A Quiet Strength

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A Quiet Strength Page 15

by Janette Oke

  Silently Virginia tiptoed down the stairs. She crossed to the bed where Grandmother Withers’ regular breathing told her that she was sleeping soundly. “Lord,” she prayed silently, “thank you for Grandmother Withers. I love her. She has been a blessing in my life. Help me to be patient and loving. Help her leg to heal. May she be able to be active again. To enjoy her garden. To work in her own kitchen. But until that time, Lord, may she find happiness here with us. May she feel wanted and loved … and even needed in this home. Thank you for bringing her here to us.”

  Virginia made her way back up the stairs. She was beginning to feel the cold of the house on a winter’s night. But before returning to the warmth of her bed she stopped at Martha’s cradle. The glow from the moonlight cast a soft shine over the baby’s features. One small fist lay curled by her cheek. She pursed her lips and mimicked sucking, and Virginia knew it would not be long before she would be wanting to nurse again. Virginia’s hand reached down to rest on the blankets. “God, thank you for our beautiful, healthy baby. She has already brought us so much joy. Help me to be the mother you intended for her. Give me wisdom and patient love all of her days as I seek to guide her to you. Help me to live what I believe so that she, too, might become a believer. Amen.”

  With one final pat of the baby’s blankets, Virginia wiped her tears and turned to her bed. But before she crawled once more beneath the blankets she knelt again.

  “Lord, I thank you for Jonathan. For his love. His gentleness. His strength. Thank you for bringing him here to share my life. Be with him through this present difficulty. Give him wisdom about what is to be done. Help me to support him in that decision—whatever it might be. Help me to remember that we are a couple. That we walk together. As a team, Lord. Not as two separate individuals, but as you have admonished, ‘In honour preferring one another.’ Thinking of one another. Supporting one another. Living for one another. Then we will find the happiness that you have for us. I love him, Lord. Deeply. Bless him—even as he sleeps. Amen.”

  Virginia climbed carefully back into bed, tr ying not to disturb Jonathan. He needed his rest. She needed hers, also. Tomorrow would be another long day. She was ready now to sleep.

  “Grandmother says she wants to go to town,” Virginia told Jonathan as he hung up his jacket.

  “To town?” He turned, sounding as surprised as Virginia had been when Grandmother Withers had made her request.

  Virginia nodded.

  “Why on earth? How does she expect to manage that?” he asked, moving to the corner basin to wash up before breakfast.

  Virginia shook her head. “I’ve no idea. But she insists there is something she needs to attend to.”

  Jonathan’s voice lowered. “How will we even get her to the car? That cast is nearly as heavy as she is.”

  “Well—we must try to find a way. It seems important to her.”

  Previously Virginia would have chafed over the unreasonable request. This morning, after her night of prayer, she felt much more calm. More serene. Even this strange notion of Grandmother Withers’ could not disturb her.

  “Any ideas?” Jonathan splashed the warm water over his face and neck and sudsed his hands thoroughly. He reached for the towel.

  “Not really. Maybe the two of us could carry her. That’s how you and Father got her in here.”

  Jonathan nodded. “I’ll talk to her.”

  But at the present, Mindy was talking to her—an occurrence that was happening much more frequently of late. Virginia could hear the small voice from the living room andguessed that she was likely leaning up against the bed where the woman rested.

  “ … and I used to feed the chickens—all by myself.”

  “But you don’t anymore.”


  “Why not?”

  “Because. Because I don’t want to be a help to Mama.”

  Virginia nearly stopped in her tracks. So the child had a reason. A reason that she was fully aware of. She had stopped doing her chores as punishment to Virginia for bringing a new baby into the home. My, but we do start making choices early, thought Virginia with a wry smile.

  But Grandmother Withers was speaking. “Did it make you feel happier not to help Mama?”

  There was silence, then a reluctant “I was still mad.” “Don’t you miss saying good-morning to the chickens and the kittens? And Murphy? I’ll bet they’ve been missing you.”

  “Maybe,” conceded Mindy.

  “Maybe you should feed them this morning and see if it makes them happy.”

  “What about Mama?”

  “I think it would make your mama happy, too.”

  “But she’s gonna keep Martha.”

  “Martha is part of the family. We can’t give Martha away. Did you see Martha smile when you walked by her cradle yesterday?”


  “I did. I think Martha likes her big sister. She …” The porridge needed stirring. Virginia could not catch the rest of the conversation. But she was not too surprised when after breakfast Mindy slid from her chair and announced that she would be feeding the chickens.

  It took them both to get Grandmother Withers out to the motorcar. Jonathan had pulled it in as close to the steps as he could. Even so, it took some effort to get the elderly woman out of her bed, through the kitchen, and across the porch and into the backseat. They were finally able to cradle their arms beneath her, forming a seat of sorts to carry her. Virginia felt certain that the whole effort must have been very difficult for Grandmother Withers, as well, but the woman bit her lip and endured whatever pain was involved.

  Thankfully it was a rather pleasant day. There was no wind blowing, and the sun’s bright rays even held the hint of coming spring. Virginia took deep breaths of the fresh, clear air. It seemed like a long time since she had been outdoors other than to hang laundry or feed the small animals. Today she would go to town, too. So far Grandmother had not disclosed her destination, but they assumed she wanted to check on her little house.

  All four of them had to crowd into the front seat because Grandmother Withers needed the backseat to make room for her cast. Virginia held baby Martha and pressed Mindy up close against her side so Jonathan would have room to shift the gears.

  Even though the day was sunny, the trip into town was a chilly one. The car heater tried valiantly to keep the temperature comfortable. Virginia rapidly tapped her feet now and then to try to keep them warm and was glad they’d had the foresight to tuck Grandmother Withers in with blankets.

  When they neared the town limits, Grandmother spoke. “Take me round on Fourth Street. To Mrs. Cadbury’s place.” Jonathan turned in his seat to look back at his grandmother. Virginia feared he might drive them into the ditch.

  Mrs. Cadbury was the widow lady whom Jonathan had hired to care for his grandmother before her fall. “Now, Grand mother. You’re not thinking of doing something silly, are you?” he asked. “You know that Mrs. Cadbury only has three days a week free.”

  “I know that.”

  Surely Grandmother Withers was not about to insist on going back to her own house with her leg still in the cast. It was unthinkable. She would never be able to manage on her own, and they would be worried day and night.

  “You wouldn’t …?” began Jonathan. “No. I wouldn’t.”


  Jonathan was able to return his attention to driving.

  They drove to Mrs. Cadbury’s tall brownstone house and struggled once more to get Grandmother Withers out of the car. Mindy was assigned the task of making sure Martha did not roll from the car seat onto the floor. She took the job most seriously. “Don’t you wiggle, Martha,” Virginia heard her say. “You’d get a bump.”

  It seemed to take a long time to maneuver Grandmother up the steps and into Mrs. Cadbury’s living room. All three of them were exhausted by the time the task was completed. “That’s just fine,” Grandmother Withers said with a relieved sigh as she was settled on the settee, a footstool propping
up her leg cast. Mrs. Cadbury bustled about preparing tea for her unexpected guest.

  “You can come back for me in an hour,” Grandmother told the two.

  They exchanged puzzled looks, but Jonathan gave a nod and Virginia turned to go, anxious to get back to the car and the children.

  “No,” Grandmother Withers called just before they stepped through the door. “You’d better make that two hours.”

  “Now, what is that all about?” Jonathan asked as they walked down the steps.

  “I’ve no idea.”

  “She didn’t say anything?”

  “Not a word—except that it was urgent to get to town.”

  “Grandmother wouldn’t be owing her money.”

  Virginia knew that was true. Jonathan had paid to have the lady’s help for his grandmother.

  Jonathan shrugged. “Maybe she was just feeling lonesome. Needed a tea party.”

  Virginia thought back over the days that had passed since Grandmother Withers had been with them. She had cared—sometimes reluctantly—for the older woman’s needs. But she certainly had not provided tea parties. Guilt stained her cheeks. She would try harder to make things pleasant in the future.

  “Jonathan,” she said, slipping her hand into his. “I … I know this isn’t the time nor place. But … I’d really like to talk. Sometime soon. I’ve … been a bit difficult to live with. Jenny’s visit … well … it sort of helped me work it out. Made me face some things. I’d like to talk about it.”

  She felt Jonathan’s hand tighten on hers.

  “I was wrong about selling the farm,” she continued. “The horses. There must be another way.”

  “Virginia, I think you might have been right. I only have feed for another few days.”

  “But there must be some way. Something we can do.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “We’ll pray about it.”

  “I’ve been praying about it. Lots. It’ll be okay. I can get along without my horses. Honest.”

  “I … I hope you won’t have to.”

  “Well, I’ll talk with the banker and see if he has any ideas for how we can work it out. Maybe we won’t need to lose everything. But if I do, it’s enough to have you and Martha and Mindy. I can be happy with that.”

  Again his hand tightened on hers. That was the answer she needed.

  When they reached the car, they found Mindy kneeling on the floorboards, leaning over Martha. The older child was chatting, the younger one smiling broadly. Virginia could not hear the conversation.

  Upon seeing them, Mindy scrambled to her feet. “She didn’t fall,” she reported. “I asked her to lie still, and she did.”

  Then as an afterthought she added almost shyly, “I think she kinda likes me.”

  Jonathan drove Virginia and the children around to her folks. It had seemed forever since they had paid a call to her beloved childhood home. Belinda welcomed them with enthusiasm, and they laid aside wraps and settled in the kitchen while Jonathan went off to run some errands. Martha decided it was time to eat, so Virginia was occupied as her mother fixed tea.

  “I sure wish I had someone to help me with the sugar bowl,” Belinda said, her tone matter-of-fact. Mindy still had not gotten over her shyness with others, even her grandparents. But the small figure did silently walk over to the sugar bowl and carefully carry it to the table.

  “Both of my granddaughters have grown so much! I can’t believe it,” exclaimed Belinda over and over with a quick pat on Mindy’s shoulder and a touch on Martha’s head.

  “Jenny came again,” Virginia reported. There wasn’t much more that she could say with Mindy listening.

  “How is she?”

  “About the same, I guess.”

  “Still with her husband?”

  “He’s asked for a divorce. She’s taking it pretty hard.”

  “Poor Jenny.”

  “We had a good talk. I was able to say some things I’ve wanted to say for a long time.”

  “Did it help?”

  Virginia shifted Martha in her arms. She smiled. “Jenny … or me?”

  Belinda raised her eyebrows in unspoken question.

  “I discovered some things, Mama. I found I wasn’t really living the faith I claimed. It got my attention—talking with Jenny. Here I was telling her about what she needed to do, when I was the one who really needed my own sermon. I decided I’d better do something about it.”

  Tears came to Virginia’s eyes.

  Belinda crossed to her daughter and placed her arms around her shoulders. It was awkward tr ying to embrace over the bundle in Virginia’s arms. “Papa and I have been praying for you. You’ve had a heavy load. I don’t know how you’ve managed.”

  “Not well, I’m afraid. But I will. From now on. I’m finally on the right track.”

  Martha squirmed and Mindy tugged at Belinda’s sleeve. “Grandma, be careful. You’re squishing our baby.”


  Jonathan came back for Virginia and the girls before going over to pick up his grandmother. He had been to the bank, but from the look on his face the results were not good. He tried to hide it behind a cheery smile, but Virginia was learning to read his eyes and could see the shadows.

  “No help from the bank?” she asked quietly as they climbed into the motorcar.

  He shook his head. “Manager’s a smart man,” he said with grudging admiration. “He says I have borrowed to about my limit on the collateral I have. Living creatures—like horses—are not very sound assets. Anything can happen to them.”

  “Anything can happen to anything, in this world.”

  Jonathan managed a chuckle.

  “So how were my girls? Made Grandma Belinda proud?”

  Virginia beamed. “They were fine. Even let us have our tea in peace. Mindy joined us, didn’t you, Mindy? She liked Grandma’s cookies.”

  “Martha’s too little,” Mindy informed her father.

  “I’m sure Martha had her own party,” said Jonathan with a teasing glance at Virginia.

  “No, she didn’t. She just nursed and slept.”

  Jonathan chuckled again.

  Grandmother Withers seemed not the least anxious when they arrived back at Mrs. Cadbury’s house. The two ladies appeared to have had a wonderful visit. Both were beaming good-naturedly and telling each other that they must do it again soon. Virginia pictured the difficulty in getting Grandmother Withers in and out of the motorcar and grimaced, but then remembered her self-made vow. If this kind of outing brought the older woman an afternoon of happiness, they could man? age it again.

  That evening, after the children had been put to bed, the three sat chatting beside the fire in the living room for a few minutes before closing up for the night.

  After a pause in the conversation, Grandmother Withers said, “You must wonder about my insistence on going into town today.”

  Jonathan nodded. “Was a bit curious,” he admitted. “It isn’t like you to make sudden and unexplained requests.”

  “Well, I had to see Annie. That’s Mrs. Cadbury.”

  Jonathan nodded and waited.

  “In the past she had asked me now and then about my house. Had a son who was interested in buying. I always said no—enjoying the flowers like I did. But I’ve been lying here thinking for the last few days. I don’t think I’ll be able to tend the flowers much from now on. And it’s far too much to expect you, Virginia, to run in and do it for me.” She looked expectantly from Virginia to Jonathan. When neither spoke, she went on. “So I decided, with things like they are, I’d best just sell the house.”

  “You sold the house?” Jonathan could not believe his ears.

  “I figured as soon as I get this cast off my leg, I’ll take one of the rooms in the boardinghouse.”

  Virginia leaned forward in her chair. “Oh, Grandmother, you can’t do that. Why …”

  “Now, you just bear with me a minute. I know you’d have me on here, but I’ve a mind you’ve enough to
do to care for your family. I’ve quite reconciled myself to it. Even looking forward to it in some ways. But I did have that attorney—your father, Virginia—write one thing into the sale agreement. You are to have slips from any of the plants in the yard that you’ve a liking for. You have three years to make up your mind.”

  “Oh, Grandmother” was all Virginia could say.

  “And I’ve something for you, my boy,” went on Grand? mother Withers. “I know it’s been tough going for you—getting started here and having the setbacks with the mare and the fire and all. I had the buyer make out two checks. One for me—so’s I can be independent—and the other for you. I hope it will see you through until you get on your feet.”

  “I can’t take that, Grandmother,” Jonathan said before Virginia could even cry out in delight. His face was ashen, his jaw set.

  “And why not?”

  “It wouldn’t be right. It’s yours.”

  “Guess if it’s mine I can do with it what I want.”

  “But …”

  “Now, look here—do you think the few dollars that I got out of that little house will ever repay you for leaving your home in the West and coming back here to look after me? Do you think it will repay Virginia for emptying my slops and giving me sponge baths and putting up with a bedridden old woman when her own days were so busy she had to run to get through them? I know that you can’t pay for love. And I know that this is not enough. I know that. But it’s what I can do, and I want to do it. Please … please don’t try to deny me that pleasure, Jonathan. It’s the only way I have to say thank you.”

  Jonathan left his chair by the fire and crossed to the woman on the bed. He took her in his arms and held her close for a very long time. Virginia could tell by the slight shake of his shoulders that he was weeping. She bowed her head and let her own tears flow as she offered up a prayer of thanks.

  Virginia could not believe the different atmosphere in the home. Or was the difference in her? She still had far more to do in a day than seemed possible to get done, but her attitude about the tasks, about each of the household members, had changed so much that even the toilsome duties took on new meaning. Many afternoons she took time for a special tea with Grandmother Withers. Sometimes they played a game of checkers. Sometimes they shared a book or worked on some new stitchery. Sometimes they just sat and sipped and chat? ted. Virginia was surprised at how refreshed she felt when she resumed her duties.


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