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by VictoriaSue




  Pure Indulgence

  Copyright © 2015

  Published by Dark Hollows Press

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  Pure Indulgence

  Copyright © 2015 Victoria Sue

  ISBN 10: 1942176643

  ISBN 13: 978-1-942176-694-0

  Author: Victoria Sue

  Editor: G. Brown

  Publication Date: February 2015

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2015 by Dark Hollows Press

  Cover design by 3 Rusted Spoons

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  To my editor G, who never forgot to bring the lube to any of my eight revisions...

  Chapter 1

  Joe wasn’t gay. Nope, not one bit. He liked women for fuck’s sake, all women, and it wasn’t like he’d ever had any problems attracting them. His mom used to say it was because of his blond hair and chocolate eyes, as though he was some damn candy bar for them to unwrap.

  So how come his dick was threatening to explode from his pants because of the stupid boy singing on stage? He groaned—well, as much as he could do without moving a muscle or making a sound that might alert his friend Callum who was standing next to him.

  “They’re really good, aren’t they?” Callum didn’t attempt to hide the appreciative sound.

  Yeah, well, it was all right for him. Callum was gay, and Joe had no problem with that. They’d been buddies for a long time, and it wasn’t like Pure was ever going to be just for gays, or that he ever struggled to find a willing woman to scene with. Joe glanced back at the stage. Lee, Callum’s collared sub, was twisting and grinding on stage and blowing flirty kisses constantly at Callum. Callum, of course, had given up trying to show he disapproved and was loving every damn minute.

  Joe focused once more on the singer, Adam. He was shorter than Joe’s younger brother, Stephen, who was five foot nine. Tiny waist. Jet black hair that currently had pink—yes, pink—streaks in it. The streaks varied in color depending on Adam’s mood, but shit, they were usually something bright and fucking girly.

  Adam had managed to stay off Joe’s radar until last year. First, Joe had seen him around at Breathless, but when Callum opened Pure and got together with Lee, the annoying pair of twinks seemed to be everywhere Joe was—all the time. Every time he turned around, Adam was in his face and turning him on, and it was driving him fucking nuts.

  “Are they going to do this every week?” Joe tried to sound mildly disinterested. He shifted, trying to straighten his pants unobtrusively.

  “Yeah, every week,” Callum said. He grinned just as the song came to a glittering finale. The club was packed, and a huge cheer went up. Adam blew one of the pink locks out of his eyes. Joe grimaced. He should get the damn thing cut.

  “Hi there everybody!” Adam shouted, causing an even bigger cheer. “So, as you know we’re collecting for Master Jameson’s charity, Gage’s House, tonight. We’ve got collection tins at the front, but don’t forget the main event happening tomorrow.”

  Joe groaned this time out loud. Callum chuckled.

  Adam continued. “Ten subs will be up for auction tomorrow night. We have their limits and details on the flyers over by the bar.” The crowd cheered again.

  Callum pushed himself away from the wall and fixed Joe with a hard stare. He turned just in time to catch the boy who launched himself into Callum’s arms.

  Lee was breathless and excited. “Wasn’t he good?”

  Lee was referring to Adam’s singing, and Joe hated to admit it, but he agreed. He turned back to the stage where Adam was packing away the mike. The rest of the boys just made decent eye candy and back-up for a bit of fun, but Adam’s voice was something else, and it’d only started as a joke.

  Really, it started when Derek Jameson had asked Callum if he would be willing to hold a fundraiser at the club, because Pure had recently been remodeled after Callum had bought it, and the front of the house had a stage suitable for performances. Derek was one of the Doms at Pure, a respected psychiatrist who gave away at least half of his billable week to help GLBT kids. Gage’s House, his charity, had two safe houses now, one in Tampa and one in Orlando. It was a great idea, but, being a BDSM club, most performances at Pure weren’t suitable for a fundraiser.

  The subs had all started planning the fundraising anyway. The first one had been a karaoke night just as a laugh amongst the subs themselves, until Adam had got up to sing. He’d chosen Feeling Good by Nina Simone. Adam had sung his heart out, and quite simply had blown them all away.

  Could that be the source of this inexplicable fascination Joe suddenly had with Adam? Even so, it wasn’t welcome. Joe narrowed his eyes in self-disgust. He tried to focus his gaze determinedly on Sarah or Callie, or any of the female subs.

  “Joe, I’m meeting Damon Kerrick to see about membership.” Joe’s eyes shot up. He knew of Damon’s reputation as a skilled sadist. “He knows the club rules,” Callum added at Joe’s look. “I’ve already had a few subs asking for a little more than what we have at the moment.” Callum nodded towards Lee and Adam, who already had their arms wrapped around each other and were heading for the stairs. “Lee and Adam have something they need help with, is that okay?”

  “Sure.” Joe followed them. They went straight past the office and continued toward the boutique that the subs ran. It had been Lee’s brainchild last year, and turned out to be hugely successful, as their members always had to go online or further afield to Miami and places. Joe followed them in, and could see immediately what they needed help with. A new 70” flat screen TV was sitting in its box.

  “I know it has to go there, but I really love that photograph.” Adam pouted as Lee unpinned the photo from the wall.

  “Just you wait,” Lee said, “I’ve got Callum to do a giant glossy one for behind the bar.”

  Adam gasped. “Really?”

  Joe peered at the photo and chuckled. It was of the group of ten subs, nine of them decked out in black shorts and black t-shirts. On every t-shirt one letter was printed. When they all stood together, it spelt “Indulge me” in pink. The same pair of silver handcuffs that dangled from the letter “e” in the word Pure was hanging from the last letter in “me”. The last sub, Adam, because he was the shortest, stood at the front proudly copying the outfit that had made the cover of the new online catalogue—he wore tight black leather pants and was bare chested, the tail of a whip draped across his left shoulder.

  “Wish I’d had these done for the photo. “Adam grinned and whipped up his t-shirt.

  “Oh my God. They’re fantastic,” Lee exclaimed.

  Joe was relieved Lee was making so much noise. It covered up the invol
untary sound that Joe had made, like he was being fucking strangled.

  “You never said a thing about this.” Lee peered at the tiny rings hanging from each of Adam’s nipples. “I would have come with.”

  They’d done this photo as part of the fundraising for Gage’s House. The picture of Adam was done especially for the catalogue. Joe didn’t join in the conversation, he just calmly unpacked the TV. He stood and held it with great patience while the boys adjusted the fitting for it.

  Joe turned the lights off when they had finished. He was tired. It had been a long day.

  It had actually been his last day as a detective in Orlando. He was taking a week’s R&R, and then the following Monday he was starting his new job as Callum’s manager at Stealth, the private security company Callum owned. But he didn’t want to just work for Callum, he wanted to invest, work for something that was his. Callum had nagged him for months to join, but Joe didn’t want to come until he’d gotten his finances sorted. The financial debacle from his second divorce meant he’d lost his house, which was a real blow. The house had been his from what his granddad had left him, but somehow Gina’s fancy lawyers managed to take that off him as well. Callum hadn’t known any of this. Joe knew his friend would have given him a stake in the firm if that’s what he’d wanted, and that was precisely why he hadn’t told Callum. He wasn’t coming to the party empty handed.

  Then, unbelievably, one month ago he’d found out he and his younger brother were beneficiaries in some great aunt’s will, and he’d never even met the lady. Because of this, he had his stake for Stealth, and now he and Callum were going to expand it together.

  Good job the old lady had managed not to die until after his divorce. Gina would have taken that as well.

  Joe followed the boys downstairs. Lee hurried over to be with Callum, where he was talking to a black-haired guy. The guy was listening to Callum, but his gray eyes were narrowed as he hunted out every detail around him.

  Adam leaned close to Joe. “Who’s that?”

  Joe inhaled Adam’s fragrance. He didn’t know what the hell it was, but fuck it was good. Women always seemed to smell of damn flowers, and who the hell wanted to date a garden?

  “It’s a prospective new Dom,” Joe answered curtly.

  Joe didn’t like Kerrick. He’d met him at Breathless, the other BDSM club that Joe belonged to. Quiet, always in complete control, he scened with both boys and women, one of those guys that was too damn perfect for his own good. But he always wanted to push a sub’s limits. Not that that was a bad thing, but there was just something…

  Joe caught Adam looking the guy up and down. Shit, no—that Dom will eat him up and spit him out. “He’s a sadist, Adam. You’re not to go near him.”

  Adam rounded on Joe, indignation twisting his features. “Says who?”

  Joe pulled himself up short and glared at Adam. Adam immediately dropped those indignant eyes, pink staining his cheeks. Joe opened his mouth to stress again what a completely dumb ass idea it was for Adam to get involved with Kerrick, and he caught himself abruptly. Shit. Adam could scene with whomever he chose. It was nothing whatsoever to do with Joe. He took one more look at the lowered lashes. This was so screwed up. Adam wasn’t his responsibility, and he had to stop interfering.

  Joe mumbled and pushed past Adam to go fetch his jacket. He was tired. He was going home.

  He got caught up in some delivery discrepancies that Kevin, the new barman, wasn’t happy about. Kevin had started a few weeks ago when the last bar manager, Suzie, had decided not to come back after becoming a mom. It took them a while to sort out the discrepancies because the guy was still getting used to the inventory procedures. Fuck, he seemed almost obsessive about it; Joe almost lost his patience with him.

  Joe knew Callum and Lee had left. He assumed Adam had also, and he left Kevin to lock up.

  Joe breathed in the cooler air outside. It was still warmish, but January in Florida had been colder than normal. He wasn’t complaining. The shitty little apartment he’d been renting for the past six months didn’t even have air-con. Joe grinned, remembering. Since moving into his new place two days ago, he didn’t have anything to complain about. He was still grinning when he climbed into his truck—the one extravagance he had managed to keep under Gina’s radar—and patted the steering wheel, fondly. He’d had to crash a few nights in here after the divorce.

  Joe pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the road. There was hardly any traffic this time of year, so he could open the engine up. He cruised down Templeton Road until he had to slow for the changing lights. He glanced to his left as he slowed.

  What the hell? Adam’s bright yellow mini was half-balanced on the curb, listing to one side. Joe could see the flat in the back tire from here, and a small figure hunched over it. Adam.

  Joe quickly did a U-turn, deciding he’d best lend a hand. He wasn’t supposed to, but hell, the road was deserted. He was just in time to see another truck crawl past Adam. He heard shouts—definitely the word fag—before he pulled alongside the mini. The other truck sped off.

  Adam was hunched over the wheel, swearing like a trooper. He’d jumped up, fear written all over his face, as he’d heard Joe pull up alongside him. He raised the wrench across his chest.

  Joe jumped out of the truck. “I hope you’re not gonna hit me with that.” He stumbled as Adam launched himself at Joe like a five foot hurricane.

  “Oh-my-God-oh-my-God! I am so glad to see you.” Adam clung to Joe in obvious relief and Joe grinned back and totally forgot he shouldn’t be letting him. Adam scraped a wet cheek across Joe’s face as he lowered himself.

  Joe tilted Adam’s chin up. “Hey, it’s okay. Did this just happen? I thought you left a while ago.”

  Adam sniffed and lowered his eyes. The Dom in Joe wanted to take him back in his arms. “No, I’ve kinda been stuck,” Adam said. “I can’t get the thingies”—he pointed accusingly at the wheel—“undone.”

  Joe grinned—he couldn’t resist. “You don’t usually have a problem with nuts.” Adam’s jaw fell and he chuckled. It wasn’t often Joe got to shut Adam up. If he ever scened with him he’d have to use a ball gag. Of course, that thought sobered Joe instantly. Maybe he should get a pink flashing sign above his head—Joe is gay.

  Joe felt the boy’s hand on his arm. Adam fixed him with a mischievous face. “Seriously Sir, I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t...come for me.”

  Joe gave that comment precisely the attention it deserved. He ignored it.

  In no time, they got the wheel changed. With some exasperation, Joe noticed the spare tire wasn’t exactly full of life either. “Why didn’t you call me? You know I would have driven straight out.”

  Adam waived his phone. “Battery’s dead.”

  Joe was just about ready to strangle him. He heaved a sigh. “I’m going to follow you home. I don’t trust that car to get you there.”

  Adam flushed and fidgeted. “It’s okay, I’m sure you’re tired. I don’t live far.”

  Joe frowned. He was definitely getting bad vibes from Adam. Why wouldn’t he want him to see where he lived? “I will follow you home.”

  He stared at Adam quietly until Adam’s eyes dropped. “Yes, Sir.”

  Joe got in his truck. He was curious. He wanted to know why Adam was so reluctant for him to follow him home, and he also hadn’t missed the second “Sir”. The subs didn’t have to call the masters “Sir” outside of the club, and he was certain the first time Adam had just been teasing him. The second seemed automatic, though, submissive. Joe tried hard not to think how much it excited him. He’d never scened with Adam, obviously—he wasn’t gay. But to give Adam his due, he’d really helped last year when Lee had been kidnapped. Joe had stepped up to help Callum and he and Adam had been thrown together quite a bit then. And it wasn’t like Joe had suddenly started liking any other boys. Of course, now that he was a friend it was only right Joe should take an interest
in the kid. He was just trying to repay the favor. Yeah, that was it.

  He trailed the yellow mini until he came to a late night 7-Eleven. Joe frowned. Where the hell was Adam going? He parked the mini at the side. Joe pulled the truck up alongside the mini and got out. Maybe Adam needed some milk or something. Adam walked up to Joe and shuffled his feet a little. “Thanks for following me home.”

  Joe looked at the shop, astonished. “Where do you live?”

  Adam blushed. “My apartment’s around the back. You don’t need to follow me farther—I’m home now.”

  A trickle of something Joe didn’t like wound its way down his spine. “Adam, I don’t care where you live. I just want to make sure you get in safely.”

  Adam blushed again. “It’s small. I can’t afford much.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not going until I know you’re in.” Joe firmly set off to the back of the store.

  Adam quickly caught up to him up and gestured to the fire escape. “It’s up there.”

  Adam climbed the steps, Joe right on his heels. Joe saw the smashed padlock and the door ajar at the same time that Adam made a funny noise in his throat and took a step forward. Joe shot his arm out to block him.

  Fuck. Last day on the job and he had no gun on him. Joe immediately stepped in front of Adam and pushed at the door. A smell like rusty nails hit Joe, and every hair on his arms stood up. Adam paled. Joe had been on the job too long not to have developed a strong stomach. “Stay here.”

  He cursed again at his lack of a gun. Joe saw immediately that the place was empty. It was one very small room, attached to a smaller space with a toilet just visible. Someone had attempted to close it off with a curtain, but that lay in tatters on the floor. The room was completely trashed. The drawers in the only chest were ripped open and smashed. Clothes had been torn and thrown about.


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