Under a Greek Moon

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Under a Greek Moon Page 5

by Carol Kirkwood

  ‘Leave that to me.’

  Within half an hour, Chantelle had arrived with an armful of designer eveningwear. She suggested they go to her cabin, which was larger than Shauna’s, to try them on. Some were stylish, simple and elegant, while others were glittering and glamorous, but they were all beautiful and worlds apart from the fanciest thing Shauna had worn: a velvet Laura Ashley ballgown with puffy sleeves that she’d bought second-hand for her first university ball.

  Shauna couldn’t contain a gasp. ‘Where did all these come from?’

  ‘Honey, this is Monaco, where fancy events happen on a daily basis. Trust me, this is a town where you can easily find a decent dress at the shortest notice.’

  ‘I can’t believe I’m going to be wearing one of these.’ Shauna suddenly felt overwhelmed by the thought of the evening ahead. What if she said the wrong thing, or was left alone and somebody asked her who she was? She voiced these fears to Chantelle, who laughed.

  ‘Chérie, you have nothing to worry about. I have been to one or two events of this kind and, let me tell you, most of the guests are so self-absorbed and up their own arses, they won’t even care who you are.’

  ‘Does Demetrios usually take crew members on nights out?’

  Chantelle hesitated, but didn’t meet her eyes. ‘Er, no, but he must have a good reason. And he’ll have had to square it with Jeremy.’

  ‘But Demetrios is the boss.’

  ‘And Jeremy’s in charge of the crew. He doesn’t like the boss fraternizing with his staff. It can make life … complicated.’

  Had it got complicated in the past, Shauna mused. Chantelle seemed to read her mind.

  ‘Look, Shauna, Demetrios knows the rules, but he gets these whims and we just have to roll with it. He won’t want to piss Jeremy off, though, so you’re safe. Now let’s get you into one of these beauties.’

  Shauna decided on a shimmering green satin strapless dress with a slit in the front up to her thigh. It was understated yet elegant, and daringly sexy at the same time. Chantelle helped her pile her hair up into a chignon, and shared some of her expensive Estée Lauder make-up. The blue eyeshadow and dark blue kohl seemed to give her eyes a cat-like appearance, and when Shauna put on the gold strappy sandals and looked in the mirror, she didn’t recognize herself.

  Chantelle whistled and grinned broadly. ‘Wow, you are going to blow them away, you look a million dollars! Now grab a clutch and you’d better go – the boss is waiting.’

  Shauna tottered a little on her heels as she made her way to the lounge area where he was waiting for her. He had his back turned, and Shauna suddenly felt like a shy child again. It all seemed too much: the yacht, Demetrios, an evening at the palace – this was someone else’s world. She had to fight the urge run away.

  Demetrios was pouring out two glasses from a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne. He must have heard her approach because he started speaking before he turned around. ‘I hope you found something that you—’ As he turned to hand her a glass, his eyes widened and he broke off, lost for words.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Shauna said. ‘Don’t you like it?’ She looked down at herself, thinking that she must have picked the wrong outfit. ‘Should I have gone for something more formal? I can go and change—’

  ‘No,’ he answered quickly, then took a step towards her. He came so close that Shauna once again could see the golden flecks of his eyes. ‘No, I …’ He hesitated, then seemed to recover himself. ‘You will do just fine … More than fine.’ He swallowed, then continued, ‘In fact, I think you will turn quite a few heads. I doubt they will have seen anything like you in the Grimaldi palace.’ He handed her one of the crystal flutes. ‘Here, have a glass of champagne while we wait for the car to collect us.’

  Shauna took the glass. ‘We’re going in a car?’

  ‘Of course, how else would we get there?’

  ‘I thought we would walk. It’s only a few minutes away.’ She looked down at herself and laughed. ‘Actually, I can barely walk in these.’

  ‘Drink,’ he urged her. ‘It will give you the Dutch courage.’

  Shauna raised her glass. ‘Sláinte,’ she said, and took a hesitant sip. ‘Oooh.’ She laughed again, feeling a buzz of excitement enter her along with the effervescence of the champagne. ‘The bubbles went up my nose. It really is fizzy. I’ve never had champagne before.’

  He tilted his head as if intrigued by this admission, then lifted his glass and touched it to hers. ‘I hope it will be your first of many.’

  Impulsively, she said, ‘I’ve always wanted to go to the sort of party where they serve nothing but champagne or have it for breakfast like Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.’

  ‘I seem to recall she has it before breakfast.’ Demetrios observed her gravely over the top of his glass.

  ‘You know it?’

  He nodded.

  ‘It’s one of my favourites, it’s so glamorous. Audrey Hepburn is just sublime, although Grace Kelly is my absolute favourite actress.’ She looked over towards the castle on the hilltop. ‘That’s why I came to Monaco. Sounds silly now.’

  ‘Not silly at all.’ He paused and then, looking away into the distance, added, ‘We all need dreams. What’s yours?’

  For once there was no need for secrecy. It didn’t matter if this stranger found it odd or funny. ‘If I could be anything in the world, I’d like to be an actress one day.’

  ‘Why?’ The simple question caught her off-guard, but when she tipped her head up to look at him, he seemed genuinely interested.

  ‘Because … Look, I know it sounds a bit fanciful – my mam would think I was mad if she knew. You see, I’m quite shy, but when I’m pretending to be someone, I’m not shy any more. It’s as if I can leave myself behind. It’s empowering and liberating. I can be anything, anyone I want.’

  ‘I can understand that. It’s difficult being the person other people want you to be.’

  Her skin tingled as their eyes met in a moment of understanding.

  ‘I know that feeling better than you think.’ He pulled a self-deprecating face that tugged at something deep inside her, making her want to offer sympathy and comfort.

  ‘And you want to do something different?’

  He sighed. ‘I am expected to run the family business, to be the next patriarch.’

  ‘But you don’t want to?’

  ‘It seems ungrateful. Look’ – he spread out his hand, indicating the plush surroundings – ‘I have everything I could possibly wish for. But I have a dream of my own, too.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  He stood up quickly as if irritated and went to the guard rail at the side of the yacht. For a while he remained there, looking out over the marina, both hands gripping the metal. Because there was a touch of loneliness about him as he stood there, she rose and went to join him, each caught in the shadows of their own thoughts as they stared out at the horizon and the crisp line where the cobalt blues and dusky pink and oranges of the twilight met the deep blue sea.

  ‘We are a family of boat builders, but you know what? None of us build boats any more; we pay other people to do it.’ He looked at her. ‘I want to build my own boat one day. From scratch. Hand-crafted. A sailing boat that is built to respond to the wind and the sea. That works in harmony with nature.’

  She smiled. ‘Sounds wonderful.’

  Demetrios looked self-conscious now. ‘And now I am the one who is being … what did you call it? “Fanciful”.’

  Shauna put her hands on the guard rail, small and slender next to his dark capable hands. She could picture him working the wood himself.

  ‘You know, I can see you doing just that, right now in my head.’

  Demetrios held her gaze. ‘Shauna, I find myself quite liking the idea of being inside your head.’

  ‘Oh, it’s full of stuff and nonsense.’ She dropped her eyes. ‘Like being an actress,’ she said with a wistful sigh.

  ‘Hey …’ He reached up and gently tou
ched her face. ‘Always remember, those dreams keep our souls burning brighter.’

  She swallowed, lost for words. It was a beautiful thing to say and all she could do was smile back at him.

  He lowered his hand. ‘Never lose your dreams.’ Then he was businesslike once more. ‘Now we are strengthened with our liquid courage, it is time for you to play a new role. Tonight, you will be one of Monaco’s finest. It’s your time to shine – think you can pull it off?’

  Shauna didn’t know if she could, but she was now filled with a fizz of anticipation as well as alcohol. ‘I’ll give it everything I’ve got,’ she said.

  ‘That’s my girl,’ he replied, and a thrill of pleasure shot through her.

  Chapter 7

  Hardly an auspicious start, she thought to herself with a slightly giddy giggle as she tiptoed down the gangplank.

  A black car glided to a halt beside them and, even though she was expecting it, she gave a start. For a moment, she stood there, staring at the tinted windows, until Demetrios opened the door for her and said, ‘Jump in.’

  She got in first and he slid in beside her. It was impossible to ignore his nearness.

  As they drove the short distance to the palace, Shauna felt the question burning inside her that had been at the back of her mind since Demetrios had asked her to join him this evening.

  ‘Can I ask you something?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Why did you choose me to come with you tonight?’

  Demetrios turned his head to look out of the window. Shauna followed his gaze; the twinkling lights of the harbour looked so pretty in the dusk.

  ‘Look at it out there,’ he said, ‘it’s beautiful.’

  ‘Yes, it is,’ she answered.

  ‘But it’s fake …’ He paused. ‘Like most of the people here.’

  ‘I thought you would want to take Normandie.’

  He turned back to face her. ‘Not today. There are things you don’t know about Normandie. She’s not always the best-behaved guest, for starters.’

  ‘I might know more than you think,’ she said boldly, and when he looked at her sharply, she thought she had overstepped the mark.

  ‘Did you see or overhear something today?’

  Shauna bit her lip, reluctant to admit that she had been listening when she shouldn’t have, but he seemed to read the answer in her face. To her surprise, he wasn’t angry.

  ‘You know, Shauna, Normandie is an actress too. Her moods come and go so fast, I’m sure by now she will already have her attention elsewhere.’

  ‘But she’s your girlfriend?’

  He laughed without humour. ‘Shauna, you really are naive. Normandie has a string of lovers. What she wants is for me to worship at her feet the way the rest of them do. She wants to be famous and applauded. I assure you, she does not want me for myself, only what she thinks I can do for her.’

  ‘And what about you – what do you want?’

  The car was now ascending the hill to the palace. It passed through a set of wooden gates and several stone arches before he answered her. ‘Shauna, when I give my heart to someone, it won’t be an “It girl” like Normandie. Tonight, Shauna, I just want to talk to a real person for once.’

  Shauna wondered what sort of girl he would give his heart to, but before she could give it much thought, the car pulled up beside a red carpet. The butterflies in her stomach seemed to soar and dive in a great fuss. She froze in her seat while the driver opened the door and Demetrios stepped out.

  ‘Time for you to play your role, Beauty,’ he said, smiling.

  Giving herself a little pep talk, she waited until he reached in and extended his hand to help her out. Imagine you’re a famous actress, she told herself. Or a new actress fresh from your first award-winning role. You’ve taken Broadway by storm. And with that she lifted her chin, pulled her shoulders back and gave him her hand, imagining being regal and queenly. The image was dispelled a little when her hand shook as she put it into his, but he gave her fingers a gentle squeeze and her spirit reasserted itself when he tucked her hand through his arm as if she were his princess.

  ‘You’re supposed to enjoy this,’ he reminded her with a gentle smile. ‘Any tighter and your grip will cut off my circulation – and I’m rather attached to this arm.’

  She let out a small laugh. ‘Nervous. Sorry.’

  ‘Don’t be. They’re all human beings, just like us.’

  ‘Hmm, but with a lot more money,’ observed Shauna faintly as a woman passed by, a large diamond and sapphire necklace flashing at her neck.

  ‘You’ll be fine.’ He briefly put his free hand over hers. ‘You look very beautiful and every bit as elegant as the other women here. And we can have a little fun too, you know.’

  She knew he was being charming and trying to set her at her ease, but for a moment Shauna could only stare at him, too bemused to speak. Then she lifted her chin and told herself, I can do this.

  They followed the line of well-dressed people towards a horseshoe-shaped marble staircase. Ahead of them, women were ascending the staircase, lifted their long skirts an inch or two to avoid tripping. Shauna smoothed the expensive fabric of her dress. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her. In response, Demetrios stroked her arm gently, sending a shower of sparks fizzing through her bloodstream.

  To steady herself, she stared at the people around her. To their right was an elegant, statuesque woman who wore a black strapless dress of unrelieved simplicity that was set off by half a dozen rows of pearls around her neck. ‘Christy Turlington,’ murmured Demetrios.

  ‘What?’ she squeaked and moderated her voice quickly to add, ‘The model?’

  He nodded. ‘And there’s Bianca Jagger.’ He nudged her arm and she turned to see the dark-haired woman in a red halter-neck sequinned dress that shimmered as she walked with undulating grace in the company of two other equally attractive women.

  ‘Oh, my, it’s Farah Fawcett-Majors.’ Shauna ducked her head as the famous actress walked by in a billowing gold lamé dress on the arm of a familiar-looking man. ‘And the Bionic Man.’

  Demetrios laughed softly. ‘I don’t think you should call him that if we’re introduced.’

  ‘Do you know him?’


  A thought struck her. ‘Do you know the prince and Princess Grace?’

  ‘Monaco is actually very small. My father has business dealings with Prince Rainier. He asked me to come in his place as he’s unavoidably detained in Athens.’

  There was something about his tone that made her ask. ‘Didn’t you want to come?’ She couldn’t believe anyone wouldn’t.

  He hesitated. ‘It’s business. These aren’t my friends. There are so many people here, it’s difficult to talk to anyone. It’s all an act. A game. Some of my father’s friends and associates will be here and I’m expected to mingle with them. Will you think me very dreadful if I say it’s a duty I must fulfil?’

  ‘Very,’ she said cheerfully, determined to make sure that tonight he enjoyed himself.

  He laughed, a rich low rumble that made her tummy tingle.

  Now it was their turn to climb the steps. They passed through ranks of white-uniformed guards armed with guns into a reception room. ‘It’s exquisite,’ Shauna whispered, entranced by the huge glittering chandelier that sparkled and shimmered with golden light refracted and reflected by the mirrors lining the white plaster and gilt walls.

  ‘I find it a bit stuffy.’ Demetrios shrugged, looking around him.

  ‘Yes, it’s like being in a museum, except real people live here. Look at the chairs.’ She discreetly pointed to the plump, silk-brocade-upholstered Louis XV gold-leaf chairs, ‘And the walls.’ Her eyes widened as she realized the walls were covered in matching silk brocade. Her attention turned to the painted walls curving up to the ceiling with frescoes depicting scenes of voluptuous cherubs and a titian-haired goddess with flowing locks.

  Her head twisted this way and tha
t as she tried to take in every detail so that she could share it in a postcard to her parents. It was magnificent, spectacular, marvellous, glorious … and she was never going to be able to describe it properly.

  At last they came to a room so crowded with people that it took her mind off the sumptuous surroundings. The hum of chatter filled the high-ceilinged room and Demetrios took two glasses of champagne from the smart waiter standing to attention by the doorway.

  ‘Gosh, before today, I’d never had champagne, and now I’m having my second glass.’ Shauna raised her glass in a playful toast.

  ‘I feel like I’m leading you astray. I think my mother might disapprove.’

  ‘My mother definitely would. She doesn’t approve of enjoying yourself.’ With a defiant grin she took a swig of champagne.

  ‘Ah, the rebel,’ teased Demetrios.

  ‘Not really, just determined to make the most of this moment,’ she replied, beaming at him before looking around her. ‘I didn’t expect this many people. It’s quite a crush.’

  ‘And now you see why I’m not so keen.’

  ‘But it’s all so pretty, there’s so much to look at. And that doesn’t even include the people. Look at that old couple there, the lady with the iron-grey curls and the black walking stick. They’re like something out of an antique painting.’

  ‘The Von Hapsburgs – they’re German former royals, and he’s in pharmaceuticals.’

  Shauna felt like she was wandering around with her mouth open and told herself to look less obviously like an interloper. Demetrios wanted her to play a role, so that’s what she was going to do. They began to circulate around the edge of the room. ‘Who’s the tall blonde over there with the rather elderly gentleman?’

  ‘Greta Mitterand, niece of the French president, and that’s her tennis coach.’

  ‘Tennis coach?’

  ‘Oh, yes, despite his advanced years, he’s still rather handy on the tennis court – she almost got to Wimbledon last year.’ She could feel Demetrios shaking with laughter as he spoke. ‘He’s also her husband.’

  ‘Really?’ Shauna took another look at the pair. ‘That’s … Do you think she really loves him?’ With a perplexed frown, she glanced up at him. ‘I mean, he’s, well, quite old, and she’s … very beautiful.’


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