The Story of Us: Sweetbriar Cove: Book 11

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The Story of Us: Sweetbriar Cove: Book 11 Page 15

by Melody Grace

  A future together. The happiness she deserved—that he’d been dreaming about since the very first night they’d met. There was a reason they’d run into each other on that moonlit street; a reason he’d turned his whole life upside down.

  Because she was the one for him.

  He still couldn’t explain it, how he could be so sure, but Luke knew it the way he knew his own name that Natalie was his forever.

  And all he needed now was to show her—day by day, kiss by kiss—just how perfect that future could be.


  Natalie didn’t want the night to end. After dinner, they’d moved to the couch and sat there talking together as the fire crackled in the grate and the embers burned low. She’d been on a hundred fancier occasions, with expensive wine and exclusive restaurants, but somehow nothing even came close to this: just her and Luke and their easy conversation, the heat slowly circling in her bloodstream, every touch a promise of more to come.

  “All this, and you’re great at foot rubs, too,” Natalie marveled. She was half-lying on the couch with her feet in his lap, ready to melt into the cushions from whatever he was doing to her arches. He applied a gentle pressure, loosening the muscles that had been wound tight from a day running around the shop.

  “A guy needs a skill in life,” he said, giving her a lazy smile.

  “And building amazing furniture with your bare hands isn’t enough?”

  Luke grinned. “It has its moments. But carving you a side table wouldn’t impress you right now, would it?”

  “Don’t be so sure,” Natalie answered softly. “Everything you do impresses me.”

  Luke met her eyes, and she could have sworn his gaze turned hotter. “I’m just getting started, sweetheart,” he said, his voice low, and a shiver ran through Natalie’s entire body.

  Luke reached for her foot again, but this time, his touch lightened. Caressing her bare arch, his fingertips circling her ankle and straying higher, up her calf.

  Natalie inhaled, heat flooding her body in a rush. Since when were her ankles an erogenous zone?

  Since they were cradled in Luke’s capable hands.

  She swallowed hard. He looked so beautiful there in the firelight, his hair catching gold in the flames. And when he looked over and gave her that steady, heart-stopping smile, Natalie realized she wasn’t nervous or afraid anymore.

  She just wanted him.

  Natalie sat up, curling her legs beneath her as she slowly leaned closer. Luke didn’t move, he just rested a hand on her knee and waited, as if he knew she needed to be the one to make this move.

  The one to send them both hurtling over the edge into the unknown.

  Natalie reached one hand to his face and traced the line of his jaw, studying him. “Butterscotch,” she found herself whispering.

  Luke blinked.

  “I thought your eyes had caramel in them,” she marveled, her heart racing. “But it’s dark gold, like butterscotch instead.”

  Luke wound a strand of her hair between his fingertips. “Yours are the color of midnight,” he said hoarsely. “Dark and bright, all at once.”

  He tugged her closer, and Natalie gladly went. She belonged in his arms, in that perfect embrace. And when she kissed him, she knew, there was no going back.

  Because this kiss . . . it was an inferno.

  The heat slammed through her in an instant. All the waiting, the anticipation, it boiled over into a fever that gripped her body and made her arch against him, wanting more. Luke pulled her into his lap, his body hard against her as their mouths collided in a hungry dance. He eased her lips open, sliding his tongue deep as Natalie wound her arms around his neck, gasping and shameless, already straddling him to bring their bodies closer, hot and wild.

  Luke groaned against her mouth, his hands roving wildly over her hair, her back, her hips . . . Natalie felt him between her thighs, and she couldn’t keep from arching against him, aching to her core.

  Luke dragged his mouth from hers, lavishing kisses down her neck and along her collarbone in a trail of pure sensation. Natalie gasped as he teased along her bare skin, her body on fire from his touch, until he finally paused for breath.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he groaned, his eyes ravishing her in the firelight.

  And Natalie felt it, too. Beautiful, powerful, alive.

  Desire surged through her as she ran her hands over his torso, relishing the feel of his body beneath her fingertips, and the way his breath hitched to her touch. Luke kissed her again and teased and explored her body until she was shaking. He tugged her tank top lower, licking across the swell of her breast, tormenting her with soft kisses until his mouth closed around her nipple and he sucked. Hard.

  Natalie’s body clenched. Oh, God. What was he doing to her? She didn’t have words for this hunger, this reckless desire, she only knew she’d never felt it before.

  And she couldn’t stop until she had everything.

  Luke finally lifted his head. His hair was messy, his gaze half drunk. “Do you trust me?” he asked, his hands settling on her hips.

  Natalie felt a shudder. “Yes,” she gasped.

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Then this will be fun.”

  Luke tipped her back on the couch until she was lying there, buried in the cushions. She lifted her head, wanting to touch him, kiss him, but he stayed just out of reach.

  “Relax,” he told her softly, leaning down to kiss her lips. His mouth strayed to her ear in a whisper. A promise.

  “Let me show you the pleasure you deserve.”

  And then he began to kiss his way down her body.

  Natalie gasped. His hands were caressing every inch of her, his mouth teased over her chest, and then lower still.

  Slowly, he peeled off her pajama pants and parted her legs.


  Natalie was glad the light was dim because her cheeks must have been burning by now. And when she looked up and saw Luke poised there between her naked thighs, her heart stopped right there in her chest.

  He was watching her, smiling softly as his hand moved to her, his fingertips brushing her softly, and then—oh—deeper still.

  Pleasure curled through her in a hot rush. Natalie moaned out loud, and then immediately clamped her hand over her mouth. What would he think of her?

  But Luke just chuckled.

  “I’ll take that as a good sign,” he said, his gaze still fixed on hers.

  Natalie wanted to die, or combust, whichever would save her this embarrassment.

  But Luke didn’t seem to mind. “Don’t hold back,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss her mouth again. “You don’t need to hide what you want. Like this . . .” he said, stroking his palm across her again.

  Natalie gasped.

  “Or this.”

  His fingertips probed deeper, pulsing, curling, until she was trembling in his arms, a live wire out of control. She clutched his head to her, writhing with a need she couldn’t name, couldn’t satisfy alone.

  But she didn’t have to.

  “Or, this.”

  Luke settled between her thighs, licking up against her in one slow, gorgeous swoop.

  Natalie lost her mind.

  His tongue pulsed against her, lapping and teasing, as his fingers slid deeper, higher, thicker inside. She thrust against him, hearing herself cry out as if from far away, but this time there was no embarrassment, no shame, just the pleasure thrumming through her body, cresting higher, sending her hurtling to the edge.

  Natalie could only grip the cushions and moan, lost to the dizzying ecstasy of his tongue, hot and delving, his hand gripping tight on her thigh and, his fingers, oh, his fingers, curling higher, pulsing deeper, as the rhythm of his mouth and touch united in a relentless crescendo that finally shattered through her in a supernova of ecstasy.

  Oh. My. God.

  Natalie lay there, gasping, as pleasure ebbed through her body. Luke sat back, tracing soft circles on her stomach as she slowly remembered ho
w to breathe again.

  “Oh. OK. Huh.”

  So, coherent speech would be a while longer, but who could blame her after that?

  “Good?” Luke asked with a hint of pride on his lips.

  “You know it was.” Natalie laughed out loud. She felt boneless. Weightless.


  She got to her feet. She was stark naked now, but she didn’t care—not when Luke’s gaze devoured her like that, as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world.

  She held out her hand to him and beckoned towards her bedroom.

  “Are you sure?” Luke asked, still holding back.

  Still making sure this was what she wanted.

  Her own pace. Her own rules.

  Her choices now.

  “Yes,” Natalie said simply, taking his hand. “I want you.”

  And Luke didn’t need any more asking.

  He followed her to the bedroom. He followed her lead as she discarded clothes and demanded kisses, exploring every inch of his body until he was the one shaking to the touch and groaning for more. And when he finally moved inside her, filling her so perfectly the way she’d craved, Natalie knew, somehow, she’d been waiting for this her whole life.

  She would never settle for less again; those cruel half-loves, full of conditions and twisted expectations. Because Luke was right. This was what she deserved, and now that Natalie had felt it for herself—every gasp, every touch—anything seemed possible.

  With him.


  When Natalie woke the next morning, sunlight was flooding through the open drapes, and someone was whistling, out of tune, in the shower.


  Last night came rushing back to her, in all its wild, passionate glory. His mouth on her body . . . The way he’d moved inside . . . The look in his eyes as she’d taken him over the edge . . .

  Over and over again.

  A beam spread across her face so wide, her cheeks ached. All those years with Oliver, she’d never dreamed it could be like this. And now?

  Now she couldn’t get enough.

  Natalie rolled over in the empty bed and ran her hand over the imprint Luke’s body had left beside her. Her heart was already racing, a glow warming her body from the inside out. It felt like the first day of summer vacation and the night before her birthday, all rolled into one.

  And when Luke stepped out of the bathroom, half naked, with water dripping over his tanned, muscular torso and a tiny postage stamp of a towel wrapped around his waist?

  Well, her day got even better.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said, strolling closer. He leaned down and captured her mouth in a warm, lazy kiss.

  “Good morning.” Natalie snuggled closer, running her hands across his chest. She kissed him again, breathing in the clean, soapy scent that was just pure Luke. “What time is it?”

  “Nearly nine.”

  “What?” she sat bolt upright. “But I never sleep this late!”

  Luke grinned. “I’ll take that as another compliment. I guess someone tired you out.”

  His hands slipped below the covers, tracing over her stomach, and Natalie shivered with pure happiness.

  “Someone did,” she agreed. “But somehow, I seem to have gotten all my energy back.”

  “Oh yeah?” Luke rolled them, pinning her to the mattress as he dropped a dozen kisses on her neck and bare shoulder. Natalie arched against him, loving the feel of his body against hers, like she’d been made to fit right her in his arms.

  “I suppose it won’t matter if I open the shop a little late today . . .”

  “You do need breakfast,” he agreed, teasing. “It’s the most important meal of the day. What do you want?”

  “Besides you?” Natalie wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He laughed. “I meant to eat.”

  She raised a flirty eyebrow and Luke grinned wider. “Minx,” he said, biting down softly on her shoulder. Natalie shivered, already reaching for his towel.

  “You figure out breakfast,” she whispered, licking across his chest. “I have something else on my mind . . .”

  * * *

  In the end, it was another hour before they dragged themselves out of bed and out into the world. Natalie would have happily stayed wrapped up beneath the covers all day, but the rumble of her stomach—and the lure of breakfast pastries—was too strong to ignore.

  “The day that Summer introduces delivery for her morning buns is the day I never leave the house again,” Natalie declared as they walked hand in hand down the leafy back road to the bakery. “I might not even put on real clothes, I can just pop down to the shop in my pajamas.”

  Luke grinned. “But there’s a flaw in your plan,” he said. “If you don’t get dressed, then how will I have the fun of undressing you?”

  “Hmmm, good point,” Natalie agreed, smiling. “OK, clothes are allowed. But only temporarily.”

  “I can work with that.” Luke gave her a wolfish grin. “Any other rules?”

  “Not right now,” she replied airily. “But I’ll let you know.”

  “You do that.” Luke brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. It was just a simple gesture, but it felt so natural that Natalie wanted to turn a cartwheel down the lane.

  “Uh-oh,” he said, drawing Natalie’s attention back to the real world. “Looks like we’re not the only ones craving a morning sugar fix.”

  Sure enough, the line at the bakery snaked out the front door. Aunt June hadn’t been exaggerating about the holiday tourist crowds in Sweetbriar Cove. Usually, Natalie wouldn’t have dreamed of cutting past anyone, but today, her blood was still singing, and she felt like breaking the rules.

  “It’s a good thing I know the baker,” Natalie said, leading him inside and past the back counter, into the hot, steamy kitchen.

  “Natalie!” Summer greeted her with a smile. She had a flour-stained apron wrapped around her waist and a tray of croissants in her hands. “Here, take these through to the front before they start rioting. I swear, everyone in this town turns into an animal before noon.”

  “Rowr,” Natalie joked, taking the tray. “I don’t suppose you have any of those miraculous morning buns hidden away?” she asked hopefully. “I’ll trade you a box of my finest truffles.”

  “Deal,” Summer said immediately. “Grab a table, I’ll bring them right out. Coffee?”

  “Please and thank you!”

  Natalie delivered the croissants to the girl on duty behind the counter, then scooted across the room quickly to claim a free table by the window. When she’d taken a seat, she looked up to find Luke looking at her with an amused expression. “What?” she asked, self-conscious.

  “Nothing.” He smiled. “It’s just good to see you so settled here. Calling in favors, stealing tables . . .”

  “I didn’t steal it!” Natalie protested, laughing. “Those people were almost out of their seats already.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining.” Luke leaned back, grinning. “I’m liking this ruthless side of you. What’s next: Holding up the local Brownie troop?”

  “I’m not ruthless!” Natalie laughed. “I just know what I want now. And I’m not afraid to go after it. Say, for example . . .” She reached over and hooked her finger over the neckline of his sweater, tugging him closer for a kiss.

  Luke met her halfway, his lips hot even after the chill of the morning walk. Natalie savored the taste of him, melting into the moment, until she reluctantly pulled away. She may be feeling a new shot of confidence, but that didn’t mean she was about to jump him in front of the entire town.

  “Coffee and buns, at your service,” Summer said, joining them. She paused. “Will that ever sound less dirty?”

  “Nope,” Natalie replied, grinning. She noticed Summer looking tired and patted the spare seat beside them. “Come, sit for a minute. You look like you need a break.”

  “It’s all these hungry holiday shoppers. I wish I could just hibernate all wint
er,” Summer added with a sleepy yawn.

  Natalie caught Luke’s eye and laughed. “Sorry,” she added, when Summer looked confused. “I was just saying the same thing. Animals have the right idea, hiding away all winter.”

  “And miss the big Starbright festival next week?” Luke asked, plucking a flier off the bakery bulletin board. “There’ll be sleighrides, ice skating, and the annual Nog-Off.”

  “The what now?” Natalie blinked.

  “The big eggnog-tasting contest,” Summer explained.

  Luke nodded. “I heard all about it from Jackson. It’s serious business. Whisks at dawn. He’s decided the trophy is his for the taking this year.”

  “And I know how you Kinsellas get about competition,” Natalie said, smiling.


  Luke slung an arm around her shoulder, and Natalie instinctively snuggled closer, still reveling in how natural it felt to be close to him.

  Summer looked back and forth between them. “You should enter something,” she said, lighting up. “In fact, you have to. As town newcomers.”

  “I don’t know . . .” Natalie said, reluctant. “I have zero skills.”

  “What are you talking about?” Summer laughed. “You could run rings around everyone on the food contests.”

  “Except you,” Natalie pointed out.

  “Except me,” Summer agreed, smiling. “But lucky for you, I’m taking the year off. Grayson hit his limit on town festivities sometime back around the Fourth of July,” she explained. “He made me promise not to spend the month perfecting my Christmas puddings. Again.”

  “What do you say?” Luke asked, browsing the leaflet. “We could build a snowman . . .”

  We. He was making plans for the two of them. Suddenly, the Starbright festival seemed like a great time to Natalie.

  She took the leaflet from Luke and scanned the schedule of events. “How about the gingerbread house contest?” she suggested. “I take care of the baking, and you make sure it doesn’t tumble to the ground?”


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