I know?”

  “Why did you get a tour of the ship and the rest of us didn’t?”

  Carl stopped right in front of Dale. “Dale. Dale. Dale. I know you talk loudly all the time because you think you’re important, but you’re really not.”

  “Can you all stop fighting!” I yelled far louder than I intended. “I know I haven’t exactly been the most pleasant to be around, but you all willingly got on this ship. I’m not entirely sure why for some of you.” I was looking at Dale and Carl. I got Noah and by extension Angie. I liked to think my brother would have done the same for me. One of the worst parts of how things turned out was I got back to Earth yet didn’t get to see Benjamin.

  “It’s this way.” Carl started down the narrow hallway, and I readily followed, my hand still firmly tucked inside Noah’s.

  7 Rachel

  “This is really comfortable.” Noah ran his hands through my hair as we lay in the darkened compartment. There was enough light coming from the low bulbs that I could see his face, but the rest of the small room was set in darkness.

  “I assume you don’t mean the bunk.” The bunk itself was small. A space meant for one, but wonderfully cozy when the two included Noah.

  “I mean lying here with you.” He stilled. “You don’t think it’s weird, right?”

  “That what’s weird?”

  “That things have gotten this way for us so quickly. You don’t think this is fake? Something we’re forcing?”

  Hearing him speak the words out loud both shot through my heart yet relieved me. It was a conversation we needed to have. “I can’t answer that since until recently my emotions were being manipulated.”

  “But you can answer about how you feel now.”

  “And right now I feel…” I struggled to come up with the words. “Well, right now the only feelings I understand are the ones about wanting to be with you. How fearful I am something might happen to you. I never want to be separated from you. And most of all I am happier than I ever thought possible.”

  “I feel the same way.” He stroked my cheek with his fingers. “But I’m not going to lie. I’m also incredibly physically attracted to you. Like that kiss has made me crazy.”

  I laughed. “And you don’t think I feel the same way?”

  “It wasn’t on your list.”

  “Because I thought that one was pretty self-explanatory.” I leaned up on my elbow so I could access his lips. I brushed my lips against his.

  He smiled before crushing his lips into mine. He cradled my head, pushing into my mouth and sending an explosion of emotion through me. He pulled me on top of him, my body pressed flush against his as he continued to explore my mouth. His hands wrapped tightly around my body, and I savored his taste, his warmth, his everything.

  Beep Beep.

  A loud alarm jarred me. I rolled off Noah immediately.

  “What was that?” Noah sat up, turning so his legs were hanging off the side of the bunk.

  “I don’t know, but it is really bad timing.”

  “You’re telling me.” Noah hopped off the bunk and held out his hand to help me down. I accepted the help, even though I didn’t need it, because it meant holding hands again. “Maybe I should go first to check it out.”

  “Are you serious?” I brought the lights up to the full level.

  He blinked. “Yeah, I’m serious. And I’m not being sexist. You’re the one everyone is looking for, so you need to be protected.”

  I smiled, glad I wasn’t going to have to argue with him about my ability to protect myself. “We’ll go together.” The beeping had stopped, so I assumed everything was all clear. Still, I knew it was time we got out to join the others anyway.

  We ran smack dab into Angie in the hall.

  “Hey, I was just coming to find you guys. Telton says everything is okay. He wanted me to find you so he can explain things.”

  “Do you know what happened?” I asked.

  “I think it’s that guy. Kelby. I’m pretty sure he found us.”

  “Kelby.” My stomach churned.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t let him bother you.” Noah put an arm around me.

  Angie laughed. “Oh yeah? You’re going to protect her from giant space men?”

  “I will do whatever it takes.”

  Angie rolled her eyes. “Okay, lover boy. Let’s go.” She turned and started down the hall.

  Noah’s teeth were clenched.

  “I think she was just kidding.” I tried to give him an ounce of the comfort he gave me in droves.

  “I know she was. But it hit a nerve.”

  “If the nerve is that you doubt your strength, don’t.” I kissed his cheek. “You could take on Kelby anyway.”

  “And you’re just saying that.”

  “You’ll never know.” I grinned and started walking again.

  “You do make jokes.”

  “Of course I do.”

  By the time we reached the main sitting area I could hear commotion in the gangway. I held back and waited. I wasn’t in a hurry to face Kelby. I wasn’t sure how I should react.

  Telton appeared in the hallway. He stepped aside, and Kelby walked into the room.

  “Rachel.” His voice was calm, but there was a note of emotion in it. I couldn’t quite grasp what it was.

  “Kelby.” I forced myself to meet his eyes.

  “I am so grateful you are safe.” He fell to his knees in front of me. It was a traditional gesture by the Lexa when being reunited with close family, but he and I did not fall into that category.

  I stared at him.

  “I thought the worst… I thought the worst sort of thing might have happened to you.”

  “And why would you care? For the same reason Telton does?” I knew my voice was dripping with anger, but I couldn’t make myself care.

  “If you mean because I care about your safety and well-being, then yes.”

  I laughed. It was loud and angry. “None of this is about my safety and well-being.”

  He took two steps toward me. “I kind of miss the old you.”

  “The modified me you mean? The fake one who was treated as an animal?”

  “As an animal? You were raised as one of the royal family.” He clenched his jaw. Kelby had always intimidated me, but he didn’t anymore. I wouldn’t let him.

  “If you are here to defend Caspian I will not hear it.”

  “Why would I defend my cousin? He was so blinded he saw nothing.” He pulled a small satchel from his pocket. I wasn’t surprised to see him put a small capsule on his tongue. He was just as addicted to those modifiers as the rest of them.

  “Who is this?” Kelby turned his attention to Noah. “Who are all of these people, but particularly this one who stands so close to you?”

  “This is Noah. I’m his girlfriend.”

  Noah quickly took my hand.

  Kelby growled. “You let him touch you?”

  Dale laughed, but quickly stopped when Kelby glared at him.

  “What I do is none of your business. But if you’d like to know, Noah is the reason I’m alive. He saved me from a Fleshard attack.”

  “Really?” Kelby narrowed his eyes. “This guy?”

  “Don’t underestimate him. It would be a mistake.” I wasn’t backing down. I wasn’t going to let Kelby think he had any control over me.

  “Oh.” Kelby looked around Dale and Carl and stared openly at Angie. “I didn’t see you there at first.” He hurried over. “I’m Kelby.”

  Angie blinked a few times “Uh, yeah. I figured that much out.”

  “It is very nice to meet you.”

  Dale laughed again. This time Kelby paid him no notice. “I am not sure how you ended up on this ship, but I will ensure your safety.”

  “I can ensure my own safety.” Angie bristled. “But Dale might like the extra security.”

  “Dale?” Kelby turned to look at the rest of the group.

’s Dale.” I pointed to where he stood. “And that’s Carl.”

  Kelby said nothing to either of them.

  “Now that you are here maybe Telton will finally explain what’s going on.”

  Telton startled as if surprised we knew he was still in the room.

  “What is going on is you have successfully stolen an Andrelexa royal medallion.” Kelby broke into a grin.

  “I stole nothing!” I wasn’t going to be accused of a crime I in no way committed. “I never asked for this.” I tugged at the chain. “I never wanted it.”

  “You left planet with it. It is a theft.”

  “Whose side are you on?” I released the chain, letting the medallion fall back onto my chest. “Did Telton lie?”

  Telton walked to stand midways between us. “Kelby, watch your tongue with her.”

  “You are more intelligent than you let on. Don’t let your emotions confuse you. In that way you are so much like Caspian. Driven by the heart rather than the head.”

  “Did you see him?” I needed to know. Telton had hinted he was right behind us. Was that all a lie?

  “You mean after he knocked me out and stole my pod?”

  “Why would he do that to you? He can have anything he wants.” There was bitterness in my voice as I realized that’s where I fell into things. He’d wanted me, so he’d been given me.

  “The only thing Caspian has ever wanted is you. Don’t play games. We have no time for that. And then you left. The Emperor entrusted me with the task to get you rather than him.”

  “Why?” It made no sense. Why send his nephew in Caspian’s place?

  “To protect him. He thought this was all a trap.”

  “Was it?” The more I talked, the easier it became. My fear melted away as my anger took over.

  “No. It was a mission. With the medallion we can finally take the Emperor down.”

  “Why?” I needed answers, and I was done waiting. “Why now?”

  “Because he’s violating the codes. Destroying planets at his will without taking proper measures. He hasn’t been ensuring the survival of each species even when given all the necessary information.”

  “How is destroying any planet ever okay?” Angie put a hand on her hip. “I’m not buying this whole holier than thou idea about destroying a planet to rid the universe of evil. It’s a load of crap.”


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