Trapped in Time

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Trapped in Time Page 18

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I imagine you are. Good night then.” Leaning over, he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and then left, closing the door softly behind him.

  Caroline looked up at him as they stood in the hall together. It all made sense now and she felt stupid for accusing him in the first place.

  “So…she’s your cousin.”

  Richard nodded wearily. “Come. We can speak of it more in the room I mentioned.”

  * * * * *

  As he led Caroline to the spare room which was usually kept for distinguished visitors—Lords who wished to visit Mother Griffith’s but did not care to spend the night in the brothel’s common rooms—Richard wondered why in the world his wife had come after him.

  He’d been coming here for months now—ever since Emmeline had resurfaced and found herself in a “delicate condition,” thanks to that blackguard, Jack Torrington. He had made no particular efforts to hide what he was doing or where he was going and Caroline had completely ignored his frequent disappearances. She knew the sad story of his cousin’s ruination—Hell, everyone in good society did. But she had never once spoken of it or alluded to it in any way. Like everyone else in their social circle, she tried to pretend nothing had happened and that Emmeline had never existed.

  So why had she followed him tonight? If it had nothing to do with Emmeline, could it have been that she was jealous? She’d never shown the slightest sign that she might care if he’d broken his vows before—not that he ever would have. Once given, a Kindred could not take his heart back—however much he might wish he could, Richard thought grimly.

  Could her strange behavior still have to do with the lightning strike? He had heard her telling Lord Harkens a lot of nonsense about coming from another universe or some such rot when he’d come to get her from Thrashings Hall only that afternoon. Could her wits be addled?

  But she seemed perfectly sane and lucid now—though she had been somewhat shaken by the attack in the alley.

  Richard frowned to himself. Had she really escaped unscathed? He must ask her again in a calmer setting and let her know that he would not think the worse of her if the unthinkable had happened.

  The very thought of that brute forcing himself on Caroline made Richard’s fangs grow long and sharp and his hands clench into fists. He had barely restrained himself from ripping the bastard’s throat out with his teeth. Only the knowledge that such an action would horrify the woman he loved had stopped him from doing it.

  I must examine her and make certain no harm has been done, he told himself. And I must be gentle and assure her that I will still love and cherish her no matter what has happened. Let her know that the attack was not her fault.

  He would not allow what had happened to his dear cousin to happen to Caroline. Though he was still unsure of her motivations, he knew his own heart. Try as he might to cut off his emotions for her, he still loved her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Richard led Caroline down the hall to the room at the very end. When he opened it, she saw the welcome sight of a fire crackling in the hearth. There was also a four-poster brass bed covered in a blue and green patchwork quilt and a teapot with a long, curving spout hanging on the hob.

  A tall, folding screen stood in one corner and in front of the fire was a strange looking contraption which appeared to be made of porcelain. It had a round, deep bottom filled with about a foot of water and one high end that came up almost like the back of a chair. Caroline couldn’t guess what it was but she was just happy to be someplace safe and clean and warm.

  “Oh, this is lovely.” She cast an appreciative glance at the fire before going in to sit on the bed. For a minute she had trouble with the whalebone hoops under her dress, which nearly flipped up and showed her pantalets and stockings.

  Somehow, she caught them in time and rearranged herself with a muffled curse.

  “Damn it, I am so tired of these freaking things!”

  “I beg your pardon?” Richard looked surprised. Probably—no, definitely—she shouldn’t have cursed. Polite young ladies undoubtedly never said “damn” or any of the other things she was thinking at the moment.

  “Sorry!” she said quickly. “It’s just this stupid hoop skirt. I’ve been wearing it for hours and I’m so tired of it!”

  “Why don’t you take it off, then?” Richard asked. “You must if I am to examine you properly, anyway.”

  “Oh, you want me to…to take off my clothes?” Caroline felt her face flush and her heart was suddenly beating twice as fast as it had been only a moment before.

  “So that I may examine you, yes.” He nodded gravely. “You have been attacked—I must see to you.”

  “But…but nothing happened,” Caroline protested nervously. “I mean he, uh, tried to and he probably would have in another second if you hadn’t come along when you did—but you didn’t give him a chance. And how did you find me anyway?”

  He sighed. “By the time I got here, Emmeline had already delivered her child. I examined both of them, made certain they were resting comfortably, and came out for a breath of fresh air. Whereupon, Nick came and told me that ‘a pretty young lady of the quality’ had come to see me and was waiting downstairs. The moment I descended the steps, I caught your scent in the air but you had already gone.”

  “Wait—you could smell that I had been there?” Caroline shook her head. “I had no idea the Kindred sense of smell was that strong?”

  “You’re lucky it is, my dear,” he growled, frowning. “I was able to follow you down the street and into that black alley you’d gone into and stop your assailant—I hope in time.” He shook his head. “Why did you follow me down here, Caroline? Don’t you know how dangerous it is? You might have been killed!”

  “I followed you because I thought you were cheating on me,” she blurted. “And I know I don’t have any right to talk about cheating—not after you found me taking tea with Lord Harkens’ mother today. But you should know,” she continued quickly, “That I didn’t want to go! The other mother—I mean, Ma-ma—made me. She said it was either that or I had to go for a womb exam.” She shivered. “I decided tea was a better option.”

  “Yes, well…” Richard sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Whatever your reasoning, you should not have come.”

  “Well, I’m here now,” Caroline pointed out. “And you said…you told me you wanted me to take off my clothes.”

  She didn’t know why she was reminding him of this. Normally she would never want to get naked in front of anyone—especially a man. Her overfull hourglass shape made her extremely self-conscience about being plus sized. But Richard seemed to like her shape and what was more, she had seen other women shaped like her at the ball the other night. Maybe it was in fashion here and that was why she felt more willing to take her clothes off in front of him.

  Or maybe it’s just his scent working on you again. God, he smells good! whispered a little voice in her head. It was true—that warm, spicy, masculine scent that Richard seemed to carry with him everywhere he went made her feel almost dizzy with desire. Caroline didn’t know what it was, but it made her want to rub against him like a cat.

  “I did ask you to take your clothing off, yes. But only so that I might examine you—I have no other designs on you, I swear it, Caroline.” Richard came to kneel before her. Taking her hands in his, he looked earnestly into her eyes. “And I want you to know, my love, that no matter what has happened, you will retain your value to me. My feelings for you will not change a whit—that I swear to you.”

  “Well…thank you.” Caroline was touched by his gesture. Clearly during this time and in this world, if a woman was raped she immediately lost her value in the eyes of society and probably in the eyes of her husband as well. But Richard wanted to let her know that he would care for her no matter what had happened. “That’s very sweet of you,” she murmured.

  “I speak only the truth,” he said earnestly. “Will you allow me to help you undress?”

  Caroline bit
her lip. “All right. But…tell me more about Emmeline while you do. If she’s your cousin and born into the, uh, quality, how did she end up here?”

  He frowned. “I had thought you knew her sad tale, though we have never spoken of it.”

  “I don’t know the details,” Caroline said quickly. “Please, Richard—just talk to me. I’m, uh, nervous about getting naked in front of you. I think if you talked to me it would help.”

  “Very well.” He rose smoothly from the floor and helped her off the bed. As he helped her unbutton her dress, he began to speak.

  “Emmeline is my younger cousin, as you know, by only two years. Our mothers were sisters and we were practically raised together so that she is more like a little sister to me than a cousin. As she had no older brothers of her own, I always used to look out for her. At least, I tried to.” His face twisted. “But in this, I failed.”

  “Oh. What happened?” Caroline asked softly as he pulled the dress over her head and went around to begin untying her corset.

  “She was at a picnic last spring—you and I had been invited but we chose not to attend.” He sighed. “I was tired from seeing patients the night before and I thought she would do well enough—after all, my aunt was there to chaperone her. But I did not know that Jack Torrington would be there. He had been pressing his suit to Emmeline of late but she would not have him. He got her alone on the pretext of finding some fresh flowers to pick and…well…”

  His face twisted in an expression of regret and anger.

  “He…he took advantage of her?” Caroline asked softly.

  “He forced himself on her,” Richard said shortly. “The whole party heard her screams but by the time they got to her, the deed was done.”

  “That’s terrible!” Caroline exclaimed. After nearly being raped herself that night, she had a new perspective on just how horrible what poor Emmeline had gone through was. “Is that something that happens a lot?”

  “Not in good society,” Richard said. “But Torrington was the son of an Earl—I daresay he fancied himself above the law and any kind of retribution.” He frowned. “In that, at least, I proved him wrong.”

  “What happened then?” Caroline asked.

  Richard snorted. “Oh, Torrington begged everyone’s pardon most prettily—he said he was carried away with the ‘passion of his love for her’ and avowed himself quite willing to marry her and make an honest woman of her. But Emmeline, understandably, did not wish to marry her rapist. So I called Torrington out for her.”

  “You challenged him to a duel?” Caroline exclaimed.

  He frowned. “Do you not remember? At the time, I heard your mother say she was glad of it and hoped that Torrington might kill me and thus rid you of me for good. Of course, her wish did not come true—I dropped him with the first shot of my pistol and Emmeline was free of him. I think your mother was quite disappointed,” he added wryly.

  Caroline put a hand to her mouth.

  “That’s horrible! I’m so sorry, Richard—that woman is awful.”

  “She is ambitious—on your behalf, at least. She always said your beauty was wasted on me.” He sighed. “She never understood that it was not your beauty I fell in love with—though you are the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld.”

  “Oh,” Caroline whispered. They seemed to be getting a little off track here, but she didn’t mind. “Why…why did you fall in love with me, then?” she asked softly.

  “It was the dreams I had of you,” Richard admitted. “Although, I own that some of them were passing strange.”

  “Strange?” Caroline asked. “Strange how?”

  He frowned. “Well, I saw you dressed in odd clothing—wearing trousers, just like a man. And you were working in a very odd place, working with machines I could not begin to understand.”

  Caroline felt as though her heart had stopped in her chest.

  Me, she thought excitedly. He was actually dreaming about me—not her! Just the way I was dreaming of him. We really were Dream Sharing all that time—for years and years! No wonder I had such an instant connection with him—we’ve been sharing a kind of mental communication for ages.

  “You almost seemed a different person in the dreams,” Richard said thoughtfully. “I thought that after I Joined with you, I might find the real you—the one I had seen in my dreams—buried under all the finery and frippery somewhere.”

  “I’m here now,” Caroline whispered, looking up at him. “I swear I am, Richard.”

  “Are you, my love?” He had her down to her chemise and pantalets now, having removed the rest of her outer clothing as well as her little black boots and stockings. He cupped her cheek and looked down into her eyes. “Are you really?”

  “I am,” Caroline whispered and then drew him down for a long, lingering kiss.

  Chapter Twenty

  At first, Richard drew her to him and kissed her back hungrily—his mouth taking hers with an intensity that stole her breath. Caroline felt his fangs growing long and sharp—she caressed them recklessly with her tongue, wanting to feel them pierce her flesh. But then he pulled away, a troubled look on his handsome features.

  “What? What is it?” Caroline asked breathlessly. As always, her body had come alive under his touch. The more she kissed him, the more she wanted to kiss him—it was like the big Kindred was a drug she could never get enough of.

  “We should not,” Richard murmured. “I swore to you that I wished only to examine you—nothing more.”

  “Oh. All right.” Caroline couldn’t keep the disappointment out of her voice.

  “Forgive me, my darling,” he murmured. “But we are so close to the end of our Joining—I know it is what you wish and I would not have you ruin it now by going further than your conscience would allow.”

  “What if I don’t want our Joining—our marriage—to end?” Caroline asked recklessly—though a little voice in her brain was shouting at her to stop talking like this and be practical.

  You’re going back to your own time—at least you’re going to try to, the little voice reminded her. You can’t make him fall in love with you and then leave him! What if the other Caroline comes back in your place—you know she doesn’t love him and won’t want anything to do with him. You’ll only break his heart—and yours too, if you let yourself go too far.

  But she had already gone too far. She wanted Richard as she had never wanted any man—wanted him with an intensity she had never felt before. It was as though she’d been asleep all her life and the touch of the big Kindred had woken her up.

  He sighed. “I wish I could believe you. But it is too late now—we have not fulfilled the demands of the Claiming Period.”

  “But…but you, uh, held me and touched me the other night, at the ball,” Caroline reminded him. “So what’s left? The bathing period, the, um, tasting period…” She cleared her throat, suddenly aware that she was still really unsure about that part in particular.

  “I suppose I could bathe you as a precursor to examining you.” Richard looked at her speculatively. “We do have a half bath here.” He nodded at the weird porcelain tub with its high back like a chair that Caroline had wondered about when they first came into the room.

  So that’s what that thing is, she thought. Looking up at Richard, she saw the desire in his pale blue eyes and felt her heart pounding.

  “Do…do you want to do that? To, uh, bathe me?” she asked softly.

  “Of course I do, my darling.” His voice was a low, needful growl. “I have wished to stroke your bare flesh and bring you pleasure from the moment I first beheld you in my dreams.”

  “Oh,” Caroline whispered and thought, that’s me, he’s talking about—me he wanted to touch. Not her—he dreamed of me!

  It made her feel like she had a right to do this—like she had a right to Richard. Even though he was married to the other Caroline, their marriage had been a sham, not only because she didn’t love him but because he himself was in love with a whole other wom
an without even knowing it.

  In love with her.

  “Would you have me take the rest of your clothes off and bathe you, then?” Richard asked softly, stroking her cheek. “Would you allow me that pleasure?”

  “Yes,” Caroline said recklessly, though the practical voice in her head was telling her she needed to stop while she still could. “Yes, Richard, I will.”

  “Thank you,” he murmured softly. And then he was sliding down her pantalets and slipping the soft white linen chemise over her head to leave her naked in the firelight.

  * * * * *

  Richard could scarcely believe what was happening. How long had he dreamed of touching his beloved’s flesh? How long had he fantasized about stroking her soft skin and feeling her body bare against his own?

  Slowly, he told himself, when he felt both his fangs and his shaft lengthen and come to attention. For all her eagerness, she is still a virgin. I must be gentle with her and not frighten her.

  “Come, my darling,” he murmured, taking her by the hand and leading her closer to the fireplace. “Let me see you.”

  Caroline blushed but allowed him to look at her as she stood there, as bare as the day she’d been born. The firelight flickered on her heavy breasts, the areolas wide bands of dark pink and her nipples erect from the slight chill in the air. The golden glow outlined her wide hips and lovely, curving behind and glimmered on the small patch of red-gold curls between her thighs.

  Her lovely, full curves made him ache for her and he had a sudden impulse to drop to his knees and bury his face between her thighs, kissing and lapping her soft little sex just to hear her moan. But Richard reminded himself to take things slowly. His desires might frighten her if he wasn’t careful.

  “First I must add some hot water to the bath to warm it,” he said, reaching for the kettle and pouring a good amount of the steaming water into the cold water of the half bath. When he had it at a good temperature—neither too hot nor too cold—he put the kettle back on the hob and offered Caroline his hand.


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