Silver Daddy

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Silver Daddy Page 14

by Liam Kingsley

  “What kind of a wolf doesn’t eat meat?” I asked Stacia as she chewed on a cob of corn. I couldn’t believe it when Keifer told me Stacia had decided to become a vegetarian.

  “One that eats veggies,” she replied. Keifer chuckled.

  “Did you teach her to say that?” I asked him.

  “I think that was Jason’s work, but he also thinks this is only transitory.”

  “What’s transitory?” Stacia asked, frowning at the unfamiliar word.

  “It means just eating veggies all the time may not last.”


  I smiled at Keifer over the top of Stacia’s head, trusting Keifer and Jason knew what they were doing in allowing Stacia to change her diet like this. I wasn’t entirely convinced, but she had loads of energy, so what did I know?

  After dinner, we got settled in my small living room, and then Keifer pulled out a pile of magazines from his bag.

  “What’s this?” I scooted forward and watched as he dumped them on the coffee table.

  “Well, I told Jason about your proposal and he immediately had Trevor deliver all of this for us.”

  Stacia peered over the edge of the table and ran a palm over the smooth, shiny covers of the magazines. Of course, she’d been ecstatic at the news of our engagement.

  “Any good ideas in them?” I flicked through one and immediately felt overwhelmed.

  “I mean, if you want to have a wedding type ceremony, sure.”

  I looked up to see if he was saying he did, or he didn’t. He was looking at the magazines and giving nothing away.

  “So, we don’t want a big ceremony like Jason and Trevor?”

  “Flower girl!” Stacia cried and rushed off to the spare room that was now “her room.” It was appropriately decked out with furniture and toys that Lori had picked out for when she stayed over, and I imagined it felt comfortable to Stacia. I looked at Keifer and he just shrugged. She’d been exploring her new environment sporadically in bursts, and we gave her the space to do so in her own time.

  “No,” Keifer said. “We don’t have to do the whole big thing.” He waved his hand over the stack of wedding magazines.

  “Sure we don’t have to. But do you want to?”

  Keifer pursed his lips and looked down at a photograph of two grooms kissing under a decorated arbor. He shook his head.

  “I just want to celebrate our new family with our friends,” he said softly.

  “Well, here’s what I’ve been thinking.” I slid closer to him on the couch and lowered my voice. “We could do it as one celebration. The claiming ceremony and baby shower.”

  I kept my voice to a near-whisper because we hadn’t broken the news of the baby to Stacia yet, thinking it was best to give her one life-changing event at a time.

  Keifer leaned against me and let out a soft sigh. “That sounds really good.”


  “Mm-hm. Perfect.”

  “Are you feeling okay? Morning sickness…”

  “Not nauseous or anything. Just so tired,” he said softly. I held him and pulled him even closer to me so most of his weight was resting against my body, and he immediately relaxed. Within moments, his breathing was slow and soft, and he let out the cutest snores. I kissed the top of his head and drew in the scent of his hair, indulging in the intimate smell of his shampoo mixed with his sweet, pregnant musk.

  I leaned back and closed my eyes, and we stayed like that until I felt the tug of the moon in my blood. It must have been rising. When I heard the howl of the pack, I knew it was time to run. I kissed Keifer again, and then gently lay him down on his back before draping a blanket over him.

  I popped into the spare room to check on Stacia before I left. It must have been a big day for everyone because she’d passed out on her bed, still in her clothes. I wriggled her shoes off her feet, and then considered getting her into her jammies, but I didn’t want to cross a line so early in our relationship. Besides, Keifer would surely wake up and take care of it. So I covered her with a blanket while making sure her teddy was close to her, and then I turned out her light before sneaking through the apartment.

  Maurice was outside, standing at the gates of the apartment block some of us single elders lived in, wrapped up in multiple scarves and jackets and looking up at the moon. The deep, dark crevices of his face were contrasted by the sharp silver light from the moon and made him look like a wise sage.

  “You look well, young Greer.”

  “And you, young Maurice.” I came through the gate and he smiled at me.

  “I couldn’t help but notice that your family is growing.”

  I paused for a moment, wondering how much this wise old man really knew. It wouldn’t surprise me if he intuitively knew Keifer was pregnant.

  “A few frequent visitors,” he explained, nodding toward my apartment.

  I smiled. “Ah, yes. It seems your words to me at Jason and Trevor’s ceremony was good advice after all.”

  “Don’t act so surprised.” He chuckled and we began to walk toward the warm glow coming from the Wolf Lodge, lit up as a beacon for the full moon run.

  “So, this is a celebratory run for you, then?” he asked coyly.

  “What have you heard, old man?”

  “I thought I was young Maurice a moment ago. And oh, you know, I’ve heard a new rumor of a human fated mate being claimed…”

  I chuckled and nodded, putting my hands in my pockets to warm them from the cool air. “Heard that where exactly?”

  “The moon still tells me her secrets, you know.”

  “You and your insights were always a great help when I was pack alpha.”

  “That is kind of you to say, Greer. Sadly, Jaxon does not utilize my skills as much as you did.”

  “A great pity. I’ll encourage him, but I don’t think it will make much of a difference.”

  “Ah, it can’t be helped. The new ways don’t rely on the natural signs as much as you and me. Intellect and logic have taken the stage for the moment.”

  I nodded. There was nothing more I could say. As we approached the Wolf Lodge, chatter from the pack filled the air. It sounded so young and virile. A stark contrast to even ten years earlier, when the majority of the pack were approaching our older years. There was a new cycle beginning now.

  “Well, let’s you and I celebrate. I have something to show you. Come.” Maurice immediately shifted into his wolf. The old creature looked every bit as strong and fierce as he had when he was younger, with a few more gray hairs on his snout. He stretched with some effort then began to trot away from the Lodge, straight into the woods.

  I heard Jaxon’s howl, bringing the wolves together for a run. The resonance tugged directly on my solar plexus, urging my wolf to come out and chase the pack. I shifted, but I didn’t follow the sound. Instead, I hurried after Maurice into the woods.

  As soon as my paw pads touched the cold forest floor, a chill ran through my muscles. I felt deeply alone. I searched the dark for a sign of Maurice and spotted the tip of his tail disappearing behind a thicket of blackberry bushes. I rushed down the track, dodging thorns as I chased after him. As I turned the corner, he was gone.

  I sniffed the air seeking his scent. I got nothing but squirrels, birds, and a fox. I growled low in my throat. I was about to turn around and hurry back to join the pack when clouds cleared and the moon shone bright like a spotlight on the path before me.

  The old folks still trust the signs.

  Without real thought, I sprinted straight ahead along the path. I ran hard, and soon enough I was running on pure instinct. My muscles automatically worked to launch me off the ground to jump over logs or to duck under low flying owls, until I reached the edge of the mountainside. Where I would normally ascend the cliff, I instinctively swerved left and headed due west.

  Before I knew it, I could smell salt in the air, and when I broke through the tree line, I was facing the majestic Pacific Ocean. The heavy salt wind blew my fur back, and I pushed
against it to stand my ground. Coral had loved the ocean…

  As I stared across the vast body of water, a pang of fear surged upward. Memories rushed into my mind. Coral’s face as she went into early labor. The feeling of dread when they wheeled her into the delivery room. The utter horror as the doctors told me I’d lost the twins—and my cherished Coral. The years of loneliness and sorrow.

  Keifer. The baby… What if we lost the baby? What if my offspring was somehow cursed? What if it was destined to happen again? Fate had led me to Keifer for a reason. But what if that reason was to teach me this lesson again and again.

  All my fear cascaded over me, almost paralyzing me as I imagined a life without Keifer in it, imagined losing him the same way I lost Coral… I couldn’t lose Keifer, I couldn’t go through life alone. Not again. Forcing myself to turn, I kicked up the sand behind me and bolted back into the forest. I ran as fast as I could, following my nose toward home. Toward Keifer.

  Panic remained with me as I ran, and didn’t abate even when I noticed Keifer’s car still parked outside. I rushed into my apartment and was about to call out for him when I heard a soft giggle coming from the spare room. I hurried toward it and found Keifer on the edge of the bed with a storybook in hand, and Stacia tucked up under the covers. Her sleepy eyes widened when she saw me, and she smiled, but she was obviously too exhausted to say anything. The peaceful scene immediately calmed my nerves somewhat.

  Keifer looked up and beamed at me before continuing to read. I gave him a wink and gently closed the door behind me as I left. It was clear that Stacia was almost asleep, and I knew how precarious that time was.

  I grabbed my phone off the kitchen bench and immediately called the pack’s primary doctor and obstetrician, Dr. Maddie Reed.

  “Greer,” she answered in her usual curt but friendly manner.

  “I’m sorry to call you so late. Were you running?”

  “No, I’m at the hospital. Was there an injury on the run?”

  “No, no… It’s about my mate. He’s fine, but he’s pregnant.”

  “Mate? And already pregnant?” she asked, sounding excited. “When did this happen?”

  “All too recently.”

  “Well, congratulations. That’s wonderful news. Do you want to make an appointment?”

  “Yes, Maddie. I’m afraid I have quite a few concerns. I’d like to get him checked out as soon as possible.”

  “Ah. Understood.” She was young, only in her thirties, but she knew enough about my past to understand my concerns. “Tomorrow morning, I can free up some time before my rounds. Say, nine o’clock?”

  “Thank you, Maddie. I would appreciate that. You’re very generous.”

  “Anything for you, Greer. Take care now.”

  I ended the call and looked up to find Keifer sneaking out of the spare room as quietly as he could manage. I knew for sure Stacia was still awake in there, her keen wolf hearing unable to ignore the well-meaning but ultimately very loud way her father was tiptoeing around. I held back a chuckle and leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for him to notice me. His face went from furrowed in concentration to warm and happy when he saw me.

  “Back from the run so soon?” He kissed me and I held him by his waist.

  “I had to rush back to make an appointment. We need to see Maddie Reed tomorrow, alright?”

  “Dr. Reed? About the pregnancy?” He pulled back and raised his eyebrows. “Are you worried about something?”

  “I just want to get it all checked out,” I said as calmly as I could, traces of fear still running through my veins.

  “Tomorrow morning? I can’t go.”

  I frowned. “I just made the appointment.”

  Keifer pulled away, but I kept my hands on him.

  “Well, you shouldn’t have. Why didn’t you ask me first?”

  I clenched my jaw and bit back a growl. “I didn’t think I’d have to. I thought you’d want to check on the health of our baby.”

  “Well, I do, but tomorrow is out of the question. You’ll have to cancel it.”



  Greer was looking at me like I was insane. In fact, he was the one acting like a crazy person, rushing back into the apartment and springing a surprise doctor’s appointment on me.

  “I need you to go to the appointment,” he said in a forced, staggered tone. The wavering in his voice caught me by surprise. He was scared.

  “Greer… Is something wrong?”

  “We don’t know, do we? Something could be wrong. Many things could be wrong.”

  I shook my head, but calmed a little, realizing there was no point in us both becoming agitated when a simple conversation could sort this out. “There’s nothing wrong. But let’s see Dr. Reed the next day, okay?”

  His jaw remained stubbornly set. I stroked the stubbled edge with my fingertips and Greer slowly relaxed. He took a deep breath and shakily exhaled.

  “But why not tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Danette and I are going to meet with the publisher to finalize the contracts.”

  He held my hand to his face and I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. “Let’s go after your meeting. Just to get it checked out.”

  “I’m feeling fine,” I insisted. “All the doctor will do is confirm I’m pregnant and tell us I’m fit and healthy. It’s too early for her to be able to do anything more than that.”

  “Maybe she can get a heartbeat.”

  I frowned. “Probably not. I’m only five weeks, and you can’t normally hear a heartbeat until about six weeks.”

  “We need to try. We need to see that everything is alright.”

  I sighed and placed my palms on his shoulders. I gave him a strong squeeze and relented. “Alright. Let’s see the doctor after my meeting.”

  “Thank you.” Greer’s forehead smoothed. I gave him an understanding grin then settled my attention on his chest.

  “And in the meantime…” I ran my hands over his shoulders and stepped closer. He grabbed my hips and pulled me forward.

  “In the meantime?”

  “Let me take your mind off it.”

  I led him to his bedroom, which was thankfully at the other end of the apartment to the spare room where Stacia was snoozing, and then I closed the door behind me. Soft lamplight gave the room a subtle ambiance as we undressed each other.

  Greer smoothed a palm over my chest, making me shiver. I brought it to my mouth and kissed it, breathing in his scent, which was like the woods, like soil and pine needles. He smiled, and then pulled his hand free to place a soft kiss on my lips and lace his fingers through my hair. I moaned and he responded by easing his tongue between my lips. I took him in, wanting him inside me. All of him, in all of me.

  We tumbled onto the bed, limbs entwined, bodies pressed against each other. His dick slotted into the space where my groin met my thigh, and mine stabbed against his lower abdomen. I moaned at the friction, but it became uncomfortable the harder we got. I pulled apart ever so slightly and took a raspy breath.

  “Quiet and soft?” he asked.

  “Yes. Quiet and soft.”

  We lay facing each other, and I lifted my leg over his muscular hip. He grabbed my thigh and hoisted it higher, dragging me closer, positioning me so the tip of his cock grazed over my slick coated hole, and then before I had a chance to react, he lodged his cockhead just inside me. I moaned, long and loud, shuddering at the exquisite sensation.

  “Shh, quiet, remember,” Greer whispered.

  I would have giggled at how serious he sounded if he hadn’t begun to ease deeper, an inch at a time. “Oh, god. More. Please more.”

  My heart pounded as he continued to push into me, and I barely resisted the urge to writhe on his cock, but he held my thigh tightly until he bottomed out.

  “You feel so good,” he said. “Always so good.”

  “You feel good too.”

  He leaned forward and captured my lips at the exact same time he started to fuck me wi
th slow, steady thrusts. I felt every inch of his big dick as he worked my ass, fueling a growing pleasure in my balls. I moaned again, softly this time, loving how he took control and stayed so gentle at the same time.

  As my pleasure grew, I tilted my hips a little so I could jerk myself off, massaging the length of my cock as I gave myself to him. Greer grunted and thrust with more determination. Harder now, nailing my prostate. I panted, trying not to groan aloud, my muscles tightening as my climax drew close, and then I felt his knot begin to swell. We both reacted at the same time; me with a gasp, Greer with an almost animalistic growl.

  As the knot expanded, Greer’s thrusts almost stopped. He was barely able to move now we were locked so tight, but my pleasure continued to grow, mainly from seeing intense rapture move across his face.

  “Close,” he moaned.

  I nodded, staring at him as a shiver of excitement burst through me. I gripped my cock, hard. It was all the contact I needed to send me over the edge. I groaned as my orgasm rolled through my body and I shot heavy loads of semen all over our stomachs, and still, the pleasure kept coming. Greer grabbed my thigh tighter and held me, grunting as he arched his back and filled my ass with cum.

  Minutes later, still knotted, I stared at Greer, barely able to keep my eyes open. He stared back, seemingly just as tired.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you.” My reply slipped past my lips without a moment’s hesitation. I was floating in a cloud of bliss, completely enamored with the man who held me with such reverence, such love. I must have fallen asleep, but I woke up as Greer pulled out of me. Without saying a word, he scooped me up off the bed and carried me to the shower where he gently washed me, kissing me sweetly. Cleaned, dried, he took me back to bed, and we collapsed in each other’s arms.

  I’d never felt safer. And I’d never been happier.

  CLANG! I sat bolt upright.


  Greer was still fast asleep beside me, somehow not at all roused by the sounds echoing through his apartment. After I grabbed my underwear I snuck out of the room, softly pulling the door closed behind me.


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