The Devil Inside_An Erotic BBW Billionaire Office Romance

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The Devil Inside_An Erotic BBW Billionaire Office Romance Page 2

by C. M. Bowen

  "And…what position would that be?" A predatory grin spread across his face and made her want to melt right then.

  "I have a couple in mind, but, what would you like?" They were both speaking in low tones, barely above a whisper as his face was inches from hers. She couldn't think, he was taking over all of her senses. She wondered if he was doing it on purpose or if it was from some twisted coping mechanism of her own. She raised her face just slightly, a breath away from his lips. "Or we could just try you in a few and you can stay in whichever one works best for you." She sucked in a sharp breath as his lips collided with hers. She moaned softly into his kiss as he pressed her into the wall. His hands caressed her sides until they reached the hem of her skirt as she slid her arms around his shoulders and laced her fingers into his hair.

  He tasted like spices against her tongue, and she suddenly felt far too restricted in all her clothing. When his fingers brushed past the hem of her skirt to touch the skin of her thigh, she jumped as though she'd been shocked. He pulled back a moment, a questioning look in his eyes. She answered him leaning forward and kissing him again, gently biting his lower lip. The low, almost dangerous growl that rolled out of his throat melted her against him. He spread her legs with his knee and slid his hands to cup her ass, lifting her up and pushing her into the wall and holding her there. She wrapped her legs around him, and the pressure from the growing hardness in his pants teased at the friction that she needed. She ground against him, whimpering into his mouth as he massaged her thighs and teased at the sensitive flesh.

  "Impatient little thing," he chuckled before taking her by surprise and pushing her further up the wall, till her legs were dangling over his shoulders. He was supporting her weight on his biceps, his arms pulling her legs further apart. "I want to see if you taste as good as you smell." She squirmed against him as he teased her with feather-light kisses along her thigh. She tightened her grip in his hair and mewled impatiently, and he swatted her thigh hard enough to sting. Her yelp turned into a groan and he grinned against her skin. He could play with the lines of pleasure and pain and make her scream a symphony for him. He fought with himself to take his time despite wanting to make her scream for him right then...When his mouth finally, finally, found her slick center she was already at the tipping point from his incessant teasing. His tongue dipped deeply inside of her, before swirling around her clit. He growled low in his throat. Her taste was ambrosia in his mouth. He closed his eyes and lost himself in her, letting her taste, and smell and the sounds of her gasps and moans become his whole world. He could hear her strangled pleas as he pushed her higher and higher, taking her roughly with his mouth. Her body tightened around him, hands fisting in his hair. She screamed her climax as he sucked her clit. He drank in her intoxicating juices, moaning his pleasure as he carried her through her peak. He continued until she was pushing on his head to get some relief as she eased away from her first orgasm.

  Brianna panted as he lowered her down from his shoulders back to his waist, gathering her up in his strong arms. She would be worried she was too heavy if he hadn't just picked her up like she weighed nothing. He moved her away from the wall, and with no more than a few long strides, she found herself laid across his desk. She watched as he began to undo his trousers, the bulge there straining hard against his well-tailored pants. She licked her lips and sat up again. Leaning forward, she shook her head and placed her hands on his pants. He raised an eyebrow in question as she pushed him gently back towards the plush chairs in front of his desk. She made quick work of releasing his engorged cock and eyed him hungrily. Wanting nothing more than to taste his pleasure on her tongue, she dropped to her knees before him. She grasped him firmly and ran her tongue along the sensitive head of his cock, swirled around it before sucking him slowly into her mouth. He groaned and widened his legs for her as he gathered her hair in his hands. She grinned as she massaged him with her tongue and swallowed him deeper; having to stop momentarily to relax her throat around his generous size. At this moment, she had complete power over the most formidable man in the universe. As she took him into her mouth, she looked up at him and his famished gaze locked on hers. His lips parted and eyes hooded. She groaned around his cock, the vibrations causing him to let his head fall back against the chair. It was ecstasy, intoxicating, and addicting…just as she had always been so sure it would be.

  A loud knock resounded through the office, making her jump and snapping them both out of their mutual reverie. Moments later, the knock resounded again, and muffled arguing could be heard outside the door. Lucien's face, which had reflected pleasure and bliss but moments before grew dark and intense at their interruption. Brianna scrambled away from him and adjusted herself as best she could. Not a moment to soon as the door swung open, to reveal Diva following a man she'd never seen.

  "I'm sorry, my Lord. I told him you were busy with your appointment…"

  "Silence, secretary. I answer to Lord Lucien, not to you." The man spat every word in the woman's direction as she growled and showed him every one of her sharp teeth. Brianna shrank behind Lucien's desk as the man bounded into the room. He was close enough for her to get a better view now. Slicked back dark hair was too dark against his pale skin, yellow eyes shone brightly from his face. He wore a black button up and slacks, a gaudy gold Rolex and chain completed his obviously self-important ensemble. Lucien straightened himself before standing and adjusted his shirt before calmly turning to face this unwelcome interruption.

  "And she was following my express direction, Belial. You're dismissed Diva, thank you. Have a good evening." Diva stopped, gathered herself and bowed low before backing toward the door. She gave Brianna a wink as she closed the doors behind herself. "Now, Brianna, if you would wait on the balcony we can continue your interview momentarily." His tone was ice cold, in stark contrast to moments before when the sound of his voice had been fire against her skin. Brianna hesitated, her nerves rattled from being pulled so abruptly from her euphoria and by his sudden change in demeanor.

  "Based on the way it smells in here, I'm sure you've enjoyed enough of Lord Lucien's time girl, run along. There are pressing matters to attend to now." He sneered at her as his gaze raked across her form, causing her to shift uncomfortably. "Though… aren't you pretty? Perhaps don't go too far, I may find myself in need of company as well." Brianna returned his sneer as he finished his assessment of her, the way he called her pretty sounding almost like an insult. Before she could open her mouth, Lucien had already moved. He grasped Belial by the collar of his shirt and brought his yellow gaze up to meet a blazing red one.

  "Brianna. Balcony. Now." He said in a clipped, dark tone. This time, without hesitation, she scurried to the glass doors that she hoped led to the balcony and let herself out. The thick glass of the doors muffled most of the sound out here, for which she was grateful, but it couldn't hide the feeling of the power that expanded from the room. It couldn't completely mask the sounds of his booming voice, terrifying in his rage, nor the muffled sounds of pleading from the other man. She shook to her core to think that the anger and violence emanating from the room was coming from the same man. He'd always displayed a heady mix of power, confidence, sex, but most of all self-control while in her presence. She'd wanted nothing more than to please him, but at what cost to herself? Was she willing to pay with her dignity?

  She touched her lips, lost in her thoughts now. She was dismissed so readily by both men, how many times had Lucien called others with unique skills to work under him? She moved to the railing and looked out over the realm that was to be her new home. She didn't see pits of fire, nor a frigid wasteland as she had thought she'd find. Her eyes were greeted by a sprawling metropolis under a strange red moon that hung in a starless, dark violet sky. In the distance, an inky black body of water reflected the city lights and the moon above. The view was as beautiful as it was strange. She wasn't able to focus on the stunning view, however, lost in her thoughts as she was. She wasn't one to be taken advantage
of, and that was exactly what had happened!

  It wasn't long after when she heard the door behind her open. She didn't turn. She continued to look out over the city below, though she wasn't really seeing it.

  "Pressing matters tended to?" she asked, her voice hard. She still didn't turn to look at him, instead, she leaned into the railing and tried her best to appear disinterested in his presence.

  "I have to apologize for his… brashness. He has been reminded of his place and informed of how he should speak to you. I will not tolerate such disrespect in my presence." His voice was soft and apologetic as he spoke. It sounded sincere, but Brianna had been burned enough to know not to take things at face value.

  "Ah, you don't like him calling you out in front of your toys?" Her voice threatened to choke in her throat as she spoke, but she forced herself to remain distant. He started to speak, but she cut him off. "Don't play dumb, Lucien. The way he acted, and the way Diva winked at me, this obviously isn't the first time. How many women pass through your office do you have similar meetings with?" She knew she didn't particularly have a right to be upset, but she was anyway. She'd harbored some intense feelings for this man for a long time, and now that all the tension was being realized… she was hurt.

  He spun her around to face him before she could prepare herself to pull away. The look on his face so sincere and intense that it stirred a part of her in a way she didn't want it to right now. His touch was so gentle as he cupped her face in his hands that tears threatened and she had to blink them away.

  "Understand this, my fierce girl, I have a use for many talented individuals that have come through my realm. None of them are like you. This stirring you created in me, it's not one I've felt for centuries beyond counting. I have no interest in those in my employ beyond their ability to perform the functions that they have been given. But for you, I would lay the world at your feet." His voice was filled with emotions she didn't want to give a name to. He looked at her so intently she shifted beneath his gaze. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She pulled herself from his hands and took a step back towards the railing, needing the cool air to clear her head. "I have existed and run this realm for so long now it feels like it's all I've ever done. But you…you stirred something in me a long time ago. Something I couldn't name. I never missed an opportunity to see you, even if it was just at our annual business parties. I would have come more if I could get away from my duties here, but I couldn't. Now I have you here."

  "Lucien, I'm not a toy. I'm not a doll to take off a shelf and play with whenever you want to. I'm not going to be that for you. If that's what you're offering me, you might as well send me off to wherever it is you send tortured souls around here. I won't degrade myself like that." The smile that spread across his face was breathtaking at her answer. He reached out and placed both hands on the railing on either side of her as she leaned back.

  "I would expect nothing less from you, Brianna. You're a woman deserving of respect and capable of keeping the world bent to your will. And I want that for you. I want you to do what you do best with that brilliant mind. Let me teach you how the realm works, what happens here and you can help me improve it. You'll, of course, be appropriately compensated for your time and you can take on whatever challenges you deem fit. You will answer to me, and me alone. I respect your mind and your will, fierce girl." He said, an enthusiasm in his demeanor that made her return his smile. She raised an eyebrow in silent question as she flicked her gaze back to the doors to the office. "Yes… If you'd have me. I would be lying if I weren't standing here hoping that we might further explore whatever this is between us." He brushed his lips against hers softly, a question… and she couldn't hold her steely resolve any longer. She tilted her head upwards to meet his lips and he captured her mouth in a slow, building kiss that had her melting against him.

  She didn't pull away until she had to gasp for breath. The hunger had returned to his eyes as he regarded her, and the heat that sat low in her belly spread slowly through her body until she was warm. Her clothes felt too restrictive again, and she wanted out of them. As if he'd read her mind he slipped her blazer off, trailing kisses down her neck and along her skin as he exposed it slowly to the night air. He removed her top, his lips trailing along her collarbone over the swell of her breast. She gasped as he bit the sensitive flesh of her breast, hands flying around his shoulders. He growled low in his chest, impatient with the slow baring of her body.

  "I want you, Brianna. Be mine. Let me spend the rest of eternity discovering all I can about you, and how to bring you to new heights of pleasure." She was so lost in him that she could only nod in response. A slow, devastatingly sexy smile spread across his face. He looked deliciously wicked before her, with her hands in his hair and desire written across his features. He reached out and ripped away the remains of her clothes as if he were ripping paper. "Leave the heels on." He easily picked her up and set her on the banister of the balcony as she reached down to hurriedly undo his pants and push them away. She kissed him deeply as she pulled his shirt open, sending buttons flying so she could run her hands along his muscular chest. He reached down and teased her clit and found her already soaking wet as he slid a finger inside her. She gasped as he entered her with a second, and then a third finger.

  "Eager girl, are you ready for me?" She could only whimper with need in response as he positioned himself against her center. He pushed into her slowly, agonizingly slow. Stretching and filling her in a way she couldn't remember ever having felt before. She cried out as he withdrew quickly, and dug her nails into his shoulders. He chuckled, before answering her need by swiftly and deeply taking her to his hilt. She threw her head back as he began to pump into her and wrapped her legs around his hips.

  "Lucien..." His name escaped her lips between her cries as her nails left whelps across his back. He tilted his head and took one of her nipples in his mouth as he pinched and teased the other. Every stroke carried her higher, and white dots danced across her vision as she looked unseeing toward the sky. "Ooh… yes…" She felt herself tighten around his cock as her body wound tight, ready to snap. His breath was hitched as he closed his eyes and they lost themselves in each other. He pistoned into her, reaching between them and twirling his fingers around her clit as he claimed her in the open night air. "Yes…Like…That…Lucien…" Words turned into unintelligible sounds as she neared her climax.

  "Come for me, Brianna." It wasn't a request, it was a command she couldn't help but obey. She screamed his name as she came undone around him. Her back bowed and her body shook from the intensity of her orgasm. She milked him inside her as he dug his grip into her hips, and sank his teeth into her shoulder when he found his peak. His pace slowed as they rode out the wave of their orgasms together until she collapsed against him.

  He kissed the top of her head and gathered her up in his arms, still seated deeply inside her. She twitched at the movement which caused him to chuckle. He carried her through the office, to another door that opened into an expansive, but obviously underutilized bedroom. She raised her head and looked around. It was beautiful, but lacked any personality.

  "Are you putting me to bed now?" she asked playfully. She was very satisfied, but she wasn't the least bit tired. The feeling of him still buried in her as he moved them through the room was causing her body to waken once more. She moaned low as he hardened again, telling her the feeling was mutual.

  "Only because I'm not done with you yet," he said and he took a fistful of hair and turned her head to look at him. "We have a lot of lost time to make up for."

  About the Author

  Author Candace Bowen was born in Louisville Kentucky and, contrary to popular belief, prefers shoes to going it barefoot. A mother and artist, she divides her time between writing, art, graphic design and DIY projects, although she considers motherhood her greatest achievement. A writer from the age of twelve, she spent the better part of her life writing collaboratively and mentoring young authors. After brie
fly attending Full Sail University alongside author A. C. Greenlee, she withdrew to pursue the opportunity of writing professionally. With Paranormal Romance and Fantasy in her ever-growing arsenal of writing weaponry, she plans to release smaller works while finishing her flagship novel Just a Touch.

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