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Pinned Down Page 12

by C. Michelle

  “Nina! What the fuck?” I’m ready to pound on this guy again. I stare him down, but he doesn’t back away. Nina gets in the middle of us and pushes him with the attempt to guide this Michael guy towards the front door.

  “I look forward to seeing you again this Friday.” The bastard tells Nina with a smug look.

  On reflex, I rush him, but Kade is too quick and stops me before my fist makes contact with the motherfucker’s face. Nina practically pushes Michael out of her house. Once he’s out, she slams her door and directs her fury to me.

  Good. Because I’m pissed as fuck too.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are to be fighting in my house? Could you be any more disrespectful? You can’t just barge into my house after being absent from my life without an explanation for over a week! No calls, no texts, no visits…nothing! What the fuck?” She takes a deep breath as an attempt to calm down. “You know what? Fuck you. I don’t want to hear shit you have to say anymore! I’m done with you!”

  I stare at her waiting for her to finish with her rant. She looks absolutely beautiful as she’s ready to claw my eyes out.

  Kade interrupts. “Oh, hell no! You’re going to get an explanation. I’ll be damned if I have to listen to you whine about him and wonder what the fuck is going on. Nope! You’re gonna have to put your big girl panties on and listen to every word Josh has to say. I’ll be by your side to give you support, to stop you from killing him, and well…because I’m dying to hear juicy gossip. It’s been awhile. With that said, both of you need to sit your asses down in the living room and have a fuckin’ adult conversation. Can you handle that? Yes, you can. As a bonus, I’ll be here to act as a mediator.”

  After a long moment of thinking the situation through, Nina grudgingly makes her way over to the living room and has a seat on the couch. I do also, but sit on the other one since I’m positive she’s still after my head.

  Nina doesn’t waste any time. “You like to preach about trust. How the fuck am I supposed to trust you when I find lipstick on your shirt and find out you have a new assistant who looks like a fuckin’ super model with the name of a stripper? And then I see you hugging some lady as you’re leaving your office? Did I cause a scene? Nope. But the worst part? You have a son or maybe a whole family! Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? You can’t expect me to trust you when you’re not completely honest! It doesn’t work that way!”

  “Aww shit, Tree Hugger…you’re in deep shit!” Kade adds as he makes himself comfortable on the couch.

  I grab one of the many decorative pillows Nina has on the couch and throw it at Kade’s face. “Kade, shut the fuck up! Don’t make things worse!”

  I then direct my attention to Nina. “Baby, I don’t know of any lipstick stain you’re referring to, I give half hugs to people all the time, so please let that one go. Now, as far as my new assistant is concerned, well, she came highly recommended. She was hired when I took time off to be with my mom at the hospital last month. I’ve been in Arkansas handling my company’s new global account. I haven’t had a chance to sit down and speak with her. I usually just give her orders to follow over the phone or by email. Her name is Jelly. So what? The director of my Human Resources department’s legal name is Sunshine and one of my superintendent’s name is Happy. I can’t help that their parents were a bunch of hippies. I didn’t think anything of Jelly’s name. Don’t be so judgmental.” I stare at my lady, but she’s busy observing her nails. No, she’s not. I know she’s hanging on my every word.

  “And as beautiful as you may think she looks, she will never be you. You’re my type. You’re the only woman I want to be with. No one compares to you, baby.” I attempt to soften her foul mood. I love you. How could you think I would do you wrong?

  Nina stops focusing on her nails to give me an evil glare. Then has the audacity to roll her eyes at me.

  I guess my sweet talk didn’t work.

  “Nice touch, Tree Hugger. You’re busting out the big guns.” Kade gives his approval. I ignore him.

  My attention is still fixated on my sexy, little spitfire. “Now, as for the lady I was hugging while leaving my office the day you brought me lunch, well, her name is Marisol. She’s the ex-girlfriend of my best friend who was also one of my project managers, Daniel.”

  Kade interrupts…again. “Is Daniel the guy you were with when we caught you grinding some girl’s ass over the pool table a while ago? I’m just trying to follow your story and have my facts straight.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for bringing that up.”

  “Oh, sure. No problem.” Kade smiles genuinely at me.

  I’m going to kill Kade.

  “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Marisol and Daniel have had serious issues lately. Daniel is back to doing drugs. Due to staff complaints about his aggressive behavior, I directed him to get drug tested, but he refused. I fired him on the spot and things spiraled down from there. Apparently, that day he locked his keys inside his car so he called Marisol to bring his spare set. When she arrived, they got into a big argument. He ended up beating her profusely. I was on my way to your work when I saw him brutally attacking her. When he saw me, he rushed in his car and took off. Marisol laid on the ground unconscious, he left her there assuming she was dead. She was rushed to the hospital and luckily was released a few days later. When you saw her at my office, she was just thanking me for stopping him and rushing her to the emergency room.” I stop to see if I get the slightest reaction from Nina. No. Not at all, so I continue with my explanations.

  “Let me clarify a little more about Daniel. We were best friends in high school but after graduation, we went our separate paths. He chose drugs and prison. After his release from prison, I helped Daniel with rehab and gave him a job with my company. In time, he did so well, he was promoted to project manager. After the recent complaints of Daniel’s aggression and hostility at work, I knew he was back to his old ways. When he beat Marisol that day in the parking lot, he didn’t just beat her. Daniel also savagely beat Marisol’s three-year-old son, Lorenzo. Daniel has never been fond of the kid because Daniel hates sharing Marisol’s attention with him. Daniel’s addiction and the resentment he has for the little boy brought on Daniel’s abusive behavior.

  Lorenzo’s biological father passed away due to a coronary artery disease right after Lorenzo was born. Daniel became obsessed with Marisol the moment he first laid eyes on her. Eventually, she turned to Daniel for emotional support. She wanted a family for her new born son so she stayed with Daniel despite his flaws. Recently, he got her addicted to meth as a form of punishment and control.

  Daniel has always been violent and jealous. I know he’s aware I’m helping Marisol. I decided to keep my distance from you to protect you from his retaliation. The police still haven’t found him. Both Marisol and Lorenzo have been staying with me.”

  Now, I have both Kade and Nina’s undivided attention. I proceed with my explanations but focus entirely on Nina. “Baby, when you were parked in front of my house waiting for me, Lorenzo came out of the truck and yelled, ‘Dan!’ Not ‘dad’ as you had assumed. Daniel was standing by the gate inside my premises. Lorenzo doesn’t speak most likely due to the trauma Daniel has caused him. When he yelled, ‘Dan!’ it was solely out of fear and desperation. Lorenzo must have known I hadn’t seen Daniel yet. Immediately, Marisol grabbed Lorenzo from me and went inside the house to call the police.

  Baby, when you took off, I was thankful. I didn’t want you anywhere near Daniel. We fought, but once we heard the sirens, he picked up a large rock and hit the left side of my temple. He dazed me and took off running before the police could catch up with him. I’m still afraid he might come after you to spite me for protecting Marisol and Lorenzo. The only thing that gives me peace is the assurance that he doesn’t know anything about you or just how much you truly mean to me.”

  “Well, that explains a shitload! So where are Marisol and Lorenzo now? Are they still at your house? By themselves?” Kade asks.<
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  “Actually, no. I bought a place a block away from here that I’m renting out to them until Daniel is found and Marisol is able to get herself back together again. They’re with one of my work crews at their new place. She’s giving them direction to make the place more decent and more to her and her son’s liking. Marisol has decided against rehab and plans on getting through her addiction on her own.”

  “Oh, okay.” Both Nina and Kade state in unison.

  “Now that I’ve said a mouthful, it’s your turn to explain why the fuck this Michael guy had his arm wrapped around you.”

  Kade turns to Nina. “What the fuck? Magic Mike was getting ‘touchy feely’ with you? It’s a good thing I copped a feel on his ass during the commotion. That’ll teach him not to ignore me again!” Kade cackles at his own travesty.

  Nina hits Kade’s arm then directs her attention to me. “Michael is part of my father’s defense counsel team. We’re meeting on Friday to visit my dad. I spoke with Diego and he instructed me to pose as a paralegal working with Michael for my protection and to avoid suspicion of having close ties with Diego. I promise you there’s nothing going on between Michael and me. Today, he stopped by unexpectedly per Diego’s orders to see if there was anything I needed. I invited him to dinner just to get insight on my dad. That’s all. I was just hugging him goodbye when you walked in on us. I apologize for doubting you, but you can’t blame me. You can’t keep me in the dark about things and not expect my mind to conjure up ludicrous assumptions. I’m a nut job…you should know that by now.”

  “You sure are! In more ways than one!” Kade chimes in.

  Nina scowls at Kade as he’s lying on the couch behind her; she gets up then plops herself right on his stomach. Instantly, Kade grunts loudly from being winded with the force of Nina’s weight. Despite his lack of breath, he still speaks. “You know…you don’t have…to eat…everything…on your plate.”

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear an exorcist took over my lady’s body. Her distorted expression looks sinister. “Fucker! Are you insinuating I’m fat?”

  Kade just doesn’t know when to stop. “No. Just very…heavy.”

  Nina’s eyes come out of their sockets. It’s my indication to get up and grab her before she kills Kade. It feels nice not being the target of her psychotic and rage. I take advantage that she gives in easily to me and place her on my lap.

  Kade gives me a look of gratitude. “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  My demented lady takes off her slipper and throws it at Kade. “You! Be quiet! I don’t want to hear the sound of your voice until further notice! Capisce?”

  “Yeah, yeah…evil wench!” Kade gives Nina a disgruntle glower then turns his interest to me. “So, Josh, when are we going to meet Marisol and Lorenzo?”

  Nina then focuses on me again. Clearly, she was wondering the same thing.

  She stares at me with her beguiling brown eyes. Just one look, one smile from her can turn a bad day into a perfect one. “First, let me apologize to you, my beautiful lady for keeping you in the dark. I did it for your protection, but I probably should have communicated what my intentions were before I kept my distance. Call me crazy, but something told me that if you knew the situation I was in, you would have made your presence even more known. I know this may be hard for you to believe, baby…but…you tend to be tenacious and difficult during intense situations.”

  “Preach it, brother! Stubborn is her middle name…Cheesecake ‘the stubborn mule’ Moretti…mmm hmm…that’s her name all right!”

  Nina sighs. “I guess I have to mule slap you now.” She gives my nose a light kiss.

  “What’s a mule slap?” I ask confused.

  “The next time you go down on me as I’m lying down and I’m ready to cum, I’m going to slap my thighs together hard while your head is between my legs. That should make you clench up around my pussy and give me a little extra. It might make your ears ring, but oh, well!”

  My eyes light up. “I’m just glad I get to tap that…ass…tonight!”

  “Ba dum tss!” Kade makes the sound effect of a drum to my cheesy punchline.

  We all laugh and I take that moment to text my foreman. I direct him to drive Marisol and Lorenzo to Nina’s house. They’re only a block away, but I don’t feel comfortable with them walking here.

  “Okay, Marisol and Lorenzo should be here any minute now.” I announce.

  “OMG…why did I just get nervous?” Nina states in a panic.

  “Me too!” Kade yells.

  “Huh?” I’m confused. “What are you both so worried about?”

  “We’ve never really been around small kids. The kids I’ve dealt with at work are…different. We’ve never even had any kids in my mom’s house or our home…ever.” Nina explains.

  Kade sighs. “I’m just going to be quiet, knowing me I’ll choose this moment to have diarrhea of the mouth from nervousness.”

  “Are you two serious? You’re both being ridiculous. I’m sure Marisol and Lorenzo are more nervous to meet you than you are to meet them.”

  Nina bites her bottom lip. “We don’t even have baby food. Our house isn’t kid proof with those weird latches on kitchen cabinets I once saw.”

  Kade adds to her complaints. “We don’t even have those weird pouches kids drink from! Or any toys!”

  Nina rolls her eyes at Kade. “You have your dolls, Kade! The ones you collect.”

  “What the fuck? They’re not dolls! They’re action figures! Get it straight!”

  I can’t help, but chuckle. Nina and Kade really are nervous of meeting Lorenzo. Marisol…not at all, but Lorenzo…definitely.

  Within a few minutes, there’s a knock on the door. I get up to answer it and leave both worry warts in the living room. Just as I suspected…I notice the anxiousness radiating off Marisol. I know she’s craving a fix to calm her nervous, so she’s definitely struggling to remain strong. All she can do for now is take things one step at a time.

  Marisol gives me a forced smile which comes across as sad. Her brown eyes look tired, her brown hair is picked up in a ponytail, and she’s wearing a black sweats outfit that covers her skinny physique. Marisol may be thin, but it’s not in a healthy sort of way and her face now has small red blotches over her once perfectly smooth olive tone skin. Marisol was beautiful in her own right when she first met Daniel, but in the last three years, their relationship, his abuse, and her drug usage have taken a toll on her.

  Lorenzo on the other hand, is perfect. The bruising he had has completely faded away since he moved in with me. He’s been eating a lot more causing him to gain weight and look much healthier than before. His brown hair is slightly on the long side and a bit shaggy, but he won’t allow me to give his hair a trim which is fine by me. He has the biggest, round brown eyes I’ve ever seen with the sweetest smile to make even the baddest bad ass melt. My heart aches knowing how cruel and malicious Daniel treated him. How could Daniel look into Lorenzo’s sweet face and still have the nerve to beat him like he did? I decide not to ponder on the issue any longer and begin with my introductions.

  Nina surprises me by rushing Marisol with a genuine hug. “Anything you need…please…don’t hesitate to ask.” Nina smiles warmly at Marisol. Oh…that’s right, my lady is really big on saving the world. I don’t think I could love her anymore even if I tried. My heart is hers.

  Then Lorenzo catches Nina’s eyes. She squats down to his eye level. “Aren’t you the cutest thing EVER? I could eat you up, you’re just so darn cute!” Lorenzo smiles shyly at Nina then hides half of his body behind his mom.

  “Hey.” Is all Kade says.

  Oh, Shit! Kade was serious about being nervous! And to think…all it took was a three-year-old boy to shut him up!

  The remainder of the evening we spend getting to know each other without asking intrusive questions. It’s a very fine line that we all do our best not to cross. Lorenzo is kept entertained by watching Team Umizoomi on Nick Jr. Towards the end of t
he night, everyone is much more at ease, including Kade although he didn’t say much. For once, he listened without interruptions.

  “Lorenzo, sweetie…” Nina taps him on the shoulder to get his attention. “It’s getting late, honey. Would you mind if I went with you and your mommy back to Josh’s house? Is that okay with you?”

  Lorenzo immediately nods his head enthusiastically for approval.

  My lady then stares me down willing me to go against her and Lorenzo’s wishes. Since I don’t have a death wish, I remain silent.

  Lorenzo quickly gets up, puts on his coat, and grabs Nina’s hand leading her to the front door. “Okay, let’s go, Lorenzo’s ready.” Nina snatches a fleece blanket from the couch and heads out the door. “Don’t forget to lock up!” She yells at Kade. It doesn’t go unnoticed that Nina’s still wearing her slippers and didn’t stop to grab a jacket. Now that Lorenzo reached out to her, she’s not letting go.

  When we arrive to my house, Lorenzo is asleep. The busy day finally caught up with him. I carry him inside and put him in my guest room. “Thanks, Josh. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you for everything you’ve done for us.” Marisol tells me with tear filled eyes.

  “Stop. Please. You have nothing to thank me for. Just focus on getting your life back on track without Daniel. You’re a good woman. You deserve better than the life you’ve endured these past few years. He’ll get caught soon then you’ll be able to live your life in peace. In the meantime, go to sleep and rest up. Tomorrow, I’m giving you my credit card to buy the furniture you need for your new place. You need to make that place feel like home…for Lorenzo’s sake. I don’t want you going out by yourself just yet. I’ve added a high tech security system so you should be safe. Call me or the police immediately if you hear something out of the norm. I’ll call to tell you when I’m on my way home so you don’t get caught off guard.” I hug her and kiss the top of her head. “Good night.”


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