A.I. Destiny 5 Talisman of Tomorrow

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A.I. Destiny 5 Talisman of Tomorrow Page 30

by Timothy Ellis

  "My love," he said simply. "I'm sae gob-smackingly happy I dinna ken wha' else tae say."

  "You don't have to say anything," said Anna. "But there's lots you could do."

  And he did.


  Snark looked out at the stars through the windows on the bridge of Seasprite. Anna had made it official, and he was now her proud owner, and there'd not been any argy-bargy over it. He was alone, as the others were asleep, and he'd wanted the watch, to be on his own and think.

  The quest for the Destiny Stone, which started what seemed ages ago, but was only months really, was over. The quest he'd promised his grandmother to fulfil, was still ongoing. The 'cold evil' hadn't been realised on this voyage to find the Amulet of Truth, and create the Talisman, and was still out there, somewhere. He still had his quest.

  But everything would be different. Jamie and Anna were a pair, and had a life to begin together. He was happy for them, but it meant things were changing for him. He'd become used to having the mop heads around.

  He'd also become used to the company of the other cats, and Mouse. They'd been a team. Now he had his own quest, he could get back to his loner existence. Seasprite could sail the ship, and he didn't need a large team, but something was wrong with this picture. He'd become accustomed to having lots of beings around.

  Maybe Dodgers would stay for a while. He needed to talk with Patters and Mouse as well. And there was also that glider, which might be interesting to have around after its talks with Jane were complete. They'd left behind two Cruisers to protect the Argathea system from predators, and the glider's people wanted to formalize ties with the Kingdom. After, well the glider would at least need a ride home again.

  Once back on the Cat World, he could sit down with grandmother, and put a plan in place for addressing her visions of the 'cold evil'. While the search for the Talisman had been a challenge, and he'd got his paws slightly singed, he felt the next quest would be even more of a trial. Yes, he'd need crew. The ship needed repair, and they had a wedding to go to.

  Lots to do on the Cat World, though. Meetings with his manager to see how his trading interests were going, and upping the stakes perhaps. Lots of advantages for him in terms of technology, and the relationships he'd built and cemented across sectors eight and ten, and now perhaps in sector nine as well? He could smell opportunity. He was a prosperous cat, about to become more affluent. At the same time as feeling pleased with himself, he felt weighed down. It all meant responsibility.

  He thought about his grandmother's descriptions of the cold evil. It gave him pause. While he'd thought the Brotherhood were dangerous, this was something in another league altogether. Perhaps the Talisman was the key?

  The stars shone their patterns, as ever, on their own predetermined paths through space.

  In or Out?

  He didn't need to decide yet. Like the stars, he was on his own path, he just needed to go with the flow.

  But he was a cat, he thought as he licked one leg, and then another. As ever, he could do both, or none, or change his mind as he pleased. Contrary, to the last.

  The brightness of the stars beckoned him on.


  The pipes skirled loudly in the enclosed space of the entrance hall at the McLauchlan Manor House. The procession came down through the waiting guests, and into the main hall, where they continued to the top table, the guests following. The piper, in full regalia, was followed by Mac as he held his mother's hand on one side, and his wife's on the other. Normally on shift at the hospital, his missus had made sure she was present for this dinner party, as there was no way she was going to miss out on the special proceedings.

  Behind him came Jenny Anderson, with her current beau beside her, and behind her came Jamie Anderson, with Anna beside him. The guests of honour, Snark, Sissness, Patters, Dodgers, and Mouse followed them. Bottoms-up was on Patters' shoulder, as usual. Jane, Warspite, and Tranquil, were next. Jane was dressed as a Queen Admiral, in dress uniform and diamond tiara. Warspite was in his full uniform, with a new medal ribbon added to his already large group of them. Tranquil was wearing an elegant gown. The guests flowed in to the hall behind them, the pipes accompanying them to their seats, the piper standing proudly in front of the main table, until they were all settled.

  As the piper finished, Mac stood.

  "Welcome tae all, tae the McLauchlan Manor House, on this momentous occasion. This dinner is special on a number of fronts. We welcome back my cousin Jamie, from his travels around the galaxy, and his lovely young fiancé, Anna. Also welcome, to the gallant Seasprite team, Sissness, Patters, and Mouse. Not to forget Jamie's friend Dodgers, and Patters' friend Bottoms-up. And welcome again to our good friend, Puss, or Snark to some."

  There was a pause, and everyone applauded roundly.

  "Some of ye, may have been wonderin' why it is, Jamie should just return home, and jet straight off again mysteriously, to return some weeks later, wi' a mystery object. More tae come on that later."

  There were some oohs and ahs, and some good-natured cat-calling of Jamie, mainly about how he could leave his lovely young fiancé all on her own for that length of time.

  "My first toast, as we get down to the eating and drinking, is to the most important thing we can have in this world in my way of thinking. Tae friends and family!"

  The hall roared with the toast as it was repeated roundly.

  "Tae friends and family!"

  "Now get stuck in!" ordered Mac, and everyone gleefully obliged, as waiters made the rounds with plates full of food and drinks.

  Snark, Sissness, Patters, Dodgers, and Mouse had been provided with chairs to accommodate their different physiques, as well as food appropriate to their diets. The glider sat on the table next to Patters. They'd marvelled at the proceedings, particularly at the strange music, except Snark, who was used to the sound of the bagpipes.

  After returning to the Cat Homeworld in triumph with the Talisman, the team had set out to return to their normal lives, with little success. Mouse had been made welcome to stay on the Cat World, but was keen to make his way back to his own home, as being an intelligent mouse amongst a lot of hungry looking cats didn't sit well with him. Dodgers was more than happy to keep travelling the galaxy, and had accompanied Jamie. Snark was looking for the next adventure, but needed to be more involved in his burgeoning trade empire, and affairs on the Cat Homeworld. Sissness and Patters, now having had a taste of travel beyond their world, were interested in finding a way to continue, but hadn't settled on anything yet. They all thought the invitation to visit the Scots Homeworld was too good an opportunity to miss, and had accepted with alacrity.

  Jamie and Anna, had agreed to come to the Scots Homeworld to get married, and to have their first child, as Jamie was insisting they have more, and Anna was not sure this was the best thing. Maraid was overjoyed they were here, and was looking forward to a being a grand aunt.

  The dinner continued, with the guests of honour having many toasts given to their valour and bravery, and as the drinks flowed, to many other things as well, much to their embarrassment, and the amusement of all.

  Dancing started with a formal Scottish dancing demonstration. All kinds of dancing proceeded as the band played a medley of Scots favourites, as well as the latest hits on the Scots world, and in Hunter's Run circles. Snark cut a dashing figure in a new belt suit, this one a silver colour, as he tried to imitate a Scots jig. He later partnered Sissness in a cat's world jive, to the applause of the humans.

  As the dessert was finished, and the cheese plates circulated, Mac got to his feet once more.

  "Friends. We come tae the part of the evening, ye nae doubt ha' been waiting for, revealing the mystery object."

  There were more oohs and ahs, and this time much drunken heckling about what it could be.

  "I'd like to introduce ye all tae another special guest, Andrew Sinclair, all the way from the Scots planet in the Human Federation."

  There were cheers,
and some shouted friendly rivalry between guests bridging the distance between the two Scots planets. Mac continued, raising his voice over the hubbub.

  "Andrew Sinclair is the curator of the Museum of Antiquities for the Human Federation Scots. He has brought something of immense value to all Scots everywhere."

  Andrew Sinclair stood up from his place at one of the tables, and he and Mac walked solemnly over to an object with a flag of Scots Royalty, the Lion Rampant, covering the object. Mac and Sinclair each took a corner of the flag.

  "I gie ye the Stone of Destiny!" Mac called out, and they whipped the flag away to reveal a large stone seat.

  There was an absolute hush in the hall. No-one moved, even the drunks at the back. The hush continued for some time.

  Sinclair bade Mac sit. Mac did so.

  "I am duly authorised by the Scots King, to pronounce and announce, Cole McLauchlan as Duke, and independent ruler of this Scots World, in the Kingdom of Hunter's Run. May he rule wisely as a true Scots King, for all Scots outside of the Human Federation!"

  The silence deepened. Mac was totally gobsmacked, and his mouth was hanging open.

  Jamie rose, and his cheer was taken up by everyone.

  As the noise settled down into a hubbub, and Mac rose from the Stone of Destiny, a beautiful soprano voice started to sing, and people joined in one by one, those not standing joining those who were, as everyone in the hall sang "Oh, Flower of Scotland."

  As the last note faded, again there was a hush, as all of the Scots' hairs on the back of their necks, and arms, stood on end. It was finally broken by a bubbling of conversation.

  Mac coughed, and sought the hall's attention again. Andrew Sinclair stood forward to address the gathering.

  "It has been mae solemn duty to keep the Stone of Destiny guarded, and on view to any Scot who should wish tae see it. When Jamie told me of the quest he and his fellow travellers had been on, after another Stone altogether," there was laughter at this, "and we talked further, we both agreed the Scots of this world, would also benefit from seeing the Stone of Destiny, and the other regalia of the Scots Royal House. We took the matter to our recently crowned King, after having begun colonizing our own world, purple plant obliterated once and for all, and he not only supported the idea, he empowered me to use the Stone of Destiny for its purpose."

  There was an avalanche of applause at this. When finally, it faded, Sinclair continued.

  "Most of ye know the stories surrounding the Stone of Destiny. It was used to crown the Kings of Scotland on the auld Earth, and was taken to England by Edward the Furst of England, and remained there until it was returned to Edinburgh after many centuries of having been stolen away."

  There was hissing and feet thumping at this.

  "Now, ye'll also know, there are many stories of this being a replica which had been used to fool King Edward, when he defeated the Scots, and took the stone tae England. Many Scots over time have searched for the 'true' Stone of Destiny. But I am here to tell ye, this is absolutely false, and this is the true Stone, brought all of the way out of the auld Earth, to the world we called Scotland, in the British Sector, on the auld galactic spine, and now tae its new home on the Gaia galaxy Scots world. And now on loan tae the Scots of Hunter's Run."

  There was more applause, and people came forward to talk directly with Sinclair and Mac, and to see the Stone.

  Jamie turned to Anna, and kissed her on the cheek.

  "I thought it was worth it, to take a couple of weeks, and come back with the Stone. Sorry for not letting the cat out o' the bag before."

  Snark looked at him askance, and they all laughed.

  Anna sighed, and took Jamie's hand. Impulsive as ever, she'd wondered what was so important to take him away, but had trusted he would explain in his own good time. He'd done that spectacularly tonight. She kissed him lightly on the lips.

  "Silly wee man," she lisped, and he laughed hilariously.

  When he had control again, she and Jamie went over to look at the Stone. They thought about the mural in the caves of Perdita, of Anna standing next to someone seated on a stone, and wondered about this. Could it be this Stone? Was there more to the story yet?

  There was more dancing, and drinking of course, into the wee hours of the morning.

  Snark wandered out of the hall, into the gardens of the Manor House. He looked up at the stars, glinting and glittering in the beautiful night sky. There was a bit of a chill in the air, but it was clear, the galaxy a streak of brighter lights, and the universe tilting across the sky in all directions. He thought about the galaxy he was familiar with, the other galaxies out there, and the universe itself, stretching away into infinity.

  Plenty to keep him occupied, he thought, and licked his paw absentmindedly.

  Jane will return,

  in Leader Jane.


  Thanks goes to Kalen O'Donnell for the cover design for this book.

  Special thanks to KJ Colt and Rumpy, for the perfect photo of Snark.

  A Message to our Readers

  From Elspeth Anders: I hope you've enjoyed reading my third novel. More adventures with Snark are coming, but in his own future series.

  From Timothy Ellis: As usual, I've had a lot of fun with this book. There is more in this story to come, so I hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed the writing.

  If you've enjoyed this book, we hope you'll take the time to leave a review. All reviews are greatly appreciated, as they help assist purchasing decisions by other readers. Sales and reviews help us to focus on the next book in the series, which impacts how fast the next installment is released.

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  Also by Timothy Ellis

  These Kindle eBooks can be found on

  Timothy Ellis’ Kindle Author page.

  These links can also be found at TimothyEllisAuthor.com.


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  A.I. Destiny

  Admiral Jane

  Queen Jane

  Snark books co-authored with Elspeth Anders

  Snark's Quest

  Destiny Stone

  Talisman of Tomorrow





  The Hunter Legacy

  Part One

  Hero at Large.

  Hunted Hero Hunting.



  Send in the Hero.

  Make or Break the Hero.

  Hail the Hero.




  Part Two

  Burnside's Killer.

  Hire a Hero.

; Jane's Christmas.

  Hero to the Rescue.

  Hero at the Gates.

  The Long Road to Gaia







  Part Three

  Home is where the Hero is

  Hero in Darkness

  Hero to the End




  The Hero's Companion


  PC Games

  The X3 Handbook.

  The X3 Handbook for Albion Prelude.



  Short Stories

  Was that you?



  The Wisdom of the Ages is available for the price of asking a question.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 2.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 3.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 4.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 5.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Complete Volumes 1 to 5.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 6 Accrued Karma.


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