Dragons & Demigods: A Montague & Strong Detective Novel (Montague & Strong Case Files Book 6)

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Dragons & Demigods: A Montague & Strong Detective Novel (Montague & Strong Case Files Book 6) Page 17

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  Monty stepped close to me as I looked at the glowing stream of energy shooting skyward. “In the end, he obtained what he wanted.”

  I nodded. “I hope he finally found some peace.”

  Monty nodded and walked over to where Dex and Kristman Dos stood coordinating the weretigers. I looked around and realized I hadn’t seen Bad Luck Sal since the pack of tigers had targeted him. I walked over to where the others were.

  “What happened to Sal?” I asked.

  “My tigers said he just disappeared,” Kristman Dos answered. “We have his scent. If he shows up anywhere, I’ll know.”

  “I have a feeling we’re not done with that one,” Dex said, looking into the night. “I best be heading out as well. The Elders don’t know I’m gone.”

  “Dex, I’ll see you soon.” Kristman raised a hand and signaled to the streak. “Thank you for the hunt.”

  “Aye, thank you for the assist.” Dex gave him a short bow. Monty and I did the same.

  Kristman Dos took a few steps and transformed into one of the largest tigers I’d ever seen. He roared once. The streak echoed the roar and faded into the night. He gave us a nod and bounded off silently after them.

  A few seconds later, Dex opened a rift.

  “Nephew, remember this night,” Dex said, grabbing Monty by the shoulder. “Those who stand beside you when things go well are friends and comrades. Those who stand by your side when it’s all gone to shite, are your family. I expect to see you both at the Sanctuary soon.”

  Dex stepped through the rift and disappeared.


  A FEW DAYS later, we sat in a Haven examination room.

  “It’s an effect of the proximity to the neutralizer when you unleashed the blast,” Roxanne said after looking down at her charts. “How close were you again?”

  “It was in my hand,” Monty growled. “I cast without difficulty after the blast. Why would this happen?”

  “You were still recovering from the Reckoning and dealing with Salao,” TK said from the corner. “This would be a good time to relax, maybe go on a vacation.”

  “A vacation?” He narrowed his eyes at us. “My casting ability has been compromised, and you want me to take a vacation?”

  “Rest would be the best thing for you,” Roxanne added. “If you don’t want to leave the city you can do a staycation.”

  Roxanne reached into her pocket, pulled out a phone, and stepped out of the room, holding up a finger in our direction.

  “That sounds worse than an actual vacation.” Monty rubbed his chin. “I suppose I can get in some practice with the Sorrows and brush up on some study.”

  “That’s the attitude, hombre. Make the most of it. Look at me.” LD shrugged and glanced at TK. “I have to rebuild the entire Danger Room because my lovely wife decided to go all dark phoenix on it.”

  “There were extenuating circumstances,” TK said. “Besides, it needed to be redone after the Reckoning. You kept complaining about the extra entrances. Now you can start from scratch.”

  “Were you able to secure the neutralizer?”

  “Mostly.” TK looked at LD. “We had to reconfigure the bridge in a hurry and may have shunted our plane over somewhat.”

  “Not much,” LD said quickly. “Less than one degree. I think.”

  “The entire plane?” I asked. “What do you mean you think?”

  “It’s not a big deal and should autocorrect over time.” LD waved his hand. “Shouldn’t take more than one or two millennia. Besides, it only affected runic alignments. Everything else should be fine.”

  “What does that mean? In English?”

  “Oh, only high-level individuals with magic,” TK said. “Wizards, mages, sorcerers etc. They may not be where you remember them.”

  “You trapped them?” I asked, shocked. “We need to get them out.”

  “No, no. It’s not like that.” LD raised a hand “They aren’t trapped. We’re the ones who moved.”

  “How much? Does that mean we’re trapped?”

  “Our plane just shifted over a jump to the left.” LD held his index and thumb up, almost touching.

  “And maybe a step to the right.” TK nodded. “It’s really difficult to pinpoint these things when dealing with runic quantum units.”

  “Listen,” LD said, putting a hand on my shoulder, “you know how there was a”—he glanced over at a scowling Monty—“wizard in Chicago and another in St. Louis?”

  I nodded. “Yes, they’re pretty well known. Are they okay?”

  “Perfectly fine,” LD said, nodding his head. “They just aren’t there anymore. At least not for us.”


  “Tristan, you try and explain it to him.” LD threw his hands up. “It was just a temporal planar shift. They’re in their dimension and we’re in ours. Due to the neutralizer configuration, the Black Heart shifted us over just a smidge. It won’t realign for a few planar cycles. We need to get back and run some more tests.”

  Peaches nudged my leg, nearly giving me whiplash.



  “TK, could I trouble you to make some sausage for my bottomless pit of a hellhound?”

  “I’d love to.” She gestured and formed an enormous sausage that appeared next to Peaches. “Here, let me show you the gesture and rune for that one.”

  She took my hand and traced the rune. Then she taught me the gesture and had me repeat it until I could do it easily.

  “That’s it?” I asked, surprised at how easy it seemed. “I thought it would be harder.”

  She nodded. “It is. Practice, and remember that you have to infuse it with energy or it will taste horrible and your hellhound may bite you.”

  “We need to go.” LD opened a rift and looked at Monty. “Take some time to relax. You earned it.”

  “In the meantime, I hear Azra—Ezra gives obedience lessons to hellhounds.” TK bent over and scratched Peaches behind the ears. “Why not get yours some lessons?”

  “Sounds like a good idea. Thank you for everything.”

  “We’ll see you soon.” LD stepped through the rift and disappeared.

  “Tristan, these lulls in power usually happen before a shift. Hone your non-magical skills. Prepare and sharpen. I doubt that’s the last we’ve heard of dragons.”

  “I shall, and thank you.”

  TK nodded and stepped through the rift.

  Roxanne stepped back into the room, her face grim.

  “Tristan, you have a call.” She pointed to the phone on the table next to him.

  Monty picked up the room phone. The person on the other end said a few words I couldn’t make out and hung up.

  “Who was that?”

  “Master Yat.”

  “Master Yat? Is he in town? Can we get some lessons while he’s visiting?”

  “It wasn’t that kind of call,” Monty said, leaning back in the bed. “He’s in trouble and needs our help.”

  “There goes the staycation.” I looked at Roxanne, who wasn’t pleased. “When?”

  “Now. He’s waiting downstairs.”



  ANGEL RAMIREZ-DIRECTOR of the NYTF and friend to Simon Strong. Cannot believe how much destruction one detective agency can wage in the course of one day.

  Cassandra Rott- Daughter of George Rott. Lieutenant in the NYTF under Director Angel Ramirez.

  Castor and Pollux-Demigod twins, owners of Hybrid an exclusive hotel that caters to demigods in Manhattan.

  Cecil Fairchild-Owner of SuNaTran and close friend of Tristan Montague. Provides transport for the supernatural community and has been known to make a vehicle disappear in record time.

  Dex Montague-Uncle to Tristan, brother to Connor. One of the most powerful mages in the Golden Circle.

  George “Rottweiler” Rott- Retired NYTF Special Ops leader of Shadow Company. Father of Cassandra Rott.

  Grey Stryder-
one of the last Night Wardens patrolling the city and keeping the streets safe. Current owner of Kokutan no ken.

  Kali-(AKA Divine Mother) goddess of Time, Creation, Destruction, and Power. Cursed Simon for unspecified reasons and has been known to hold a grudge. She is also one of the most powerful magic-users in existence.

  Karma-The personification of causality, order, and balance. She reaps what you sow. Also known as the mistress of bad timing. Everyone knows the saying karma is a…some days that saying is true.

  Kragzimik-Ancient type of dragon whose purpose is to rid the world of non-dragon magic-users. Much like every dragon. Really despises mages and magic-users.

  Kristman Dos-Weretiger leader of the Eastern Streak, a large group of weretigers on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States.

  LD Tush Rogue Creative Mage, husband to TK Tush. Proprietor of Fordey Boutique. One of the Ten.

  Michiko Nakatomi-(AKA ‘Chi’ if you’ve grown tired of breathing) Vampire leader of the Dark Council. Reputed to be the most powerful vampire in the Council.

  The Morrigan-Yes that Morrigan. Chooser of the Slain and currently in a relationship with Uncle Dex...don’t ask. Also goes by Badb Catha the ‘Boiling One.’

  Nana-Powerful sorceress and Tristan Montague’s first instructor and nanny.

  Noh Fan Yat- Martial arts instructor for the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Teacher to both Simon and Tristan. Known for his bamboo staff of pain and correction.

  Peaches-(AKA Devildog, Hellhound, Arm Shredder and Destroyer of Limbs) Offspring of Cerberus and given to the Montague & Strong Detective Agency to help with their security. Closely resembles a Cane Corso-a very large Cane Corso.

  Professor Ziller Mage responsible for the safeguarding of the Living Library and the Repository of knowledge at the Golden Circle. Don’t try to have conversation with him…it will just melt your brain.

  Roxanne DeMarco-Director of Haven. Oversees both the Medical and Detention Centers of the facility. Is an accomplished sorceress with formidable skill. Has been known to make Tristan stammer and stutter with merely a touch of his arm.

  Salao-Demigod son of Jyeshtha and a mortal. Possesses the ability to create an aura of misfortune around him.

  Simon Strong-The intelligent (and dashingly handsome) half of the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Cursed alive into immortality by the goddess Kali.

  TK Tush Rogue Creative Mage, wife to LD Tush. Proprietor of Fordey Boutique. One of the Ten. She’s not angry…really.

  Tristan Montague- The civilized (and staggeringly brilliant) half of the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Mage of the Golden Circle sect and currently on ‘extended leave’ from their ever-watchful supervision.

  Wordweavers- An ancient sect of magic-users. They manipulate magic through speech and special words of power. Considered to be the first magic-users.


  FORDEY BOUTIQUE- ARTIFACT specialty store dealing in rare magical items that are usually dangerous and lethal, like the owners

  New York Task Force-(AKA the NYTF) a quasi-military police force created to deal with any supernatural event occurring in New York City.

  SuNaTran-(AKA Supernatural Transportations) Owned by Cecil Fairchild. Provides car and vehicle service to the supernatural community in addition to magic-users who can afford membership.

  The Dark Council-Created to maintain the peace between humanity and the supernatural community shortly after the last Supernatural War. Its role is to be a check and balance against another war occurring. Not everyone in the Council favors peace.

  The Ten-A clandestine group of magic-users and shifters whose purpose is to…well that’s secret now isn’t it?

  Special Mentions for Dragons & Demigods

  Isabel who showed me how strong George is every day.

  Tammy-because her eyes must have been awful in a truly old testament sort of way, judging by the way people skittered away.

  Larry. Because you refuse to be owned, but you can be rented…LOL.

  Craig Z. Who just wanted to make an appearance in a book and be crushed, there you go…you’re welcome lol.

  To JPL for pointing out the TEA in team!

  Darren M. because you wanted running gods…

  MaryAnn, Mary Anne, and Lesley who threatened me with tea, plain old tap water and finally settled on hose water that’s been sitting in the sun for three hours if I didn’t pick up the pace. I’m writing FASTER!!


  THANK YOU FOR reading this story and jumping back into the world of Monty & Strong. We all know rationally that death is a part of life. This doesn’t mean it makes it easier to deal with when it touches our lives or the lives of our loved ones.

  This story allowed me to explore those times when we suddenly lose someone near to us, and the feelings that accompany that loss. Thank you for allowing me to deal with those feelings when I wrote this story.

  With each book, I want to introduce you to different elements of the world Monty & Strong inhabit, slowly revealing who they are and why they make the choices they do. If you want to know how they met, that story is in NO GOD IS SAFE, which is a short explaining how Tristan and Simon worked their first case.

  There are some references you will understand and some…you may not. This may be attributable to my age (I’m older than Monty or feel that way most mornings) or to my love of all things sci-fi and fantasy. As a reader, I’ve always enjoyed finding these “Easter Eggs” in the books I read. I hope you do too. If there is a reference you don’t get, feel free to email me and I will explain it…maybe.

  You will notice that Simon is still a smart-ass (deserving a large head smack) and many times he’s clueless about what’s going on. He’s also acquired his first spell (an anemic magic missile!) even though he needs some practice with it. He’s slowly wrapping his head around the world of magic, but it’s a vast universe and he has no map.

  Bear with him—he’s still new to the immortal, magical world he’s been delicately shoved into. Fortunately he has Monty to nudge (or blast) him in the right direction.

  Each book will reveal more about Monty & Strong’s backgrounds and lives before they met. Rather than hit you with a whole history, I wanted you to learn about them slowly, the way we do with a person we just met—over time (and many large cups of DeathWish Coffee).

  Thank you for taking the time to read this book. I wrote it for you and I hope you enjoyed spending a few more hours getting in (and out of) trouble with Tristan and Simon.

  If you really enjoyed this story, I need you to do me a HUGE favor— Please leave a review.

  It’s really important and helps the book (and me). Plus, it means Peaches gets new titanium chew toys, besides my arms, legs, and assorted furniture to shred. And I get to keep him at normal size(most of the time).

  We want to keep Peaches happy, don’t we?


  I REALLY DO appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you thought by emailing me at: [email protected]

  For more information on Monty & Strong…come join the MoB Family on Facebook!

  You can find us at:

  Montague & Strong Case Files.

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  Still here? Amazing! Well, if you’ve made it this far—you deserve something special!

  Included is the first chapter of the next Montague & Strong story,

  DRAGONS & DEMIGODS here for you to read.


  Bullets & Blades

  A Montague and Strong Detective Agency Book 7

  “I don’t believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at. ”– Maya Angelou

  “When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life.”– Antisthenes


  “NOW?” WHAT DO you mean now?” I

  “Now.” Monty looked at Roxanne. “As in, where are my clothes?”

  Roxanne pointed to the suit hanging in the closet on the other side of the room. The energy coming off her was a clear indicator she was displeased.

  “Tell him you can’t.” Roxanne crossed her arms and stared at Monty. “You can’t cast. I’ll tell him if you won’t.”

  “He’s in trouble.” Monty got out of bed and got dressed. “I have to help him.”

  “How?” The energy around Roxanne crept up a notch along with the volume of her voice. “You can’t cast, Tristan.”

  Peaches rumbled next to my leg.



  I forced myself to keep a straight face.







  “Mages are trained to be effective even without magic,” Monty answered, his voice taking on an edge. “Besides I still have access to my magic and the Sorrows.”

  “Monty—?” I started. He gave me a look that said his mind was set. “Nevermind. Let’s go see him.”

  “At the very least, take this”—Roxanne removed a brooch and affixed it to Monty’s jacket—“that way I know you’ll be safe.”

  Monty looked down at the pendant and shook his head slowly. I looked over and admired the new accessory with an approving eye. It was a round red and silver Celtic design surrounding a trinity knot in the center.

  “I have a shieldbearer,” Monty said. “You should be wearing this.”

  “Inside Haven I don’t need that many layers of protection.”

  “That’s pretty and really brings out the color in your eyes, Monty.” He shot me a glare. “What does it do?”

  “It’s called a bloody bloom and creates a personal shield.” Roxanne adjusted it on Monty’s jacket. “It won’t stop everything, but it’s better than nothing. Which is what you have right now—no offense, Simon.”


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