Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1) Page 14

by Eden Rose

  I never wanted something so much. He pushed my jeans down and broke our kiss to completely take them off. When he came back up my body, his hands worked their way from my ankles all the way up.

  "Oh... fuckshitdamn! You feel so good underneath me!" He whispers in my ear as he slips his extremely hard dick into my sex. My head fell against the lounger and I craned my neck against it. I moan as he eases slowly all the way into me. His eyes were burning through my skin as he watched me. Vincent slipped his thumb between our bodies and rubbed my clit. I screamed as he pushed himself all the way into me and he quickens his pace as I drag my nails up his back.

  Once my legs were constricting the back of his knees, I felt the sensation. I knew I'm about explode. My breathing got heavier and moaning grew louder. I screamed as it rippled through my body. My sex hugged as tight as it could around his dick. "Vincent! I... I...?" He climaxed and fell onto me.

  "What is it, baby doll? What were going to say?" Truthfully, I didn't know what I'm about to say. There is no time to think about it, I heard Ronnie in the hallway.

  "Hey, Vince! What time is Caridee coming over? Anne wanted to know so she could shower!" He walked into the room as Vincent scrambled off of me and threw my pants at me. "Dude! You have a bedroom!"

  I laughed as Ronnie's cheeks turned red. "Actually, I have this whole house, since its mine!" Vincent shouted back at him. "Um, can you give us some privacy? I'm not ready to be done!" Now my face turned red.

  "Um, yeah. Can you leave? I'm kind of naked." I said while taking a pillow to cover up my lower half. How embarrassing. This is like having sex in your parents house.

  *Chapter 20*

  Vincent gave us his bedroom while we got ready. Caridee did our hair and makeup flawlessly. She gave me a lose curl look and Anne got an up do.

  "How is being married?" I ask her as I sprayed some perfume on. Anne flashed her ring at me. A two carat diamond ring sat on her finger and it is hard to not stare at it. It shined in the light and my eyes were attracted to it.

  "Its great! I can't wait for everyone to know that I'm now Anne Thomas-Rossi. Ronnie is so sweet, we had amazing sex. When he held me last night, he kept kissing me and telling me he loves me. Utterly romantic!" She kept talking about her sex last night as we took off our robes and stepped into our dresses. Anne's face lit up beautifully in the dress. She is a woman transformed. "Did you go pick out your ring today? Oh geeze, I have been talking about myself this whole time and you haven't said a word!"

  "Yes, we did. He hasn't given it to me yet. To be honest I feel weird about how much money he spent on my ring for a fake engagement." I said as I zipped up the back of the most beautiful dress I could ever imagine. Bethany is a wonderful designer.

  "You can call it what you want," she says as she zips the back of her dress too, "but there is nothing fake about what you two have. When are you going to stop denying this?" As she asked me the question, I threw a pillow at her head. She dodged my throw and laughed. "You better stop before you lose out."

  I pushed her shoulder as she put on her shoes. I'm all dressed and ready to go. My makeup is looking good and I felt beautiful. We walked down the stairs to see Vincent and Ronnie all dressed in tuxedos with big smiles. I wanted to be more dramatic and walk slowly down the stairs, I let my dress trail on the stairs behind me. Anne ran down the stairs and jumped into Ronnie's frame. They kissed and he told her how beautiful she looked.

  Vincent in a suit, Vincent in his boxer briefs... None of those images will compete with Vincent in a tuxedo. The aire of authority, class, romanticism and classical-ness shot off of him and hugged tight. This isn't the man I took home from the bar, this is a man that I think I could... Love? Maybe, that could be the word however if it isn't the correct word, the way Vincent looked at me made me feel so special and beautiful that I wanted to bottle it and take it with me wherever I go.

  Time feels as if it speeds up and then rewinds so often that I find it insane that we have known each other for a week. In that week's time, I felt something shift in me and I felt the shift in the world as well. This shift gave me the courage to be myself and not the person I was when and after Joel. This Savannah is a woman who wanted to be seen and adored.

  At that moment, as I reached the bottom of the stair, I vowed to myself that I wouldn't settle for anything other than adoration and love. I deserved that. I will just have to keep reminding myself of this until I believed it myself.

  Vincent met me at the bottom of the staircase and held his hand out to me. When I reached his hand, he stood up straighter and embraced me. He kissed me softly and whispered, "There has never been a woman who looked as breathtaking as you do right now." He grabbed my wrist lightly and touched his bracelet that he had given me. "I love that you are here with me."

  I stepped closer to him and told him thank you. When we walked out of his house, there is a limo waiting for us. Anne and Ronnie sat on one side and Vincent and I at the other. Unlike Anne, I didn't sit so close to Vincent as she did Ronnie. I wanted him to crave me a little bit. When we arrived at the wedding, Vincent is the first out the door and he held his hand out for me to grab. We walked into the beautiful formal hall.

  Candles and lights were everywhere. Vincent made small talk with everyone we passed but kept his arm snaked around me. After the first couple left us, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. There is light violins playing in the background and we walked to our seats. The ceremony is like a fantasy.

  After Sal and his wife said "I do," we were ushered into the a joining room. We sat next to Anne and Ronnie. Many people came up to me and asked who I is. I didn't know how to introduce myself. Was I his fiance? I just answered by saying: "Savannah Castile."

  After dinner is served, I loosened up a little and became more comfortable around everyone. My eyes widened as I seen these grown men kiss each other on the lips. Mobsters are funny.

  "Excuse me, may I dance with your date?" A tall and young Italian asked while looking at Vincent and then to me.

  "If the lady wants to, but I'm pretty sure she just wants to be next to me." Vincent put his arm around my shoulder and whispered something under his breath. He looked at me and smiled. "I suppose that some people don't know who you are to me, baby." The man that asked me to dance left and I puckered my lips and Vincent kissed me. "Are you having a good time?"

  "Yes, I am . Anne mentioned that she wanted to go to an after party after this."

  "Okay. Will you dance with me?" I took his hand and stood up.

  While we danced to the beat of the band, I felt wonderful. He dipped me and kissed me in front of everyone. This felt fantastic.

  "Vincent... I...I..." that is all that left my mouth. I didn't want to say what I wanted to say. I wanted to tell him that I'm falling in love but it doesn't feel right to say it. What if he doesn't feel that way? He is so sweet and I loved the feeling that I got when I'm around him, but is this really it? Can this be the start of a relationship?

  We danced through two songs and I'm smiling so hard that my cheeks were burning.

  "What is your favorite meal?" I ask him as we danced.

  Vincent started to laugh and his head flew back. "I love chicken parm. What about you?"

  "I love lasagna. What is your favorite color?" This conversation is so normal that it felt good.

  "Green. Every time I see green, it reminds me of your eyes." Normally I would punch someone for saying something so corny, but I felt he meant it.

  "That's my favorite color too. What are you thinking about? You look perplexed."

  " I'm thinking of you. Let's go back to our table."

  He led me to our table and on my dessert plate is a box. A ring box. I sat down at my chair and looked at Vincent with questions in my eyes.

  "Yes, this is for you." He learned over and handed it to me. "I got to thinking that you deserve a better proposal than the one I gave you." People started to gather around as I held the box in my hand. "I never thought it would be possible, but you be
witched me. In a week, I have fallen for you to the point where I wonder what you are doing in the day." He opened the ring box while it is in my hand. "Will you marry me?"

  I looked down and seen my canary diamond ring. It sparkled in the lights. For a minute I wondered if he were being serious or if this is an alibi. I also thought to myself, why not? I couldn't believe that I meant what is about to come out of my mouth. "Yes." I whispered as he slid the ring onto my ring finger. "Its the most beautiful sight ever," I say to him as I looked down at it. Why couldn't I just say it?

  "I meant what I said. You have no obligations to stay with me. I want you to be with me." He took my face in his hands and kissed me. The kiss knocked me off my seat and I fell into him.

  "Vincent... I... really... want...I..." that's all that came out.

  Anne came rushing up to me and we decided to go to the bar to celebrate. Before we left, a few of his friends stopped me.

  One in particular threatened me. "You fuck with my administration, I will end you," the voice is in my ear but when I turned they were gone.

  *Chapter 21*

  The next four weeks were crazy. The first week all we did is work. Anne and I were busy trying to get some more people to lease or own apartments in the area so we could make more money. Amazingly enough, I didn't hear much from Vincent. Ronnie and Anne split their time between our place and his. Every time I seen Ronnie he mentioned that Vincent is busy with his businesses.

  I did receive some flirty text messages though. During the first week his text were really sweet.

  Your fiance: What are you wearing?

  Me: Leather and lace and spike heels.

  Your fiance: You are making working for me too hard!

  Me: Work isn't the only thing I'm trying to make hard.

  Your fiance: Damn Savannah!

  I giggled and put my phone away to concentrate on work. During our exchange, I began to notice that he changed his title in the phone he gave me again.

  On the second week, Vincent is also busy and I didn't want to bother him by calling. Joel sure made himself known to me. Every day he called me twice. That isn't unheard of though. I noticed that people acted different towards me. Many separated as I walked in the street. Restaurants would give Anne and I free food too. Also, this is the week that my new car is delivered. A brand new white 2013 Fusion.

  Me: A beautiful car is just delivered to my place.

  Your fiance: Nothing but the best for you, baby.

  I took a picture of myself naked and sent it via text message to Vincent with a smiley face and an"xo."

  Your fiance: Damn it, why do you have to send me the picture while I'm conducting business?

  With a devious smile, I reply:

  Me: Nothing but the best for you baby.

  On Thursday, Vincent called me at work.

  "How about lunch? We can go to Panera," he asked me.

  Lunch sounded really good and spending time with him sounded good, too. " I'm sorry but I'm so swamped. I have to work through lunch to get these offers filed and sent in."

  He didn't miss a beat. "Its okay. I will see you later."

  About an hour later, my door to the office opened. I smelled the food before I seen who entered.

  "Hello ladies!" Vincent strutted into the office with a bag of food and a smile. "I thought you would be hungry." He placed the food on a desk between Anne and mine. Before he dug through the bag, he had something in his hand and held it out to me. "I seen this and I thought of you." It is a cream colored rose. My favorite.

  "Thank you. This is so sweet of you," Anne and I walked over to where the food is and we all three sat down to eat it.

  The third week is tricky. Vincent hadn't been around for a while and I'm kind of lonely.

  However, McGregor asked me to his office to discuss numbers. I wonder if he knew that Vincent and I were dating. What would he say if he looked at my hand and seen the canary?

  Before I could ask him any questions, the door opened and Vincent, Ronnie, Sammy and Johnny came into the office. This is insane. What is happening?

  "Savannah, you are probably wondering what is happening. We have to wait for Anne to be done on her conference call and then we can start."

  I'm sitting off by myself and Vincent is over talking to McGregor and Anne's face when she came in is probably my mirror.

  "Well, from my understanding... Anne... You got married to Ronaldo Rossi. Is that true?"

  She whispered yes and looked at me and I shrugged. I didn't have a clue where any of this is going.

  "This company doesn't need any scandals. I'm hoping that you two won't let a school crush get in the way of the better interest if the company."

  I really hate how he makes us feel as if we are a couple of teenagers. I know for a fact that he isn't this hard on everyone but us. Anne is married and I'm engaged.

  Johnny spoke next and looked calm and collected. This is the weirdest situation ever. Awkward."McGregor just wants to make sure that you two don't jeopardize his retirement in two years. Isn't that correct?"

  "Bastard," my boss said under his breath.

  "This is getting out of hand. Mr. McGregor, I have never been anything but professional at this firm. I don't appreciate these constant threats. If you are going to fire us than do it. We both got offers from the competitor."

  Everyone looked at me like I were crazy. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm too. Fuck. Great sex could be the end of my career.

  "Tim, this is our company. We own sixty five percent of it and you don't own any of it. These girls are loyal to you and haven't let their relationships get in the way of their work. Girls, you can go. We have to finish talking," Sammy shooed us out and I felt like I had my tail between my knees.

  There is a letter on my desk when I got back to my office. I blushed as I picked it up. Ninety/ ten its from Vincent.

  I want to be inside you so much right now. Come to the conference room in ten minutes.

  I looked at the clock and realized that I had a few minutes to fix my hair and freshen up. By running to the bathroom and then grab some files to make it seem like I'm working, I had to get to the conference room fast.

  I stood outside of the door trying to figure out if I should knock or just go in. Looks as if I didn't have to either because the door opened and a finger signaled me to come in. Oh, I could play this game.

  By strolling in like I owned the place, I set my files down and straightened my back.

  "Please take a seat," I demanded as I sat at the head of the table. Vincent sat and I could see his mind shifting to find out what I'm doing. "Now, I'm sure you are aware that intro office romances are highly unethical. I would like to know what you have to say for yourself." I'm surprised that I kept my voice calm.

  The look of confusion on his face is priceless and when he understood my angle, he immediately got meek. " I'm so sorry, Ms. I promise that it is strictly sexual. She isn't half the woman as you." I leaned over the table and flashed a half smile. He gave me one back. Vincent and his accent make me want to come out of my clothes.

  Ha ha, get it? I made a funny.

  "If that is true, than you need to prove that to me or you are fired!" I pushed the files into the middle of the table and sat back in my seat. He didn't move for a minute and I'm growing inpatient. "Now! I don't have much time." I let a breath out of my mouth and flexed my chest out. That got his attention.

  " I'm so sorry. Here, let me prove that you are more than enough for me." He stood up and walked towards me. Luckily this room is equipped with rolling chairs, and he rolled me out. "I can't tell you how long I have been waiting to taste you." Vincent dipped a finger into me and laughed as he realized I took my panties off. "You are so wet for me already. Looks as if someone has been thinking of me too."

  I almost melted in the seat and bucked to fuck his hand. However, I'm wanting to finish this game. "Do you talk to that office slut like that? Because I'm pretty sure I can find something else for you to use your
mouth on." That got his attention. Where this person is coming from is beyond me! I have never talked dirty.

  His knee is on the floor in front of my chair and he slid my skirt up higher. As it is pushed past my thighs, his hands ran up and down my legs. I had to stifle a moan since it felt so good. Vincent stared at me and then began to bring his mouth onto my sex. Normally, he would be sensual, however today he is forceful and so damn good. His tongue licked at my clit and didn't let up while I bucked against his mouth. His hands held on to my thighs to keep them from moving and I swear that if they weren't holding me in place, I would have flew out of the seat. His tongue felt divine on my clit and my moaning got louder.


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