Lessande D'Aramitz

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Lessande D'Aramitz Page 8

by Unknown


  "Somewhere upstairs.” she shrugs and turns to the guy.

  I slowly stand up and make my way upstairs, swallowing hard at the thought of finding him in the act. The hall is long and huge, about six rooms on either side. I open the first door and there is definitely something indecently going on in there but no Aiden. I quickly close the door and hurry ahead. I peep through the next few doors and still nothing. That is until I get to a door that doesn't want to open. Locked, just my luck. I am about to walk away but a glint of silver on the carpet catches my eye. I pick it up and notice it's a key. Maybe.... I tug the key into the lock and it clicks. As I creep it open a shiver runs down my spine. I shouldn't.... I am beginning to retreat when a picture on the wall catches my eye. I enter the room and I gasp. This cannot be true. I see myself in about thirty or forty different poses. All of them made in charcoal. I make my way to the biggest one, in the center of the wall. I look so young. I am smiling and my face is propped on my hands. A tear slips away as I remember those moments. This isn't right. Why? Why does he still have this? If he doesn't remember me?

  The sound of the door opening again jerks me from my thoughts.

  "Get out!" Aiden bellows, anger blazing in his eyes. I am startled for a second but quickly regain my composure. I have to know.

  "Why do you have this Aiden?"

  "It's none of your fucking business, now get the hell out”

  "Of course it's my business, why?"

  Seeing I have no intention of getting out, he yanks me by my arm and forcefully removes me from the room. He locks it and takes me again by the hand, leading me into an empty bedroom. Closing the door after us he pushes me onto the bed and continues in a mocking tone?

  "And how is that any of your business little miss innocent?”

  "Aiden, I know you are angry but listen to me for a second”

  "I don't want to .now why I would? You little bitch „his cruel words sting but I deserve them.

  "You came here to fuck you, didn't you? Pretty boy last night did a lousy job „he says as he unbuckles his belt, his eyes devoid of any emotion.

  "Aiden, just listen" I tell him pleadingly but he doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I told him something. He drags my legs so that I am standing at the edge of the bed and he forcefully kisses me. I am silently crying and praying he'll come to his senses. He starts kissing my neck, all the while holding me still. I realize this is his way of regain

  Nag control, this is his way of punishing me and at the same time punishing himself. I raise my hand to his face and I stroke him tenderly. He stops, slowly inhaling as if to calm him.

  „It didn't happen „I whisper

  "I didn't have sex with him” I repeat and he starts laughing.

  "You think I care Kate? You think me fucking care about you? You are sat another from a pile. „I know he says this deliberately, to hurt me, and he is doing a marvelous job of it, so I play his game.

  "Then what about those messages?" I question him, but all he does is retreat and laugh.

  "Seriously Kate, I may be a monster, but I don't force myself on women. What I did to you there was...despicable, but aren't I the same? Don't over think it sweets „he says as he zips his pants shut and turns his back to leave.

  "Why do you still have those drawings if you say you don't care?”

  "Don't flatter yourself. That isn't you and you well know it „his tone is now serious, enough to give me goose bumps.

  I slowly rise from the bed and walk towards him

  "Who is it then? Your princess?" I inquire and I see him flinch. God please help me not to be wrong about this. Please. I silently ask.

  He turns and it seems I have his full attention

  "The one I look so much alike?" He is barely controlling himself to remain calm; I can see his jaw twitching

  "Let me tell you a little story...." I try to keep my voice steady

  "You think I want to hear any more of this shit? I trust you can see yourself out" he says and turns around once more. This is it. It's now or never.

  "I changed my name at sixteen. Actually I began using my middle name. "

  He stops in his tracks "Is that supposed to impress me how? He says coldly and I continue

  "I haven't had exactly the happiest family. My own mother considered me a failure and didn't pass up an opportunity to remind me. She always compared me with my cousin. You see, me and my cousin, we had the same first name. She was the epitome of beauty and ladylike behavior in my mother's eyes, whereas I.... I was just in the background. That's the main reason why I wanted to be someone else. To be my own person.”

  "If this has do with..."I cut him off

  "My name is Alice, Aiden."

  I see him tense upon hearing my name.

  "Don't you dare involve her in this? Don't you fucking use her name „he yells?

  "For God's sake Aiden, look at me”

  He turns and takes a few steps towards me.

  "You lying bitch, she is dead! What the fuck do you want to resolve with this charade?

  I gently touch his face "I'm not dead... it's me Aiden"

  "Don’t. Touch. Me" he says through gritted teeth and takes my hand away.

  "Four years ago. Alice Roberta Price died in a car accident together with her boyfriend. She died Aiden, not me! Not me! „I yell

  His eyes widen and I watch as thousands of emotion play across his face. He takes a step back and shakes his head.

  "It can't be, can it?” he says his voice cracking with emotion as tears run down his cheeks.

  "God" he whispers and in the next second I am in his arms.

  "Princess" he says holding me tight. He is crying as hard as I am. I can't believe it. We have been such fools.

  "Shh, shh.” I say softly as I raise my gaze to meet his.

  "God I vet been such a fool. You were right behind my nose....god I hurt you... I am so sorry princess, so so sorry, it would take me a lifetime and I couldn't apologize enough for my mistakes. Hell...you even said... the guy that betrayed you. It was me all along. I am so sorry." I look at him, this powerful man, now on his knees and crying. It breaks my heart to see him like this. "It's ok. We are here now"

  He searches my mouth and kisses me like it's the end of the world. This isn't a dream. I am here, he is here. And he is truly mine. He takes me into his arms and carries me to the bed. He slowly begins to undress me whispering soothing words in my ear.

  "I am going to make love to you now, princess, I am going to love you for every second of those five years I have spent without you and at the same time I will repent for each and every tear I have made you spill. " he kisses my forehead, my nose, both my cheeks, lingering a bit at the spot near my mouth. He trails kisses across my jaw

  „I will make it better. I promise you I will make this better „he engulfs me into his arms and my head rests near his heart.

  "It's alright. Everything is alright. I love you Aiden. I have loved you even when you didn't know who I was. I have always loved you and I will keep on loving you.”

  "Princess, he says taking my head into his hands, there has only been you, always. I love you so much it hurts" he says and kisses me. This kiss is slow yet full of emotion. He takes his time kissing every inch of my skin, making me forget about everything. When we join our bodies its pure magic. In that moment I know that I could forgive him anything. Now it's only us and the future.

  "You know you still have a party downstairs” I whisper as I kiss his cheek.

  "Can't really blame me for that” he chuckles and stands to get dress.

  "I don't want you to go..." I pout and he gives me a peck.

  "Well I will be right back. We still have... to talk" he mumbles the last part and I can see he is still troubled by what happened with Julian.

  Within a few minutes the music stops and I hear a riot downstairs. It seems the guests aren't too glad to be thrown out. Eventually Aiden returns. He undresses and climbs in bed next to me.
He takes me into his arms, enveloping me into his heat.

  "We should really talk"

  I only nod. And he sighs.

  "I guess I will go first." He says against my ear

  "Princess, I won't deny it. The moment I heard you were gone something in me snapped. I could only numb the pain. I started doing drugs, sleeping around...and even attempted suicide" he pauses as to gauge my reaction.

  I shuffle so that I can look him in the eyes.

  "Aiden..." I start but he cuts me off

  "I have used women and thrown them out like trash, I can completely understand why you wouldn't forgive me.”

  "Aiden," I cup his face into my palms to make him look into my eyes.

  "I love you more than you could ever know. There is nothing to forgive, you were grieving. But ...you tried to kill yourself? How, why?

  "You were it for me, princess, you were everything. I guess I should elaborate. You know my mother died when I was young. She was the only one to care for me and I loved her enormously. When she was gone I was half empty, until I met you „he gives me a smile

  "You made me whole again believe me or not, in that short time I was happier than I had ever been, hell, than I have ever been. My father shortly remarried. His wife is quite a bitch and she has a child of her own, a daughter our age. She made my life quite impossible. That's why I wanted to get on my own two feet. To have my place, have my money, have something to give you. But then... I was left purposeless, so I started just living by. I overdosed twice and once I was badly beaten. Doctors say it's a miracle I survived „I look at him and try to blink back the tears. I can't believe that he might have died. For me. I tighten my hold on him

  „Don’t you ever do that again, you hear me. I would bear one thousand lives with you alive but not recognizing me than with you gone „I say angrily

  "Don't worry princess; you aren’t getting rid of me that easy”


  "Now, tell me what that guy was doing in your apartment, naked”

  I close my eyes and sigh. My turn, I guess.

  "His name is Julian. I was drunk and angry and he was there ... I met him at a bar and I invited him over. „I say and swallow. How can I say what we did?

  "We engaged in sexual foreplay but I was too drunk and fell asleep" I say quickly

  "What exactly did you do?" He asks, his tone scaring me a little bit.

  "Let it go Aiden, it's all in the past”

  "Tell me!" He demands

  "Did he put his mouth on you?

  I nod

  "Did he use his fingers on you?

  I nod again

  "Did you...?" He begins but I anticipate the question and look down, embarrassed

  "I don't even want to know..."

  "I was drunk...way too drunk..." I say, my only excuse.

  "Why were you drinking in a fucking bar? And why were you angry?"

  "I....I went to see my mother and I found out some things...."biting my lip I continue

  "She was the reason my father died. He found her cheating on him with his own brother, the day of the accident”

  "That's pretty fucked up" he strokes my face and slowly kisses my tears.

  "It's ok princess, no more...no more. Let's just look at the future.”

  "Yes ...and in case you are wondering, nothing ever happened with Gregory. You are my one and only „I whisper as I kiss his neck and chest.

  "I want you Aiden ...now" I put on my best seductive smile as I go lower and lower.

  He groans and I grasp his erection in my hand. Slowly I dip my head and kiss him there.

  "Princess what are you doing?" He asks in a strained voice.

  I part my lips and take him into my mouth. I play with him with my tongue, loving the blatant display of pleasure on his face.

  "Fuck." He mutters a curse. After I have had my way with him I straddle his hips. He looks at me questioningly, but after a second his lips curl into a smile. He cups my hips and in one smooth movement I take him in. We both moan at this feeling of wholeness.

  I take his mouth into a searing kiss, all the while moving up and down, towards our peak.

  "I love you so fucking much princess. Forever"

  "I love you too, Aiden, always and forever.”




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