FIERCE: A High School Enemies to Lovers Romance (Rosewood High Book 4)

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FIERCE: A High School Enemies to Lovers Romance (Rosewood High Book 4) Page 34

by Tracy Lorraine

  I’m not surprised, I knew which of the two of them was likely to make me work for it. Rightly so I guess after I sent her after her cheating boyfriend. Although it might have been a bitch move, at least she found of the truth before it went on any longer.

  “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry, I really am. How I behaved before was unforgivable—”

  “Yet here you are asking for it,” Camila snaps.

  “No, no, I’m not. I’d understand if you never did. I just want you to know how much I regret all of it. My head was a mess, and I was making stupid decisions.”

  “Like sleeping with Shane?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “No, that was probably the only sensible thing I did back then.”

  Camila opens her mouth to say more, but she must change her mind because she soon closes it again.

  Mason, however, just gives me a soft smile. “You’re all good, girl.” Stepping up to me, he gives me a brief hug. Camila gives him death stares the entire time, making me wonder why he thought it was a good idea.

  “Stand down, Cami bear. It’s over.” He chuckles.

  Camila steps forward, but it’s nothing like the friendly way her boyfriend did. She frowns and points at me. “If you hurt him. If a few weeks down the line this all turns out to be one of your sick games, I swear I’ll… I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “Okay, baby. That’s enough.” Mason wraps his hand around Camila’s upper arms and pulls her back into his chest and wraps his arms around her.

  “What Camila is trying to say is that we’re glad you’re back and we hope things work out for you from here on out.”

  “No, I wasn’t—” Camila protests until Mason spins her and cuts off her words with his lips.

  While they’re distracted, I take a handful of the beers they came in for and go to join the others.

  Amalie is still busying herself arranging the food she’s prepared on the dining table while Jake looks at her with concern in his eyes.

  “Here she is,” Ethan announces, distracting me from the obvious tension in the room as I place the bottles down. “How’s Rosewood’s next star doing,” he drawls, clearly already one too many beers down as he places his hand on my belly.

  I notice Shane tense as he watches Ethan touch me, but a quick shake of my head and he soon relaxes. Ethan is anything but a threat.

  “Keep your hands to yourself, Savage,” Rae barks, swatting his forearm to make him release me. “I’m sorry, please ignore him.”

  “It’s okay, I’m used to him by now.”

  “Yeah, Chelsea has been my wing-woman for years, she knows the drill.”

  “Oh yeah?” Rae stands to her full height, all of about five foot two, and stares at him. “On the prowl tonight, are you?”

  “Uh huh, got my sights on this feisty little thing.”

  “Jesus,” I mutter, slipping around them and joining Shane on the couch.

  “Everything okay?” he asks as I pass him one of the beers I kept hold of.

  “Yeah, just a normal day in Rosewood,” I say with a chuckle.

  “What’s up with Amalie?”

  “It’s her first Christmas since her parents died. She’s struggling.”

  “Ah of course.”

  “Brit, come and sit down. None of these fuckers care how you’ve arranged the sausage rolls, baby.”

  Amalie shoots Jake a scathing look from where she’s still moving things around, but she must see something in him because after a second she backs away and out of the room.

  Jake sits forward as if he’s about to follow her, but it’s not necessary because in only seconds she returns with the drink I made her.

  “What have you got there?” Jake asks, making Amalie smirk as she sits beside him.

  “It’s a Screaming Orgasm. Chelsea made it for me.” She grins.

  “Careful if she made it,” Camila pipes up, earning herself the attention of the entire room. Alcohol sure does give her a loose tongue.

  “That’s enough,” Mason says as the awkward tension begins to lift.

  “No, it’s okay. I deserve it,” I admit as Shane’s grip on me tightens.

  Amalie shrugs. “I trust her,” she says, lifting the glass to her lips and taking a huge mouthful.

  Something inside me swells. The regret for what I did is still there, I think it always will be, but the happiness I now feel starts to push it down somewhat.

  The drinks flow, well for everyone bar me, and thankfully everyone begins to relax into the evening. Everyone gets drunker and drunker and for once, I get to watch as they begin stumbling their way to the toilet and clumsily missing their mouths as they try to have another drink. I never realized quite how stupid we all look as the alcohol takes over.

  I enjoy myself more than I should just watching them all, and unlike I was expecting, I don’t really miss not being a part of it. There’s something very sobering about being the sensible one.

  “I really fucking love you,” Shane slurs as he pulls me onto his lap and pushes my skirt up my thighs so I can straddle him.

  “What are you doing?” My argument is weak at best, I might not be under the influence right now, but any touch from him has a similar effect. He makes me lose my mind with need.

  “Kiss me,” he demands.

  I stare into his desire filled eyes and I’m powerless, unable to deny him anything he asks. Leaning forward, I press my lips to his. His tongue immediately darts out and pushes past my lips.

  I have no idea what the others are doing around us, not that I care. My entire focus is on Shane as I shamelessly grind my hips down on his growing cock.

  “Get a room.” Ethan’s booming voice eventually cuts through my lust and I pull back, my chest heaving and my body strung tight to continue.

  “Don’t even think about taking his advice and having sex in our new house,” Jake barks, earning himself a look from Amalie. I’m not sure if she’s just annoyed in general with everything to do with this time of year because of the memories it’s bringing up for her or if she’s just pissed off at him, but there’s a definite tension between the two of them. And the words that fall from Shane’s drunken lips next sure don’t help.

  “Oh yeah, you worried someone will do a better job of it? You do know I’m the best she’s ever had, right?” His final words are muffled as I place my palm over his mouth.

  “Shane!” I whisper-squeal, mortified that he’s just said that out loud for everyone to hear.

  Ethan, Mason, and Rae burst out laughing, but Amalie and Jake are much less amused.

  I turn to look at the couple as Amalie’s face turns beet red before she pushes from the couch and storms from the room.

  “Bro, I think you’d better go and prove your worth. Give her a real one of those screaming orgasms,” Ethan says, a smirk firmly in place as he talks.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say to Jake as he looks at the door, torn over what to do.

  With a sigh, he stands from the couch and follows, but he stops at the door and looks back at me.

  “I was really, really drunk. I’m surprised I stayed awake long enough to finish that night.”

  Shame burns at my insides and colors my cheeks. Great, the night I’d dreamed of for years really was one big drunken mistake to him.

  “Well, I know for a fact that one of us didn’t finish,” I mutter, my need to have the last word getting the better of me.

  “Oh burn, bro. Burn,” Ethan barks while the others snigger around us.

  “Fucking hell,” Jake mutters before ducking out of the room to go and find his girl.

  “We should probably leave now.”

  “Why? Things just got interesting,” Ethan says, his voice still full of amusement. “I want to hear more about sex god Jake Thorn not completing his duties.”

  Shane’s hands grip my ass reminding me that I’m still straddling him like a hussy.

  “Yeah, it’s definitely time for us to go.”

  Climbing from his lap, I make
quick work of pulling my dress down. It’s not like they haven’t seen my ass before, but I’m a different person now and the only one I want looking at me is currently half asleep on the couch.

  “Shane,” I shout, startling him awake. “Let’s go.”

  He mumbles something incoherent as he rearranges himself in his pants. As glad as I am that he can keep it up while plastered, now really isn’t the time to show it off.

  Reaching for his hand, I pull him from the couch.

  He stumbles a little before steadying himself and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

  “I love you Chelsea Fierce,” he slurs.

  “I love you too. Now let’s go before I can’t move you.”

  “Do you want help?” Both Ethan and Mason stand, but I shake my head.

  “I’ve got him. You carry on enjoying yourselves.”

  “Because listening to those two make up will be so much fun,” Rae complains with a roll of her eyes.

  “Have a great Christmas,” I say, ignoring her comment. “We’ll see you New Year’s Eve at Zayn’s?”

  “Sure thing. Have a good one.”

  With a few more goodbyes, I eventually manage to get Shane out of the house and into the car.

  “If you pass out before we get home, you’re going to have to sleep in the car,” I warn him. I’m lying, of course. I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing he was out there alone, but I hope my words are enough to keep him with me.

  Shane keeps me amused all the way home, muttering mostly incoherent things but every now and then he’ll drop in how much he loves me, or how badly he wants to fuck me and explain in vivid detail the things he wants to do to me. I can’t deny that by the time I pull up on my parents’ driveway that I’m a ball of need.

  Sadly, by that time, he’s also fallen asleep and is snoring lightly beside me.

  “Shane. Shane,” I say, shaking his shoulder to wake him. “Come on, or I’ll have to go and get your brothers to get you out.”

  Still he snores.

  “For fuck’s sake, Shane.”

  Trying a different tact to get him alert, I pop his seatbelt and skim my hand up his thigh, rubbing his cock through his pants. In only seconds, it starts to harden under my touch.

  “Wake up, baby. You’ve got promises to fulfill,” I purr in his ear.

  He groans, thrusting his hips up to get more.

  “Chelsea.” His voice is slurred, rough and deep.

  “Wake up and get to the pool house and you can have whatever you want.”

  Suddenly, his eyes fly open.

  “Fuck,” he barks, his chest heaving and his eyes almost black with desire.


  “Hey.” A smile curls at his lips as he stares at me and lust curls at my insides.

  “Shall we go inside?”


  He somewhat clumsily manages to get himself out of the car before I wrap my arm around his waist in an attempt to steady him.

  We sway our way around the back of the house. He trips and stumbles but thankfully stays on his feet. It makes me think of all the times my parents have collected me in a similar state and had to deal with getting me to bed. This is making me realize that I should probably get them a better Christmas present.

  Finally, we get to the pool house. Shane leans against the wall, his eyelids getting heavy once again.

  The second we’re inside, he heads for the bedroom before falling face-first onto the bed and almost immediately starts snoring.

  I can’t help but laugh at him, and I drop to my knees and slip his shoes off. Not exactly what I thought I’d be doing on my knees tonight, but hey. He deserves this. After everything both his father and I have put him through the past few weeks, he needed to lose himself for a night.

  I manage to roll him over and get his pants off, but after undoing the buttons on his shirt, I give up trying to get it off him. He’s totally out of it and no help at all.

  Kicking my shoes off, I peel my dress from my body and look at the black lace underwear I’d bought especially for tonight. Not wanting to waste it, I find my cell in my purse and open the camera. I snap a couple of pictures before sending them to Shane with a sarcastic comment about what he’s missed out on. I’m sure he’ll enjoy those when he looks at his cell tomorrow.

  After finding his jersey, I pull it over my head and make use of the bathroom before crawling into bed beside him.

  He might be out of it, but the second I press my back against him, his arm wraps around my waist and I’m pulled back so that were connected in every way possible.

  “I love you, Chels.”

  “I love you too, Shane. Merry Christmas.”



  I have no idea what time it is when I wake, but the sun is streaming through from the living area and my head pounds.

  It takes me a second to remember the night before.

  Fucking Ethan insisting we all do shots.

  I want to curl back into Chelsea and sleep away the rest of the day, but my need for the bathroom and painkillers are too pressing.

  Sitting from the bed, I find I’m just wearing my boxers and open shirt from the night before. I glance over at Chelsea and smile. She tried to look after me last night.

  My pressing need for the bathroom keeps me from watching her peacefully sleeping any longer and I stand from the bed, shedding my shirt as I go.

  I do my thing before brushing my teeth in the hope it’ll make me feel a little more human before going in search of some Advil.

  I down a bottle of water with the tablets before heading back to sleep, but when I walk into the bedroom, a very different idea pops into my head.

  Chelsea’s shifted since I left and she’s now lying on her stomach, the sheets pushed aside with my jersey up around her waist. Her round ass is on full display with the scrap of lace she’s wearing.

  My cock swells as my mouth waters.

  Time for her first present of the day, I think,

  Starting at her ankle, I kiss up her leg until I get to the swell of her ass. Palming one side, I bite down on the other.

  “What the—oh,” she cries, quickly relaxing beneath me. “As you were.”

  She rests her head on her arm and looks down at me as I continue.

  Slipping my finger beneath the lace, she parts her legs a little to give me better access and I slide it through her wetness.

  “Hmm… were you dreaming about this?”

  “Always,” she says on a gasp as I slide one finger inside her. Her muscles clamp down, hungrily trying to suck me deeper. “You promised me all these dirty things last night and then you went and passed out.”

  “I’d better make it up to you then.”

  She moans when I pull my finger from her and instead wrap my hands around her hips. I lift her until she’s on all fours and wrap my fingers around the sides of her panties.

  I pull them down until they fall to her knees but I make no move to remove them further, I’m too desperate for her.

  Leaning forward, I lick up her seam.

  She cries out and I spear my tongue inside her.

  “Oh god,” she whimpers as I focus my attention on her clit. She pushes back into me, needing more. Sliding two fingers deep inside her, I suck, lick and bite until she’s crying out my name, her legs trembling as she reaches her climax.

  “Fuck, Shane.” Her arms give out and she falls down onto the pillow, her ass still temptingly up in the air.

  Crawling forward, I push the waist of my boxer briefs down just enough to release my cock. I run the head through her wetness before slowly pushing inside her.

  She groans as I stretch her open until she’s full of me.

  Gliding my hand down her spine, I slide my fingers into her hair and tug gently. Her back arches, allowing me to slide a little deeper.

  “So good,” I groan, slowly pulling out before sliding straight back in.

  “More, Shane. More.”

ng up the tempo, I give her exactly what she craves until the only sounds that fill the pool house are those of our heavy breathing and our skin connecting as we both chase our orgasms.

  The second her pussy clenches with the beginnings of her release, I fall headfirst into my own.

  “Fucking hell, that was some wake up,” Chelsea says between heaving breaths as I fall down beside her, trying to catch my own breath.

  “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  A wide smile spreads across her face as it occurs to her what day it is.

  “Merry Christmas.”

  Turning over, she pulls open the drawer of her nightstand before placing two beautifully wrapped presents in front of me.

  “I was wearing your first present, but you seem to have removed the bottom half.”

  She lifts my jersey up to show me the matching bra to the set she was wearing.

  “You’ll just have to wear it for me another time.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged. Go on,” she prompts, nudging the gifts closer.

  Taking hold of the biggest one first, I make quick work of ripping the paper away to find a nondescript black box. Narrowing my eyes at her, I lift the top off to find a stunning silver watch staring back at me.

  “Chels,” I say, knowing that it’s more than she can probably afford right now.

  “Look at the back.”

  Pulling the timepiece from its cushion, I flip it over.

  Shane. My one and only x

  Emotion clogs my throat as I stare down at her words.

  “Thank you so much,” I manage to say around the lump after a few seconds.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Removing my old one, I drop it on the nightstand and place the new one on my wrist.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “And this one.”

  Wondering what else she’s done for me, I rip it open but soon realize that this one is even more sentimental because it’s a photo frame with ‘I love my daddy’ engraved in the dark wood, and in the center, our ultrasound picture.

  Reaching out, I run my fingertip over our baby.

  “It still blows my mind,” I whisper.

  “Me too. I’m not sure I’ll believe it until he or she is in my arms.”


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