Syren's Rebirth (Syren Series)

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Syren's Rebirth (Syren Series) Page 2

by Jennah Thornhill

  The one I’m currently in doesn’t pay much, and I’ve just found out the parents of the kid I currently look after are moving away. Too far away for me to keep travelling to and from, once I’ve paid for petrol there and back I’d hardly earn much. I would be working for minimum wage if anything.

  Yes, I’m a glorified babysitter, but the real term for my job is, nanny. To me it sounds more professional. It’s because of my sister that I become one in the first place. She was a kind and caring human being, even if she did prefer animals more than people, It’s just who she was

  It took me long enough, but I found something I enjoyed doing and that would make her proud of me too, even if it meant looking after stuck up people’s kids. Regardless of that, my job gives me a purpose, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

  I missed her so much, still do, but not just her, the things that she promised to do with me - all the things a big sister would teach you. What way you’re meant to shave your legs for the first time, or how you kiss a boy and be good at it. There was no more painting each other’s toenails whilst listening to the biggest boy band at that time. No more talking for hours at night in her bed, while she told me all about her new boyfriend and that she thought he was the one she would spend the rest of her life with. I will never get any more days like that with her again.

  After she died, I was in a horrible place that nobody could pull me out from, she was taken from us far too early, and very unexpectedly.

  Twenty-one, it was no age at all, she was too young to die. And as selfish as it sounds, I wasn’t ready to be without her.

  I was so goddamn angry with her and the world when she died, because she didn’t just leave me without a sister. She left her two-year-old daughter without a mother. When she passed away, it took me a long time to see she wouldn’t want me to wallow and go around hating everything and everyone that reminded me of her, so I pulled myself out of the gutter, went to college and qualified in childcare.

  With thoughts of my sister rattling around in my head, I was going off track from my job search. I’m starting to run out of time. The Johnson’s leave in two weeks, so I need to get my arse in gear.

  I search for another half hour before calling it a night, but just when I’m about to give up my laptop pings, letting me know I have received an email.

  “God, I hope it’s a job offer.” I mutter to myself, crossing my fingers. I wipe my hands down the length of my PJ covered legs before opening the email up. I start to read it and almost fall off my stool.

  “What the fuck?” I get closer to the screen of my laptop, making sure I read it correctly, pushing my glasses back up my nose as I go.

  Dear Miss Wright,

  I know it’s not professional of me to email you personally, but I felt I needed to contact you myself.

  I have a little boy who is my whole world and if I could I’d be with him twenty-four-seven but for me to give him the special things in life I need to go back to work. Which brings me back to you and the job.

  I will admit I have trust issues like you wouldn’t believe, but when I read your C.V I felt a connection with you. I know that sounds silly, but hey, they say trust your instincts right. So that’s what I’m doing.

  If you’re at all interested in looking after my superstar you can contact me through this email. It’s my personal email address.

  I hope to hear from you soon.

  Yours kindly

  A. Blackwood

  I find myself reading the email over and over again, not quite believing what I see.

  I don’t know who this person, A. Blackwood is, but hell they’ve just offered me a job, a job I so desperately bloody need.

  I click reply and type out a quick message, trying my best not to sound like an eager beaver. Asking her what the job would entail, where they live and if they would like to meet with me so we can go over more details then.

  Noticing it’s late, and with me struggling to keep my eyes open any longer, I shut my laptop down in hopes there will be a reply in the morning.

  For the first time in a long while, I can go to sleep feeling elated and happy for what my future holds. No more worrying about money to pay my bills, and where the next wage slip is coming from, or having my mum and dad worrying about me all day, every day. They have enough to worry about as it is looking after my eight-year-old niece Bethany.

  This could be the start of a new chapter in my life, and with that said, for once I’m really looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

  Chapter Three


  Groaning out loud as I try to move my stiff body, I slowly wake my pathetic self-up, realising I passed out in the middle of the hard floor in my favourite room in my house, and it’s not my bedroom. Turning my head at a snail's pace, I try to test the waters on just how bad this bitch of a banging head is going to be. Quickly deciding that it’s a bad one, I stop all movement until it no longer feels like my own drum kit has turned its back on me and taken residence in my skull.

  Damn you Jameson’s!!

  The shrill sound of my phone ringing followed by excessive banging on my front door makes me want to shrivel up and die right where I’m lying. Knowing I can’t hide forever, I pull my hungover butt off the floor, and in my clumsy attempt to get to my feet kick the empty Jameson’s bottle.

  Even in my whiskey filled brain, I somehow manage to stagger out of the room and lock it behind me, tucking the key into the pocket of my creased trousers.

  Finally making it to the bottom of the stairs, I drag my feet to the front door and open it to find Johnny and Connor standing there looking like they haven’t just won a global music award and they haven’t spent the night out on the lash celebrating. How the hell do they do it?


  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I spit out. “It’s the crack of dawn, fuck off the pair of ya and come back later. I need some sleep.”

  I start to close the door on them, when suddenly I’m pushed back and the two fuckers walk in, bold as bloody brass.

  “Good morning to you too sweetness, but I’m sorry to inform you, it’s not the crack of dawn, it’s eleven thirty, and we have to meet Allie and the rest of the dancers at the studio in half an hour. Now get your scruffy, smelly backside back up those stairs and get showered… and quickly,” Connor politely informs me.

  Plonking their arses on stools at my kitchen island, they both start munching on bananas that they’ve both robbed, out of my fruit bowl. I swear to god one day I might just choke them both with my bare hands.

  I wouldn’t actually do it, but the thought is there.

  Placing both hands on the island, I look at them both, waiting for one of them to start laughing and to tell me they are taking the piss. Instead, all I get is Johnny pointing to his watch.

  “Chop, chop, we haven’t got all day and we’ve got to go and fetch that even lazier fucker Max yet.”

  Well that’s me told.

  Saying nothing, I huff and puff, showing my annoyance and leave the kitchen, still secretly wishing they would choke on their fruit.

  After spending a good twenty minutes under the spray of my amazing shower, I finally step out of the bathroom to find Johnny sitting on my bed with a scowl on his face.

  What the fuck is his problem?

  I don’t have the headspace for him and one of his lectures today.

  “What’s going on L? This isn’t you, you’re the sensible one. The one who keeps us dickheads in line. You haven't been yourself for a while now.”

  I give a sarcastic laugh at his statement, heading to my drawers at the same time.

  “John, are you telling me that because I’ve had one blow out, that all of a sudden I have a problem? The last time I checked you were the one who kicked our asses.”

  He’s got to be kidding me right now!

  With a huff, he gets off my bed, heads for the door and props himself against the frame, folding his arms across his chest at the same ti
me he’s looking at me suspiciously.

  He knows I’m hiding something, if any of the guys can read me like a book then it’s going to be him.

  I can tell he wants to say something more, carry on poking at me to get me to open up to him, but that isn't happening. I’m not that kind of guy. I gave him some advice once when he was afraid he had lost Karina and that is as close as I'll ever get to opening up to anyone.

  Finally admitting defeat, realising I’m not going to give him what he’s looking for, he pulls away from the door.

  “Fine, have it your way, but remember, we’re all here for you dude, we’re your family.”

  With those parting words he leaves me to get dressed and more importantly, alone with my thoughts.


  What’s one of those?

  I haven’t had one of them in nearly ten years, not one that’s related by blood anyway.

  Steph was my family, she was all I needed, all I wanted in my life, but I wanted to give her a better life than living in some shitty run-down council house in East London. She deserved better.

  Only she didn’t get what she deserved, because I never came back for her, and I’ll never forgive myself for breaking my promise to her. Never.

  We all arrive spectacularly late thanks to me and Max, that fucker was still wrapped around the same red head I left him with last night. To say she got a surprise when we all rocked up on his front door step would be putting it mildly. She even had the nerve to offer us all a nice time in Max’s bed.

  He was not impressed.

  After that he couldn’t get rid of her fast enough.

  Allie is currently tearing Connor a new one in the dressing room for being late and I feel bad for him, because it is partly my fault. He did tell me to shift my backside, I just chose not to listen to him.

  Walking over to Karina who’s got baby Max and baby Syren in a corner playing with some toys, I take a seat next to her and observe the situation in front of me.

  Would me and Stephanie have kids by now?

  Would we be married?

  Would we be as happy as these guys are with their wives?

  So many questions that I don’t know the answers to, but so desperately need.

  “You okay there, L?” I hear K ask me as she gives Max some fruit.

  Sighing, I look at her and realise this woman is one tough cookie. She’s been through hell and back to be with Johnny and there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for her man. I know I can trust her, so I just start talking, but I lower my head so she can’t see the despair on my face.

  “I’m not too bad, K. I was just thinking about someone I used to know and wondering if we would have been as happy as you and Johnny are if I hadn’t broke my promise to her.”

  When I finish speaking, she doesn’t say anything, I’m pretty sure she’s even stopped breathing, which would be a first for her because she always has something to say.

  Lifting my head, I see her staring at me with her mouth wide open.

  “K, what are you staring at? You’re being weird, woman.”

  Shaking her head, she finally closes her mouth before rubbing my arm.

  “I’m sorry, L. It’s just I’ve never heard you talk like that before. We all thought you were happy. We didn’t know you had someone, and I’m pretty sure, if you love her has much as I think you do, as much as I know you do from the way you’ve just spoken about her, then if I was you I wouldn’t be wallowing in self-pity like you are right now. I’d be off fighting for my happiness, and believe me L, you deserve happiness.”

  I don’t respond to her little speech, there’s not a lot I can say really. She’s right. I should be fighting for her.

  Deciding to lighten the mood after that shit load of emotional talk, I stand up and take baby Max and throw him in the air making him giggle.

  “How come you’re here today anyway K? Aren’t you supposed to be working at the store?”

  She looks at me from under her lashes with a don’t ask look on her face, but she knows I’m going to.

  “Allie made you come didn’t she?” I ask, trying my hardest not to laugh.

  “I swear to god that woman needs to learn how to let go a bit. I mean I know she has issues with everything that happened, but I have never known anyone be so uptight and fussy over childcare. I just hope this new nanny, she’s interviewing later gets the bloody job so I can go back to mine.”

  Tickling Max under his arm, I try to hide my laughter behind his head, but I fail miserably, which earns me a scowl from Karina.

  “It’s not funny, L. If I don’t go back to my own job soon, I fear I may kill her.”

  Placing Max back onto the playmat on the floor, I give K a quick squeeze on the shoulder and head back to the guys and also to see if Connor is still alive. Allie is one fireball when she gets going.

  Chapter Four


  This can’t be right? Can it?

  Pulling up outside the gates of the address that I was given, I crane my neck to look out of the windscreen of my pride and joy, Glenda. She’s my baby pink VW Beetle I had bought for me by my parents when I was eighteen.

  Looking at the imposing gates, my hands start to slip from the wheel with sweat, just as the butterflies start to do a dance in my stomach.

  Surely I’m in the wrong place?

  I mean I’ve worked for families with money before, but this is something else.

  Winding my window down, I press the button to the intercom and wait for someone to tell me to fuck off.

  Only that doesn’t happen.

  A gentle voice asks me my name and once I confirm I am who I say I am, the gates start to open slowly.

  Putting my car into gear I trail slowly up the long and winding drive, gasping out loud when the house comes into view.

  It’s beautiful.

  The two-story house is simple, yet elegant at the same time, it’s a townhouse on a much bigger scale.

  Pulling up the drive, I stay seated and take in the magnificence of the house before me. The brick work, the expanse of the windows that no doubt let in an obscene amount of natural light. Then there’s the massive wooden red double front door, it looks scary but I know behind those doors I’m about to find my happiness.

  Taking a deep breath, I grab my bag and file with all my previous employment and recommendations in and climb from my car, before taking the five steps that lead up to the front door. Raising a hand to knock on the hardwood. I’m surprised when the door is swung open and there stands a petite blonde who I recognise instantly.

  Allie Blackwood.

  The Allie Blackwood, the wife of the lead singer of the band Syren, Connor Blackwood.

  How did I not recognize the name in the email?

  She was splashed all over the papers for months when she was attacked.

  What surprises me even more, is the hug she gives me in greeting. Pulling back from me, she takes my shoulders in her small hands before greeting me.

  “Melissa, right?”

  Nodding my head like someone who’s not at all with it, I finally manage to stutter out a reply.

  “Y… Ye… Yeah, I’m Melissa. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs Blackwood.”

  Wafting a hand in between us she says.

  “Don’t be calling me Mrs Blackwood, I’m not that old just yet. Call me Allie, please.”

  “Okay, Allie it is,” I say laughing in agreement at her comment.

  “Come on through, we can’t stand in the hallway all evening. I know it’s a bit of a weird time to have an interview, but I’ve been in the studio most of the day doing the choreography with the other dancers for the new tour,” she explains, as I close the heavy-set door behind me and follow her into the kitchen.

  I stop short, when I’m met with none other than Connor Blackwood himself, sitting casually at the kitchen island with a cup and reading the paper, as if he isn’t a famous rock star.

  I’m actually star struck, this man has been the focus o
f so many of my dreams. I never thought I would get to meet him up this close and personal. Never mind possibly working for the man.

  Pull yourself together, Mel. You’re here for a job.

  Then, like a wrecking ball it hits me. He’s a part of Connors band, this band is the reason why my sister cried herself to sleep for months. Why she became depressed and the reason why Bethany has no father.

  I can’t work for these people, okay so they may not directly be the reason why my sister’s life was ruined, but in my eyes they still took the love of my sister’s life away from her.

  I start to sweat, my palms have gone clammy and my breaths are coming in short, quick puffs. I have to get out of here before I lose it altogether.

  Sensing my breakdown, Allie comes over to me and looks me directly in the eye, worry written all over her face.

  “Melissa, are you okay? Do you need to sit down?”

  Knowing I can’t stand there like a total mute and risk making a fool of myself even more, I finally find my voice.

  “I’m so sorry Allie, but this was a mistake, I need to go.”

  Turning at lightning speed, I head back the way I came and fling the front door open and come crashing into a solid chest.

  “Whoa there little lady, what’s the rush?” A gravelly voice asks me.

  I don’t need to look at him to know who it belongs to.

  Liam. I’d recognize it anywhere, he always used to sing to Steph the new songs the band had come up with that day, or he would always call her when he couldn’t come to the house and I would answer the phone.

  Stepping away from the wall of muscle in front of me, I lift my head and finally look at him for the first time in ten years. A part of me hopes and prays he doesn’t realise who I am. Yet another part of me wants him to pay for the pain he’s caused, but for him to pay he would have to be told she’s dead, and that’s something I really don’t want to do. I’m still living through it, I’m still grieving for my sibling who was also my best friend.


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