Tangled Up Hearts

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Tangled Up Hearts Page 3

by Hughes, Deborah

  Trisha’s chin warbled and her voice was faint when she spoke. “Never mind. I’ll tell Jack the wedding is off. We’ll get tickets and go to Las Vegas or something.”

  Throwing up her hands in exasperation and letting out a small strangled sound of frustration, Alyssa waved away the suggestion. “Don’t be ridiculous.” With a determined glint in her eyes, she turned to Cole. “A friendly truce, Cole. One month of blissful friendship and then …” she paused to flash him a sweet smile. “I’ll plot your demise.”

  Cole’s eyes dropped to her smile and then suddenly he grinned, his blue eyes warm and oddly compelling when they once again lifted to meet hers. “You’re on, sweetheart.”

  Although his smile made her heart skip, the unexpected endearment caused it to flutter in her chest like a trapped butterfly. Her face stinging with heat, she lowered her head and prayed he didn't notice just how much he was affecting her. After all, meaningless endearments shouldn't be causing any sort of stir. Not his anyway.

  Cole planted his hands firmly on her shoulders and drew her close, his eyes colliding with her startled ones as his head dipped. “To peace.”

  Shocked that they were going to do this again, Alyssa parted her lips on a quick intake of breath and that’s when he covered her mouth with his. Her hands fluttered to his chest and she experienced the curious feel of his heartbeat against her palm. His lips were as firm as the first kiss only this time he drew her closer to his lean, hard body sending a rush of liquid heat surging through her veins. His mouth caressed hers in light, teasing movements confusing her until she realized what he was doing. He was putting on a show for Trisha’s benefit. Certainly he was not trying to tantalize her into deepening the kiss. Surely not. Much as she wanted to push him away and call his bluff, another idea clanged through her mangled brain. Maybe she'd just teach him a lesson instead.

  Deciding to focus on her actions rather than Cole's body, she slid her hands across his chest, up around his broad shoulders then into his soft hair. Who would have guessed it would be that soft? What in the world did he use in it? But then her thoughts were redirected when his body jerked ever so slightly and he tried to draw away.

  Oh no, not yet buddy boy.

  Alyssa’s arms tightened their hold and he went so still she thought he'd even stopped breathing. Smiling inwardly, Alyssa relaxed her body against him and increased the pressure of her mouth on his. No more of that skimming crap. If they were going to do this, they were going to do it for real.

  When he once again tried to withdraw, she refused to let him go and became even bolder. His discomfiture urged her on and she grazed his lips with her tongue, delighting in how completely and utterly stiff he went in her arms. His obvious surprise made her want to crow with triumph. Take that you pompous ass!

  She should have known he would not allow her to best him.

  After the briefest hesitation, his tongue met hers and the sensation sent funny little tingles through her body. The stirrings of desire. It sizzled low in her belly and messed with her breathing, causing her lips to part on an intake of breath.

  Cole was quick to take advantage and suddenly his tongue was tangling with hers.

  Had all the air just been sucked from the room? Alyssa couldn’t breathe. Neither, it seemed, could Cole for he drew away and dragged in a quick breath before coming back for more, plundering her mouth as if he couldn't possibly get enough. It made her heart slam painfully against her breastbone and her traitorous body melted like hot wax against him. The pleasure spiraling through her turned her insides to mush and she feared she'd slide boneless to his feet. Thankfully his arms tightened their hold and insured she remained standing. If being plastered to his body could be called standing that is.

  Much as she wanted to hide her response to him, she could no more control the tremor that shook through her than she could control the tempo of her heart. Her body, it seemed, had developed a will of its own and it wanted more. Before she could even give thought to it, her arms tightened, pulling his head closer and her body molded against the hard contours of his.

  Cole deepened the kiss.

  Every cell in her body came alive with excitement and Alyssa fought to regain some control on her wayward reactions. To say she was taken completely by surprise at the sensations flowing through her would be an understatement. She was aware of everything and focusing on all of it. His strong arms circling her, his hands splayed across her back, his firm chest pressed against her breasts, his leg insinuating between hers and his mouth stirring her senses into a frenzy of need.

  It was the growing need that sent off warning clangs through her brain. Despite her clambering excitement, anger came to her rescue. That and extreme unwillingness to let him win. So that’s how he wanted to play it? Fine. She could give as good or better than him any day.

  With devious retaliation in mind, she began a slow, sensuous dance with his tongue and was thrilled to note his breathing deepening. Pressed as close as he was, she felt his heart drumming hard against her breastbone and a sense of triumph shot through her that she could affect him that way. It was a short-lived triumph, however, for almost immediately it gave way to aching need. Pure sensation flooded her and suddenly she was experiencing the curious heat of sexual desire. In fact, she was beginning to ache with it. How was this possible to be responding to him in this intense, soul-shattering way?

  Heart-stopping dread washed over her. Good Lord! This was Cole she was kissing. Cole who was holding her so close his body was imprinted on her own. His name echoed over and over in her head and her temperature rose to such a degree that she feared bursting into flames. Though her head screamed for her to pull away, she returned his kisses with as much enthusiasm as he gave them. So caught up was she in the thrill of it all that she forgot about Trisha, her dislike for the man and the rage his meddling the night before had caused. All those things slipped into obscurity as she became more and more lost in complete mind-boggling delight. God, but he felt good.

  It was Cole who broke the kiss, lifting his head enough to look at her, his eyes lit with passion and dawning alarm.

  Fearing he'd see how profoundly that kiss had affected her, she dropped her gaze to his mouth. Only that didn't work either because she had the appalling urge to kiss him again. Horrified by that impulse, she looked up and focused on his hair instead. It was tousled somewhat adorably and she was disgusted by the fact that she found it quite endearing. Why did he have to be so damned handsome? He looked so appealing right now that she wanted to run her hands up into that silky hair of his and tousle it some more.

  The ideas running through her brain finally began to register with her consciousness and Alyssa put an immediate halt to the provocative images. Dismayed to be thinking like that, and about Cole of all people, Alyssa's eyes widened and returned to meet his with growing alarm. Even now, despite her senses returning and smacking her upside the head, her body wanted to press against his once again and her arms wanted to tighten, pulling his head down for another kiss. Oh God! This was not acceptable. To be thinking thoughts like that was wrong on so many levels.

  Aghast at the sudden turn of events, her arms fell away, though she didn’t quite feel strong enough to pull back from his support. How could two people who hated each other as much as they did share such an explosive kiss?

  “For goodness sake. You guys can even turn a kiss into a battle! I just don’t believe it.” Trisha stood and brushed passed them. “You two are utterly amazing.” She crossed the room and stopped before the large picture window facing the front lawn, her shoulders bunched with tension.

  Her strength returning, Alyssa hastily stepped away from Cole’s arms and turned to Trisha. She needed to get out of there. Now. “We can do this, Trish.” This day would not cease to amaze her. Despite the emotions clanging through her body, she actually managed to speak with a steady voice! She even sounded normal despite her state of utter chaos. She wanted to turn and show Cole how meaningless that kiss was to her
but she didn't dare. Her voice might sound fine but her body would probably betray her. Much as it had moments ago when he kissed her.

  “Yes, Al is right.” Cole walked to his sister and put a hand on her shoulder. Giving it a gentle squeeze, he bent and kissed the top of her head. “You will have your truce. I promise.”

  Trisha turned about and looked up into Cole’s face. She studied him intently for a minute and then satisfied with what she saw there, she relaxed and smiled. “Thanks, Cole.” She tip-toed up and kissed him on the cheek then turned to look at Alyssa, her eyes shimmering with emotion. “I really love you for this. I know what it’s costing you, Al.”

  Alyssa gave her a faint smile. Trisha had no idea. None at all. That little tongue war she and Cole had just engaged in changed everything. She needed to get the hell out of there and evaluate the situation, consider her options and how she was going to proceed with this truce. For now, though, she needed to downplay the whole sordid mess. “It’s not that big a deal, Trish.” With a quick glance to her watch, she hurried to the sofa and picked up her purse. “Gee, I’ve gotta run.” Although it meant going near Cole again, she forced herself to cross the room and give Trisha a quick hug. “I’ll call you later and we’ll get busy on wedding plans.”

  Trisha was all smiles. “That will be great.” She squeezed Alyssa’s hand. “Thanks.”

  Alyssa backed towards the door. Her only consuming thought was that she needed to get the hell out of Dodge and quickly. “Don’t mention it.” Her fingers encountered the door knob and she thankfully wrapped her hand around it. Drawing in a deep breath, she forced herself to look at Cole. “Bye, Cole.” Please believe our passionate skirmish was nothing but a battle of wills and nothing more.

  He remained next to his sister, his hands tucked into the front pocket of his jeans. Though he affected a relaxed stance, he seemed rather … stiff? Maybe “still” was a better word. Certainly not his composed, self-assured, smirky self. His eyes searched hers so intensely that it was all she could do not to move in restless discomfort beneath his stare. What was he looking for anyway?

  After what seemed like ages, he nodded. “See you around, Al.”

  So the truce had begun. Barbed parting remarks were now a thing of the past. She flashed Trisha a fleeting smile and escaped out the door.

  Once in the sunshine and out of the stifling atmosphere of Trisha’s house, Alyssa deflated against the door. With her eyes closed against the crazy world, she drew in a deep breath then stifled a disbelieving groan. How could that have happened? What on earth was he going to think now? Good Lord! She just kissed Cole Delaney. Cole! Just thinking about it made her breathing go haywire. Peace or no, she would stay as far away from that man as she possibly could manage in the ensuing weeks.

  That decided, she felt slightly better and made a hasty run for her car.

  Once she was moving along down the street, she forcefully pushed thoughts of the kiss to the far regions of her addled brain. Maybe she was coming down with something and it had her hormones all out of whack. It was a comforting thought.

  * * *

  Once Alyssa was gone, Cole let out a relieved breath and stared at the closed door in frowning disbelief. Had he really just kissed Al? Who would have known she could kiss like that? He should have guessed those full, pouty lips of hers would be very kissable. Even so, he was quite unprepared for her response. It had been nothing more than a battle of wills. He knew that. She was always trying to best him in one way or another. It was her mission in life, or so it seemed, to do her utmost to annoy the hell out of him. He found her completely irritating. But once she went pliant and soft in his arms, he felt a totally different response and that bothered him immensely. He did not want her having any sort of advantage over him. She would make full use of it and ensure his life was a living nightmare. Actually, she did a pretty good job at that already. He ran a hand over his face and up into his hair which, he suddenly realized, was sticking up all over the place.


  Trisha, he noted with a silent groan, had retreated to the sofa and was watching him closely. Hoping to ease some of the speculation he saw in her eyes, he sauntered over to join her. After settling down beside her, he took her hand and squeezed it. “I am really happy for you and Jack, but I’m also very concerned.” His gaze wondered over her and settled on her still flat stomach. “Are you sure everything is going to be okay? Is there anything I can do?”

  Trisha smiled at his concern. “No, I just need to take it easy. Doctor’s orders.” She shifted uncomfortably beneath his stare and gave a small shrug. “Jack and I knew we could be asking for trouble having the two of you spend that much time together. We had visions of you both breaking out into some sort of argument during the ceremony and then ripping into each other at the reception. That being, only if you made it through the rehearsal.”

  Cole conceded that she had a point and gave a small sigh. “I guess it does get out of hand with us.” He sank back against the cushions and stared up at the ceiling. “I had it figured that as we grew older things would get better between us. But it has only gotten worse.”

  Trisha spread her fingers in a show of bafflement. “I just don’t get it, Cole. You are the most loyal, kindest, loving person I know. And, you’re loads of fun to have around. Al is the sweetest, softest- hearted girl I know. It doesn’t make sense this metamorphosis you two undergo whenever you get near each other.” She shook her head in frustration. “I love you both. It really bothers me that you hate each other so intensely.” She squeezed his arm. “I’m sorry I forced you both into a peace agreement, but Jack and I felt that if we didn’t do something, a peaceful wedding was going to be darn near impossible.”

  Cole turned his head to look at her and give a gentle frown of censure. “I don’t blame you for wanting us to behave ourselves for your wedding, but really, Trisha, did you truly find it necessary to force us to kiss on it?”

  Trisha laughed. “I had it in my mind that if you could bring yourselves to do that, well, you could bring yourselves to a point where you could actually spend time in each other’s company and not launch into a verbal battle.” Her gaze took on that speculative look again. “I wasn’t sure how to take that kiss. You two seemed … well ….” She trailed off, her face turning red.

  Cole stood and ran his hands through his hair. “It was a battle of wills.” He flashed a sudden grin. “You know, an ‘I can kiss better than you’ kind of challenge.”

  Trisha’s face cleared though she didn’t look completely convinced. “Of course. Well, I have to admit, it was strange seeing you in each other’s arms.” She grinned back. “Maybe ….”

  Cole lifted a hand to stop her. “Hold it right there, little sister. Don't go getting any ideas. I still think she is the most irritating creature on the face of this earth.”

  Trisha laughed. “Oh, Cole. I think if the two of you could get past all the stupid pranks you’ve pulled on each other over the years, you would find that you could actually like each other.”

  Cole leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’m not interested in liking your friend, Trisha. But I will, however, be a good boy and make sure you have a wonderful wedding.” He tugged on a curly lock of her hair. “We must concentrate on ensuring that you and the baby will be fine.” He started for the door. “Call me if you need anything. Anything. You hear me?”

  “Yes, Cole. And thanks again.”

  As soon as he closed the door behind him, Trisha blew out a big breath. Phew. She had done it. Cole and Alyssa had agreed to a truce. Would it hold? She felt certain that it would. They both loved her and their concern alone would ensure they held to their agreement.

  Despite her satisfaction with how things went, she experienced a small pang of guilt about playing the health concern up a bit. Then again, given Al's attitude when she arrived and the ensuing argument when Cole joined them, she felt justified for doing so. Besides, it was true that the first trimester was the most crucial and sh
e had done some spotting. Although the doctor seemed to think that as long as she didn’t overdo it everything would be fine, she decided to play it up when Alyssa came charging into her house ranting about Cole. Should she feel guilty?

  Needing some reassurance, Trisha called her fiancée. He was no doubt waiting to hear how it went with their favorite combative pair. “Hi, honey. Well, Cole and Al just left.”

  Jack’s voice was cautious. “And? How did it go?”

  Trisha bit her lip. “I kind of exaggerated things a bit.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I told them I was having some trouble with the pregnancy and that the doctor said I could not have any stress in my life.”

  Jack chuckled. “You are a scheming little wench.”

  Trisha smiled. “It worked, though. They agreed to a truce. I even got them to kiss on it.”

  “What? Wow, I would have given anything to see that.” His voice echoed his puzzlement. “How in hell did you manage it?”

  “I told them I wouldn’t believe they meant it until I saw them kiss.” Her voice softened. “And, Jack, I think they both enjoyed it.”

  Jack’s voice lowered, his tone thoughtful. “Indeed? I always figured there was too much of a spark there. Well. Now what?”

  “Now we tell our parents about the baby, plan a wedding and see how it all plays out.”


  The doorbell’s loud chime was so startling against the quiet of the attic that Alyssa jumped at the sound and lost her grip on the box of clothes she was attempting to move. The bottom gave out as it hit the floor and the clothes it contained spilled everywhere. Heaving a groan of irritation, she stumbled through the mess then growled when more chimes sounded in rapid succession. Her caller was not only persistent but impatient and she hoped they had a darn good reason to be bothering her on a Sunday morning.

  Muttering a few choice expletives, Alyssa made her way to the ladder while all the while questioning her decision to gift Trisha with her grandmother's rocking chair. When she came up with the idea, she hadn't realized it was buried at the very back of the attic. She also hadn't realized just how much crap was stuffed into nearly every inch of available space! So here she was, a couple hours later, close to reaching her goal, and she had to abandon the project because an impatient person was summoning her to the front door.


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