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Mason Page 1

by Lisa Helen Gray


  Carter Brother Series

  Book Two

  Lisa Helen Gray


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  All our dreams can come true,

  if we have the courage to pursue them

  _Walt Disney


  Giving my room one more glance over, I make sure I haven’t forgotten anything, and sadness engulfs me. With the last of my bags packed and my Nan downstairs there isn’t anything else keeping me here.

  My parents don’t want me, he doesn’t want me and I’m pretty sure this is how my life is going to be for the rest of my life.

  For eighteen years now I’ve tried to make my parents be proud of me, but nothing I ever did was good enough. My news yesterday only confirmed what a disappointment I really am to them. It’s why I’m leaving with my Nan to live miles away.

  My life really sucks.

  “Are you ready Denny?’’ Nan asks sneaking up on me.

  “Is it okay if I go say goodbye to my friends before we leave?’’

  “Of course you can. I’m going to go see an old friend then, so why don’t you call me once you’ve finished and I’ll come pick you up.’’

  “Sounds great,’’ I lie.

  She leads me down the stairs to where my parents are. My mother is standing by the grand fireplace looking beet red in the face speaking in a low tone to my father. He’s sitting down in the armchair like a school boy getting told off by the teacher. That’s the thing about my dad; he doesn’t have a backbone where my mother is concerned. She says jump, he asks how high. It’s always been the same. God forbid he ever has an opinion.

  “We’re off Charles. Denny is going to say goodbye to her friends, so I’ll go visit with Deborah.’’

  “That sounds….,’’ my father starts.

  “…like a bad idea. After all, those friends of yours are to blame for corrupting you. You will do no such thing,’’ my mother interrupts, her face stone cold, void of any sort of emotion.

  “Well then Vivian, it’s a good job she isn’t in your care anymore then isn’t it?’’ my Nan answers back. My lips twitch, knowing my Nan hates my mom as much as I do.

  We live in what people call the richest part of town, where the houses are bigger and the people are stuck up. Most of them are anyway. My mother just seems to be the worst and heaven forbid someone answer her back. Seeing my Nan talk back to her is pretty funny.

  “Charles and I can see this being a bad idea. Maybe it will be best if Denny find her own way. After all, living with you Mary, doesn’t seem like a good enough punishment.’’

  “Well Vivian, you don’t get to decide. Denny turned eighteen last week, and legally, she is free to do as she pleases.’’

  My Nan really does kick ass when she gets going!

  “Don’t be absurd. She doesn’t turn eighteen until next week. I should know, I did give birth to her,’’ she says, twisting her face up in disgust.

  “Yes you should know,’’ by Nan replies bitterly.

  My mom opens her mouth to speak, but I interrupt her wanting to go see Harlow before I leave. I texted her on my way down the stairs asking if it was okay if I went over and she replied with a ‘hell yes’.

  “It was last week mom. You would know if you ever paid any attention to me,’’ I snap, feeling brave. I’m just so angry at them, more so at my dad for not speaking up for me when mom was laying into me.

  “Don’t talk back to me young lady. You’re still young enough to get a spanking. Just get out of my house now. Get out! I’ll not have you insulting me in my own home,’’ she yells.

  “Goodbye dad,’’ I tell him quietly.

  He looks up at me with sad eyes and for a minute a spark of hope hits me, hoping he’ll stand up to my mother and stand by my side for once. He opens his mouth, but my mom steps next to him squeezing his shoulders. My Nan tuts in disgust before helping me carry the last of my luggage to the car. I couldn’t leave anything to chance knowing my mother will have my room emptied the second the door is shut, so I packed pretty much everything that is important to me.

  *** *** *** *** **** ****

  Lying down on Harlow’s bed her phone rings startling me. I still haven’t managed to tell her what’s going on. I guess I feel like if I tell her then it will all be real, and I’m not ready for that.

  It doesn’t help my head is still next door. I’d braved it and gone to speak to Mason, but he was occupying some other woman, so I didn’t want to embarrass myself any further. It’s not like I haven’t done enough of that when it comes to him.

  “Malik?’’ I grin and she nods her head with an eye roll.

  I listen to their conversation in envy. I wish I had that. Malik, Harlow’s boyfriend, has stood by her side since the whole Davis thing happened. I’m jealous she has him. He hasn’t left her side until tonight which is something I’m so desperate to have. I want someone to hold me in their arms and tell me it’s okay, to tell me that they’re there for me and that they love me.

  I catch the last part of their conversation and my ears pick up. I know I can’t put off saying anything any longer. My Nan texted me not long ago saying no more than an hour because we had a three hour drive to make.

  “What are we doing?’’

  “I need to go meet Malik, are you coming? He wants to show me something. Mr. Gunner said he’s found a way to help me move on,’’ she says sheepishly.

  “Well I’m intrigued. I can only stay for a little bit, but I have to leave in…’’ I frown pretending to look at my watch, hoping that miraculously I’ll get more time. “in less than an hour.’’

  “Is everything okay, Denny? You said you needed to talk, but you’ve avoided any conversation since you got here.’’

  “Yeah I do, but can I tell you after?’’ I plead, hoping she doesn’t notice my eyes watering.

  “Okay,’’ she agrees reluctantly.

  We pull up to where Malik stands waiting at the edge of the lane, his face sporting the biggest grin ever. Whatever it is he needs to show is obviously important. The lad hardly smiles. The once when he did I thought his face was going to crack.

  “This better be good,’’ Harlow warns him nervously.

  “You’ll be fine, babe. I wouldn’t bring you out here if I didn’t think this may do you some good,’’ he grins.

  “Is that smoke?’’ I gasp from behind them, the smell of smoke strong in the air. I walk towards the old house and grin. They’re burning down the old Gunner house. I can hear Harlow asking Malik if he did this when a man I recognise as Chris’s dad marches over looking grim.


  As soon as I hear that this wasn’t all Malik and that Chris’s dad is the one who decided to burn the house down, I take a step back, wanting to get out of the way. One, I’m pretty sure inhaling all this smoke isn’t good for me or the… see? I can’t even say it.

  Another texted message flashes on my phone asking me where I am. I reply with the address and where to wait for me
. When I look back up from my phone Hannah is talking to Harlow. The bitch really has a nerve. I’m about to step in and give her another punch to the face like I did a few weeks back, when I notice Mason over by the fence talking to the rest of the Carter brothers, a girl hanging off his arm. It’s not even the same girl I saw him with earlier when I went to try and talk to him.

  Fucking typical.

  His eyes reach mine, and I swear he can reach inside my soul with just one look. His eyes are a chocolate brown colour, but when he’s turned on or angry they mould into the darkest brown you’ll ever see.

  Shivers rake through my body, his stare captivating me, making it hard for me to look away. The spell is soon broken when the girl he’s with steps in front of him, rubbing her boobs up his chest. My eyes start to water and I have to look away, but giving him one last glance I see him giving me those soft puppy dog eyes, the same eyes that got me into bed.

  I don’t think my feelings for him will ever change. All I know is that I’ll never let another boy like Mason walk all over me.

  Time is passing too quickly and before I know it, my Nan has texted telling me she’s here and to say goodbye.

  My eyes water, tears spilling down my cheeks as I walk over to where Harlow is, cuddled in Malik’s arms. Half of me doesn’t want to interrupt them, they look so peaceful together. I could just walk away quietly and they’ll never know I had gone.

  I tap her on the shoulder knowing I need to get this out, I need to say goodbye. She gives me one look before worry etches across her face. Malik gives me the same look, but instead of lingering which I was worried he’d do, he gives Harlow a kiss then leaves us to it.

  As soon as he’s out of earshot she’s pulling me into her arms. It makes me cry harder, no noise leaving my mouth. I just hold her, never wanting to let go, but I do when she asks me to tell her what’s wrong.

  “He told me so many lies. Told me he had wanted me for years that he never met anyone like me before. I believed everything he ever said to me. Then that night, I gave myself to him. I gave him everything and he doesn’t even realise just how much he’s taken from me,’’ I sob and for the first time I feel myself becoming angry. I loved him, I think I did anyway. We’d been texting each other off and on from the first moment we met each other. At first it was just light ‘how are you?’ texts and getting to know each other. Then it turned to much more and I became connected to him. I honestly thought he felt the same way, but I was nothing more than someone to stick his dick into.

  “Hey, everything’s going to be okay. What is wrong? Things will get better in time Denny, you’ll be crying over some other dickhead in a few months, I bet ya.’’ Her enthusiasm isn’t lost on me. She just doesn’t realise how wrong her comment truly is. Nothing will ever be the same again.

  “That’s the thing Harlow; I don’t have time,’’ I cry, shoving my face into my hands, not able to look at her.

  “What do you mean?’’

  “I’m leaving,’’ I blurt out, pulling away from her.

  “What… like going home?’’ she asks confused, her eyes watering too which makes this even harder to do.

  “No. My parents kicked me out. My Nan has offered to let me live with her, so I’m moving to Wales.’’

  “You can stay with us. Gram’s wouldn’t mind and she has a spare room,’’ she pleads.

  “You don’t understand Harlow. It’s not that simple. I can’t stay here.’’

  “Make me understand. What is it you’re not telling me Denny?’’ she pleads sounding desperate.

  “I’m pregnant.’’

  My hand covers my mouth in shock, not believing I had just said that out loud. I wasn’t ready for anyone to know. I told my parents last night. Hence the reason I’m being kicked out, but as for everyone else, I just wasn’t ready.

  Her face is a mixture of shock and confusion. Her head snaps over to Mason who is still standing over by the fence, his eyes clearly fixed on us and if I’m not mistaken, worry etched across his face.

  “Mason,’’ she says, and I nod my head as a cry leaves my mouth.

  Another texted message alerts me that I need to go. “I have to go,’’ I whisper, but her hand shooting out stops me from moving.

  “Wait there. We can sort this out, let me go get Mason. You don’t need to leave,’’ she says quickly, her mind obviously going over every scenario.

  My mouth opens to stop her, but I snap it shut and give her a tight nod. Once she starts to walk away, I turn, and move towards the gate where I can see my Nan’s car waiting for me.

  I’m just by the car when I hear her shout my name, along with a voice that still sends shivers down my spine and makes my skin break out in goose bumps. I don’t bother turning around. I open the car door and put on my belt.

  “Please drive,’’ I cry, my voice barely a whisper.

  My Nan looks out of the window and for a second I’m ready to scream at her to drive, but before I can open my mouth, she slowly peels out of her spot and drives off.

  I lean my head on the window, looking out into the dark field whilst tears stream down my face.

  “Everything is going to be okay,’’ Nan says, placing her hand on my thigh.

  I don’t bother correcting her. Nothing is going to be okay. I can feel my heart breaking into thousands of little pieces the further we get away from the one person who could make this all better.

  Chapter One


  Two and a half months later

  Different day, same shit!

  That seems to be the new motto in my life ever since the day I found out Denny Smith was pregnant with my baby.

  I spent months, if not more trying to push the girl away, when all along I should have been winning her over. It’s not just about the baby. I wanted her before I found out she was even pregnant, but I told myself I didn’t deserve her. I’d let my past define my present, and that is something I promised myself I wouldn’t do.

  My dad cheated on my mother left, right and centre when we were kids. He also hit her constantly. Can you see where I’m going with this? What if the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? What if I turned out just like him and destroyed Denny? She’s everything I’m not and I didn’t want to take the risk of destroying her like my dad did my mother. No way. I care for her way too much to even contemplate it.

  Then the rules changed.

  I found out she was pregnant five minutes after watching her drive out of my life. At the time I thought it was for good, that I’ll never see her again, until earlier this week when I overheard Harlow telling Malik, my brother, that Denny had been summoned to court. She arrives back in town tomorrow evening and I’ve been working my ass off trying to get everything together for when she returns.

  I’ve tried getting Harlow to send me Denny’s new number, even asked for her address, but Harlow wouldn’t let up on the information, so I’ve spent the past two and a half months going stir crazy.

  I’ve kept busy with the last bits to the renovations to the house Maverick and I were moving into. Now, he’s given Denny and I full rein to move in, and even changed it so it’s now a three bed with an en-suite instead of a four bedroom house. The only room that’s incomplete decoration wise, is the nursery. I’m not sure whether the baby is a girl or a boy, so I’ve left it blank until I find out. Then I’ll deck it out and give the baby and Denny the best nursery ever.

  I scrub my hands down my face groaning. Denny probably won’t even want to speak to me, let alone move in with me. I can’t let her raise our baby miles away without me. This is karma coming back to bite me in the ass, something Harlow warned me about the day after sleeping with Denny.

  Fuck! That night had been one of the best nights of my life. I’ve fucked a lot of girls in my years, but never, and I mean never, have I ever felt connected to one like I did with Denny. We were both so caught up in the moment that it had taken me until the morning to realise she was a virgin. That’s when everything went
to shit. I flipped out, got scared and ruined the best thing to ever have happened to me.

  When she told me she had been a virgin, I looked up into her big, vulnerable, dark green emerald eyes and froze. All I could see was this vulnerable, perfect, young, beautiful woman in my bed and I had already tainted her by taking her virginity. I didn’t romance her, buy her flowers, or take her out on a date and it made me realise just how alike my dad and I are. He would most likely have done the same. So instead of apologising and treating her the way that she should be treated by taking her out on a date, I pushed her away. I pushed and I pushed, to the point I think it may be too late for me to take it all back. I made her believe I slept with all those women that I threw in her face, when in truth, I could never keep my mind away from Denny long enough to fake it with another girl. I just wanted her, but I didn’t want to ruin her life. She’s perfect in every sense of the word and she deserves more than I’ll ever be able to give her.

  Now though, the rules have changed. We have a baby on the way. If that isn’t proof enough that pushing her away was the worst thing I could ever have done, the ache in my chest since the day she drove off would pretty much do it. I don’t even want to explain the feeling I had the morning I kicked her out of my bed, that was hard enough for me to handle, but her leaving, that nearly killed me.

  A touch startles me from my thoughts and I frown at the woman standing next to me.

  “So…?’’ she huffs and I realise she must have been speaking to me while I drifted off into my own head. Maverick made me come into work telling me I’ll need some time off if I ever want to make things right with Denny again. So I came into work under the impression I’d be working nonstop, only to find out that I had put a few extra people on staff tonight, so I’m not really needed. Hence the reason I’m sitting down on a stool at the end of the bar nursing a beer, with a woman trying to grab my attention.

  “Are you even listening?’’ Her voice is high pitched and I can tell she really wants to scream at me right now, but doesn’t want to show her true colours just yet, so instead, she’s trying to sound seductive. I imagine to her own ears she sounds just that, but to mine? It just sounds like sharp nails scratching down a chalk board.


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