Ice Burns

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Ice Burns Page 16

by Lucy Alice

  Sarah and I are back on track. I finally got to the bottom of what was going on with her, and while I’ll always be sorry for the pain her meltdown caused me and Aiden, the outcome has been worth it, I think, and I’m thrilled to see my best friend opening herself up to new opportunities. Taylor and Aiden couldn’t be more different, but they get on really well, and when you throw Jamie in the mix… they’re a riot, those three.

  I’m lost in thought, so I don’t hear the door open, but suddenly a pair of hands are on my hips and I jump.

  “Why aren’t you running?”

  “Why aren’t you in bed? “

  We say together.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “I wanted to see you.”

  We say it together again and we both laugh. Aiden puts his hands under my shirt and I suck in a deep breath. It’s not freezing out, but his hands are cold on my skin. It also exposes my ass, and it’s his turn to suck in a heavy breath as he realises I’m not wearing any underwear.

  He leans into my neck, planting kisses the way he knows drives me wild and I tilt my head forward to give him more access.

  One of Aiden’s hands moves from my hip, down the front and slides between my folds as he begins to rub my clit and I moan. My legs spread and Aiden slides into me. It’s gentle and it’s sweet and erotic as all hell, out here in the open, in the daylight. I come hard, as I usually do, with my toes curling and Aiden’s name on my lips, which is normally all it takes to finish him.

  If anyone was looking up, they’d see two lovers who belong wholly and completely to each other. They’d know people could fall in love in an instant, in a day, in two weeks. They’d know that love is real, that it is a fairytale, that a romance novel can be true.

  If anyone looked up, they would see two dreamers awake, living our happy ever after.

  Paradise indeed.

  The End (for Now)


  Firstly, Kitty, my soul sister, my soulmate, without your encouragement and your belief I’d never have gone past the first pages of this story. You were my first writing partner and beta reader. Thank you Kitkat.

  My girls, even though you don’t know what I’m writing, you’ve been so supportive of ‘mommy writing stories’ and allowed me to hunker down. Thank you for your enthusiasm at the PG pages I’ve read to you.

  A huge thanks also to my beta readers Jackie P, Jennifer B, Anna R, Kitty and the amazing authors from The Stone Circle for all your support, feedback and comments on my first novel!

  Say hello on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!

  You can also stay up to date on Goodreads and Amazon

  Coming Soon:



  I just need to get through the door.

  That’s all I’m thinking as I open the throttle a little to speed past a row of slow moving cars heading into town.

  If I can get her to at least give me a chance, I know it’ll be a great fit. I can feel it in my bones, as my old Gramma used to say.

  It’s the same problem I have every time I have to face a new client, I should be used to it by now. Their first impression of me is more like a ‘WTF’ moment. I’ll admit, I don’t look like your average nurse. Not even like your average male nurse. And if you want to get all analytical about it I guess I will concede that I probably overcompensate with the bike, the piercings and the tattoos, but that’s just because I like the bike, the piercings and the tattoos. It’s not about making a statement. Not any more, anyway.

  I reach up to my breast pocket and feel the envelope of carefully folded papers. My references. So important to most job applicants, but a lifeline for me because - frankly - of how I look.

  I find the coffee shop and park up the bike. Another bonus of a bike, parking is a quick job, especially in this town with its one ways and limited parking. I open the door to the coffee shop and let a cute little girl and what must be her grandmother exit before I step through, immediately spotting the redhead with the stack of folders on the table at the back. My stomach knots a little. That’s a lot of applicants. Damn it.

  I’m a little early and wondering if I should get myself a drink and wait, but I decide to jump in and get the proverbial ball rolling. Just a foot in the door, that’s all I need. Just a toe, seriously.

  “Ms Hill?” She doesn’t look up. “Sarah?” This time she does look up and frowns at me. That’s a nice change - it’s not shock, or horror, just confusion.

  “Can I help you?”

  “It’s Taylor. Taylor Frost, here for the caring position?” I don’t say interview. I’m going to act like I already have the job. I’m sure that’s something I read in a ‘self actualise your life’ type self-help book once.

  Her eyes go wide, and… there it is… the surprise eye lift.

  “Oh…. right… uhm… I’m sorry, I was… I don’t know why, really, I guess Taylor can go both ways. I was expecting a woman. You’re here for the caring position?”

  Uh uh honey. This Taylor only goes one way. Fortunately I don’t say that out loud.

  “I sure am, ma’am.” I smile at her. I’m a friendly guy. You like me. You want me for this job. I wish someone could invent mind infiltrating eye laser beams already. “And I do think it’s the first time anyone’s confused me for a woman.” I add with a smirk. Not cocky, not cheeky, just like something a friendly guy would do.

  “I can see why,” she doesn’t look sure about me at all, but then she shrugs and indicates at the chair while pulling a file with my name on it from the pile. “Well, sit down then. Let’s get this over with.”

  Now, it’s my turn to raise my eyebrows and I feel a flash of anger rush through me. At least give me a fucking chance here.

  “Get it over with? How about we get it started, and keep an open mind? I could be the answer to your prayers. You could be the answer to mine. Maybe this coffee is just the start of something amazing?”

  She looks at me hard through narrowed eyes for a few very long seconds as I pull out a seat, sit down and put my helmet under the table.

  “I don’t need something amazing Mr Frost. I don’t. What I need is someone who turns up when they say they will, who does the job they’re paid for, and who doesn’t make my life more difficult than it already is. That is what I need.”

  I smile at her again. She’s obviously very stressed. I reach down to pick up my helmet. It’s a gamble, but you know what they say… go big or go home. The fact I actually have no home to go to tonight is besides the point.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. If that’s all you want from someone, then I guess this isn’t the job for me.” I stand up again, holding my hand out to her. “See, I care about my clients, and I care about their health and improving their lives. I don’t just look after their basic needs. To me, seeing them living happy, fulfilled lives is the end game. If all you want is a jobs worth, I am definitely going to fail you. I do wish you luck though, you look like what you really need is a good night’s sleep and a big hug.”

  She stares at me, her mouth hanging open a few inches, and heaven help me, for a split second I notice how red her lips are and that she’s at crotch level looking up at me with wide, surprised eyes and my dick stirs. Sonofabitch, this is not the time.

  I drop my hand and slowly begin to turn away. Now I want to kick myself, because she’s not stopping me. Maybe I got this all wrong. Fuck. FUCK.


  Oh fuck, my heart leaps and I turn round to face her, pasting a quizzical look on my face to cover the sheer relief I feel right now.

  “You don’t have any coffee.”

  “What?” I’m lost.

  “You said, and I quote ‘maybe this coffee is the start of something amazing’, right?” I nod as she raises her still full mug. “You don’t have any coffee. You should get some, so we can talk.”

  I nod at her, turn away, and I hope as I walk to the counter she can’t see the grin on my face.


sp; I’m in a coffee shop just around the corner from home and I’ve had four interviews with very capable, experienced women. I have two more booked for tonight and five for the first week in January, if none of these work out. Joanne was great, but she has a child at home so doesn’t want a live in position. I’m waiting for the next candidate to arrive - she’s 10 minutes late, so this isn’t promising - so I open my notepad and write out Joanne’s full name, and next to it write, ‘last resort’. Next I write Emily. She had a lot of experience but hadn’t worked with Downs Syndrome teens before. She was willing to learn on the job, but I’m not sure that’s best for Jay. I write ‘maybe’ next to her name. Next I write Margaret , the 22 year old who kept chewing gum through the whole interview, and I couldn’t tell you a thing about her experience. All I can think about is the open mouthed gum chewing and the possibility of finding chewed gum under all my counters at home. Yuk. She’s a no.

  My 6:30 hasn’t turned up yet, so I’m just trying to look busy, lost in my thoughts, when I’m interrupted by a deep male voice.


  I look up, but I don’t know who he is. Someone I’ve hooked up with? No, I normally go for the preppy types, not the tattooed, pierced types who walk around with helmets under their arms.

  “Can I help you?” Because I’m a little busy here, buddy. And you’re not my type.

  “It’s Taylor. Taylor Frost, here for the caring position?”

  Hell to the no. What the fuck?

  I stammer out something, totally letting the strong independent woman vibe take a little vacay.

  He says he’s never been mistaken for a woman before.

  No kidding. He is huge, tattooed, pierced. Kind of good looking, actually, when you’ve had a moment to get used to it. I mean, he could totally lift me - uh, Jayden. He could totally lift Jayden. If he fell down. Or fainted. Not that he’s ever fainted. Fuck, what did he say?

  Something about open minds and coffee and something amazing.

  I am tired, and stressed and not in the mood for a smart mouth, even one with totally kissable lips. Wait, what? Seriously Sarah, what the fuck?

  I just want someone who can do their job, so I tell him that and in return he gives me a whole speech about clients and well being and fulfilled lives and this whole interview has started off so weird and yet he is getting ready to leave and I have no idea what the hell is going on, but he starts walking away.


  I take a deep breath and try to steady myself. I must be tired. Or coming down with something. I really need to organise a caregiver for the next few weeks at least and was hoping to have someone viable who could at least allow me to get to work every day.

  I tell him to get a coffee so that we can talk. He smiles and walks towards the counter and I shake my head to clear the cobwebs because, again, what the fuck. I take a few yoga breaths - I don’t do yoga, but I’ve heard breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth is good for your brain, so it won’t hurt to try.

  When he returns, I suggest we start again.

  “Okay, Taylor Frost, let’s try this again. Who are you and why do I want to hire you?”

  He grins at me and I can’t help notice how gorgeous his smile is. I find myself inconveniently distracted by his lips. He does tell me things, and I nod a lot, but my eyes are tracking his mouth and I have to remind myself to make eye contact with him every once in a while, but before I know it, I’m staring at his mouth again.

  I catch key words though - Down’s Syndrome, young man, independent living, horse therapy, motorbike, low maintenance.

  “So, what do you think?”

  I look back at his eyes, recognising that he asked me a question.

  “What?” I am coming across so dumb. Mostly because I’m being so dumb.

  “What do you say? Will you give me a chance?”

  “Uhm… I .. I’m not… I don’t… “

  He points at the list my hands are resting on. Well, ‘hell no’, “last resort” and “maybe” might be giving me a false sense of hope, but we’ve been chatting for 45 minutes and I’ve told you my whole life story, so I’m thinking maybe that’s promising?”

  Shit. I forgot to cover my notepad. And 45 minutes? I look at my watch and he’s right. I guess that means I can put a ‘no show’ next to the other candidate.

  “Well, I… it’s just...” I have no idea what you’ve told me about your life story because apparently, I’ve been dreaming about your lips all over my body.

  “I tell you what - I’ll work for free for the next two weeks. Call it a trial period and on the 1st of January, you can tell me if I have the job or not? I’ll follow you home tonight, you can introduce me to Jayden and we’ll see where it goes from there? What do you have to lose?”

  This guy. I can’t think straight when he talks to me.



  “Yes. Trial period, starting tomorrow. 7 am.”

  “Not tonight?”

  “No, I need to bed you.” SHIT! I shut my eyes and shake my head, take a deep breath and let out a sigh “I need to get my room ready for you.”

  He raises his eyebrows at me.

  “Not my room, the room in my house. For you. Your room.”

  Urgh, this is ridiculous! gather up my all the folders on the desk and stuff them into my handbag, but I’m so flustered right now that I drop half of them onto the ground. I crouch down to pick them up at the same moment Taylor Frost does and our faces are really close to each other. Our eyes lock and he tilts his head to the side, just enough that it looks as if he’s about to kiss me, but I remember that I’ve just employed him, so I hurtle my body backwards, smacking into the coffee table behind us, sending coffee flying over the couple who were sitting there.

  I want to scream, but instead I just glare at Taylor and practically run out the coffee shop.

  This is a very, very bad idea.




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