Forever Claiming You : A BWWM Romance (Grudging Hearts Book 3)

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Forever Claiming You : A BWWM Romance (Grudging Hearts Book 3) Page 16

by Nia Arthurs

  I shudder. Half from pleasure at the thought of Teale all over me, half from dread at the thought of my dad even remotely finding out. Or maybe it’s more pleasure than dread? I’m not too good with fractions.

  “You’re an exhibitionist.”

  “I’m a Zania-ist.”

  “Is that a word?”

  “It is now.”

  I hear water running. My jaw drops. “Are you in the shower?”

  “I am.”


  “What? You picturing me naked?”

  I so am.

  Gosh, it’s such a good view.

  He’s so beautiful.



  I clear my throat. “You wish.”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll see what you want in person.”

  My heart thuds. “You’re so full of it.”

  “I can hear you getting excited.”

  “That’s your ego talking.”

  “Your body doesn’t lie.”

  Excitement courses through me.

  Teale has complete control of my body.

  He’s like a freaking drug.

  This is why I can’t give in to him. This is why I’m refusing a label.

  He’s too dang compelling.

  “This time, you’re wrong.”

  “No freaking way.”

  “How are you so sure?”

  “Because,” he lowers his voice, “you want me as much as I want you.”

  Heat explodes in my chest.

  My stomach.

  Between my thighs.

  Tingles skitter up my flesh.

  “Zania,” Dad pops up behind me.

  I yelp.

  Body flushing with guilt and heart still racing from Teale’s wicked promises, I clutch my phone and fast-whisper, “I’m hanging up now.”

  I can just imagine Teale smirking.

  He knows he’s got me flustered.

  I clear my throat and try to act like an innocent little girl who’s never known a man’s touch. “Dad?”

  “Nice place you got here.”

  “Thanks. It’s Gran’s.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Uh, she’s with her sister. She couldn’t make it down today.” More like I didn’t mention it. Gran rarely spoke of my father while I was growing up, but I always got the sense that she didn’t approve of him.

  Not that I’m going to explain all that.

  I don’t want to discourage Dad on such a happy day.

  He smiles. Nods. “Where’s the grill?”

  I direct him to the back of the house and stare at his back.

  That was weird.

  In the best way.

  My dad just asked about my gran.

  I have two living family members.


  How did I get so lucky?

  All sane thought leaves my mind as soon as Teale shows up.

  Along with Ollie and Chandra.

  His disappointed expression mirrors my own.

  Sneaking away from Dad is one thing.

  Sneaking away from the eagle eyes of Chandra and her fiancé…?

  “You’re early,” I say, my voice a higher pitch than usual.

  My boss grins. She’s stunning in a slinky red crop top and hot shorts that cling to her amazing shape. “I figured you’d need help.”

  “How… thoughtful.” My gaze flits to Teale.

  His blue eyes aren’t on me.

  They’re on the back of Ollie’s head and they’re filled with murderous intent.

  I chuckle. Step back. “Welcome. Come on in, guys.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been to your place before,” Chandra says, glancing around.

  “It’s humble, but it’s home.”

  I was never the type to invite people over growing up.

  Mostly because of shame.



  Looking back now, I can see how ungrateful and selfish I was. Gran did her best to provide me with everything I needed, even if I couldn’t get everything I wanted, and now I’m able to live here, rent-free, thanks to her hard work and sacrifice.

  Chandra gives me a hug.

  Ollie does too. Blue eyes twinkle. “Thanks for inviting us.”

  He’s so big and muscular, my arm can’t even reach across his waist so I just pat his back. “No problem. Make yourselves at home.”

  Teale hugs me next.

  The way he wraps his arms around me is a completely different species of hug than the one I gave Ollie.

  His body presses into me.

  Big hands rest possessively against my lower back.

  Teale’s smell is dark and inviting.

  I close my eyes.

  Hold him close. Whisper, “We’ve been invaded.”

  “We’ll just have to wait.” He leans into my ear. “Till they’re gone.”

  “What happens after their gone?” I pull back and blink innocently. “You’ll help me clean up? Maybe wash some dishes? Take out the trash?”

  He smirks. “Among other things.”

  My pulse rockets.

  A frantic I need you thrums through my veins.

  Such. Bad. Timing.

  I’m starting to resent Chandra for showing up early.

  Teale grins wolfishly. “We can still chance it. Say we forgot something at the grocery store.”

  “Ehem,” Chandra rolls her eyes, “you know we can hear you.”

  I straighten. Back away from Teale.

  Embarrassment battles desire for prominence.

  Gesturing to the door, I mumble, “Backyard’s that way. Dad’s at the grill.”

  “Let’s see if he needs help.” Ollie clasps Teale’s shoulders. You’re not getting away.

  Teale shoots his brother a defiant look.

  Chandra and I laugh.

  Those two.

  When they’re gone, she hooks her arm over my shoulder. “You look pleased.” She quirks her lips. “And I mean that in a totally innocent and non-Teale and his dirty mind way.”

  “I am.” I laugh. “I’ve got my dad here. My friends.”

  “A romance of your very own.” She eyes me. “Are you really okay with not getting engaged? You’ve got a few days until your three-month plan is over.”


  I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’m ready to let that plan go.

  Life is crazy and unpredictable.

  Having my dad here with me has taught me that.

  A few weeks ago, I hated the very thought of him, but now? It’s like a part of me that was missing has been found.

  What I thought I wanted wasn’t the thing I needed.

  Marriage? I want it, sure.

  But do I need it?


  Marriage isn’t a band-aid.

  It’s not a fix-for-all.

  I know that now.

  I’m okay with that now.

  Before I can tell Chandra I’m fine, there’s another knock on the door.

  Chandra peers outside. Looks back with an excited smile. “It’s Griffin, Cobie and Cobie’s Belly.”

  “I heard that, Chandra!” Cobie’s voice is muffled through the door.

  Laughter pouring from my lips, I welcome my friends with another round of hugs and kisses.

  The house is loud and rowdy.



  I never thought Gran’s house could ever be so warm.

  I never thought I could be this happy without a husband and kids.

  But I am.

  I really am.

  This feeling is indescribable.

  I think… the hole in my heart has finally been filled.

  28 Teale

  It’s a gorgeous day. The barbecue’s delicious. Whatever that secret sauce is that Rufus put in there, I want the recipe.

  A gentle wind blows from the east. Chases the heat of the day, leaving nothing but warm sunshine above.

  We eat. We chat. We laugh.

  I’m having a great time.

  Griffin, Chandra, Cobie—they’re more family than friends.

  Even Kayla Montgomery fits in when she shows up with a tray of store-bought corn bread and an uncomfortable smile. The group takes her right into the fold.

  I tip my beer at her in welcome.

  She smirks in response and asks if I rescued my Rapunzel.

  Everyone stares at us like we’re talking another language, but I smile and tell her I have. Then I squeeze Zania’s hand under the table.

  We’re playing footsie down there.

  It’s fun.

  Not exactly the discrete action I was hoping for when I shot over like a crazy man earlier, but as long as I’m beside her, I’m freaking perfect.

  Most of the conversation is focused on the fact that Kayla’s a marriage agent. Everyone’s extremely interested in how it works and how many marriages she’s matched.

  It’s a lot.

  The woman’s freaking Cupid.

  I’m just happy I got Zania out before Kayla had her way.

  The marriage agent leaves soon after she eats, claiming there’s an emergency with one of her clients, but it’s not till the sun sets that the others start heading home.

  Cobie waddles to her car, complaining to Griffin about how much fatter Rufus’s barbeque made her. He kisses her forehead and tells her she’s never looked more beautiful, after which she melts into the passenger seat of the car.

  Chandra and Ollie stick around longer, under the guise of cleaning up. But I’m pretty sure my brother’s intentions aren’t so innocent.

  After we’re done throwing the trash out, he keeps me on the front lawn and delivers another lecture about… I don’t even know what. I’m not listening.

  This is bull.

  Ollie’s intentionally doing his best to cut into my Zania time and piss me off.

  Eventually, they go home too.

  It’s just me, Zania and Rufus.

  I head back into the house.

  In the shadows, I spot someone outside cleaning the grill. I assume it’s Rufus and grin, heading down the hall to find Zania.

  I see a light on in her bedroom.

  The sound of light shuffling confirms that she’s there.

  My footsteps are silent.

  Swiftly, I head down the hall and slip past the door.

  I’ve been missing her like crazy since yesterday and I can’t wait to have her in my arms.

  Unfortunately, the person standing there isn’t Zania.

  It’s her father.

  And he’s got his hands stuffed into Zania’s underwear drawer.

  My eyes widen in horror.

  Perverted little…

  “What the hell are you doing?” I hiss.

  He whirls around. Exposes what he’s clutching in his brown fists.

  Not panties as I’d first assumed.




  As we stare at one another, the pearl necklace in his hand snaps. Beads go flying everywhere. I watch in slow motion as they tumble over the floorboards. One spins and spins before finally running out of gas just a couple inches from my shoes.

  Rufus trembles. Flits his eyes to the open door. Back to me. “I got debts I need to pay. They’re not gonna miss this.”

  He’s trembling now.

  Coming undone.

  I keep my tone nice and steady. “If you need help, you just have to ask.”

  “I’m not a beggar.”

  “But you’re a thief?”

  His eyes shoot down.

  “Are you on drugs?” I ask, taking note of his shaking.

  “Hell no.”


  “I’m just borrowing it for a little while. I’ll pay it back.”


  He shrugs. “I’ll figure it out.”

  He’s a liar.

  And not a very good one.

  I step forward hesitantly. “I won’t say anything to Zania if you put that back.”

  “I’m not a perfect person.” His fingers tighten on the cash.

  “She never asked you to be,” I snarl.

  Frustration ignites my temper.

  This is messed up.

  A father stealing from his daughter.

  Not a father.

  An opportunist.

  An image of Zania’s hopeful, tear-filled eyes flashes in my mind.

  If she ever finds out about this, she’ll be crushed.

  I can’t let that happen.

  I’d crawl over a sea of thorns before I let those beautiful eyes lose their shine.

  “Put the money back, Rufus.”

  “I can’t.” He moans.

  “Yes, you can.” Annoyance snaps my voice taunt. “You have no idea how excited she was to meet you. How grateful she was to finally have you in her life. If Zania sees this, do you know how heartbroken she’ll be? I don’t care what you’re going through. Put the money back in the drawer.”

  “Or what?”

  My eyes narrow.

  “You’re not gonna tell her anyway.” He croaks out a laugh.

  He’s right.

  Damn it.

  I can’t risk Zania finding out about this.

  He’s got me in a chokehold with no wiggle room.

  My heart thuds painfully. “Don’t you feel sorry? That’s your daughter—”

  “That girl might not be mine anyway!”

  Rage builds in my chest. “What?”

  “Her mother made the rounds back in the day. Ms. Tilda kept her locked up at church so when she left home, her legs were open wider than a—”

  I stalk forward. Grab his neck. Money goes flying out of his pockets when I jerk him around. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”

  Brown fingers scrape at my knuckles.

  His legs dangle just off the floor.

  “Put me down,” he croaks.

  I do. Roughly.

  He coughs. Massages his neck.

  I pull out my phone, glaring at him with dark eyes.

  Fury swirls in my head. In my stomach. I want to punch him to oblivion for even thinking of hurting Zania.

  But I don’t.

  I can’t.

  Instead, I grab my cell phone.

  He holds up a hand. Chokes out, “Man, don’t call the cops.”

  “I’m not calling the cops.” I open my bank app. “How much do you need?”


  “I can give you far more than you’ll ever find in here.”

  “Jus like that?”

  “In exchange, don’t tell Zania about this and don’t ever try to steal from her again.”

  His eyes glitter. He staggers to his feet. “You’re kidding.”

  “Do I look like I’m playing around?”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because Zania missed you.” My voice rises. I can’t help myself. I’m so freaking pissed. My heart hurts for her. “She missed you so much and if you disappear now, she’ll...” I swallow. “Just give me a number.”

  Rufus opens his mouth, but someone else speaks.

  “No,” a voice says.

  Footsteps patter.

  Rufus and I spin and face the door.

  Zania’s standing there, staring at us.

  Nostrils flare.

  Fists hang at her sides.

  Eyes shrink to slits.

  She’s furious, but I can see the slight tremble of her lips.

  I can tell she’s trying hard not to cry.

  A hollow feeling erupts in my chest.

  My baby’s hurting.

  It’s killing me.

  I just want to wrap my arms around her. Protect her from all this crap.

  But I hold still.

  “How long were you standing there?”

  “Long enough.”

  Another sharp pain in my chest.

  Rufus lifts his head and brazenly
waves her away. “Teale and I are talking business. Head outside and let the men take care of this.”

  “The men?” Zania snorts. Glares at me. “Don’t you dare give him one red cent, Teale.”

  Rufus licks his lips nervously. “Zania…”

  She stalks into the room. Head high. Eyes burning into her father. “Did you think you could use me? Is that why you approached me in the first place?”

  “I wanted to get to know you.”


  “We’re family, Zania. We should help each other out.”

  “You’re not my family,” she says coldly. “You’re a con man. I was doing just fine without you.”

  “I’m your father. You don’t mean that.”

  Her eyes glint. Hard as steel. “Get out of my house.”

  “Zania, baby—”

  “Get out!” she shrieks.

  He scrambles to the door.

  I jump forward when I see the coins dropping out of his pants. “The money. He’s taking—”

  “Let him.” She whirls around. Faces the wall. “If he takes what he came for, he’ll leave me alone.”

  I don’t agree.

  Rufus is stealing from her. He deserves to go down. Plus, letting him take what he came for is no guarantee that he won’t show up again.

  But Zania’s already spoken.

  I won’t go against what she wants.

  Instead, I step back and watch as Rufus scurries down the hall. Opens the door. Sprints out.

  Zania stands firm as the door slams loudly.

  The sound ricochets all the way to the room.

  I approach her cautiously. Reach out. Tug her body into my chest.

  She falls against me.

  The soft thud is like a dam cracking apart, unleashing a flood.

  She bursts into tears.

  Cries uncontrollably.

  Heartbreaking sobs.

  I hold her while she weeps. Try to gather the pieces of her heart as it breaks. I can’t imagine what she’s going through and I have no words to say that’ll make her feel better.

  So I just hold her until she’s cried out and hope that I’ve caught every fragment of the heart that Rufus blew to bits.

  29 Zania

  Teale takes me to his place in an effort to get me out of the house and away from memories of my father pilfering my panty drawer.

  I’m incredibly numb.

  Which is strange.

  Just a couple minutes ago, I’d been overcome by an incredible mixture of astonishment, fury, and hurt. I’d been brimming with so many feelings I thought I’d burst.

  But now?


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