Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1) Page 16

by Eden Rose

  Another gun shot flew through the room and a crash shook my body on the couch like a tornado. "I will kill you! Give me her jewelry back!"

  "You want it..." The voices were gone. I couldn't hear anything! Where am I?

  Who knows how long I had been out when I heard commotion. "Bang!" A loud noise flew past me. Wake up!

  I felt my body move. Someone is carrying me again. What is happening? Whoever is carrying me is yelling at someone.

  "You had one job and that is to take care of her! You just wait, you ass hole! I will get you!" Whoever this is, is angry at the other person. I felt something soft on my back and then we moved.

  All of this moving around is making me feel sick. I just want to go home and crawl in bed. I'm so tired. So. Very. Tired.

  " I'm going to kill you and everyone else that is involved in this! You just fucking wait! All of you fuckwits are dead." Who is this person? He is so angry. I fell back asleep and didn't remember getting to wherever I'm going to.

  The motion stopped and I woke up to hearing a group of men yelling at one another. I'm pretty sure I'm being carried again.

  "Moretti! You need to calm down! She didn't die!" What? Die? They thought I'm dead?

  A door slammed and I'm dropped onto something soft again. Someone is shaking me and yelling at me.

  "Wake up! Please wake up! I'm so sorry, Vincent! I thought she would be fine!" From the voice I'm assuming that this person talking is Ronnie.

  "It doesn't fucking matter! If you weren't stuck up your ass, you would have known that the Dice is there!" Someone put something smelly under my nose that made me want to vomit. My chest started to heave. "Savannah, baby doll! Come on, get up!"

  Then there is a girl who is talking now. "She... is.... so it will take a while for her to wake up." What happened to me?

  Someone shook me again and I felt someone rub something on my head. My head is moved..

  * Vincent*

  Words can not express what I felt when I seen my Savannah on the couch. She looked lifeless on the couch and had blood coming from her head. The worst part about it is seeing Joel in the corner acting as if he were watching a comedy show.

  I could kill Rossi. He should know his place by now but he is too stuck up Anne's ass. He wouldn't even have known what is happening if he didn't hear me yelling at Sammy. Rossi is a piece of shit who doesn't deserve his kick up.

  If Valerie wouldn't have been here when we got home... I don't know what I would have done. I could seriously kiss her since she's a nurse and knew what was wrong with her.

  There is no surprise that when I tore apart that office that I found Joel is the one holding her jewelry. The bracelet is one thing but her engagement ring is something entirely different. That ring represents everything that I feel about her but yet I can't say to her.

  With Savannah laying on my bed, and Rossi in the corner of the room clearly petrified over what I'm going to do to him, I try to relax. I rub her back and brush her hair away from her face. She looks so beautiful and I can't believe that she is with me.

  What is going to happen when she wakes up and realizes that all of these bad things are happening to her because of me? She couldn't leave me, could she? Oh, what happens if she finds out that I killed three people and beat Joel up?

  "Vincent?" Anne came poking around the corner of the door looking afraid. If this is hard on me I couldn't imagine how she is feeling about this.

  I roll onto my back and continue to rub Savannah on any part of her skin that I can reach. "What?"

  "Can we talk?" She sounds so weak and I hate that she is probably afraid that I'm going to beat the shit out of her husband. Which I have every intention on doing.

  "Yeah, can we do it in here? I want to be here when she wakes up," I signal to the bed and she sits down at the end. Rossi is eyeing me up to make sure that I'm not going to go insane on her.

  " I'm so sorry. I feel like this is all my fault. Savannah is part of my family and I can't believe that by not being there she got drugged," she sniffles and Rossi comes up to hug her.

  "This isn't directly your fault, Anne. You didn't know that he was there," I tried to soothe her but truthfully I'm not mad at her.

  I wanted to kill Rossi. This is his fault and he needs to learn what his place is.

  "Why haven't you told her that you love her yet?" She asked me and I instantly sat up. How does she know that? "It's written all over your face."

  Time to avoid the question. "I really don't know what you are talking about."

  Anne let out a laugh and reached for my hand. When she pried it open, she found that I'm holding onto the canary. "Don't bull shit me, Vincent. I know the look of someone in love."

  Now it is time to find a way to make a deal. I cupped the ring back into my hand and pulled Savannah up so she is laying on me. There is something comforting about having her touch me. "Don't tell her anything. I have a plan."

  *Chapter 23*

  When I opened my eyes, I seen blue. I'm in a blue room, blue blankets and a blue shirt. My head hurt something terrible and I couldn't help but reach up and touch my head. My hand came back with dried blood on it. I tried to sit up but there is an arm around me. After moving, the arm moved and someone started to yell.

  "Oh my god! Savannah! You are all right? I'm so sorry! Vincent! Wake up!" Why is Ronnie yelling so loud? I once heard that people who speak English as a second language tend to speak it better than a person who is raised to speak it. I never could figure out if that were true until I met these guys.

  "Sshhhh." I say and grab my head. "Where am I? Why does my head hurt so bad?"

  "Baby! You are awake!" Vincent says as he takes me in his arms.

  "Savannah! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" Ronnie says as he gets onto his knees on my side of the bed but on the floor. A stone cold killer has got to his knees to apologize to me?

  "Vincent, what happened?" I looked down and noticed my ring and bracelet were gone. "Damn, I lost the jewelry you gave me. I'm so sorry!" I whisper and feel tears prick my eyes.

  "Ronnie decided that he is going to leave you in the middle of the dance floor by yourself so he could go off with his chick. While you were dancing, you took a few shots that were drugged. Joel and the Dice family drugged you and then took you upstairs of the club." He takes a deep breath and then looks down. His brown hair is a mess and I never seen him look anything but smug. Vincent and his brown eyes met mine while he is holding me, I could have melted in them. He is so beautiful. What is this feeling? "When you got up stairs they realized that you were my comare and tried to rough you up. They hit you in the head with a bottle. That's why your head hurts. Joel stole your jewelry and is trying to keep them hidden."

  I put my head down on his chest and breathed in. I just breathed in every smell that I could get. With my eyes closed, I snuggled into Vincent as far as I could. Never in my life, would I have expected to be so relieved to see someone. At this moment, I realized that this feeling must be love. My heart felt heavy and light at the same time as I came to this realization. I wonder if he feels the same way for me but I don't want to ask him.

  "When I found you, you were passed out on the couch and there is Millstone hovering over you and touching you. I never wanted to hurt anyone that bad before. Vinny came running in and tried to calm me down." Vincent sounded so disgusted while telling me what happened.

  "Savannah, he even took out his gun. Vincent is going to shoot Millstone," Ronnie said.

  "All of this for me? You guys shouldn't have got involved with my divorce. I don't want you to get yourself killed or hurt," I say with as much confidence as I could muster. My head started to pound and then I laid against Vincent to snuggle more. "Please! I'm not worth all of this. You have done so much for me and what I have given to you?" Confidence has evaded me and I knew I sound as insecure as I feel.

  "Ronnie, out!" Vincent growled and Ronnie ran out of the room. "Baby doll, if you don't know by now how much you mean to me than I ha
ve failed," his voice and eyes were pleading with me and then he gripped my face. His fingers dug into my cheeks and it would be a lie to say that it didn't hurt. It did.

  Say it! I scream in my head. Please say it!

  Tears welled in my eyes and some started to spill over the desperation in Vincent's voice. "You haven't failed. I love everything you have done for me. I just don't want you to get hurt."

  I have never heard him talk with so much frustration before. "The only thing that could have hurt me is if I came up stairs two minutes later. They were going to shoot you. I want to physically hurt Rossi. He left you unattended in the middle of a bar. He should have known to stay by your side. This is all his fault!" That accent that I have come to love, sounded so angry and full of hate.

  I closed my eyes and slipped out of his hold to lay my head on the pillow. "It isn't his responsibility to watch me." Pleading isn't going to help and my head began to throb. All I wanted was for him to hold me while I slept.

  "You are to be clocked at all times. Joel and Millstone were loading their guns and you were going to be popped! Rossi and I are going to have a sit down and he could be broken in this borgata." Vincent laid down next to me and turned me so my front is leveled to his side and my head on his chest. With a quick lift, he put his arm under my neck and cradled me into him.

  I could stay like this forever. The feeling is more than I deserved from what happened yesterday. All of this is my fault and people could get killed because of my ex husband. I wish there is a way to just stay here, like this, and never have to leave. When we are like this, everything I want is clear. I want him.

  I love him. I'm in love with Vincent Moretti.

  But I really had no idea what he is talking about. "What day is it?" I ask as I flutter my eyes open.

  "Its Monday, baby." Oh, no. I'm going to be shitcanned! "Don't worry, Anne spoke to all of your clients and told them that you are not well. She is at the office now. I'm sure cafone texted her and told her you were awake."

  "I should go home. I don't want to put you out anymore than I have to, you have been great, really great," I close my eyes and try to get the strength to sit up. "Can you send a car for me?" I expected him to help me sit up and when he didn't, I let out a hiss.

  "No. No to all of that. You are staying here for the week. Adamo went to your place yesterday and grabbed a bunch of your stuff to bring here."

  Well, well, well. Isn't he acting like a caveman? 'You stay here in bongalo, I go get meat.' I would die laughing if he started pounding on his chest. "No! I don't want him in my place. He is so rude!" I feel invaded. He is going through my stuff and that is not okay.

  "Baby doll, please rest. Don't worry about anything. I have it taken care of."

  As I fell asleep, my mouth opened and said: "I lo.. you." With that, I went to sleep.

  *Chapter 24*

  When I woke up again, I smelled food. I'm so hungry. Although there is something loud being shouted over the food smell. I pushed back the covers and put my feet on the floor. It felt weird to stand up. What time is it? The door seemed very far away on my trek to it. I wanted food and whoever is yelling to be quiet. As I approached the stairs, I heard many different voices. These voices were loud and angry. The walk down the stairs took a long time. As I approached the bottom, I walked right past the great room for the kitchen.

  "Where are you going?" Someone asks me as I crept to the kitchen wearing only a shirt. "Little girl. Do you know what kind of mess you made? I knew you were trouble, you and that other one."

  Tiredness is what I'm feeling and dealing with the implications that this man is talking about, is not something I'm in the mood for. " I'm hungry." I walk away from the voice and try to find the food. In the kitchen I found a breakfast spread. This is going to be my breakfast!

  As I sat down in front of the spread with a plate, those voices got louder and I felt like they were talking about me.

  "What the fuck, Vincent. You are honestly going to risk our truce with the Dices because of some booty call? You are crazy, man!" The voice hollered at the other. I now knew they are talking about me.

  "Do you want to be walked off? I swear, she is not a booty call. I'm pretty sure she said that she loved me. I'm not going to sit here and have you talk to me like in my own house. Get out!" Vincent hollered at someone.

  I ran from the kitchen to the great room with a piece of pancake in my mouth to stop this. I finished my bite and held the rest of it in my hand as I walked into an angry mob of people. "I will leave. You guys don't need to do all of this. This is my problem. My estranged husband. My problem. Not any of yours," I looked at Ronnie and asked him if Anne were here. He texted her and she came up the stairs. I wanted to go home. "Anne, please take me home!" I scream down the hallway. " I'm really sorry everyone," I say as Anne comes up behind me with our purses.

  I ran out of the door before anyone could stop me. We jumped into her car and then left. "Wait, how did you get this car?" I ask as I look around at a new car. Now, I may not be an expert on cars but I'm almost positive that this is a BMW. And from the looks of it, a fully decked out one at that.

  "Ronnie bought it for me so I can drive back and forth from our place to here." I always appreciated her ability to be nonchalant.

  We drove really fast and I closed my eyes in order to hope that we got home soon.

  When we arrived at our apartment, I jumped out of the car and walked as fast as I could to the elevator since I'm only wearing a shirt.

  "Vans, are you all right? Do you blame me? I couldn't stand it if you hated me!" She said as we got into the elevator.

  "I blame the one person who is involved. That is not you or Ronnie's fault. Let's get inside. I want to lay down." As I finished my statement, we walked in and our mouths dropped. Our apartment is beautifully clean! Someone came into our place and cleaned everything. The smell of Pine-sol hit us as we walked through. "Did you have anything to do with this?" I ask as I walk to my room.

  "No, I didn't. This is incredible. My room is so clean!" She yells as she walks into her room. My room is very clean and smelled amazing.

  I started the bath and put some bath salts in it to relax. The bathroom heated up fast and I breathed in the salts. Both of my cell phones were ringing but I didn't answer. With the shirt now off, I get into the tub. My eyes shut instantly as I soaked.

  The water is getting chilly when my eyes opened, I must have fallen asleep. Anne is knocking on my door and threatened to come in if I didn't answer. " I'm taking a bath! Come back later!" I scream at her.

  "Your cell phones are ringing off the hook! Now my phone is blowing up. I'm coming in to answer your phone!"

  "Please, don't." My eyes started to prick as tears came. I choked back a sob as I said, "Please leave me alone!" And as if this day couldn't get any worse, the tears spilled over.

  Anne barged into my bathroom and sat on the toilet. "Talk to me! What is making you cry?" She looks at me with soul filled eyes.

  "Annie Kitten, I told him I loved him last night! Then I found out that everyone blames me for this! I know some of the rules! If the guys don't like the girlfriend, then she has to go! After all of this, he is probably going to end things with me." My eyes filled with tears all over again and I placed my hands over my head. "I just need to think about what is going to realistically happen. Its not realistic that I end up with a man that actually loves me back. He didn't give me back my stuff nor did he come after me."

  "Come on, Vans. Don't beat yourself up. The only thing that is certain is that you got out of your rut and can now hold your head high," her voice made her seem annoyed with me and that is breaking my heart all over again.

  "Hold my head high? Are you crazy? I'm drugged at a bar by my ex husband!" I looked up at the ceiling and said: "Please get out. I'm getting out of the tub." I can't look at her because my heart can't handle anymore cracks. Why does she get a fairly tale and I don't?

  Once she left, I let the water out of the tub and
grab my towel while getting out. I look in the mirror for a few minutes. My eyes were blood shot, and my cheeks were puffy... After looking closer, I found a scratch on my cheek. Stop looking! Its not going to get any better! I say to myself. Once my teeth were brushed and so is my hair, I walked into my room and slipped on a tank top and some underwear. With the television on, I shut off all of the lights and contemplated locking my door.

  My bed looked very inviting and I jumped in with my remote to the television and flipped through all of the channels and decided on Law and Order. After the second episode, my eyes got heavy. I could hear Anne in the hallway. Man, she is loud. I'm assuming she turned off my phones because they weren't flashing to let me know that I have messages.

  I need to think about this in its entirety. Vincent obviously blames himself and that isn't fair that he is taking all of the blame. Truthfully, I'm the one who is accepting all of those shots and pounding them away not him. If anyone is to blame it would be me.


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