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Apollo Page 3

by KJ Dahlen

  She reached up and cupped his cheek. “I wouldn’t have wanted what we did any other way. The pain was mine to bear and I would do it again, for what followed. I will never forget every moment of what you gave me.” She paused then said, “I got to experience something beautiful thanks to you. I don’t regret it at all.”

  Apollo smiled. “I don’t regret it either. In fact, I want it again and again.” He leaned in and kissed her until she was so lost in the kiss she didn’t feel him press her against the shower wall. He lifted her and as naturally as before, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he surged inside her. She was wet enough he had no trouble filling her up.

  She screamed as he filled her but it wasn’t a scream of pain, no this was a scream of extreme pleasure as he began to move inside her. Each stroke sent her higher and higher.

  “Damn honey, you fit me like a glove,” he murmured as he crushed her lips under his own.

  When her walls tightened around him, he lost control and slammed into her wildly. Then he felt her coming and he lost it. They came together and it left them both weak. Apollo guided her to the floor of the shower where they collapsed. Neither of them could move.

  The water was still warm but losing heat fast when he finally reached up to shut it off. Then he brushed his hair back as he looked down at her. “Are you ok, Boo?” he asked softly.

  Kitty looked over at him and nodded. “That was amazing. Does it get better every time?”

  Apollo smiled. “Only with the right person and I think that works for us.”

  She looked him over carefully and noticed various bruises on his ribs and a cut on the side of his head. “Are you sure you’re okay? I really didn’t mean to hit you with my car.”

  Apollo threw back his head and laughed out loud. His laughter echoed in the small bathroom. “Some say love hits you like a train. This version may be altered into a car.” He got to his feet and reached down for her hand. “Come on sweet Boo. I’ll be fine.”

  Kitty reached out and put her hand in his, allowing him to help her to her feet.

  Chapter Four

  Wolf parked his bike in front of the clubhouse and hurried inside. He looked around the house and frowned when he didn’t find who he was looking for.

  Jackal noticed his search and asked him what was going on.

  “Apollo. Is he here?” Wolf wanted to know.

  Jackal looked around the room but he didn’t see the big man either. “I don’t think so, why?”

  Wolf slapped his gloves against his thigh. “I knew that was his bike, I just knew it.”

  Jackal frowned. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Wolf sighed heavily. “I saw a wreck of a bike on the side of the road. When I checked the area, all I found was the bike. No rider, then I thought I recognized the ride. It was Apollo’s. I thought maybe he was here already but we got a missing man boss. I did see some blood on the road too.”

  “Fucking hell,” Jackal swore as he got to his feet. He let out a sharp whistle and that got everyone’s attention. “Come on boys, we got a missing man and a wrecked bike.”

  “Who’s missing?” Shade asked.

  “Apollo,” Jackal told him. He turned and motioned to Beast, his VP. “Get em going.”

  Beast went down the hall and banged on a few doors.

  The almost dozen men sitting there got to their feet and headed out to the parking lot, where they all got on their rides.

  A few more men came out of the front entrance and mounted their bikes.

  One by one, they fired their engines, then one by one in a loud roar of bikes, they took off to find their missing brother.

  When Apollo led her back to the bedroom, he watched as she got her clothes on. He pulled his jeans on and they sat on the bed. He needed to get some answers from her. What was she running from? Before he could say anything, her phone pinged again, with yet, another message.

  She halted and visibly trembled as her face paled.

  Without saying a word, he got up and went over to the table to pick up her phone. When he read the message, he grew quiet as rage filled his body. He turned to her and narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck is this?” He roared as he held out her phone.

  Kitty wouldn’t look at him, she couldn’t. All she could do was hang her head. Her long dark hair hid her face and she wouldn’t say anything.

  “Kitty, answer me.” He still roared but was a little quieter this time.

  “I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

  “The beginning is usually a good place to start,” he urged her.

  Before she could speak, a pounding sounded on the door of the room.

  Kitty went completely white then rolled off the bed and slid underneath.

  Apollo paused at this action of true fear, and knew he wasn’t going to let this go. He tucked her phone in his back pocket as he frowned, then slowly walked to the door. He peeked out the peephole and snorted. Throwing open the door, he glared at the man standing there. “Wolfie, what do you want and how the fuck did you find me?” he growled.

  Wolf stood there and scowled at the man. “What the fuck you mean why am I here, you old bastard? I found your ride wrecked on the road and was worried I’d find you dead.” He all but shouted as more bikes pulled into the parking lot behind him.

  Apollo watched as his brothers stayed on their bikes where they could see him.

  Wolf shook his head. “And how did you get here? When your bike is a pile of junk down the fucking road?”

  Apollo shook his head. “I got hit.”

  “I figured that. So, are you hurt?” Wolf looked him over. “You got a cut there.” He pointed at Apollo’s head. “But you look okay.”

  “Yeah, I’m good but...” He shook his head.

  Jackal shut down his bike and came over to the door. He looked at the two men and asked, “What’s going on here Apollo? Are you okay?”

  Apollo nodded. “I’m all right boss. But I got a situation here I think the club needs to hear about. I’ll be bringing someone in that needs our protection. I haven’t heard her story yet, but I can’t turn my back on her either.”

  “Her?” Wolf peeked in past him to see an empty room. “Did you hit your head really hard?”

  Apollo scoffed. “No. You think I’m hallcinatin’ or what?”

  “I don’t see a, her, Apollo,” Wolf repeated doubtfully.

  He stared at Wolf. “You are fucking annoying sometimes, you know that?”

  Wolf grinned. “Good to know cuz you have annoyed me more than once.”

  Apollo grinned as he shook his head.

  “You need an escort?” Jackal asked as he shook his head at the pair.

  Apollo nodded. “That would be good. Thanks. I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

  Wolf tried to peer in again.

  Apollo huffed at him and shut the door in his face. Then he went back over to the bed. “You can come out now. Everything is gonna be okay. My brothers are here. No one else will get close to you now.”

  It took a few minutes but finally, Kitty crawled out from under the bed. She peered up at him. “I can’t bring them into this. I won’t bring them into this. No one else but me needs to die here.”

  Apollo frowned as he stared at her. “Honey girl, I have no idea what you’re talking about but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some sonofabitch kill you. That’s just not gonna happen. You got me and the brothers to protect you now and until we find out what’s going on here, you ain’t got much choice.”

  She just glared at him. “Listen big man, I do have a choice here and I choose not to involve anyone else in my troubles. I have to get out of here and be on my way and so do you.”

  “The only place you’re going is the clubhouse at the moment. In case you forgot, you ran me off the road and wrecked my ride.” He went over to where his boots were and sat down to slip them onto his feet. Then he grabbed his cut and put that on. Grabbing his dirty shirt, he motioned her toward the door. “Keys.”
He insisted as he held out his hand.

  Kitty growled under her breath and stomped over to the table where she picked up her bag and dug around for her car keys. When she had them, she threw them at his head.

  Apollo reached out and snatched them before they could hit him and glared at her in return. “Bad little kitty. That wasn’t very nice,” he admonished her.

  “Not feeling so nice right now, big man.” She snarled. “You’re being a bully and that’s not right.” She put her purse over her shoulder and joined him at the door.

  Wolf was still waiting for them just outside the door and his widened when he saw her standing there.

  Apollo chuckled. “What’s the matter Wolfie, ain’t you seen a woman before?”

  Wolf chuckled as he stared at Apollo. “Yeah, I’ve seen a woman before, just haven’t seen you with one in a very long time. Beginning to wonder if you were swinging for the home team now, or what?”

  “Fuck you man. I’m particular is all. Not a man whore, ya know. I don’t swing for no home team either.” Apollo growled.

  “Man whore...” Wolf repeated with a chuckle as he turned away to head to his bike.

  “Let’s get this show on the road boys,” Jackal called out from his place in the parking lot.

  Kitty crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t think this is a good idea. You need to just ride off with your boys. Give me my car key back and we can call this a day.”

  “We ain’t calling this a day and this is THE only idea, little girl.” Apollo grasped her upper arm and she struggled to get away but he wasn’t letting her go. He escorted her over to her vehicle and opened the passenger door.

  Huffing angrily, she got in.

  Smirking at her puffing up like an angry little bird, Apollo walked around to the driver’s side and slid in behind the wheel. Adjusting the seat back as far as he could get it, he inserted the key and started the engine. “Damn little Kitty,” he murmured. “How the fuck, do you drive this cage anyway?”

  She chuckled wickedly. “This car is big enough for me and suits me just fine.” She shrugged. “I can’t help it you’re bigger than normal.”

  He beamed at her. “I’m big and I’m loud. So damn fine that I make my mama proud.”

  Kitty slowly looked over at him as her eyes rounded. “Seriously? You’re a biker that raps? You are sort of blowing that stereotype all to hell aren’t you?”

  He laughed. “You best get used to it. You aren’t getting rid of me so easily. Using my magnificent body like your own personal toy, then thinkin’ you’re just gonna walk away. Nah, baby, that’s not how this is gonna go down.”

  “Oh, my god! I can’t believe...” She huffed and still looked angry. She saw no humor in his... humor, so she didn’t say anything else until they got to the club.

  After just a ten minute drive that remained entirely silent as Kitty fumed in her seat, they finally arrived.

  He shut off the engine and stared at the clubhouse. After a moment he told her, “You don’t have to be afraid anymore honey girl. Me and my brothers can protect you from anything or anyone out there, looking to take you out. I promise you we can and will do just that.”

  At his sincerity, her anger melted away instantly. “Oh, big man,” she murmured softly. “I think you’re taking on something not even you can handle. Your shoulders might be huge but this isn’t something you can challenge and win.” Kitty got out of her car and waited until he came around the back to escort her in.

  Chapter Five

  Once inside, they were met by his brothers who were all waiting for an explanation.

  Jackal nodded for them to sit at his table.

  Apollo escorted her over to one of the two chairs waiting for them.

  Kitty kept her eyes down and didn’t say anything.

  Jackal asked, “What the hell happened tonight brother? Wolf came in looking for you, saying he saw your bike wrecked on the road. How did that happen?”

  “That would be my fault,” Kitty spoke up. She lifted her head and stared at Jackal. “I was behind him and took my eyes off the road for a second and I hit him. I got him to the motel and gave him help then you guys found us.”

  Jackal swung his gaze to Apollo. “You okay big guy?”

  Apollo nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I was knocked out for a bit but I didn’t really get too banged up. Apparently, we were both going slow enough not to do too much damage except to my bike maybe.” He swung his head over to Wolf. “How bad is the bike?”

  Wolf shrugged. “We sent out a trailer, but it looked pretty mangled. I guess we have to wait and see when the boys get it back here.”

  Jackal turned to Kitty, “So who are you lady?”

  Apollo growled a little.

  Jackal and the others snapped their heads around to stare at him.

  “Her name is Kitty.” He raised a dark brow at them.

  “Kitty Warin,” she added quickly.

  “Kitty, this is Jackal he’s the prez here,” Apollo made the introductions. “This man is Beast, our VP and you’ve met Wolf, he’s the goofy dude on the left.”

  Wolf glared at him and gave him the finger.

  Apollo snickered a little but ignored him. “She needs our protection,” he announced.

  Kitty turned her head and glared at him. “No I don’t. I need to get the hell out of this town before he finds me, that’s what I need to do.” Shaking her head, she begged him, “Don’t you see, Apollo? The longer I’m here the closer he gets and I don’t want to give him any more targets. Why can’t you see that?”

  “Wait a minute...” Jackal frowned. “Who the hell are we talking about here?”

  Apollo reached in his pocket for her phone and slid it across the table.

  Kitty leaned forward and looked like she wanted to object but she didn’t, instead she bit her lip.

  Jackal picked up the phone and read the last few messages that had come up. He frowned, then glared over at her. “Who the fuck is this and why is he following you all over the place?” He snarled.

  Kitty had to bite her lip hard not to lash out at them. She refused to open her mouth.

  Jackal tossed the phone to Tank, their club IT guy. “Check and see if the phone has GPS and if it does, disable it. That crazy fucker is chasing her all over the place, he seems to be just one step behind her, and I don’t want him to come knocking on our front door.” Jackal looked over at her and asked, “So what is he hunting you down for?”

  “He needs to kill me for some property I own.” She couldn’t look at them and she acted like she wouldn’t tell them more than this.

  At her announcement, there was nothing but silence in the room.

  “What the fuck?” Wolf all but shouted. “Why would he be hunting you for property?”

  “Well, it isn’t him that wants it,” she explained. “It’s his boss and he’s been after the property for as long as I’ve been alive.”

  “Why does he want it and who the hell is HE?” Beast asked.

  Kitty shivered. She really didn’t want to tell them anything. It was a complicated story and she didn’t even know all of it. She only knew what she was told a very long time ago. Not only that, but there was no one still alive to verify the facts. She just sat there and didn’t say anything.

  “Come on little Kitty.” Apollo nudged her. “You gonna answer the question?”

  She finally looked up at him. “How can I answer when there’s no one left alive to verify my side of this? How can I tell you that a man came to my father just months after I was born looking to buy some land from him, adjacent to our house that my father deeded to me when I was born? My dad told him several times the land wasn’t for sale but the man just kept coming back, offering him more money. Every time my father told him, no... the man would raise the price. My father told him the land belonged to me and he couldn’t have it. Then my parents took me to spend the weekend with my grandparents because they were afraid for my life and they turned out to be right. The ma
n came back and they both died. My grandparents took me into hiding from this man. They hid me for seventeen years, then they were found and the man who killed my parents, killed them too.” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she went on, “He told them all they had to do was turn me over, and they would live, when they didn’t, he cursed them then shot them in the back of the head. He set fire to the house to hide his crime and I almost burned to death before I could get out of the house. I was hiding but he never found me. I saw everything that happened. That was five years ago. I’ve been running for my life my whole damn life. How do I bring you and your friends in on this... when I know the only thing that will stop it is that bastard getting what he wants, my death, and the land turned over to him? How the fucking hell do I do that?”

  Everyone remained silent for a moment.

  Suddenly, Apollo grabbed her off her chair and wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Sweet Jesus, Boo,” he whispered in her ear.

  She finally broke down and sobbed her fear. His chest felt so warm and her tears soaked his skin.

  Apollo just held her to him and let her cry.

  When she settled down, Jackal told her, “You are going to stop running and face this bastard and you’re going to do it with us standing right beside you.”

  Kitty didn’t even lift her head from Apollo’s shoulder. Instead, she just shook it. “You don’t understand something here. He doesn’t care who he has to kill to get to me. He’s already killed five innocent people just because they got in his way. I’m not letting any of you get killed. I can’t carry anymore guilt around. I just can’t!”

  “Who is the man that wants the property and where is this property?” Beast asked.

  Kitty shivered at the question. “He’s some Russian dude named Vailda Bennett. The property is on Savannah River in Georgia. I have no idea why he wants it after all this time but he does. I mean my God, he’s been after this land for twenty three years.”

  “Vailda Bennett? Are you sure that’s who wants it?” Beast asked.


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