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Mason Page 5

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Seriously bitch, back the fuck off. You can see he’s not interested by the lack of conversation. So run along with your friends and leave us alone,’’ I snap, ready to wobble to my feet and kick some ass.

  “Whatever bitch,’’ she sneers, and then huffs when Mason doesn’t turn his head in her direction. When it’s clear he isn’t going to talk to her she storms off with her friends trailing behind her.

  As soon as they’re out of sight Mason’s shoulders slump, his body relaxed. He looks at me with a sad smile, his eyes full of remorse.

  “Please tell me you’ve never been with her?’’ I question, hoping like hell he says no.

  “What. No. She comes into the club on occasion. I know my reputation isn’t clean cut, but I do have some standards,’’ he grumbles looking embarrassed.

  “Of course you do,’’ I patronize sarcastically tapping his shoulder. “You slept with me.’’

  His head snaps to me, a slow smirk curving his lips as he shakes his head. Maverick gets up wiping the grass from off his hands. He’d been leaning back on his hands enjoying the show.

  “I need to get going guys. Does anyone need a lift?’’ He asks looking at Malik and Max.

  “I’m going to get me some pussy. I’ll see you guys later. Denny… it’s good to have you back,’’ Max says holding his hand up for a high five. I slap his hand grinning like a fool. That is until he opens his mouth again ruining it. “Let me know when you’re ready to tell Mason the kid is mine,’’ he winks before storming off.

  Mason growls looking ready to run after him. Thankfully he doesn’t. “Prick,’’ he grunts.

  “We will get a lift from you. We need to get back,’’ Malik answers, and I turn to look at Harlow, her face is flushed and immediately I know why they need to get back and I roll my eyes. Maverick must clue in too, because he, the same as I, rolls his eyes at the loved up couple.

  Mason helps me to my feet, refusing to let me help clear the stuff away or even carry something back to the car. The only reason he let me carry the pop earlier was because he didn’t want to drop the food.

  Lexi is standing outside my brother’s front door when we return. She’s dressed in a maxi dress, the purple material clinging to her curves in all the right places. It makes me wonder again if there is more to her and my brother than just neighbours.

  “Thank you for today. I had a really good day,’’ I smile turning to Mason. I lose my frown when he shuts off the car and undoes his seatbelt. “What are you doing?’’

  “I’m coming in for a bit. We need to talk and we’ve not had a chance to talk yet. We’ve got the scan on Friday, that’s two days away. I don’t want things to be hanging in the air when I get to see our baby for the first time,’’ he says smiling softly at me.

  “Okay,’’ I squeak.

  Opening the door, I exit the car and search my bag for the keys. I’m starting to lose faith I’ll find them just as my fingers touch a key. I refrain myself from fist pumping the air and shouting ‘got them.’

  Lexi notices us walking up the path and her pacing outside the door stops.

  “Hey Lexi,’’ I wave.

  “Hey Denny, can I talk to you for a second? Alone?’’ her eyes flicker to Mason briefly before locking them back onto me.

  “Sure,’’ I tell her then turn to Mason holding out the keys. “Why don’t you go put the kettle on? I’m not sure what we have though.’’

  “Okay,’’ he says looking to Lexi then back to me. His face looks pensive, unsure whether to leave me or not. He looks to be at war and it seems I won out because he sighs, his shoulders slumping before he heads inside.

  “What’s up?’’ I ask once Mason closes the door behind him.

  “Have you spoken with Evan at all?’’

  “No why?’’ I ask, concerned by the slight hitch in her voice.

  “He usually calls by now and he hasn’t. I thought it was him walking up the path earlier, not long after you left actually, but it wasn’t. It was some lad dropping off a letter or something. I walked out as he started back to his truck and realised it wasn’t your brother. I’m just worried,’’ she rambles, all her words mixing together and not making complete sense.

  “I’m confused. Is there something about you and my brother that I don’t know about? He’ll be fine. He’s probably just busy,’’ I assure her, not really wanting to tell her he’s the biggest manwhore known to man and she shouldn’t waste her time on him. Not that I don’t love my brother because I do, it’s just where women are concerned he has no shame or morals.

  “What? God no! I just… I um,’’ she stutters chewing on her bottom lip looking unsure and slightly frightened to tell me what she needs to say.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind.’’

  “No it’s not that. We’re not a couple or anything or having any kind of sexual relationship. I’m positive you don’t know about me, so please, what I’m about to tell you I’d rather you kept to yourself,’’ she says with her eyes pleading with me to agree. I nod my head ‘yes’ letting her finish with what she wants to say. “Your brother saved me from an abusive relationship. If it wasn’t for him I would be dead right now. He let me move in next door for free. He offered to keep me safe. He’s the only real friend I’ve got. I’m probably just being silly and he’s just too busy to call.’’

  “I’m sure he’ll call once he has a chance. I’ll try calling him later to see if he answers, but to be honest I’m not so sure he will answer to me.’’

  “Thank you. I’m sorry if I’ve worried you. It’s just not like him,’’ she smiles and I genuinely feel sorry for her. She cares for my brother and from what she’s saying he cares for her too. It’s kind of sweet really. “I’ll let you get in.’’

  “Okay. Hope he calls back,’’ I smile take two steps to the door, knocking.

  “Me too,’’ she whispers before waving her goodbye.

  Mason is standing in the doorway, his large muscled arms crossed over his large sculpted chest, his beady eyes narrowing on the woman next door.

  “What did she want?’’ he growls.

  “Jesus, gossip much.’’

  “She basically just dismissed me like I don’t have feelings. That really hurt my feelings, Angel.’’

  I laugh at his lame attempt to look miserable. His eyes droop and his lips pull down into a sad pout.

  “Poor Mason. She was just asking if I had any spare tampons left, but…,’’ I say pointing down at my huge belly, and smile inside when Mason’s face turns pale. “I’m kidding.’’

  “Yeah. I knew that,’’ he says shaking his head. He moves over to the sofa gesturing for me to sit down next to him. Not wanting to torture myself any longer than I have to, I move over to the sofa and sit down next to him, my body getting lost in the fluffy pillows.

  “We need to talk about things,’’ he says looking at me intensely. “I really think you should move in with me Denny. I know I’ve been a jerk, but I can make this right. This baby deserves us to try.’’

  “No. I’ve grown up in a cold, lonely home Mason. I don’t want that for our baby. It’s one of the reasons why I never told you in the first place. If I had told you back then would you have asked me to get rid of him?’’


  “Her?’’ I question confused.

  “Yes, her. The baby is going to be a she. If you had told me back then I’d be saying the same things now. I want to give us a try.’’

  “Mason, you couldn’t stand the sight of me. Now you want something to do with me because of the baby. I don’t want that Mason. I want someone to love me, to cherish me and believe it or not, be happy to be with me. I don’t want you to feel forced into a relationship you clearly didn’t want a few months ago,’’ I tell him sadly, feeling my eyes water as old feelings resurface.

  “You really don’t get it do you? I’ve wanted you for years. I know I’m older, but I liked you when you started high school.’’

  “You ki
cking me out the morning after the night we slept together tells me differently,’’ I snap lightly, a slight quiver to my voice.

  “That night was the best night of my life, Denny. When I woke up you were sleeping, looking so peaceful and innocent with your ruby red lips, you’re flushed cheeks, and your blonde hair fanning around the pillow. My chest hurt just watching you. Then I went to get into bed and noticed the blood and it all hit me. I’d just taken your innocence. I felt like I was turning into my dad and I couldn’t do that to you. That night we didn’t make any promises to each other, but I felt everything was said with our actions, and then everything… everything went to shit. I honestly thought pushing you away was what was best for you at the time. I didn’t want you to end up with a waste of space like me,’’ he frowns, and I can tell by the look in his eyes he’s being sincere.

  “So why break my heart the way you did, throwing all those girls you slept with in my face, Mason? You watched me suffering and you did nothing. You hurt me with those words you spoke that morning and they continued to hurt me each night in my dreams, haunting me.’’

  I’ve not tried to stop the tears from falling, or hide them from Mason, but it’s no use. They fall heavily down my face.

  “I didn’t sleep with them,’’ he whispers, his head down looking ashamed.

  “Don’t lie to me Mason. I saw you with more than one girl. I even came to tell you the day I left to live with my Nan that I was pregnant, but with another girl walking out of your house, I didn’t want to interrupt. You looked really close,’’ I tell him, my voice heated. One thing I hate more than cheats and bullies, and that’s liars. Why people feel the need to lie to just get their way is beyond me. If you’re selfish enough to throw a good thing away, or do something that ends up with you needing to lie then you need to grow up and face the music and take responsibility for your actions.

  “What you saw was what you wanted to see, what I needed you to see. If you had tried to talk to me, or beg me to take a chance on you just once, I would have surrendered and done anything you wanted. I never slept with any of those girls.’’

  “What? I… I don’t… what?’’ I shake my head, not believing what I’m hearing. It all feels too much and I rub at my chest above my heart, trying to ease the ache there in my heart.

  “I made it look like I was sleeping around. All of them tried, I even went to with one, I got so far, but I couldn’t do it. I’d wanted you for so long, dreamed about you, and then when I had you I couldn’t forget you. No other girl could ever compare to you. I’m so sorry for what I did. You’ll never realise how much.’’

  “I feel so lost right now. How am I supposed to believe you never slept with any of them? What about the girl at the race track; the one Davis blackmailed to sleep with you?’’

  “She was the only one I got close to sleeping with Denny and believe me, I only did it because when I looked at you, when I saw how much you hated me, I couldn’t handle it. I needed to erase it from my mind. I got drunk, but it wore off as soon as her mouth got around my cock.’’

  “I don’t want to know specifics Mason. Christ!’’ I cry, standing up.

  “Shit! Sorry. I just needed you to understand Denny. I never did that to you.’’

  “But I felt everything like you did do it to me, Mason. I had no one to talk to about the baby. No one I could confide in enough to trust. After the night we shared, and the way you treated me like a little kid after made everything harder. I had all sorts of scenarios playing through my mind. Like what if I told you and you told me to get rid of it, or that you blamed me for trapping you. I don’t want that for you, Mason. You had hurt me enough. Then when Harlow texted me telling me she had told you, I panicked and changed my number. Do you know that when I got the letter summoning me to court to testify I had a panic attack? Yeah, all because I was worried you and your family would hate me, that they’d make me go get an abortion,’’ I cry, tears falling from my eyes as I cover my stomach protectively.

  “Denny,’’ he calls standing up. He grabs my shoulders stopping me from pacing. “I would never have asked you to abort the baby. If anything I spent the whole two and a half months worried I’d never see you again or you would abort the baby. I would never have had any way of stopping you doing it either. We’re in this together. I know it was shit from the start, but we can get through this.’’

  “What if we can’t? What if you change your mind and I wake up only to have my heart ripped apart?’’

  “Then move in with me. Let me show you how wrong you are; let me show you how good we are together and how sorry I am. I never meant to hurt you. I was trying to prevent that from happening,’’ he grunts, his hands shaking as he places them over my large bump. The baby takes that moment to kick at Mason’s hand and he chuckles, looking down at my stomach in wonder and love.

  “I don’t know what to do,’’ I whisper honestly, scared out of my mind that he will hurt me again. He’s all I’ve ever wanted and not to sound creepy, but I even saved my virginity just for him. I wanted him to be the one who owned me, who I remembered for the rest of my life. It’s why I always told people I’d never say no to him, even if it was for one night. I’d take anything I could get from him. I guess I never expected that one night to be as beautiful and amazing as it was. Nothing could ever compare to the night we shared together.

  “Will you at least think about it?’’ he asks sadly, his eyes full of sorrow.

  I nod my head, yes and feel the loss from him as soon as he moves his hands away from my belly. I nearly protest and reach out for his hands to place them back, loving the feel of his warm hands touching my skin.

  “I’m going to get going and let you get some rest, it’s getting late. Ring me if you need me and please Denny, please think about it.’’

  “I will, I promise.’’

  With that we say our goodbyes and I lock up behind him for the night. Not having had chance to unpack and too tired again to do it now, I head to the bathroom to wash up.

  When I get into the bedroom I grab my pyjamas and walk over to the curtains in just my towel. I’m about to shut them for privacy when a dark figure across the street startles me, making me jump. Nearly losing my towel I squeal, then straighten it and look back out of the window to where I saw the shadow, but there’s nothing there. Sighing, I rub my eyes; knowing the long day is catching up with me and making me see things that aren’t there.

  With that I shut the curtains, feeling tingles shoot up my neck like someone’s watching me and carefully pull my pyjamas on, careful not to drop the towel until I’m completely covered.

  Chapter Five

  For the next two days I unpack, hang out with Harlow and sometimes Max at my brother’s place. The heat has been too hot for me to go anywhere and my feet have swelled to the point they have gone up three shoe sizes.

  I called the doctor when I remembered an article I read on the dangers during pregnancy. Swollen feet were on that list, but they assured me to elevate my feet and all will be fine.

  My Nan has called every day, three times a day and has questioned me over and over about Mason. I told her everything he told me the other day and she seems to think I should give him a chance. I asked if she was trying to get rid of me, but she laughed saying ‘never’ and admitted that she wanted to keep me as a kid. I wish she did. It would have been better than growing up in a cold, unloving home with parents who only cared about their reputation. The only reason my mother cared about what I did in and out of school was so she could either brag about what a good, clever girl I was and show me off to all her friends, or control me so I don’t embarrass her when I’m out. Any other time she couldn’t wait to get rid of me.

  The door knocks snapping me out of my daydream. Today’s the day I find out the sex of the baby. Not just that, but according to the nurse I spoke to on the phone, I’ll have measurements taken to see how the baby is developing, and I’ll need some blood work taken. I’ll also get to hear the baby’s
heart beat again. It was the first time I actually felt guilty for not going to the appointment. I never realised just how important the twenty week mark scan was. Now I’m twenty two weeks gone and only just attending the check-up.

  “Hey,’’ I smile when I open the door to see Mason standing there, in a pair of cargo shorts, a white short sleeved t-shirt and a cap that he’s wearing backwards. He looks so freaking hot right now with his tanned skin, bulging muscles and sexy as sin grin.

  “You ready? We’ve got about twenty minutes to get there.’’

  “Yep, let me just go grab my bag,’’ I tell him and rush down to the room I’m staying in. Walking in the window is open, the cool air breezing through the room. I’m pretty sure I didn’t open that. Lexi came around the day after we all went out to the park to watch the live bands and told me the fan in the room doesn’t work when the window is open, so for it to work they needed to be shut. I’ve pretty much kept it shut since arriving here. Not just because of what she said, but because I have a phobia of moths. I hate them. They aren’t scared to land right on the tip of your nose in the middle of the night, fluttering their tiny little wings and making themselves known with the little buzzing sounds they make. Gah, I hate them. I shiver rushing over to the window and sliding it shut before pushing the latch over to lock it.

  My eyes lift and I look over to where I saw the shadow two nights ago seeing nothing, but it still feels like someone has been watching me. Knowing I’m being paranoid I turn, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling inside my stomach that’s been there for a few days now.

  “You okay?’’ Mason asks watching me with interest when I walk back into the room.

  “Yeah. The window was open and I’m pretty sure I didn’t open it. I can’t be sure though,’’ I shrug, still feeling unsettled over it.

  “I hate you staying here on your own. Have you thought anymore about moving in to the new place? Joan and Harlow helped decorate it. They seemed to know what you’d like, so the only room left to do is the baby’s room, but I wanted to confirm she’s a girl.’’


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