Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

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Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend Page 12

by S. N. Garza

  A loud clapping sounded behind me and I looked to see Danny come out from the back and said, “Welcome the new girl. New girl, get up there behind everyone and learn the routines. You’ll have a few hours to get yourself ready. The show tonight requires fifteen dancers. Please keep up.”

  Holy. Fuck. The next few hours were grueling. Unlike what they thought though, since I had a good dancing regimen I always stuck to, I kept up perfectly. By the end of practice, I had the moves down for the four dances they were showing tonight and the girls broke up, going up the stairs into the dressing room.

  “New girl?” Danny called out.


  “Excuse me?”

  “My name is Scarlet.”

  “Yeah. Well if you want to work here, it’s more than just dancing. The other girl quit when she couldn’t do the lap dances.”

  “Lap dances?”

  “Yes. Upstairs there are seven rooms where we usually do the private lap dances, and also the pole room. There are a set a girls who work on that level alone but because I believe in equal opportunity, each week one of the dancers down here get chosen randomly to do one or the other. Stripping isn’t necessary though. Upstairs is more of a gentlemen’s club. They have to pay a membership to get upstairs. Saints and Sinners used to be a strip club when my late husband was alive. I wanted to at least keep a small portion of that since it is very lucrative. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

  Uh. I don’t know if I could really be a stripper. What would Dax think? What would Dax say to something like that?

  An affirmative hell no is what he’d say, but if it meant I could dance than I was going to give it a shot.

  “If I go up there, are they allowed to touch me?”

  Both Danny and Sebastian stated firmly, “No.”

  Danny continued, “They are not allowed to touch you unless there is written consent on your part, but I highly discourage that. Anything out of these doors is up to you. They touch you, they will be fined, and their membership revoked.”

  “Then yes. That’s fine.”

  Danny gave me a good look over, “Hm. I might just like you, new girl. We have a few solo dances that our lead girl performs for the last show, so you can choose to leave, or you can stay until close and work the lounge, waiting cocktail. Now, get ready.”

  Since I was a bartender, I could do that and bring in a little more cash. I nodded and went to get ready for the night. I had something to prove to Danny and those girls who thought I wasn’t good enough. Well, they’d see that I was serious when it came to dancing. The songs they danced to, the lead dancer lip-synced. I wondered if she could actually sing or if that was how they just did things around here. Right now though, I didn’t care. I was going to show them what I was made of.


  Success! Not one misstep, not one toe out of line. At the end of the routines, Danny had stared at me, nodded her head and walked away. Sebastian, stood and waited for me to stop right in front of him before he spoke.

  “Normally, she doesn’t acknowledge new girls, so when she does that, be grateful. Now, right now, we only have two nights we need you. Thursdays and Saturdays. Is this going to be a problem?”

  “Actually no, it’s perfect. I have another job and I have school, so it works out perfectly.”

  “Good. Before you leave for the night, fill all this out and we will get you set-up and ready for Saturday.”

  His voice was deep and rusty. His tone was kind of sarcastic but not rude as it was earlier. Maybe my first impression went pretty well.



  “You like that girl, Danny. Admit it.”

  Danny walked back towards the office with dresses on her arm and her sewing kit in hand.

  “I don’t know, she sounds a little to sassy to me.”

  “Now, Danny, admit it. She did very well, and since she’s the only girl out there that was curvy, a lot of those men couldn’t take their eyes off her. She danced to every routine without any missteps. I like her.”

  Danny scoffed, “Of course you do. You always did have a soft spot for the underdogs.” They made it inside the office where Danny set down the clothes she needed to get fixed on the leather sofa by the door.

  “What’s really wrong, Danny? Past few days you’ve been kind of in your own little world.”

  “I think Mike’s father has been trying to send his cronies in here, trying to get drugs inside. There’s someone that’s being paid to help him. I can’t imagine one of the bartenders roofing someone’s drink. All our bartenders have been very loyal. No one from when Saints was a strip club still work here. I have no idea, but over the last week, two women have been admitted to the hospital and they said the last place they remember is being here.”

  “What the fuck? Have you told Dax?”

  Danny shook her head and sighed heavily.

  “No. I had thought the first time was just an accident. The second time, well, Mike told me when it had been a strip club, they pushed club drugs, Rohypnol, GHB, and especially Ketamine. They liked it when the girls didn’t remember. Sick bastards.”

  “Why didn’t Mike tell you he was pushing the drugs?”

  “MC Business. I was just the old lady according to them. I didn’t need to know jack. And since Mike was only the second born and not ‘heir to the MC throne’. He knew of shit happening but not the drugs. As far as I knew. His father and older brother sent unknowns in here to sell them. That’s why I made sure to change all this up and have a high cover charge. I didn’t want to involve Dax, if I didn’t have to. He despises the Sons of Dixon MC. If it does happen again, I will have to do that and hire bouncers to check each person who walks through the doors.”

  “I think you should tell Dax now. If the Sons of Dixon has something to do with the two incidents, then not only do we need to get Dax involved but the police, too.”

  Sebastian did have the right of it, Danny thought. Dax hated anything to do with the Sons of Dixon. He would not be pleased.

  Dax. Danny’s one and only child was the pride and joy of her life. She loved Mike something fierce He was so different than his father Declan, and his older brother Quinn. Danny thought she was just marrying a bad boy who rode a bike, not a son from a highly corrupt motorcycle club. Mike had always kept MC business private from her. One thing though, since Danny was the first Dixon old lady to get pregnant, Mike pressured her into naming their son after his father.

  Their love was a hard and twisted one, but until Mike’s death, Mike was a good man. Tried to keep Danny and Dax out of that life. When Dax realized what his father was a part of, he wanted nothing to do with it.

  Dax saw Declan and the rest of the MC only a handful of times. After he was about twelve, he absolutely refused to see them.

  Danny wanted to see Dax settled. Yes, he was still young. In his twenties, but Danny wanted to see him with someone who made him happy. He’s been so closed off. Danny has never seen him bring a girl to the club to meet her or even to the house she lived at. She almost thought he was gay, which would be fine. Whatever made him happy, but he was just hard, unyielding and distant.

  “Maybe you’re right, Sebastian. I’ll sleep on it and when Dax gets here in the morning, we’ll discuss it. Maybe.”


  “He’s going to blow a gasket.”





  It’s been a few weeks since I began working at Saints when finally, the one dancer who didn’t like me, made her stand. I’ve only been working two days a week for the past three weeks and the dancer, Annabelle-Belle for short, snort-decided it was time to show up and humiliate me. She didn’t know me except the days I came in and worked. She insisted on calling me ‘new girl’, and since she was the senior dancer here, every one acted like they were her bitches. Well, hell-the-fuck-no, was I that. I was no one’s little puppet.

  Anyway, she hadn’t
shown up for most of the shift tonight and Danny told me to do back up for her replacement. When Annabelle came in with a hangover, Danny told her she wasn’t performing tonight with the shit she pulled by showing up late and wasted.

  In a way I felt bad for her, because maybe something happened that made her feel like she needed a strong drink or a few. It was already midnight and technically I was already done performing. I liked staying and waiting tables. The least amount I’ve ever made was $200 a shift, which was going to totally go a long way.

  So, back to little Miss Annabelle. She noticed she had a replacement, and she didn’t like that or seeing me in the back ground. She had huffed and puffed and stomped away. Danny just shooed us to go and get on stage.

  The routine we began was the jazz version of ‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’. The routine was simple, and fun. The stage was lit up with spot lights and props from the 1960’s, and our clothes? Now that Sebastian has adjusted them, looked amazing. Tonight, the costume was so pretty. It was a one piece that ended on the tops of our thighs, black with two-tone of purple swirls. Black and purple sequins outlined the top, and it was strapless. In the back was a corset tied backing, and a multitude of purple feathers that poofed out and fluffed when we walked. On our necks were black chokers with a purple tear drop pendant. My hair was flared out in the front and curled back in a tight pony-tail. Adorned on our heads was a little glittery black top hat with purple ribbon at the base and matching feathers on one side. The only difference between the backup dancers and the lead, was the lead girl had pink in the swirls instead of purple.

  In the middle of the routine, the music cut off and the lights surrounding the stage turned off. The two girls I was with started looking around as if they had no idea what to do. The live band Saints and Sinners had usually only played during the routines.

  Looking out towards the crowd, people started getting up and walking out. A lot of them were men and came specifically for the show, and to deal with a lot of business. I noticed that during the last few hours, a lot of business was conducted here. Nothing illegal that I saw, but there were a lot of high-rollers here and sometimes they went upstairs to the stripping lounge after their affairs were settled or whatnot. Danny had said they had to have a membership to go upstairs, or pay a butt-load of money.

  My heart started to escalate. I didn’t know if I’d get in huge trouble if I did what I was thinking of doing. I didn’t want people to leave, especially since I was going to be waiting after this. Danny was murmuring loudly to Sebastian to draw the curtains quickly. They were half way down when I stepped forward. I began the beat of the song in my head and started tapping my toe.

  Then taking a deep breath, I began to sing ‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’. I did my own routine, something a little more provocative. Within seconds, the live band started jazzing it up and the curtains were raised. Some people that left were trying to get back in, and had to repay the cover charge, in which they were only too happy to oblige. The men sat up and paid attention. I didn’t care though.

  I did my own thing and prayed I wouldn’t get fired. The girls behind me were following after me and the whole song came alive. I finished the song with a flourish and there wasn’t a quiet seat in the house, everyone was standing, cheering, whistling and clapping.

  The girls, Chrissy and Kim came up to me, hugging me, telling me how awesome that was. We took our bow and went back stage.

  Where a straight faced Danny was standing, staring at me as if I was a disease. Sebastian stood just behind her to the left, but I kept my eyes steady on hers.

  Here it came. I was totally going to get fired.

  “That was amazing!” She clapped, and then asked, “Where did you learn how to sing like that?”

  “Lots of musicals.”

  “Well, you definitely saved the evening. Good job, Diamonds.”

  Now I had a nickname. Didn’t really like nicknames, but I’ll take it if it means I wasn’t going to get fired.

  “So I’m not fired?”

  “No. I don’t usually have live singing, but I think we could work something out where you can sing sometimes. Thank you for that.”

  Then she just turned and swiftly made her exit. Sebastian came up to me and took my shoulders in a firm grip.

  “Well done.” Then he kissed my cheeks before following in Danny’s wake.

  All the downstairs dancers huddled round me and asked me where I learned to sing like that. How awesome that was, and I saw Annabelle in the corner of my eye, looking madder than a hatter.

  I didn’t pay any attention though and the other girls and I made our way back into dressing area.

  Annabelle had walked by my mirror and ‘accidently’ elbowed my head. I didn’t let it get to me though. Her reckoning was coming one day soon. I had an hour to wait tables before going home.

  I showed Danny and all the other girls what I was really made of. The only bad thing, I wish I could tell Dax.

  He didn’t know I worked at Saints and Sinners. I was worried with his caveman personality, he might have issues. He only came into Chili’s on Friday’s when I manned the well. Over the past few months we’ve hung out at last four or five times a week. Ever since that hot scene in his living room and then me having my period, he’s been “sensitive” to my needs.

  What I really wanted was a repeat of that night, a few weeks ago. He made me feel things I had never thought possible. I wanted him. Like…really wanted him. I wanted him to have me. All of me.

  I wasn’t ready to tell him about Saints yet, but since he usually worked from home the nights I worked there, it worked out. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like it.

  Yeah, I was my own woman, but the fact that I was hiding something from him didn’t sit right with me. I didn’t’ want his opinion of me to lessen. Especially since he stamped his ‘claim’ on me. I didn’t know how to be a girlfriend any more than he knew how to be a boyfriend, but he loved showing me off.

  Going to the movies, out to eat-he looked at everyone like he was the king of the world. In private, it would only be small touches here, little sweet kisses there. I was ready now.

  The anticipation was really killing me. His touch was always warm and it soaked into my pores. Made my bloodstream simmer with need. It was a little more than a week before Christmas, and I was beginning to need him something fierce. In that vulnerable moment when I prayed and told him don’t hurt me, and hearing him say what he did, ‘not in a million years’, well-that stuck with me.

  I was taking a risk in trusting him with my heart. Fortunately, he didn’t take no for an answer. I was ready for him to formally meet Nana. He hasn’t rushed that part of our relationship. He knew when to push me and when to back off.

  Nana’s reaction to me telling her I wasn’t ready for him to meet her yet was not what I had been thinking it would be. I had thought she would be understanding, but instead, she was almost fuming.

  This was just a few days ago, when she had asked me why I kept going to see him instead of him coming here, picking me up, meeting her good and proper.

  She had told me she wasn’t getting any younger and if I was getting serious with ‘this boy’ then I should at least respect her enough to let him meet her. That cut me up to think I was hiding my relationship from her.

  Was I getting serious with Dax? Yeah, you could say I was. I had told her I didn’t want to rush this. It was still new to me. I’ve never really had friends that I could call on and discuss boys with and the only man that I’ve ever been told about was the grandfather I’ve never met. How was I supposed to know what kind of man Dax was? Although, only a few times in his presence and one could see exactly what type of man he was. He was bold, fearless, tough, and since he didn’t have a filter, he said it like it was. I really liked that. Even though some things made me blush from head to toe. And even then, he still found ways to make me think he was the sweetest guy I’d ever met. Opened doors, waited until I sat down at a table befor
e he sat, and when we went to his place, he made sure I was comfortable, he’d take care of me like I was so important.

  Like I was his lifeline.

  He was quickly becoming mine. And I had to admit, I was scared shitless at the idea. I didn’t have friends. Guys or girls. Except Dax. People at work were coworkers. I didn’t really hang out with them.

  The closer Christmas got, I wondered what I was going to get Dax. He seemed like a man who had everything. He’s a huge Texan’s fan. That is one thing I’ve learned. Sundays were a day to not get on his bad side. Especially when we lost.

  Most of the time I stayed home on Sundays. I wanted to be with Nana as much as I could. Something just wasn’t right lately.

  She’s been acting strange. Distant. And sick. She’s tired all the time. Sometimes late at night I heard her vomiting, or dry heaving. I tried to help her, but she insists she didn’t want me to pick up on any illness.

  Even when I said I didn’t care if I got sick, she was still adamant. Keeping me ten feet away, not allowing me any closer. Then some days, she acts like nothing is wrong. Her pale skin becomes rosy and healthy again.

  I asked her what I could do, and she says I was doing it. Being there for her. Loving her.

  That’s why I decided to bring Dax over Tuesday evening to meet Nana. It was time. Time for change.


  Nana was having a good day, but I still told her I was going to do all the cleaning. I told Dax to come by the house at six. I already had a pork tenderloin on the grill.

  One thing Nana made sure I knew how to do was cook. Even though it was just the two of us, she taught me the appreciation of cooking a good home-cooked meal.

  “What are you going to wear, Scarlet?”

  I pulled the baked potatoes out of the oven and placed the vegetables I had steaming on the stove to the back burner. I was wearing a pair of jeans, my Chucks and a plain, pale, pink t-shirt.


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