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by C. Michelle

  “You’re so hot, you’re on fire even with that turd on your head. Now here…drink this.” I hand Cheesecake an Irish coffee.

  “Hater. It’s too early to be drinking.” She looks at me crazy.

  “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.”

  “You’re so right, I’m game!” She sees Josh and instantly lights up. “Hey there, sexy beast!” Cheesecake kisses Josh then makes her way over to Dillon and gives him a hug. “What’s up, MILF lover or should I say mother…fucker?” She giggles. “Long time no see! So glad you’re hanging out with us today. Ever since you got with my mom, you’ve been M.I.A.”

  Dillon smiles and blushes slightly. He’s always been the reserved one in our group. “Let me guess, you and mom are still in the stage where your farts smell like roses.” Cheesecake teases and we all laugh. “I’m glad she chose to stay with Marisol and Lorenzo, they’ll have a good time together while we get shitfaced.”

  Just then, we hear a honk. “The cab’s here!”

  We head over to Market Street to post for the St. Paddy’s Day Parade showcasing the Irish community and culture in various forms. Afterwards, we make our way to a block party on Green Street in the North Beach district sponsored by an Irish Pub. The whole day consists of live music, bagpipers, Irish dancers, and of course food from the motherland. At one point, my neck was so full of green beads, I made two cougars work their magical lap dancing skills to get my beads. We drank green beer, Irish Whiskey Sours, and Car Bombs throughout the day.

  As we’re enjoying an 80s tribute band, I see her. Cheesecake rushes to me and pinches my arm, “That’s her! The Jelly chick. Ugh. She just rubs me the wrong way.”

  “You mean…that tall glass of water in this dry desert heat walking towards us.”

  Cheesecake looks at me as if I’m speaking in tongues. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” She walks over to Josh and wraps her arm around his as he’s talking to Dillon. Shortly after, the Jelly girl approaches our group.

  “Hey, there boss. I’m surprised to see you out here.” She directs her gaze solely at Josh. What the fuck are we? Chopped liver?

  “Jelly. Hey. Let me introduce you. To my right is Dillon, the beautiful lady wrapped around my arm is my girlfriend, Nina, and that handsome guy who’s blatantly staring at you is Kade.” Handsome guy…I always knew you wanted me, Tree Hugger, but not now. Right now, I need to get a piece of this Jelly chick.

  I extend my hand for a handshake, she takes it, but I use that moment to pull her closer to me and kiss the back of her hand. “People who like me call me K.D…the choice is yours.”

  Jelly gives me a knowing look with a wicked grin as she runs her tongue over her perfectly white teeth. “It’s nice to meet you, K.D.”

  Aww…shit. Sookie sookie, now. My horns immediately come about.

  “Everyone, this is my new assistant, Jelly. She recently moved to the Bay Area. She’s originally from Spain.” Josh states matter-of-factly.

  “Jelly, would you like to join us? I was just about to order another round of drinks.”

  Josh interrupts. “Kade, I’m sure Jelly needs to get back to her friends. The last thing anyone wants to do is hang out with their boss on their day off.”

  Jelly only focuses on Josh and me. Dillon and Cheesecake might as well be invisible. “Maybe some other time, I just wanted to say hi to my boss, that’s all. You guys have a great night. I’ll see you around, K.D.”

  As she walks away, I can sense the drool forming. “Fuck. I’d give up my right nut just to get a taste of her. She’s fine and sexy as shit! Damn!”

  Nina looks at me with a pout. “Whatever. I guess…assuming you’re into the supermodel looking type. Lucky for you, she looked like she was ready to pounce on you.”

  “Lucky for me? Shit…lucky for her! She’s gonna find out what K.D. stands for!”

  “What does K.D. stand for?” Josh asks curiously.

  “Killer Dick, baby!” I announce proudly.

  Josh makes a disgusted expression. “Fuckin’ asshole! You told me to call you K.D. when we first met!”

  I sigh. “Tree Hugger, get over yourself. That ship has sailed. You had your chance. You chose Cheesecake. Now, I’ve moved on. Your loss.”

  “I need another beer. I can’t handle Kade when he’s delusional and his alter ego is in full effect.” Josh gives a dramatic sigh.

  Moving day for Marisol and Lorenzo is finally here. Their new home is ready. Josh’s crew practically gutted the whole place then worked vigorously to renovate it with modern conveniences. The furniture that was ordered online has been arriving these past two days. Marisol and Lorenzo literally left their old life with only the clothes on their back. Moving day was fairly easy.

  Later that evening, Marisol and Lorenzo stop by our house with goodies in hand. “Lorenzo wanted to make you guys a special treat for being so kind…” Marisol stops speaking and instantly gets choked up. “So kind and generous with us. May God repay you with countless blessings because right now, I have nothing to give.” A tear escapes Marisol. Cheesecake instantly embraces her with a loving hug. Josh picks up Lorenzo and takes him to the kitchen to give the girls a private moment. Cheesecake hands me the cupcake filled tray.

  “Aww, little man! You made us chocolate cupcakes.” I ask. He shakes his head.

  “No? So you’re mom made them? That’s still cool!” Lorenzo continues to shake his head.

  “Did your mom buy them then?” Again, he shakes his head.

  “They’re not just chocolate cupcakes, they’re S’mores cupcakes.” Marisol states from the living room.

  “Whaaaaaat? Those are my favorite! You made them with your mommy, little man?” Lorenzo finally nods his head proudly.

  Cheesecake then yells. “Hey guys, we’re going downstairs. I’m going to get Marisol some items to stock her house with.”

  “If you’re leaving, I’m coming with you.” Josh responds.

  “No, silly. We’re just going to my garage.” Cheesecake clarifies.

  Josh appears confused.

  “Hey, Josh. Have you ever been to our garage?” I ask amused.

  “No. Why?”

  “So, you don’t know about Cheesecake’s hobby or obsession like I prefer to call it?”

  “No. Spill it, Kade.” Josh demands.

  I chuckle hard.

  Cheesecake walks in. “What’s so funny? I forgot to grab some bags.”

  “You! You haven’t told Josh you’re a hoarder and have a serious shopping addiction!”

  Cheesecake looks at me appalled. “Hoarders are messy and unclean! I’m not a hoarder! I’m a couponer, punk! Don’t get it twisted. My stock pile is pretty and well organized so don’t go around painting an ugly picture of me! I am not a hoarder!”

  Josh stands. “Come on, baby. Let’s go see what Kade is yapping his trap about.”

  I grab Lorenzo’s hand. “Come on, little man. Bring your cupcake.”

  We all head downstairs to witness Cheesecake’s well organized madness. She’s the only person I know who had a garage modernized to accommodate her shopping habits. She has shelving and cabinets on every wall from top to bottom and a small corner for her treadmill, Lucifer. She changed the lighting and even had an epoxy shield added to the garage’s floor so that it could look “pretty.” Needless to say, our cars have never been inside our garage.


  Every cabinet and shelf is completely stocked with hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and food. I used to get irritated with her when she would come home with sixty bottles of Downy or fifty bottles of shampoo. In time, I realized it was a battle with her I was never going to win. Once her stockpile increased in size, she began donating to several needy families, homeless shelters, and churches. It’s one of the many good deeds she contributes to society with a hope of making it a better place.

  She’s fuckin’ awesome.

  “Nina, why so much?” Marisol asks.

  “I’m glad
you asked, Marisol! Because sometimes the stores practically pay me to take the items from them and other times I spend pennies per item instead of retail price. It hurts my heart and soul to have to pay full price on anything. I love coupons. They’re like free money! You definitely have to come shopping with me one day!”

  Marisol smiles at Nina’s passion.

  “Okay, okay…it’s a little scary that you have so much of everything, but if it floats your boat. I’m cool with it.” Josh winks at her. She returns the gesture.

  “Oh, before I forget, I have some clothes I’ve never worn with tags still on them. If you’re interested, you’re welcome to them. Every time I see you, Marisol, you’re always wearing black. Girl, I’ve been there. It might be time to embrace colors.”

  Marisol’s expression immediately saddens. “Umm…I wear black because I’m in mourning.”

  An awkward silence instantly fills the room.

  “I’m so sorry, Marisol. Sometimes I just have a big mouth. I apologize. Who passed away?” Cheesecake instantly regrets prying.

  “I’d rather not discuss. The whole situation is very upsetting to me.”

  Cheesecake desperately tries to change the subject. “I completely understand. How about we get the items we came here for?”

  “Sounds good.” Marisol gives a hint of a smile to put Cheesecake at ease.

  “Come, men! Let’s leave the ladies and get some milk with cupcakes. How does that sound?”

  Lorenzo excitedly nods his head.

  The following evening, I go out on a date mostly to pick up the merchandise I ordered. The girl works at the gift shop in Alcatraz. I met her the morning of Cheesecake’s photo shoot. Since I was so busy flirting and keeping guard while Josh and Cheesecake got their freak on in one of the prison’s cells, I failed to buy any cheesy memorabilia. Tonight she brought me the t-shirts I purchased over the phone that read, “Psycho Ward.”

  The girl was nice enough, but for some reason after we fucked, I had no interest to remain by her side. As I’m headed home past midnight, right by the corner of my block, I notice a small gathering of people in a panic. My curiosity gets the best of me, so I pull over to find out what the issue is. As I walk around them to see what they’re hovering over, my heart instantly stops when I see a small lifeless body on the ground by the sidewalk.


  “What the fuck happened?” I yell to no one in particular or to everyone standing witness. At this point, I’m not sure and it really doesn’t matter. I push a lady to the side who’s holding Lorenzo’s tiny limp hand. “Someone call 911! What the fuck happened? Answer me!” Afraid to move him, I kneel before Lorenzo and bring his little hand to my chest, praying and begging God to save his life. I notice blood in Lorenzo’s mouth running down his cheek. I instantly shut my eyes tighter and pray harder.

  A young guy steps forward and states the paramedics are on their way. He informs me the little boy caught his attention because he was crossing the street so late at night by himself, but before he made it to the sidewalk, a black car drove by and hit him. The car never stopped.

  Chapter 9 (Kade)


  The sirens of the ambulance shatter the hope of this situation being just a nightmare. It’s a coldhearted reality. I stand to make room for the paramedics as they rush to Lorenzo’s side. Having to speak with them and acknowledge Lorenzo’s unresponsive tiny body pulls brashly at my heart. Tears I seldom shed are flowing freely as I see the emergency response team working desperately to save this little boy’s life.

  “We have a pulse!” I hear a paramedic say.

  Everything after that statement becomes difficult to comprehend. I drop to my knees and beg God once again not to let Lorenzo die on his way to the hospital. “Please Lord, let him live. He doesn’t deserve to die. Protect him. Have mercy on him and spare his life.” I whisper as I pray intensely with my soul. I have never been a religious person, but I have always believed in God.

  Numbly, I get up and join Lorenzo in the ambulance. I text Cheesecake directing her to meet me at the hospital closest to our house.

  She responds immediately.

  OMG! What happened?

  I don’t have the energy or the clear mind to text.

  Lorenzo was hit by a car. Explain later.

  She understands.

  On our way.

  Less than half an hour after finally arriving at the hospital, Cheesecake and Josh arrive. Cheesecake rushes me crying hysterically. “What happened?”

  I do my best to reiterate the only facts given to me by a witness. Every other critical detail is unknown at this time. Josh excuses himself and makes his way to four police officers huddled up in a corner. A nurse then directs us to have a seat in the waiting room. She promises to inform us of Lorenzo’s status as soon as she’s aware of his situation. Josh remains in the emergency room speaking with the cops.

  “Have you spoken with Marisol?” Cheesecake asks once we’re in the waiting room.

  “No. She didn’t even cross my mind. All of this is probably her fuckin’ fault!”

  Cheesecake becomes livid. “We don’t know that! I’ve called and sent her three text messages with no response. I hate not knowing what’s going on! My thoughts have my mind in turmoil. I need to know something…anything! I’m starting to freak out!”

  Three long hours later without any word from medical staff or Josh causes Cheesecake and I to be at our wit’s end.

  Eventually, Cheesecake and I fall asleep on the stiff chairs of the emergency room’s waiting room. It’s not until the wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee awakens my senses that I become fully alert once again. Josh pulls up a chair to sit right in front of us.

  Cheesecake yawns with an exaggerated stretch. “Baby, what happened? How’s Lorenzo? Have you spoken with Marisol? Does she know we’re here? What’s going on?”

  Josh hands us our coffees.

  “Just what I need…thanks, man.”

  Cheesecake blows him a kiss as gratitude. I do the same.

  Josh looks so emotionally beat, he doesn’t bother to look up. “The past hours have been hectic. Lorenzo was in a coma for several hours, but although he sustained spinal fractures and head gashes, none of his extensive injuries are life threatening.”

  Thank you, Lord.

  “Oh, thank God!” Cheesecake yells forgetting about her surroundings.

  “I know, I know. Trust me…I was praying also.” Josh confesses as he pulls Cheesecake closer to him and kisses her forehead. “As for the whole situation, apparently the cops received notice from dispatch that the silent alarm I had installed at Marisol’s house had been triggered and minutes later an emergency call from Marisol’s neighbor was received stating they heard a lot of yelling and things being destroyed. Once the police arrived, the neighbor came out and informed the cops they had just seen a man leave the house through the back and saw him getting into a black Charger. The neighbor also informed the cops that she had seen a little boy leave through the front door while all the commotion was going on. The neighbor stated she was on her way to chase after the child when the police arrived. The cops called for backup as they entered Marisol’s house. When they found her, she was on the ground, severely beaten, and with a needle on her arm. Her speech was slurred, her lips blue, and breathing was slow. They found her overdosing on heroin. She’s here.” Josh takes a moment to gather his thoughts. “She’s been injected with naloxone to counter the effects of the heroin. She’s been spewing vomit like crazy. Marisol isn’t a heroin addict. She smokes meth. That motherfucker, Daniel broke into her house and did this to her. I went back to her house and saw a footage of the surveillance video before I handed it to the police, it was definitely him. I also saw Lorenzo try to push Daniel off Marisol. Daniel struck Lorenzo so hard, Lorenzo nearly flew to the other side of the house. That’s when Marisol yelled at Lorenzo and told him to go to Kade’s house…all while Daniel was on top of her beating her like a fuckin’ dog.”
br />   “Fuck.” Is all I can say. Then it hits me, “Did you say Daniel was driving a black Charger? One of the witnesses indicated Lorenzo was hit by a black car.”

  “I have no doubt Daniel was responsible for the hit-and-run incident. Another witness informed the police that it appeared as if the driver purposely went out of his way to hit Lorenzo. Lorenzo was just a few feet away from stepping on the sidewalk. The driver shifted to the right to hit Lorenzo then geared left to continue driving straight ahead. That motherfucker has reached a new level of psychotic evil. We need to watch our backs and be on high alert. I’m sure I’m on his hit list for helping Marisol and Lorenzo. He’s always been extremely jealous regarding her even though he’s cheated on her countless times. His mind is even more distorted when he’s high. I got into it with one of the cops when he asked why there wasn’t a restraining order on file after I explained Marisol and Daniel’s past. I had to remind his bitch ass that an emergency protective order couldn’t be placed since we didn’t know Daniel’s whereabouts and in order for the order to be effective, Daniel first needs to be served with the papers. Besides, at the end of the day, that’s all a restraining order is…a piece of paper. How was that supposed to protect Marisol from Daniel’s intrusion and brutal attack? Thank God for the nosey neighbor and the house alarm.”

  I’m confused. “I don’t understand why Marisol was found with the needle on her arm if she’s a meth head.”

  Cheesecake looks at me appalled. “What the fuck, Kade? Judgmental much? This isn’t the time for you to try to be funny. You’re coming across as a total ass!”

  “Because I referred to her as a meth head? That’s her drug of choice! That’s not my fault. Look…this isn’t the time or place to argue about semantics. Josh, let me rephrase that…Why was Marisol found with a needle on her arm if her drug of choice is meth?

  “I’m assuming Daniel stuck her with it either to kill her or to get her addicted. It’s a form of control for him, that’s why he initially introduced and forced her into smoking meth. If she’s dependent on drugs, she becomes reliant on him and won’t leave his side. At least that was his frame of mind until his own addiction made him spiral out of control.”


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