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PureIndulgenceVSue Page 8

by VictoriaSue

  He broke off briefly before he got too carried away. Adam needed sleep. Joe wasn’t doing anything until he knew there was nothing in his system. Everything Joe was thinking of required Adam’s full attention.

  He reluctantly let Adam slide down and steadied him. “Can you walk?”

  “Yeah, just a bit wobbly.”

  Joe smiled and he put an arm around Adam so he could hang on. He sighed contentedly. He needed to stop worrying about whatever label someone else might want to stick him with, and start concentrating on making them both feel good.

  Joe guided Adam out of the side fire exit door Daniel was holding open for them. Lee was standing next to Joe’s truck and shot them both a grin before going inside with Daniel.

  “Are you hungry?” Joe asked once they were on the road.

  Adam shook his head. Joe let it go. He could feed him tomorrow.

  He pulled into his gated parking lot and was out before Adam had even opened the door. Joe put an arm around him, just in case he was still feeling the after effects of the drugs. No, that wasn’t why he was doing it. Joe needed to stop fooling himself and be honest. He tightened his arm and drank down the shy smile Adam gave him. He was doing this because he wanted to. No “in case”, no justification. Just because.

  Joe got Adam into the apartment. He seemed to be walking okay and was definitely aware. Joe nodded to the bathroom. “Go grab a shower.”

  Adam smiled gratefully and disappeared. Joe walked into his kitchen and looked around. He knew Adam said he didn’t want anything, but...

  By the time Adam was walking out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of Joe’s shorts, Joe was walking into the bedroom carrying a tray. Adam sniffed appreciatively. “Oh my God, what is that?”

  Joe put the tray down and nodded to the two steaming mugs. “That is my gran’s recipe for hot chocolate and those”—he pointed to the cookies—“are my mom’s.” He eyed Adam quietly to see if he got any reaction. He needed honesty between them, not deception, and being afraid of talking about his own mom wasn’t going to give them that.

  Joe patted the space next to him on the bed. Adam grinned and scooted over. “We’re going to drink hot chocolate and eat some cookies. You’re going to get a good eight hours sleep.” Joe paused while he sipped his hot chocolate. “Then in the morning, we’re going to talk and I’m going to give you such a good spanking you will never, ever think about taking drugs again.”

  The gasp from Adam was delicious. Joe grinned. He put his hand out to steady Adam’s shaking mug. He smiled even more when Adam nearly buried his head in it to stop answering him.

  Joe took another sip from his hot chocolate. He ignored the shy sidelong glances he was getting. One last gulp and he was done. “Finished?”

  Adam seemed to be nursing his. Adam shook his head, and Joe got up and disappeared into the bathroom. This was good. He could do this. About time he got his mojo back.

  Joe took his time in the shower. He wanted to make sure he was calm enough not to jump his boy when he got back in bed. He even briefly wondered about hitting the spare room. Nah, Joe dismissed that thought as soon as it was formed. Nothing was going to separate him from Adam, especially not tonight. Besides which, he needed to make sure Adam was okay after taking the sedative from Craig. Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, Joe thought, amused. He walked out of the bathroom and came to a complete stop. Adam was asleep. He was still half sitting up against the pillows, but had managed to put his mug down, thank goodness.

  Joe just stood there. Adam looked so damn young. He thought about all he’d learned about Adam. Experience-wise, it was a wonder he didn’t look older than Joe.

  Joe switched the lights off and padded over, stripping his shorts off at the same time. He usually slept naked. He eased himself into bed and pulled Adam down. Adam moaned slightly at the movement. “Shh. Go to sleep. I’ve got you.”

  And he did.

  Chapter 9

  Joe woke early. Adam was still completely out of it. He’d woken him twice during the night to make sure there’d been no aftereffects from the drugs and Adam was okay both times. Grumpy as hell, but okay.

  Joe smiled. He didn’t think his boy was a morning person. He quietly let himself out of the bedroom and went to fill the coffee maker. He knew Adam liked coffee and maybe the smell would bring him around. He stood looking out of his apartment window while it brewed and planned their day. He was going to take a leisurely bath with Adam and start teaching him some restraint. The only scenes he’d ever seen Adam do at the club usually just involved some mild bondage. He’d never so much as seen him tied to a cross. He contemplated that thought and realized they needed a serious conversation before everything got started. He would play this morning. It was Sunday, and he was expected at home for lunch. His mom would give him endless grief if he didn’t show. Dare he? Could he take Adam? Without any warning? His mom would be okay, but what about his dad? His dad had always had his back, but he was a retired cop with thirty years plus service. He wasn’t sure what he’d make of it all, and he wasn’t sure he was being fair to everyone, Adam included, to just spring it on them.

  Joe wandered back into the kitchen when he heard the coffee machine bleep. He snagged a bottle of water from the fridge also and took the coffee into the bedroom. The bed was empty, and he could hear Adam in the bathroom. He took an appreciative sip and sat as the bathroom door opened. Adam walked back in wearing a pair of Joe’s shorts. Mmm, well he wouldn’t need those for very long.

  “Made coffee, but there’s water if you’re thirsty.” Adam smiled and gratefully grabbed the bottle. He tipped it back and glugged. Joe watched the movement in his boy’s long, slim throat and could feel himself tighten up. He was going to see how far Adam’s boundaries extended, but at this rate he was going to have to reevaluate his own.

  Adam glugged some more water down and then reached for the coffee. It suddenly seemed very quiet, and Joe knew he needed to start the conversation he had promised last night.

  “What makes you think you are a submissive?”

  Joe loved the surprise on Adam’s face at the unexpected question, and alarm skirted his features a little. “I—” Adam paused, clearly trying to gather his thoughts.

  “It wasn’t a trick question. I’m not trying to catch you out.” Joe smiled. “I’m genuinely interested.” He placed his mug back on the night stand.

  “I don’t know.” Adam half shrugged, but Joe could see the panic his features were trying to hide. He hadn’t expected this reaction though. He’d genuinely meant the question as an ice breaker.

  “Let’s try an easier one then. Tell me any hard limits you have that are different to the club’s.”

  Adam blushed. “Ménage.”

  Joe smiled. He tucked the purple lock that had fallen forward behind Adam’s ear. “Yes, I know. That was what clued me in that everything wasn’t all right last night.”

  Adam nodded. “I—thank you.”

  “What else?”

  “I don’t like restraints.”

  Joe tipped his head to one side and considered what he was hearing. The no restraints limit was a big one. A lot of dungeon scenes involved restraints. Joe tried to think what scenes he had seen Adam participate in. He’d seen him on spanking benches. He’d seen Callum use a flogger on him a few times. Of course, that was before Callum had met Lee. Joe had never seen Adam particularly involved in a heavy scene. They were always light. Now that he came to think about it, he couldn’t honestly say he’d ever seen Adam heavily invested in anything. No big scenes, no strict Doms. He wondered how much of himself Adam held back.

  Joe suddenly wanted it all. He wasn’t sure Adam had ever really submitted to anyone. Politeness and courtesy were not the same things, and Joe didn’t think anyone had ever noticed. “Is that an absolute hard limit or something you would try if you trusted the Dom?”

  Adam’s head came up quickly, as if the question had panicked him agai
n. He licked his lips. Joe’s eyes were drawn to the bead of moisture that stood on the bottom one. He held Adam’s gaze and slowly swiped his thumb over Adam’s bottom lip. Still staring, he brought the thumb to his own lips and sucked.

  Adam’s breathing quickened, but he hadn’t answered the question. “I don’t think you’ve ever truly submitted control, Adam. I think you like the idea, and I think you crave the attention more than the act, but you always keep a part of yourself hidden.” Joe stood, not asking for a reply or a denial, and went over to his set of drawers in the corner. He knew Adam was watching him. He pulled out a soft rope.

  “I don’t like ropes.” Joe could nearly taste the panic in Adam’s voice.

  Joe nodded and returned to the bed with the rope, a tube of cream, and a small towel. “You can always safeword.”

  Adam licked his lips. Joe could see the faster breaths pushing his chest up and down.

  “Remove your shorts and lie down on your back.”


  Joe was thrilled. He may have been confused by the order, but the “Sir” slipped out naturally.

  “It’s warm in here, you won’t be cold.” Adam did as he was asked. Joe saw straight away that his cock wasn’t exactly limp but didn’t look very interested either. With the nerves in Adam’s voice, he wasn’t surprised.

  Adam lay on the bed, but his anxious eyes followed Joe. Joe sat next to him, leaving his own shorts on. “Close your eyes.”

  Adam closed his eyes, but Joe took in the boy’s stiff body and the tufts of sheet that Adam gripped. He was scared. Joe wondered about what Callum had told him earlier. He was more and more convinced that Adam had been hiding from them all.

  He could see the pulse point on his throat hammering away. “Adam, you’re not restrained yet.” He placed a reassuring hand on Adam’s arm and Adam nodded. “Take a couple of deep breaths with me. In. Out.” Joe watched him like a hawk. “In. Out.” Adam’s fingers relaxed their death grip, and Joe picked up one of his hands and massaged the fingers gently. “Now, the most important thing. What’s your safeword?”

  Adam tensed again. Joe continued gently massaging Adam’s hand and rubbing his thumb in circles on his palm. “I have every intention of restraining you, and you need to be able to safeword if it gets to be too much.”

  “B-but—” Joe could see Adam was panicking.

  Joe continued rubbing the small circles on Adam’s palms.

  “It’s Zachary.”

  Joe paused. A name was an unusual safeword, it could be confused, although they had no members by that name.

  “Zachary?” Adam nodded stiffly at Joe repeating the name. “Okay then.” Joe would think about it later. “Now, all I need you to do for the next thirty minutes is relax. Just relax and listen to my voice. Have you ever had a massage?”

  “No, Sir.” The words were rushed, curious, eager. Joe grinned.

  He looked at his boy. Still tense. He reached over for some lotion he’d brought out of the bathroom and slicked his hands.

  “You’re very tense. Roll over.” Once Adam was lying on his front, Joe nudged his legs apart and knelt between them. He bent forward and smoothed his palms downwards from the nape of Adam’s neck to the tops of his buttocks.


  Joe chuckled at Adam’s surprise. “Shh. Just relax.” He did it again, and Adam pressed deeper into the bed, relaxing his shoulders slightly. Joe swept over both shoulders with his hands. He spent a good five minutes working out the kinks in Adam’s shoulders, then brought his hands lower.

  Adam hadn’t said a word, but with his head turned to the side Joe could see his mouth opening silently each time Joe hit a new spot. Joe reached Adam’s ass and trailed one slick finger down. Adam shook. “Ohh...I—Sir.”

  Joe paused briefly to nuzzle the gap between his head and his neck. Joe dropped a kiss on Adam’s cheek, and Adam’s eyes fluttered closed again. “Mmm...”

  He wanted him relaxed and trusting, because he was going to tie his hands.

  Joe worked on every inch of Adam’s back, ass, arms and legs. He even worked the arches in Adam’s feet. By the time he’d gotten to Adam’s calves, his boy looked boneless. Joe worked his way up again, until he reached Adam’s parted lips. He kissed each of them, very satisfied when the kisses drew a smile. “Adam, I am going to use the rope.”

  “Sir?” Adam lifted his head a little and opened his eyes. Joe saw the worry in them. Later, they would talk. Adam had been attracted to the lifestyle because he liked the attention, but he’d never trusted anyone to surrender control. He’d successfully fooled everyone.

  Joe was also willing to bet Adam had never used his safeword either, because he wouldn’t have ever allowed himself to be put in a situation where there was a chance he might need it. Trust. It was all about trust. If they were to have any chance at all with each other, trust was where they needed to start.

  Joe’s hands glided up and down Adam’s back and Adam’s eyes fluttered shut again. He carried on gently for another few minutes until he saw Adam fully relax again, then he reached for the rope and deftly tied Adam’s hands to the bed post. “What’s your safeword?”

  “Zachary.” Adam’s voice sounded puzzled, as if he couldn’t quite believe he was allowing Joe to do this.

  Joe moved the pillows lower under Adam, so his cock was raised slightly off the bed. “If this gets too much, safe word and I will take it off. You can give up control because you made the choice to do it. You don’t have to be drugged.”

  Without any warning, Joe brought the flat of his hand down on Adam’s ass. The smack echoed around the room. Adam cried out in shock and flexed his fingers.

  Joe pulled the pillow lower. He rubbed the slight pink hand print on Adam’s ass, and brought his other one down hard on the other cheek. “I’m not going to tell you how many I am going to do. That’s my decision, not yours. You’re not going to know whether I will do ten or fifty.” Joe grinned at the answering squeak. “I’m going to smack you so you will never, ever, do that again.” Joe wasn’t just doing it as a punishment though. He was doing it to take all control from Adam. Joe’s smacks were rhythmical. Adam was being pushed down with each one, and he knew the friction on his cock was getting intense, and would be hurting. His skin was pink and inflamed, and Adam’s cries were getting harsher as he was beginning to panic. Adam pulled and flexed his wrists in the restraints. Joe kept up the smacks on Adam’s ass. He deliberately didn’t caress or praise between each one. Normally Joe would have made this an intense sexual experience, but this was about something else today.

  Just as Joe was worrying his plan was going to backfire, Adam raised his head. Joe brought his hand down harshly, before Adam had the chance to process the last one, and that seemed to finally push Adam over the edge.

  “Zachary. Zachary.” The words tumbled out of Adam’s mouth, all the more heart wrenching to Joe because they poured out helplessly.

  Joe stopped instantly. With a flick on the rope, it was unraveled and Joe scooped Adam into his arms. Harsh sobs echoed around the room as Adam shook and cried, and Joe’s heart clenched with every one. Joe positioned Adam so his sore ass was between his legs, and he just hung on and rocked his boy.


  The small, shaky word stabbed at Joe. If he could have got any of Adam closer than he already was, he would have done so. Joe swallowed. This was where Adam had to understand.

  “No.” Adam’s shaky voice carried on. “I know why, Sir.” Adam raised glistening green eyes and the intense stare was more powerful because it was so unusual. Adam usually kept his gaze lowered. Maybe Adam was beginning to understand, maybe he knew that submission wasn’t another way of hiding.

  “You did that so I would safeword,” Adam said.

  Joe nodded in reply—he didn’t trust his voice.

  “You wanted me to know that if I used it you would stop.” Adam smiled wanly and whispered so low that if Joe wasn’t focu
sing so intently on him, he would have missed it. “Painful lesson.”

  Joe bent his head in sheer relief, knowing Adam hadn’t just meant physical pain, and for a few seconds they just breathed each other in.

  After a short time, Joe raised his head as Adam moved and winced. “Lay on your front.”

  Adam answered Joe’s softly spoken order with a smile, and moved gingerly. Joe reached over to the bedside for the tube that Adam had probably assumed was lube. He knelt once again between Adam’s legs, and smoothed the clear gel over his palms.

  “Oh.” Adam relaxed instantly the moment Joe smoothed the cooling gel over Adam’s ass. It didn’t take many strokes, and Adam was completely relaxed and breathing quietly.

  “Still with me, boy?” Joe chuckled softly when Adam smiled. “Turn over.”

  Adam moved and stretched languorously. Joe knew the analgesic gel would stop his ass hurting for a while. Time to make his boy a little happier. Joe reached down for Adam’s flaccid cock, and was gratified at the tiny moan he heard when his fingers closed around it. Joe played for a few minutes slowly, gently, feeling it swell and harden.

  Joe shuffled slightly, then bent his head down quickly. He heard the gasp at the same time as his lips closed around Adam’s hard length.


  Joe’s belly tightened. Who knew he would have liked this so much? If someone had asked him, even a week ago, he would have been horrified. Soft hands ghosted his shoulders, and suddenly Joe wanted them around his scalp, sharp nails tugging at his skin. Joe groaned as desire hit him harder. He gripped Adam’s hands and brought them around the back of his head. He dove at Adam’s length and grunted triumphantly as fingers tightened sharply, and the nails he longed for dug in.

  “Sir.” Adam was getting noisier, his hands fisting the sheets again, but not because he was scared this time. “I—”

  Joe pulled up. “What Adam, what do you need?”


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