The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1

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The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1 Page 22

by Matt Gross

  “Educated guess? I can't simply believe you never researched it for yourself.”

  “Somewhere in the Middle East, maybe. I honestly don't remember. I don't even know who my parents were.”

  “Fair enough.” She had moved on to stroking his leg.

  “So how'd you do it? How'd you manage to slaughter not only your tribe, but every other tribe on the island?” He tried to ignore her soft, delicate touch, but the fact that she smelled like Kira and looked like Kira made the endeavor very hard.

  “Ooh, good question,” she purred. “Planning. Careful planning,” she cooed. “And I had help. The Mother, or the Boss as she’s more commonly known around here, helped.

  The Mother...

  “OK, but you still didn't answer the question.” Khayin shifted in his seat. They certainly hadn’t chosen a comfortable chair for him. It was made of metal and had no cushion.

  She placed her hands on Khayin's knees and opened his legs. Brianna moved in closer, placing herself between his legs, moving her hands higher. A wave of pleasure ran up his spine and he bit his tongue to fight it off. Her eyes focused on the fly of his pants, but she made no other move. She slowly looked back up to his face.

  She's a monster. She practically committed genocide. She's in league with a petty, spiteful god and she kills without remorse. She's using you. She's not Kira.

  “We used some mercenaries to distract. We attacked from every beach. Magic was used to camouflage our approach on all fronts and no one suspected me at that point. Surprise was on my side.” She was dangerously close to his most sensitive areas. Khayin started to think of Star Wars. He started to recite lines of dialogue in his head. “We knew we would lose a lot of men. Sacrifices had to be made. I mean what else are men good for, besides for a good fuck?” She massaged his thighs.

  Distract yourself, distract yourself.

  'That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold your father's ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten involved.'

  'You fought in the clone wars?'

  'Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father.'

  “The battlemages were our secret weapon though. Oh, my sisters put up a valiant fight and we lost a great number of our mages, but they were successful in the end.” She reached her destination and it took every ounce of will for Khayin to suppress what his body clearly wanted. “They broke through the Crone's defenses, leaving her open for me.”

  She made no move to open his pants, but she lingered and played. “The, Boss and I fought the Crone till eventually I overcame her. I took her mantle and I took her life. I always hated that bitch.” Her caresses became rougher, which Khayin was thankful for. The image of Jabba the Hut in his head was dangerously close to morphing into an image of Princess Leia in the metal bikini and if that happened he would've lost it entirely.

  Brianna stood up suddenly, grabbed his manhood tightly, and began to squeeze. That was a pain Khayin never got used to. He winced, but didn't cry out. She got very close to his face, their noses nearly touching. He almost closed the gap and kissed her just to see what she'd do, but then he thought better of it. She didn't say anything for a long minute. She squeezed just hard enough to hurt but not incapacitate.

  “I don't know what kind of spell she cast on you, but I will learn what I need to know. Where is she?” Her grip tightened. Khayin tensed, his muscles constricted, and his teeth were clenched.

  “Why do you need her? Why can't you just leave her alone?” He managed to ask through the pain.

  “Simple.” She let go and walked away. “I hate her. She was the chosen one. The Crone actually loved her. Real love. That emotion was never expressed amongst ourselves. Loyality, respect, even fear, but never compassion. And when we turned thirteen I passed my Gnoxel and was given the gift of life. Do you understand what that means? No other sister in over two centuries was ever given that gift. I can bring back the dead. Not like a necromancer, but restore the actual soul.” She stopped at a table that held some medical instruments, but Khayin couldn't see what see was looking at.

  “My sister,” she spat. “She couldn't do anything. Nothing but cast a simple spell, and she passed her Gnoxel without displaying a shred of natural magical talent.” He could hear her breathing from the other side of the room. She nearly panted with anger. “And our 'mother' still placed her above me.” Brianna suddenly calmed. She grabbed something from the table and held it from Khayin's view as she turned to face him again.

  “So this is a jealousy thing?” Khayin tried not to chuckle. “Really? You're more mature than that, aren't you?”

  She smiled and Khayin could instantly tell it was not a happy smile. It was the kind of smile one would see on a serial killer. He didn't fear for his life, but he feared what she would do to him instead. She sashayed across floor.

  “You don't get it. In our society it was the difference between ruler and servant. Sure, I may have been placed higher than the other sisters, but she never forgave me for what happened to her precious boy-toy. I would never rule at her side.” She looked up to the ceiling. “Nope, Kira had to die, but I couldn't do it, no, no. So I devised a plan.”

  “Yeah, you killed Sister-Mother Helga and framed your sister. I've heard this story.” Khayin shook his head in disgust. Jealousy turns people into despicable human beings.

  Her face lit up. “Oh goodie. How did she find out?”

  Khayin didn't think it would hurt to tell her. “The Crone recorded a message on a magical stone of some sort. Told Kira of your betrayal and everything else.”

  “Well, not everything. You still don't know who the Mother is do you?” She was delighted.

  “No, we don't,” he confessed.

  “And you thought you'd come marching in here anyway, with no plan, and maybe catch us by surprise? You have no idea what we know about you, Khayin,” She taunted.

  “Usually not having a plan is the surprise; it makes me less predictable.” He grinned.

  “What makes you any less stupid than I? You accuse me of immaturity and yet you pick a fight with a god, with no plan of attack? I hope you weren't relying on the fact that you can't die, ‘cause boy do we have a surprise for you.” She had an 'I win' expression that Khayin quickly disliked.

  What the hell? Man, I have a bad feeling about this.

  “How does 'the Mother' fit into all this?” He was fishing, but he hoped she was too busy gloating to not answer.

  “You haven't figured that out yet? I don't know if I want to spoil the surprise. I will say this: she had a quarrel with Lilith, our Dragon-Mother. She just needed an 'in' to try to draw her out. The Mother took a great risk invading that island.” She giggled. “I can't believe you haven't figured it out. Who else would know your secret? Who would be able to break into your friend’s home and steal a communicator to draw you out? And what other god would have a feud with Lilith?”

  She paced, swaying her hips in a mesmerizing pattern. Khayin shook his head. He began to sweat. For the first time he felt nervous. He stared at the floor and his hands were curled up into fists. He racked his brain.

  Lilith, Dragon-Mother, founder, creator of the Schadovitch. She originated from Jewish stories of creation. Adam's first wife.

  “Where is Kira, Khayin?” She was beginning to sound impatient.

  The Mother, actually a mother? The Chief talked like she was his mother. Why would she have conflict with Lilith?

  “Khayin, honey, where is Kira?” She put some sap into her voice. Brianna closed the distance between them. She walked around his chair and stood behind him.

  Eve? Adam's second wife. The Christian mother of creation. Shit...Eve. Khayin's eyes went wide.

  “By the gods I think he figured it out.” Brianna plunged a syringe into his neck and emptied its contents. “Khayin, where is Kira?”

  “Fuck you.” He started to feel drowsy.

  “Maybe.” Brie said, answering his retort. She walked around to face him. “The Mothe
r wants to see you.”

  “I'm not telling you where she is,” Khayin said defiantly. The drug she had injected was making him sluggish and light headed. He wasn't even sure his words came out clearly.

  She moved in very close again. Her lips lightly brushed his. “Hmm...I wonder what my sister sees in you.” She kissed him. It was soft at first, but quickly became more deliberate. She forced her tongue in his mouth and straddled his lap. He was too weak to fight it. Brianna slowly broke off the kiss. “I wonder how my sister would feel if I took you here and now?” A wicked grin crept across her face.

  Brianna started to sway her hips to unheard music. She kissed him. Don't do this. He tried to voice his thoughts, but nothing came out. Her movements became more passionate. Her kisses became longer as if she didn't need to breathe. Brianna's nails were like talons and she tore at his clothes, leaving bright red lines of blood in their wake. She ripped his vest and shirt off like they were tissue paper. She dug her nails deep into his chest. Blood began to ooze from his injuries and she rubbed her body against him without a care.

  Brianna nibbled his ear. “I think you're ready, honey,” she whispered. He couldn't fight. The drugs didn't knock him out, but left him conscious and unable to move. His mind was in a fog. “You tried so hard, didn't you?” she said in a mocking purr. She bit his ear, drawing blood and then licked his wound.

  She leaned in close to his bleeding ear. “Don't worry, honey. I promise you'll enjoy this.”

  Chapter 35 The Office

  It took every ounce of willpower not to audibly gasp in astonishment. Kira felt every hair on her body stand at attention. Mistress Tao? How did we miss this? And what did they do to Codex? She tried to remain calm. Keep it together, Kira, keep it together.

  Tao walked past Kira without a glance. The man in the fancy uniform followed behind with Codex draped over his outstretched arms like he was carrying a bundle of firewood. He did look at Kira. He never stopped walking, but he gave her a full examination with his eyes. Kira shivered.

  Kira let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding and exited the lobby. She almost began to hyperventilate and she broke out in a cold sweat. I should leave. I should leave and find Khayin. It wasn't hard to convince herself. Kira looked back at the door Tao had entered and she started to leave.

  “Where ya goin, Kim?” Lucy asked.

  Kira stopped. “Umm...I need to use the bathroom,” she lied.

  “It's over there, silly. That's where I just was.” Lucy pointed at the bathroom door.

  Kira turned around and headed toward the bathroom. “Thanks.” She shook her head. “Dummy me, I mustn't be fully awake yet,” she said with a warm smile.

  She walked over in front of the mirror and stared at her transformed self. She turned on the faucet and splashed water on her face. The water didn't mess up any of the enchantment and she looked as if she hadn’t gotten her face wet at all.

  “Fuck, what do I do? What do I do?” She leaned on the sink and nearly pressed her nose against the mirror.

  The door opened a crack. “Ah, Kim,” came Lucy's hesitant voice.


  “You are needed in the Boss's office.”

  “OK, I'll be right there,” Kira responded. The door closed.

  Breathe, Kira, breathe.

  Kira dried her hands and ran them down her non-existent uniform before she exited the bathroom. Lucy sat behind the reception desk and Kira smiled at her. Lucy smiled back.

  “Good luck,” Lucy said.

  “Uh, yeah, thanks.” She entered the office.

  It was nothing like Mistress Tao's Port Authority office. The windows were tinted black and there were both candelabras and magical lights. The majority of the office had a desk and chair and some other pieces of furniture to sit on. Kira saw that Tao would run business and casual meetings in the same area. The whole thing looked rather tame but for one corner.

  In one corner of the room stood a table cocked slightly on an angle. Codex was strapped to that table. She didn't appear to be awake, and a cold shiver ran up Kira's spine. Knots twisted in her stomach. The uniformed man was tightening the straps while Tao watched. There was a full instrument tray next to the table. Kira could see several knives, but the rest were obscured by Tao's form.

  “You must be new,” Tao said in a non-Japanese accent. Kira couldn't place it. “Come here so I can get a look at you.”

  Kira walked forward. The uniformed man now stood next to Tao and Kira stopped a few yards in front of them. They both eyed her.

  “Turn around,” said Tao. Kira turned her back to them. “She'll do, Lawrence.”

  “I don't know who she is, Boss. I've never seen her before,” Lawrence said.

  “I asked for a female security guard and here one is. You didn't send her? You can turn around, dear.” Kira turned to face them again.

  “I didn't hire her.”

  “Maybe Dorne did?” Tao countered.

  “Perhaps, but we can't ask him now can we?” There was a bitter tone to his voice. “Plus, I always screen new hires. And I always get paperwork before they start. I haven't received any paperwork and I ain't never seen her before.” He started to raise his voice.

  “Come to me, dear,” Tao said in a very tender voice.

  Kira gripped the strap of her bag to stop her hands from trembling. This is it. Are you ready, Kira? She looked down at her feet as if to will them to move. She couldn't remember a time she was so scared. She lifted her gaze to Tao and was about to take the first step when the door to the office flew open with a crash.

  Brianna stormed in and behind her were two battlemages carrying a limp and bloodied Khayin. They walked in a few feet and dropped him. He was still breathing. A new wave of panic shot through Kira. Khayin was naked and wounded and Kira's mind was a hive of swirling chaos. She didn't know what to do.

  “He wouldn't talk,” Brianna squawked. “Stubborn mule.” She looked back at his prone form on the floor. “She has got to be here somewhere.”

  It was that last sentence when Kira felt every eye in the room suddenly fall upon her. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Tiny droplets of sweat started to bead up on her brow. Kira stared at her sister and her sister stared back. This was the first time she saw Brianna in...well, she couldn’t remember how long it had been since she had seen her sister.

  “Who's this?” Brianna asked pointing at Kira. Brianna was covered in blood and Kira guessed it was Khayin's. Her hair was clean, as was her face, but everywhere else was painted a dark shade of red.

  “The new security I asked for,” Tao responded.

  “And I told you, I didn't hire anyone yet. I have a stack of apps on my desk. I haven't even looked through them.” Lawrence was beginning to sound perturbed.

  “Who are you, dear?” Tao asked.

  “Kim,” she practically whimpered. Shit, my cowardice is going to find me out.

  “Who hired you?” Tao probed deeper.

  “Joshua Dorne,” she said with a bit more confidence. She knew that name at least. She just hoped they would buy it.

  “Bullshit!” Brianna shouted. “Grab her!”

  The two battlemages that had come in with Brianna were on Kira in a flash. She barely had time to blink. Each mage seized an arm and held her tightly. Kira tried to remain calm, but all she saw was Khayin's bloody form and Codex lying unconscious on the table. She went through her options, which unfortunately weren't many. She could attack, but she counted five against just her. She didn't think she'd get very far.

  C'mon, think, Kira.

  “Drop the facade, Kira. I know it's you,” Brianna sneered. The Chief's head swiveled from Brianna to Kira and back. Tao stood silent. Brianna approached Kira and stopped a foot away. She slapped Kira hard. Her nails tore flesh away from her cheek and blood began to bead up in the wounds. “I want to see your face,” she seethed.

  “What did you do to Khayin?” Kira tried to ignore the pain and locked gazes with her sister.
  Brianna slapped her again on the other cheek, resulting in the same bloody tracks. “You don't get to make demands. You are in my house now.” She punched her in the stomach. Kira was stopped just short of doubling over; the mages held firm. “Drop your disguise, bitch.”

  Kira straightened and resumed the stare. She willed the disguise to drop and Kira stood before them all in her natural form. Her short blonde hair grew out to long blood-red dreadlocks. Her eyes went from brown to blue and the pale face remained pale, but sported tattoos. Blood ran down her cheeks. “What did you do to Khayin?” she asked, careful to enunciate every word.

  A wicked grin slowly crept across Brianna's face. “I fucked him till he couldn't stand.”

  All Kira saw was red, and rage was the color. Brianna didn't get the chance to react to her sister's sudden fury. Kira lashed out. The magic swelled and burst like an over-filled balloon. The two battlemages holding her flew in opposite directions and only stopped when their bodies hit the walls. The shattering of their skulls reverberated throughout the room. Brianna was knocked backward and smacked the wall behind the table that held Codex’s limp body.

  Chief Rantz pointed a gun at Kira and pulled the trigger. A loud bang filled the air and Kira felt the impact of the bullet in her shoulder. She turned her wrath to the Chief. Kira Pulled and lifted him into the air, she jerked his body in one direction and his head in the other. The neck snapped with a loud crack and she released him before she tore the head completely off.

  A flicker of a battlemage was all she saw before a clawed hand tore at her stomach. Kira screamed in pain and her hand immediately covered her wound. She didn't see the mage. How many more are in this room? She saw the flicker again out of the corner of her eye and again the clawed hand scored, this time across her back. The pain almost brought her to her knees. Her bag fell to the floor.

  The next flicker was followed by a full body tackle. The figure straddled her bloodied stomach and came into view. It wore the same black Lycra and skull mask as the others. The mage was able to land one solid hit to her face, breaking her nose. Her face exploded in pain and blood poured down her face as Kira Pulled, sending the mage across the office. It landed hard on Tao's desk, breaking both the escritoire and its back. Kira began to shake and breathe rapidly.


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