The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1

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The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1 Page 19

by Matt Gross

  She headed back toward the stairs, but altered course when she noticed an alcove underneath them. It was darker than the rest of the cellar and the light from the windows barely reached the little nook. She was about to ignore it when something caught her eye. There, partially covered in dust, cobwebs and dirt, the little amount of light that did manage to break through reflected on a glossy piece of paper. The paper was a photo of a woman and a young girl. Kira flipped the photo over to find writing on the other side. She couldn't make it out, as it was in a language she couldn't read. Kira flipped it back over and studied the photo again. That looks like Codex. She stuffed the picture in a pocket and left the cellar.

  Kira and Khayin both finished their exploration at the same time. They retired to the living room and Kira pulled the photo from her pocket, handing it to Khayin as the two of them sat. Khayin chose one of the large chairs while Kira flopped onto the large couch and stretched out her legs.

  “I found that in the cellar. It wasn't locked up or hidden or anything. It was just lying on the floor covered in dirt. It was probably dropped and forgotten. There is some writing on the back, but I couldn't read it.” She crossed her arms behind her head.

  Khayin looked at the picture for a long moment, then he flipped it. Khayin recognized the writing on the back as Moabite.

  “'Me and Anat',” he read aloud.

  “Do you know this Anat?” She looked at Khayin. His face was all scrunched up in thought.

  “There was an old god that went by that name, but the name got very popular in twentieth century Israel.” He studied the picture more. “She can't be THE Anat, can she? How'd Codex know her? She hasn't shown her face in...” he whispered. He looked up at her. “Mind if I keep this?”

  “Sure, I figured you'd want it, at the very least to ask Codex about it.” She twisted to lie on her side so she could see him better. “What do you know about her? Something we should worry about?”

  “Virgin goddess of war and strife, from a long dead religion. The gods don't just disappear when no longer worshiped. They lose some of their power, sure, but they don't disappear. Let me rephrase that--they don't just cease to exist. Anat did disappear. No one knew where she went. Most of the other gods don't care. I met her very early on in my life and she'd pop in every once in a while like she was checking in on me. I think she's tied to my curse somehow, but I could never ask her. Every time I tried to talk to her she'd simply disappear.” Khayin seemed to drift off.

  “Well, hopefully you'll be able to get some answers from Codex,” she said as she closed her eyes. “I'm going to take a little nap.”

  “Sure,” he said sounding very distant.


  It was evening when Khayin woke her. Kira rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands. She let out a big yawn as she stretched. She found Khayin strapping on his weapons and getting ready to leave, so she grabbed her bag and pulled out the scarf Muma had given her. She turned it around so that the beads and decorations rested against her as to prevent it from making noise. She could feel the magic within it.

  “Let's do a little recon,” Khayin said. “Shouldn't be a far walk, but bring whatever weapons you think you may need.” He looked at her scarf. “Where'd you get that? I’ve never seen it on you before.”

  She smiled. He's noticing my outfits now, huh? “The gypsy woman Muma gave it to me.” She touched it, feeling the fabric between her fingers. “There's magic in it, so I thought I’d wear it today. Every little bit helps, right?” Khayin only shrugged.

  “I don't trust her.” He was heading toward the front door. “But, she helped you and showed no sign or reason to trick you. Did she tell you how it worked or what it does?”

  “No, I figure it will let its nature be known when the time is right.” She followed him out the door.

  There were no lights in the street. Candlelight and the occasional glow rocks could be seen shining through the windows of the houses on the street. Khayin and Kira stood on the front porch, letting their eyes adjust to the darkness. The moon was full and bright in the sky. It was a clear night. There was a small breeze, but otherwise it was a very calm evening. Khayin started down the street toward the city.

  “So, I didn't bring it up earlier, but Codex has a house this close to Chicago?” she asked.

  “Yeah, second home, I guess. As clean as it is I'm sure she's there on a regular basis.” He pulled out his cigarette tin and offered one to Kira. She gladly accepted.

  “There were magical tools in the cellar.”

  “I've never seen the place before, nor did I know that she comes out here. Makes sense though.” He held out the cigarette for her to light it. “We're close, but she likes her privacy. There are a lot of things I'm probably not privy to.”

  “Have you ever asked her more about herself?” she wondered.

  “You're intrigued.” He grinned. “She's quite impressive. And there's definitely more to her, but I respect her enough not to ask. I figure if she wanted me to know she'd tell me.”

  “How long have you known her?”

  “A while. She’s older than you might think. For as long as I've been a bounty hunter, I've worked with her.” He was looking straight ahead. The tip of his cigarette glowed when he inhaled.

  “How long have you been a hunter?”

  “A century or so, and I'll keep doing it until I get bored, or unless something else comes up that is more interesting. Codex keeps trying to convince me to settle. Maybe one day I will.” The street was vacant and had been since they had left Codex’s house.

  “Do you have a home?” she asked.

  “Not really. I'm rarely in one place long enough. I do have an old bunker outside of Vegas that I keep stuff in. It has the furnishings of a home in case I need a place to lay low, but I don't know if I'd necessarily call it home.”

  The city was not hard to find in the distance. They were still a ways out and Kira was impressed. She thought Vegas was a marvel, but Chicago, even from their position, was lit up bright. Tall buildings loomed over head. She was already fascinated. She couldn't wait to see it more up close.

  “The city looks impressive,” she stated.

  Khayin looked at her with a smile. “It's considered the most advanced city in the Americas. The wizards, artificers, alchemists, and cybermages spent decades working together to make it what it is. Too bad we're not here as tourists. Maybe I'll get a chance to show you around when we are done.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “I'd like that.”

  They walked a few more blocks in silence. She started to get anxious. She had no idea what to expect and the anticipation was killing her. Part of her wanted to face down her sister, but the other part wished she didn't need to.

  The city before them became larger and brighter and Kira's hands began to shake. She looked at Khayin, who was just staring ahead. She tried to draw on his strength. She closed her eyes. If he can be strong, so can I. I'm better than my sister. I am the Crone. She opened her eyes before she inevitably tripped on something while walking with her eyes closed and just watched the city envelop her.

  They entered Chicago on the west side of the city. The Nueden building was only a couple miles east. They were making good time, though she realized that keeping time wasn't necessary. She saw horseless metal carriages, some parked while others moved in an orderly fashion down the street. Khayin told her later that they were called cars, leftover from the age of science. The further they walked the more awestruck Kira became. The city was truly a marvel.

  “Khayin!” A male voice shouted from behind them. “I can't believe you'd come waltzing on in here with a price on your head.”

  Chapter 30 The Kiss

  Khayin didn't need to turn around. He knew the voice and a shiver ran up his spine, but not from fear. The bounty hunter behind them was the slimy sort. 'God's gift to women' he'd call himself. Khayin really didn't want to turn around.

  “Balls,” he cursed. “Hey, Jax, isn't it past yo
ur bedtime?” Khayin said as he faced the man.

  Jax sat high up on a horse staring down at them. He wore a duster and a pair of six shooters on his belt. He had a mustache, which Khayin liked to call a porn ‘stache, and short cropped brown hair. The worst part was that Jax always managed to smell of way too much cologne. He leered at Kira. Khayin felt Kira move closer. She was so close their bodies touched, which Khayin was fine with.

  “Khayin, when didja take on a partner? I've always thought you were a lone wolf.” Jax grinned.

  “Are you jealous? You always talk a big game, but you never seem to keep any women.”

  “Why'd I wanna keep em? They're good for a roll in the sack, but after that they just get in the way, slow me down.” Jax leaned to try to get a better look at Kira. “She's an exotic one.” He pointed and frowned a little. “Not sure about the tattoos though. Kinda slutty if you ask me.”

  Khayin was getting irritated, but he was happy Kira wasn't up-to-date on slang and probably had no idea what a slut was. Khayin reached around and pulled her closer, his hand resting on her waist. She didn't resist.

  “Mind your manners, idjit.” He held her a tad tighter, and still she didn't resist. “She's a lady and if she's traveling with me you’d better believe she can handle herself.”

  “Is that why she's clinging to you?” Jax craned his neck to put her in full view. “Come on out, little girl. I won't bite ya. Too hard.” He chuckled a sinister chuckle.

  Khayin laughed.

  “What's so funny, shithead?” Jax spat.

  “You.” Khayin laughed even louder.

  “Stop laughing!” he demanded. Jax pulled a pistol from its holster and pointed it at Khayin.

  “You're a fool if you think that I'm protecting her from you.” He had calmed himself enough to speak clearly. “On the contrary, Jax ol’ pal, I'm protecting you from her.”

  As if the two of them had planned it, Kira's eyes began to glow and with a raise of her hand she Pulled Jax from the saddle of his horse. She Pulled the pistol from his outstretched hand and the gun hit the wall of an adjacent building. Jax dangled motionless ten feet from the ground. There was a look of sheer panic on his face, his eyes were wide and he started to visibly sweat.

  “She's a witch.” Jax barely said. Khayin could almost see Jax turn paler.

  “What's wrong, Jax? Are you afraid of magic?” Khayin taunted.

  “I'm not afraid of no magic, but she's a witch.” His voice began to tremble. “Witches ain't natural. They in league with demons.”

  “The mighty Jax has turned into a sniveling baby. I thought you were past that superstitious mumbo-jumbo.” Khayin shook his head in pity. “It's been over two hundred years, Jax.”

  “I'm fine with magic, Khayin, but witches ain't natural.” He tried to sniff up some run-away snot. “Put me down and I'll leave you be. I swear.”

  Khayin was actually beginning to enjoy the spectacle before him. He had always hated Jax. He was a fine hunter, but Jax was a notorious womanizer and he could get overly abusive with his marks. He let Kira hold him there a moment, to milk it for all that it was worth.

  “Alright, Kira. Lower him.” She did so and Khayin disarmed him. “Let him go.” Kira dropped her hold of him and Jax fell the last foot or so to the ground, landing hard on his tailbone. “Where's the contract? I want to see it.” Khayin stood over him.

  “In my saddle bags. Please keep the witch away from me.” He tried scooting further away from Kira, and Khayin snickered.

  He walked over to Jax's horse and rifled through his saddle bags. He found food rations, rope, a canteen, and other traveling tools. He opened a side pocket and found a folded piece of paper. He withdrew the paper and studied the picture of himself along with the offer of the reward for capture--25,000 chips. Closer inspection revealed the same watermark he had seen on Kira's poster and no Syndicate seal. He held it up for Kira to see.

  “At least they got the likeness right,” he remarked.

  The light of the moon wasn't enough for her make out what was on the poster, so she got closer and took it from him. She examined it for a moment and snorted. She shoved it back at him.

  “What?” he asked as he took it back.

  “You're worth more than me?” she whined.

  “Seriously?” He laughed. “Maybe we should take it up with your sister or the Boss.”

  “Shut up.” She smiled. “Does he have a poster for me as well?”

  “I didn't see one. You're welcome to look.” Khayin gestured back to the horse.

  She shook her head. “What are we going to do with him?” She was now standing over Jax, who looked as though he may pee himself.

  “Leave him. I doubt he'll come after us.” Khayin thought a moment. “Although...”

  “What? I don't think I like the sound of that.” Kira looked at him over her shoulder.

  “Maybe we let him capture me. Turn me in.”

  “What?! Are you serious?” She gave him a scrutinizing eye. “Because that has to be the dumbest thing I have heard you say yet.”

  “No, no, hear me out. This'll get me in past their defenses. They won't kill me; they'll need me for bait,” he explained.


  “For you. They ultimately want you.”

  Jax tried to get up, but Kira kicked his legs out from under him. “So, splitting up is your idea of a plan?”

  “Yeah. Why not? They'll be so busy interrogating me that you could sneak in. It's Saturday. There won't be that many people working.” He wasn't at all confidant, but it was the best plan he could come up with.

  “It's still crazy,” she mused as she shook her head. “What makes you think that they'll buy it?”

  “Buy what?”

  “That he was able to capture you.” She shot Jax a look that made the hunter stop in his tracks at another attempt to get away.

  “Your sister doesn't know me and I doubt the Boss does either. I'll spin them a nice web of lies, and sprinkle in some truth. They'll have no choice but to fall for my charm.” He grinned ear to ear.

  “You're telling yourself a lie right now,” she teased.

  Khayin frowned. “Hey, that hurt.”

  “Get over it. Look, Mr. Charming,” she said in a very sarcastic tone, like she didn't believe he could be charming, “my sister hates men. No amount of charm is going to sway her.”

  “Really.” Khayin said a little perturbed.

  Khayin walked over to Kira, standing mere inches from her. His shoulders were back and his back was straight. He gently pushed her dreads away from her face, lightly caressing her skin. He felt her goosebumps under his touch. He let his hand slide to the back of her head, ever so slightly brushing her ear. She let out a small whimper. Khayin's other hand, at the small of her back, firmly but affectionately pulled her body against his. He tilted her head back and leaned in very close. Her eyes were closed. He let their noses touch as his mouth faintly grazed her lips. Her mouth opened in a tiny moan. He could feel her hot breath and moist lips. He had to stifle a moan of his own. Then he let go and backed away.

  “I say I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.” Khayin was all smiles. He knew he wouldn't be able to charm her sister, but he had been dying to know how Kira really felt about him. She stood with her eyes closed for another moment before regaining her composure.

  “I think you broke her, Khayin.” Jax said, still sitting in the road.

  “Shut up, Jax.” Khayin snapped.

  “You think I'm going to go along with your little plan?” Jax tried to sound as though he had any say in his situation.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Yeah, you're right. I'm with her though. I think your plan is crazy, so I'm actually anxious to see it.” Jax still watched Kira, not moving.

  “You'll get a nice payday and you'll get to walk away. Kira will be watching, so if you try anything stupid, she'll track you down and turn you into a toad.” He put in as much bravado as he could to nail the point home. She gla
red at Jax.

  “OK, Khayin, you’ve got a deal.” Jax said as he got up.

  “You do this without a hitch and I'll forget all about you trying to capture me.”

  “No problem.” Jax made his way over to his horse.

  “Give me a minute,” Khayin said to Jax as he moved over to Kira.

  They walked a few feet away. When they stopped, Kira slugged Khayin in the upper arm. Her face was struggling. She twisted it to look angry, but Khayin could see the smile she was trying to hide. She glared at him. He stifled a laugh and glared back. He was happy he broke away when he did; there was definitely something there.

  “You bastard! What was that about?” she huffed.

  “I was proving a point,” he said simply.

  “And what point is that? You can't just do that. You caught me completely off guard.”

  “I didn't see you try and stop me.”

  “I was confused, and...” she trailed off. “Dammit. Don't do that again.”

  “Alright, if that's what you want. I'll never try to kiss you again.” He tried to hide his amusement.

  “That...that's not what I meant. I...” He could see the conflict on her face, and her tattoos looked like they were at war with each other. “Fuck you,” she huffed. Khayin just laughed.

  “Brianna isn't going to fall for your seduction. She hates men, remember?”

  “I remember, and I wasn't planning on 'seducing' her?” he countered.

  “Then...” she started.

  “That was for your benefit. I didn't want you to think I was just some brute who only knows how to kill or maim people.” Kira just stood there and Khayin swore that he could see the wheels turning in her head.

  What am I doing? I can't fall for her. It won't end well. But, shit...I don't care.

  Khayin walked up to Jax, who was now back on his horse. He reached into Jax's bags and pulled out the rope, untangling it and holding it out to him. Can you tie a good knot? It's got to be convincing. Also, you may want to disarm me.” He smiled. Jax jumped off his horse.


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