Bite of Betrayal

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Bite of Betrayal Page 4

by Damon Kinney

  My body aching, I stripped off my clothes and lowered myself into the hot water. The Lucky Devil Motel was as far from the La Réserve Paris as you could possibly get, but at that moment I was thankful for the Jacuzzi they’d installed in this tacky room. The bed was two arm-lengths away from the tub, and the carpet stank of the mold that had grown under the perpetually wet carpet, but the hot circulating water was what I needed.

  Whoever that vampire was, he left me with some sore spots. Not to mention his fucking up my mission.

  I’d been putting off making the phone call, but it was time to get it done. I grabbed my cell and dialed Magnus’s number.

  No signal. Just great.

  Dripping wet, I crossed the darkened room to the bed, adding to the carpet’s moisture problem with each step. After getting an outside line, I dialed Magnus again.

  When he finally answered, I cringed. “Is it done, Adrian?”

  “No, Magnus. I found the woman and was seconds away from snuffing the life from her when a vampire appeared out of nowhere. Not Terrance, someone else. While we fought, the cops showed up and I had no choice but to flee.”

  “No choice?” he roared. “Flee like a coward? You were right there with her; you could have ended it with a single punch! Do I have to come do this myself?”

  I winced at his criticism, but he couldn’t possibly understand.

  “Everything happened so fast,” I explained. “I wasn’t prepared for some unknown vampire showing up. I’ll make another attempt tonight. Magnus, I give you my word the bitch won’t live to see another sunrise.”

  “Delacroix will be expecting you this time.”

  “And I’ll be prepared,” I said.

  For a few seconds, all I heard were his breaths, harsh and short.

  “If you fail, Adrian, don’t return to Europe.”

  The line went dead.

  I set the phone back in its cradle and returned to the hot water. As the jets soothed my aching muscles, I began to plot how I could kill this human, even with Terrance protecting her.

  I would need a new car, since I had to ditch the rental. I assumed the cop must have seen it near the house and would be looking for it. Perhaps not, but it was a risk I couldn’t take. It would be a simple matter to walk to the house. Probably less likely to be seen that way. After the deed was done, I could take an Uber back to Denver.

  Fuck Magnus if he thought I would fail. I’d kill them both if I had to.


  The bedroom door cracked open. “Wake up, sleepyheads. It’s almost noon. I brought us some breakfast.”

  In Marcie’s hand was a paper bag, and I could smell muffins. Then the door shut, and it was dark again.

  “You wait here,” I told Terrance, who had remained vigilantly by my side. “I’ll get things ready.”

  I walked into the living room and began to lower all the blinds. Marcie stepped out of the kitchen and asked, “What are you doing? It’s beautiful out.”

  “For Terrance,” I said. “No direct sunlight.”

  Marcie nodded and whispered, “He’s not going to turn into a bat, is he?”

  I laughed at her naivety until I realized I wasn’t positive myself that vampires don’t do that.

  The bedroom door opened, and Terrance stepped out. In his jeans and white T-shirt, he looked scrumptious. I was still rattled from the attack, but I’d have to be dead not to notice.

  “No bats,” he said, “but our hearing is really good.”

  Marcie’s cheeks turned red. “I’ll make us some coffee.”

  The three of us discussed the situation over breakfast, and Terrance and I decided we’d be safe at the house if he set up a security plan. He would arrange for the glass to be replaced and the lock changed.

  “Shouldn’t Sagan stay somewhere else?”

  “No, I won’t let her out of my sight,” Terrance said. “The attacker was a vampire named Adrian, someone I’ve known for a long, long time. He’ll be back, soon, and I’ll be waiting for him this time.”

  Then he looked at me and said, “I’m the one he’s after. He didn’t expect you to be there.”

  I sensed that wasn’t the entire story.

  Despite our best efforts, Terrance was already slightly weakened when we arrived at the house. He’d covered himself in a hat and blanket as we rushed to Marcie’s car, then she drove as fast as she could to the house. Before we left, he assured me he’d be okay, but he was noticeably wobbly when we got there.

  It looked like a tornado had hit the place. I rushed around, closing all the blinds in the great room and covering the open window with a blanket.

  I stopped short when I got to the place where that Adrian guy had tried to kill me. My skin crawled when I remembered his hands on my neck, and how easily he lifted me off the ground. I moved a chair into that spot just so it would look different.

  Little by little, Terrance regained his sapped strength. He sent Marcie into town to arrange for a window specialist and a locksmith to come to the house, offering to pay triple their rates if they came immediately, as per Terrance’s instructions. They arrived only minutes after she returned. It’s amazing how agreeable people can be when you tell them you want to overpay for their services.

  After they finished the repairs, the three of us worked to straighten the place up and sweep up all the broken glass. By the time the sun started to set, the great room again looked normal, save for a few broken items that would need replacing.

  A knock on the door startled all of us, but Terrance said, “Relax. It’s not him. I would know if he was around.”

  He opened the door and we saw Caleb’s smiling face. He held up two six-packs of beer and said, “I brought food.”

  It was the first time I’d seen him under normal circumstances, and I was surprised by how handsome he was. I think Marcie was as well. Last night had been all excitement and drama when he took me to the apartment, so I doubt she noticed then.

  But as Caleb stepped into the house, I could tell by the look on her face that she was entranced.

  “I don’t think I gave you two a proper introduction last night,” I said. “Caleb, this is my best friend Marcie.”

  They locked eyes when they shook hands, and Terrance looked at me and rolled his eyes.

  I took the beer and headed to the kitchen to put in the refrigerator. Marcie tagged along. Once there, she whispered, “Is Caleb one, too?”

  We heard laughter from the other room, and Caleb said, “Yes, Marcie, I’m a vampire.”

  Marcie was blushing when we returned to the table. “It must be impossible to keep a secret around you guys.”

  The four of us sat around the table, drinking beer and discussing the attack. Well, they drank beer. I had sparkling water.

  Caleb said that his police officer friend, Michael, had agreed to watch the property tonight. Terrance was certain Adrian would be coming back sooner rather than later, and wanted to be ready for him. Caleb was on duty, but said he’d swing by the house between runs to make sure everything was okay.

  Marcie was confused by their plan. “It sounds like you guys want this asshole to show up again.”

  Terrance’s expression was serious. “We do. He won’t stop until he’s killed me.” He looked over at me, and again I saw something in his eyes. “Better to get him now, and to do it here, where we can control the situation.”

  Marcie asked, “If he’s coming here, shouldn’t Sagan be somewhere else?”

  “She’s safer here,” Terrance said tersely.

  As scary as the attack had been, I preferred Terrance near me, even if it meant staying here again.

  Caleb declined my offer of a second beer, saying he was on duty at eight. Marcie said, “I should stop, too. I have to drive home.”

  “Have another,” Caleb told her. “I’ll give you a lift back to the apartment.”

  “Then my car will be here.”

  “I’ll bring you back after my shift. As long as you don’t mind waking up at
5 a.m.”

  Marcie smiled at him then headed to the kitchen to get another beer.

  At 7:30, Caleb and Marcie said goodbye and walked out to his car together. When they were gone, Terrance turned to me and said, “Was it just me, or did you notice something between those two?”

  “Oh, no, it wasn’t just you. Marcie doesn’t giggle like that unless she’s around someone she’s crushing on.”

  We both had a laugh about it, and that somehow turned into a passionate kiss. Terrance held me in his arms and inspected the bruises on my neck.

  “How’s your back, baby?” he asked.

  “It’s sore, but I’ll be fine. Caleb saved my life.”

  Terrance nodded. “I owe him a debt I can never hope to repay.” Then he kissed me again.

  And again and again.

  When Michael arrived, he and Terrance decided that he should park his cop car in the garage so as not to chase off Adrian. Michael would hide in the Corvette, which was still in the driveway. When Adrian arrived and tried to get in the house, Michael would send a single beep on a walkie-talkie he brought, and Terrance would be alerted on the other walkie-talkie. Michael couldn’t risk speaking because Caleb might hear him, but he wouldn’t notice an electronic signal.

  At that point, the two men would have Adrian trapped between them, and he wouldn’t know that they were aware of his presence. Subduing him should be relatively easy.

  Terrance instructed Michael, “You can follow once he’s inside, but I want him for myself.”

  Michael nodded. “I’ll only act if it becomes necessary.”

  “And once you’ve captured him, then what?” I asked.

  “Then we alert the US branch of the Kindred Council in Philadelphia and let them deal with him,” Michael said.

  “You guys have a worldwide vampire organization?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  They both smiled. “I’m not a member,” Terrance said, “but I suppose I might have to join now.”

  Afterward, Terrance and I had sandwiches for dinner, though neither of us was particularly hungry. He took one out to the car for Michael, then he and I headed for the bedroom to wait.

  My body was buzzing with anxiety. There was no way I would be sleeping.


  The hours passed, and Sagan and I marked time by talking about our plans for the future. And of course for the baby’s future as well.

  I couldn’t tell her that the little fertilized egg inside of her, still in its earliest stages of life, was the entire reason Adrian was in Diablo Falls. Doing my best not to worry her, I told Sagan it was me he was after. I’m not sure she believed me, though. My new soulmate is as smart and perceptive as she is beautiful.

  At just after 2:00 a.m., one of our dozens of kisses was interrupted by a single beep from the walkie-talkie.

  I quickly climbed out of bed, but before I could take a step, the little speaker erupted with a squawk and a mumbled voice, then went silent again. Something was wrong.

  “Do not leave this room,” I said sternly, shutting the door.

  Even before I reached the closed front door I felt Adrian’s presence. After looking to make sure he wasn’t standing right on the other side, I opened it and peered out at the Corvette. The driver’s door was open, but I didn’t see Michael.

  I didn’t dare venture out to check on him. I couldn’t risk leaving the house even for a minute.

  “Michael!” I called. I was greeted by nothing more than the sounds of the night.

  Then I heard a moan. My night vision was exceptional, but I saw nothing moving.

  The seconds passed as I grew more tense. Then I heard a shuffling sound and saw a figure emerge from behind the Corvette. It was Michael, stumbling towards me. After just a few steps, he collapsed on the driveway, moaning.

  I rushed to his side with the intention of carrying him into the house as fast as possible. I couldn’t risk leaving him there for Adrian to finish the job. As I bent over to grab him, I heard a sound behind me and wheeled around.

  All I saw was a hand holding a rock, coming straight at my head. Then my face slammed into the concrete and everything went black.

  My last vague thought was that I’d failed Sagan.


  I waited in the bedroom, scared half to death.

  Holding my breath, I listened again. All I heard was Terrance call out Michael’s name, then nothing.

  The seconds ticked by without a sound.

  Then I heard footsteps coming down the hall, growing louder.


  No reply. Something was wrong; Terrance would have responded.

  The door flew open with a fury and my attacker—Adrian—filled the frame. His face bore a look of malevolence, pure hatred in his eyes.

  I reached under my pillow and grabbed the chef’s knife I’d stashed there earlier, but Adrian was there just as my feet hit the floor. He knocked the knife out of my hand with a sharp blow to my forearm. I attempted to run, but he grabbed my T-shirt and yanked me back onto the bed with such force that my head hit the backboard.

  I looked up to see my torn shirt in his tight grip and Adrian momentarily distracted by my now-exposed breasts. In one motion, I grabbed the oil well sculpture from the nightstand and swung as hard as I could.

  The sculpture glanced off the side of his head, knocking him sideways. Adrian stumbled but never lost his feet. He looked at me with fire in his eyes. I’d only managed to piss him off.

  I jumped off the bed and swung the sculpture a second time, but he grabbed my forearm before it reached him and shook until I dropped my only weapon. Without letting me go, he bent and retrieved the knife with his other hand.

  When he rose again, I was staring straight into his eyes and knew I was about to die.


  The night air cooled my face and I heard the sound of crickets off in the distance, growing louder. Where was I?

  My head was pounding as I managed to pry one eye open. Directly in front of me I saw the face of a man I thought I knew. He was sleeping.

  In a rush, I regained consciousness and realized the man was Michael, the Diablo Falls cop. I remembered Adrian swinging a rock at me.


  I struggled to my feet, stumbling towards the house. My brain cleared more with each step and by the time I passed through the open door, I feared I was too late. I flew down the hallway into the bedroom just in time to see Adrian holding Sagan, a large knife in his hand.

  “No!” I screamed as I lunged at him. I pinned his arm to his side, and we fell onto the floor. Then I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. As I struggled to gain leverage on Adrian, I felt another sharp pain, then two more. I realized I was being stabbed, repeatedly.

  Despite the intense pain, I knew that if I died, so would Sagan and our unborn child.

  Summoning all my remaining strength, I slammed my forearm into Adrian’s chin, stunning him enough for me to push away from him and get back on my feet.

  “Terrance!” Sagan screamed when she saw the blood already covering my shirt.

  Adrian jumped to his feet and swung the knife, catching my arm and slicing deep. I looked for an opening, some way to surprise him. He swung again, aiming for my neck. The blade slashed my jaw, but I grabbed his arm and used his momentum to bring it back towards him, driving the knife into his side.

  Before he could react, I clamped my hand over his and held the knife tightly in his palm as I plunged it again and again into him. Five, six, seven times I forced him to stab himself.

  I was seeing stars in my field of vision and Sagan’s screaming seemed to be fading into the background. I knew I had only seconds to end this before I was unable to continue. With the shredded bicep screaming at me, I used the other arm to grab Adrian by the hair and slammed his head against the floor, momentarily stunning him.

  Everything in my peripheral vision began to darken and I pulled the knife from his side and brought it upward as I lifted his head again. I knew wh
at I had to do, and with one quick motion I slashed his throat wide open, severing his jugular to ensure he would die before his body could heal itself.

  When I released Adrian’s hair, his head thumped against the floor and the blood gurgled and flowed like a river from his neck. I saw fear in his eyes just before they grew dull and vacant.

  Sagan screamed from somewhere far away.

  I turned to see her climbing off the bed, half naked. In the same movement, I continued spinning and landed on my side on the floor, still clutching the knife.

  As my consciousness rapidly faded, I felt Sagan above me and heard her saying my name over and over.

  My love was safe. That was all that mattered.

  I closed my eyes and felt the darkness envelope me.


  My stomach lurched from the sight and smell as I held Terrance’s body in the horror of the blood-splattered bedroom. I fought back the fear and panic and willed myself to summon the strength to take action. I knew nothing about vampire physiology and was terrified that my man wouldn’t survive unless he received medical attention quickly.

  Adrian’s wide-open throat told me he wasn’t a danger anymore, and his lifeless eyes confirmed it. For all I knew, though, he might spring back up any minute, being a vampire. Covered in blood, I ran from the bedroom toward the front door, looking for Michael. I found him lying unconscious on the driveway and attempted to revive him, with no luck.

  Then the moonlight reflected on the keys strapped to his belt.

  His car! It surely had a two-way police radio. Those weren’t dependent on cell signals.

  I grabbed the keys and dashed to the garage, jumping into the car and grabbing the radio’s handheld mic. Pushing the button, I shouted, “I have an emergency! Can anyone hear me?”

  My heart sank when there was no response. I was about to try again when the speaker crackled to life.

  “Who is this? Where is Officer Shelton?”


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