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Pinned Down Page 20

by C. Michelle

  “The girl was boring! She was putting me to sleep with her sorry ass moaning. It’s not my fault the décor of the kitchen was more appealing than the fuck fest we were watching!”

  “Fair enough. Now hurry up and get ready. I’m cancelling my plans in order to be with you tonight.”

  The last thing I feel like doing is getting ready to go out, but I decide to put on my big girl panties and enjoy an evening with my bestie. “Fine…just know that I won’t be much fun tonight.”

  Kade smirks. “Let’s see if that’s true after your fifth shot.”

  I grab the first thing I touch from my new spacious closet, a black skater dress with a white and red print of Marilyn Monroe in the front. I put my hair in a rockabilly inspired ponytail with a pump in the front then add a few coats of mascara and dab on some red lipstick. I put on high heels, but within seconds take them off. Wearing a dress is difficult as it is, being in heels simply isn’t going to happen. Instead, I throw on my black and white chucks and call it a day. I’m ready in less than ten minutes.

  When Kade and I arrive at the dance club, we make our way to the bar. The first level has the dance floor right at the center with a laser show and production that increases the energy of the crowd. The second level consists of an open space with a glass balcony surrounding the entire perimeter. It allows people at the two bars, opposite ends of each other and lounge areas to look down at the main dance stage. I gaze up and see everyone from the second tier admiring the view below them. I bring my attention back to Kade as he gives the bartender his credit card and directs him to leave an open tab for us. We begin our night of drunkenness with three back to back Kamikaze shots. Kade grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor as soon as the DJ starts playing, “I Need Your Love” by Calvin Harris featuring Ellie Goulding.

  We return to the bar after dancing for a bit then take two more consecutive shots each. Kade then orders us Long Islands. I usually try to refrain from mixing my drinks since it causes me a serious hangover the following day, tonight I’m living in the moment, not caring about tomorrow, and hoping the alcohol numbs my existing pain. Just as I’m about to reprimand myself for allowing Josh to cross my mind, I see him.

  Josh is on the second level looking down at everyone. Beside him is his assistant, Jelly talking to several girls around her. That bitch.

  What the fuck? What happened to you not hanging out with your staff, Mr. Ryan? What happened to you saying it would be inappropriate? Fucker.

  As I’m staring at Josh from the main level, Kade rushes me and puts his arm around me. He gets close to my ear to ensure I’m able to hear what he has to say since we’re close to one of the speakers. “Cheesecake! I just ran into one of my old freaks from back in the day! She wants to hit a couple of rounds tonight! The funny part? I don’t remember her name! Who gives a fuck…I’ll be calling her sweet tits all night long!” He laughs in my ear just as Josh makes direct eye contact with me. His expression instantly turns sinister.

  Josh turns around and grabs a hold of one of the waitresses with an empty tray. He takes the tray from her, tosses it aside, and forcefully pulls her towards him. The girl appears mesmerized by him so when he holds her face and kisses her, she doesn’t pull away.


  I try not to look. I don’t need the added pain to my already open wound, but for whatever incomprehensible reason, I’m not able to stop staring. My stomach instantly turns, I feel light headed, and unable to stand on my own. Kade grabs me before I lose my balance then looks up. He sees Josh all over this girl.

  What the fuck is up with him and waitresses?

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here. You don’t need to see that bullshit.” Kade tells me as gently as possible.

  “No. Let me get some water. I need to clear my thoughts.” Kade walks me over to the bar and gets me a bottle of water. Once I finish it, my aching heart gets covered up with rage. I’m determined not to let the Tree Hugger ruin my night or cause me more pain.

  Fuck. Him.

  I order two rounds of shots for Kade and me. Although he’s confused by my sudden shift in mood, he doesn’t question it and goes along with the flow. Once we’re done pounding the Kamikazes, Kade’s flavor of the night shows up. She tries to pull him to the dance floor, but he stops her. “Kade, go! I’ll meet up with you shortly. I’m just going to get another drink. Don’t worry. I won’t do anything stupid. I promise I’ll go find you once I get my drink.”

  Hesitantly, he agrees.

  Once the bartender hands me another Long Island, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and get taken completely by surprise. Holy shit! It’s Channing Tatum. I take another sip of my drink to get myself together. Channing Tatum gets closer to me. “Hey, cutie. Do you wanna dance?” Now that I see him up close I realize…he’s not Channing Tatum! Fuckin’ shit! Damn, alcohol! I give him another glance. Mmm…he’s cute and sexy though. He’s no Channing Tatum, but he’ll definitely do for the night.

  “I’d love to dance.” I smile at him coquettishly.

  He grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. I search for Kade then lead the Channing Tatum look alike to Kade and his super freak of the night. With my drink in hand, the look alike and I begin to dance. Once I’m almost done with my Long Island, the buzz I feel soon starts to make my body tingle. The look alike and I start getting closer, bumping, grinding, and swaying to the beat of the music. He quickly becomes in sync with the movements of my hips and soon tries to be in harmony with my lips. I turn my face to the side not allowing him the chance to make contact, but taunt him by licking my lips. Just then, I feel strong arms push me to the side. It takes me a moment to register the tall build of a man pounding the face of the Channing Tatum look alike.

  What the fuck?

  I can’t register the series of events. My mind is too hazed with liquor to think straight. All I focus on is Kade’s voice. “Cheesecake! Let’s go! Josh is going ape shit on that poor guy you were just dancing with.”

  “What? That was Josh who pushed me to the side?”

  “Cheesecake, I’ll explain later, let’s go!” Kade commands allowing no room for further questions.

  Just as we’re walking out, I feel someone yank my arm from behind. “Ow!” I turn around to see Josh’s menacingly face staring down at me.

  Shit! Has he always been this tall? And intimidating? Fuck him. He’s not running shit tonight. I’ve got plenty to say to this motherfucker.

  I tug at Kade’s arm and he immediately stops then notices Josh.

  With minimal patience, I address Josh. “What the fuck? Let go of my damn arm!” Oh…Say something…say something stupid so I can go off on your ass!

  Instead of doing the mature thing by walking away, I realize I actually want to fight. I want to go off on him and give him a piece of my mind. I want to say hurtful things so he can experience a hint of the pain I’ve felt these past few months. I want him to feel the stab in my heart I felt from seeing him kiss that skank. I want him to hurt, damn it!

  “We need to talk.” With the tone of his voice, he makes his statement sound more like a demand.

  “Now you want to talk to me? After four fuckin’ months? Fuck you! Go swap spit with that dirty whore you were making out with earlier. You’ve got some nerve to beat up a guy who I was only dancing with.”

  Josh jerks my arm and leads me to one of the exits. Kade comes chasing after us, but I signal him to go back. The last thing I need is for these two to go at it. “Just give me a few minutes! I’ll be right back!” I yell at Kade praying he can hear me over the bass of the music.

  Kade nods. Good, he heard me.

  “Let go of my fuckin’ arm!” I scream at Josh. “I’ll talk to you, but you can’t fuckin’ touch me!” He looks at me with disgust then lets go of my arm as if an electric shock just pierced through his hand.

  Once we’re outside, we walk in a deserted back alley towards his truck. When we get to it, he turns to me with fury radiating off him. �
�Do you think it’s okay for you to be grinding some piece of shit you just met like some fuckin’ slut?”

  His question and insults take me by surprise, but only for a second. Immediately, I slap his face with all my might. “Fuck you, asshole! If I choose to suck every dick in this city, that’s my fuckin’ busy. You can keep your opinion to yourself because nobody gives a damn about it! You have some nerve pointing the finger at me when I saw you being your typical whore self, kissing some random skank. Don’t you dare place judgment on me! I have every right to dance, date, grind, or fuck any man I damn well please. You broke up with me, remember?”

  Josh opens the back door of his truck, then seizes my arm into his grasp. “I told you not to fuckin’ touch me!” I yell.

  He gets close to me, yanks my hair tightly with one hand, and grabs my face with the other. “You want to act like a fuckin’ whore?” He growls as he ominously stares me down willing me to respond.

  I don’t dare reply.

  “Then I’ll treat you like one.” Josh takes me by surprise and kisses me with force. I try to fight him off, but my attempt is futile. My bravado has treacherously disintegrated just when I need it the most.

  His mouth is hard against mine while his tongue feels stiff as it seeks entry. Although I’m repulsed with the memory of him kissing another woman minutes prior, I sense my body traitorously welcoming his touch.

  No! I want to scream.

  Stop! I want to beg.

  But, no words are said and no physical attempts are made to end his brute determination to make me his once again even if it’s just for a final moment.

  Josh lifts me up and sits me on the back seat of his truck. He slides me to the opposite end and closes the door behind him never losing contact with my lips. “You’ve hurt me…so fuckin’ much these past months.” Josh tells me as he continues with his determined kisses. He yanks my hips towards him, lays me down, then hovers over me as he undoes his pants and slides my G-string to the side. “I hate that I love you so much.” And with that, he bites on my bottom lip then rams himself deep inside me making me scream from the shock of his thickness. His rhythm becomes slow and deep, filling me and expanding me beyond belief. “Why the fuck…would you lie…to me?” He asks as he strokes my insides with his unbelievable cock.

  I hear his words, but I’m unable to comprehend their meaning. I attempt to speak, but I can’t…only whimpers and moans escape me. “Answer me!” He yells then lowers my shirt and frees my breasts from my bra. Josh immediately latches onto a nipple and begins to suck mercilessly. The sharp pain from my breast and the overwhelming feeling from his dick inside me make my body tighten, anticipating the climax I know is ready to explode.

  Without warning, Josh stops.

  He remains inside me, but doesn’t move. “Why the fuck did you lie to me? No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re engraved in my fuckin’ heart. I want to erase your memory forever. If there’s something I can’t tolerate, it’s a liar.”

  I can’t have this conversation now! This man has me completely filled. I have an orgasm anxious to be released. I just can’t deal with this right now. I need to cum!

  “Please…don’t stop. We’ll talk later. I need to feel you…I need you stroking me.” I say with my eyes closed, frantically trying to move beneath him to gain the friction I urgently need.

  “You wanna cum, Nina?” The question makes me open my eyes. “I don’t think you deserve to cum, NI-NA.” Josh states through gritted teeth.

  The need for him to continue fucking me is unbearable. With tear filled eyes, I finally cave. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry for not telling you the complete truth about Kade and me. It was a thing of the past. I didn’t want a reminder of that time in my present. I’m sorry for omitting the complete truth from you, but know that Kade is family to me. You’re the only man I’ve ever loved and the only one who holds my heart. Please…believe me.” I beg.

  Josh doesn’t speak again. He remains serious, but grants me mercy by relentlessly fucking me over and over again. I feel elated after remaining at my peak for what seems like an eternity. He joins me and finishes inside me. He remains on top refusing to let me go.

  “I need to leave before Kade comes searching for me. He met an old friend and has plans to go back to her place, but he won’t leave me. I don’t want to ruin his night.”

  “Okay.” He gently removes himself from within me. Instantly, I feel a great emptiness, both physically and emotionally. “I have a lot of issues to sort through. We’ll talk later this week.”

  “Okay.” I reply sadly. When I sit up, I feel an immediate head rush. I try to shake it off before I exit Josh’s truck. The fresh air surprisingly makes me feel better. We walk back to the exit and bang on the door. Right away, Kade opens it.

  Kade looks at Josh then looks at me. “Is everything okay?”

  I’m at a loss for words. I simply nod my head as Josh walks away.

  I excuse myself from Kade and his fuck buddy then head over to the restroom to freshen up. When I return, I insist on taking a few more shots. I need to numb the pain from the fresh wound in my heart, a wound I brought onto myself and has caused a darkness to seep throughout my veins. Luckily, I have Kade to join me in drinking away my sorrows.

  Once we leave the club, Kade waves down a cab. Since he knows I’m pretty drunk, he insists on taking one cab to ensure I arrive home safely, then he and his partner in crime for the night will go back to her place. While we’re heading home, I check my phone. I only have one text message. Sadly, it’s from Michael and not from Josh. The message states he has a letter for me from my dad. Immediately, I call Michael.

  He answers right away. “Nina? Are you okay?”

  I’m confused. “Umm…yeah, why?”

  “It’s almost two in the morning. I just wasn’t expecting your call that’s all.” He sounds caught off guard.

  “Oh, my bad. Hey, you have a letter for me from Diego?”

  “Yeah, I’ll drop it off at your house tomorrow morning if you’d like.”

  “I’m near your hotel, is it okay if I pick it up now?” Please say yes, please say yes.

  “Sure. I’ll text you my info.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit. Bye.”

  I provide the cab driver my detour information.

  “Cheesecake, why on earth are you going to Magic Mike’s hotel room? Why not just get the letter tomorrow?” Kade asks frustrated.

  I feel my eyes begin to swell with unshed tears. “Because…I feel sad. Diego’s letters always make me feel better. I need positive thoughts before I go to sleep.” I manage to say past my desire to cry like a helpless child. Damn you, Josh! And damn you too, alcohol!

  “Ugh. All right! I don’t want to see anymore crocodile tears. You’ve shed them enough already.”

  Once we arrive to Michael’s fancy hotel, I quickly get out of the cab since everyone will be waiting for me.

  “Cheesecake, Magic Mike’s been living here all these months? Damn! How much does your dad pay him and can I get a job?”

  “You’re not funny, Kade!”

  “Yes, I am! But, hurry up! Remember…you’re only going to get the letter then you’re coming right back. It’s not time for you to be a Chatty Freaking Cathy!” I hear Kade yell once I’ve already entered the luxurious lobby.

  When I reach Michael’s room, he opens the door after the first knock. For the first time since I’ve met him, I see him in sweats and a t-shirt not his usual business suit attire. Although he’s in his late twenties, seeing him in comfortable clothes makes him appear a few years younger. It’s nice to see him in a different light.

  “Hey, Michael. Sorry for waking you. I wasn’t paying attention to the time.” Is it me or is it hot in here?

  “No worries. Hey, would you like a drink? I have wine.”

  “Oh, no. Not today, Kade is downstairs waiting for me. I just came to pick up the letter from Diego.”

  “Sounds good.�
� Michael smiles at me kindly then heads to the desk area and pulls out his brief case. When he opens it, I notice a photo album.

  “Do you have any pictures of your mom?” I ask curiously wanting to get a glance at Michael’s private and past life.

  “Of course. I have pictures of your dad also.”

  “What? I wanna see!”

  “I don’t want to hold you up any longer since Kade is waiting for you. But if you’d like, you can hang out with me for a bit and later I can drive you to your house. I’m a night owl, I have a difficult time sleeping. I could always use the company.”

  Without a second thought, I call Kade. “Hey, I’m going to hang out with Michael for a little while. He has pictures of Diego and his mom. I want to check them out. Kay?”

  “No. Get your ass down here. You can see them tomorrow.”

  “Kade, I wasn’t asking for permission. I’m telling you so you can be on your way. Michael’s going to drive me home. Okay? Okay. Love you. Be safe. Bye.” I hang up before Kade goes into one of his famous rants then I turn my phone on silent.

  We spend the night drinking wine and going over Michael’s few photo albums. As the night progresses, Michael’s presence gets closer and closer to me. He sits beside me touching his leg with mine. He looks me in my eyes and takes my wine glass away, placing it on the end table next to him. He returns his gaze to my lips and leans in with a kiss. I don’t push him away. Once I feel his tongue against mine, the reality of my actions sets in. I stop the kiss not allowing it to go any further and well aware the alcohol has taken a toll. I decide to switch over to drinking water. The remainder of the night Michael goes more in depth about his childhood and his past. It’s nice hearing him open up and be more comfortable with me.

  In the morning, I wake up with my spirit uplifted. I’m half asleep, but I quickly sense myself getting aroused. As I turn over, the texture of the sheets feels lavishly smooth against my skin. Slowly, I open my eyes to commence my day. A shocking discovery prevents me from speaking or moving. I see him lying next to me completely naked…just like I am. Before I have a chance to react, he turns to face me then gently kisses my bare breast.


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