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Mason Page 7

by Lisa Helen Gray

  I should really tell him I’m already staying, that there was no way I could take our girl away from her family and away from him, but something holds me back, stopping me from telling him. I guess half of me wants to see what he’s willing to do to prove to me he’s sorry.

  “Come on let’s eat,’’ I smile and on queue my stomach grumbles causing us to laugh.

  “Come on before you waste away,’’ he laughs, curling me into his arms, leading me into the restaurant.

  Chapter Six

  “So… date night huh?’’ Harlow teases lying on my bed at my brothers.

  Speaking of, my brother still hasn’t called me back and I’ve been here three weeks now. I had hoped he would be back in time to come to court with me, but Lexi said he checked in with her and told her to tell me he was sorry he couldn’t make it. I’d love to know what he does for a job that it keeps him away from the phone for so many days and then, he only gets to talk for what seemed like ten minutes to Lexi. When I asked her what he did for work she shrugged saying they never spoke about it.

  So not only do I take the stand in three days in front of everyone and Davis, but I have to do it without my brother.

  Mason said he will be there with me which I’m thankful for. We’ve been getting along nicely since the scan like nothing bad had ever happened between us. Each day we’ve become a little bit closer, but there’s still that doubt in the back of my mind on whether this is something he truly wants long term.

  “Earth to Denny,’’ Harlow laughs, waving her hand in front of my face to grab my attention.

  “Sorry, I spaced out. Yeah, he asked me out on a date a few days ago. He said he felt like we never get time together on our own,’’ I tell her, playfully rolling my eyes.

  “You’re kidding?’’ she laughs. “He told me the other day I had to wait until today to come see you.’’

  “He didn’t?’’ I gasp laughing.

  “He bloody did. Urgh,’’ she moans holding her stomach.

  “What’s wrong?’’ I ask concerned.

  “Aunt Flow came to visit this morning,’’ she groans making me chuckle.

  “That’s one thing I’ve not missed,’’ I laugh, then laugh harder at her expression glaring back at me.

  “Oh, by the way, the other day Gram’s had the sex talk with me. She was checking to make sure we were using protection. It got really awkward, especially when she told Malik he could take some of Marks condoms whenever he liked because they didn’t need them anyway.’’

  “No…she didn’t?’’ I laugh, bending over to place my hands on my knees. “Your Nan is completely nuts. What did Malik do?’’

  “Walked out of the room saying he had homework to do,’’ she giggles and the sound is so sweet. Harlow is so sweet, soft and loveable. She has been that way since the first day I met her. I hadn’t had many friends really when I was at school because I felt like they were backstabbers, liars, and out for one thing; but then Harlow came to Grayson High and I knew from how kind and loving she was that we’d get on. We’ve been besties ever since.

  “Did she realise he doesn’t go to school anymore?’’ I ask, laughing at the thought.

  “She didn’t say anything about it. We laughed about it afterwards, because I asked why he said it. Anyway… it got me thinking. When we spoke about… you know… you and Mason… having…,’’ she rambles, her eyes pleading with me to understand what she’s trying to say and it makes me grin at her cute face.

  “Have sex?’’ I finally give in chuckling.

  “Yes that,’’ she blushes and it’s so cute. “Well you told me you used protection, so how did you, you know… get pregnant?’’

  I’ve wondered the same thing myself. I was never allowed to go on the pill. My mother said it was ludicrous and it was just giving me permission to be a hussy. That night with Mason, every time we had sex we used protection, so I never understood why I got pregnant either. I know they said condoms aren’t one hundred percent effective, but still…

  “I wondered the same thing over and over. Mason must have super spunk or something.’’ We both laugh.

  “I’m just happy I’m on my period. I started to worry over it because Malik and I stopped using condoms now that I’m on the pill. I guess if it’s going to happen, it’s meant to.’’

  “All you can do is keep taking precautions. If it happens, then it happens, but don’t worry over it, otherwise you’ll put a downer on your sex life.’’

  “Enough about this, Malik will pick me up and wonder why I’m all beet red and flustered,’’ Harlow giggles. “Let’s get you ready.’’

  “This is a nightmare,’’ I tell her, flickering through my clothes in my wardrobe. “Most of these are before bump and would never get over my hips or boobs. I swear, I could cry sometimes. The only thing I feel comfortable in is dresses and even then, all my date ones are from pre bump and are skin tight. There is no way I’m squashing my baby into one of them.’’

  “You’re such a drama queen,’’ she laughs then grabs something from out of one of the bags she turned up with. “Now, I got you a present because you were always there for me and you always lent me clothes to impress Malik. I have you to thank for catching his eye, so I got you this.’’

  With that she pulls out a gorgeous green halter neck maxi dress from her bag. It crosses over at the chest with a diamond stud directly in the centre. It’s elegant yet stunning. The material at the back of the dress is longer than the material at the front. Thankfully, looking at the length at the front I know it will easily cover my bump and still manage to cover a good amount of leg.

  “That is… that is beautiful,’’ I tell her feeling my stupid eyes well up. Gah, they’re doing it all the time lately.

  My parents would never have let me wear anything remotely similar to this. All the clothes I had that were the slightest bit revealing I kept with the excuse to my parents they were for the schools plays and events. I hid most of the clothing easily, but there were occasions when my mother actually bothered with me and checked my room. Even the maids knew to hide the clothing from my mother.

  “I know. I saw it and immediately thought of you. I think all your shopping torture rubbed off on me,’’ she giggles.

  I laugh remembering the first time I took her shopping for some sexy lingerie she needed to seduce Malik. Not that I thought the girl needed it, but still, it was an excuse to go shopping.

  We spent the whole day trying to find something and she vowed never to go shopping with me again after I dragged her into nearly every store we passed by. If only she knew I went easy on her that day.

  “I guess it did,’’ I smile, holding the dress up in front of me feeling giddy and excited. “Suppose I best go get ready.’’

  “Yeah, want me to stick around and wait or are you good?’’

  “Nah, I’m good. You get back, you got court tomorrow. Have they said any more about Hannah?’’ I question, still worried that she hasn’t been seen.

  “No. Her mom is adamant that she never ran away, that something has happened to her,’’ she answers, her eyes distant, and sad.

  “Everything will be fine I’m sure of it. We have enough evidence to back up our story. He’s going to go down,’’ I assure her, gripping her shoulder in a firm squeeze.

  “I know. I guess I’m just worried that something did happen and we’re all talking badly about her like she has run away. Something doesn’t feel right when she’s mentioned. I’ve tried telling Malik I don’t believe she ran away. I can feel it in my gut. Now I’m just worried as hell.’’

  “I don’t know what to say,’’ I groan, sitting down next to her on the bed. “A part of me feels like she deserves it, that she made her bed, but the other part, the humane side of me believes she doesn’t deserve anything bad happening to her. I just feel like I knew how to feel. I hate the girl for everything she put you through, but I still feel bad at the thought of her being hurt.’’

  “I know exactly ho
w you feel,’’ she murmurs, staring off into space. “Right, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. What time have you got to be there? Do you need picking up?’’

  “No I’m good. Mason is going to drive me.’’

  She gives me a sly grin standing up from the bed. “Well I guess I’ll leave you to get ready then.’’

  “See ya,’’ I grin, feeling excited about tonight. “Oh and stop worrying. Everything is going to be fine.’’

  “Love you bitch,’’ she shouts making me giggle. The girl never, and I mean never swears… okay she doesn’t swear that much, but when she does it doesn’t sound right coming out of her mouth. She looks too sweet and innocent to be sprouting out curses.

  It’s just under an hour later when Mason arrives for our first date. I’ve been pacing the bedroom with so much nervous energy I’m surprised I haven’t gone into labour.

  The dress Harlow bought me falls beautifully over my bump, making it look slightly bigger with the way it falls. It also gives him a good eyeful of my cleavage thanks to the dress pushing my now large breasts up and together.

  I’ve matched the dress with some plain green flip flops with a diamond stud embedded on the strap. I’ve put in my silver dangly earrings and my matching silver sparkly necklaces that falls to the top of my cleavage. My hair has been left down in loose waves, my hands too tired to do anything else with it. Same goes for my makeup. By the time I finished getting showered and dressed I grew too tired to do anything else. So my makeup has been kept light with just a tint of foundation, lip gloss and mascara.

  “Hold on,’’ I say rushing to the door, my grin stretching across my face. Opening the door I have to grab a hold of it quickly when I open it too enthusiastically and it nearly smashes against the wall inside. My face cringes at the sound and when I look up, Mason is staring at me with such appreciation I can’t pull my eyes away from his.

  His eyes slowly move from mine, raking down my body, to my cleavage which he admires with deep desire, his eyes darkening. They soften once they hit my stomach, a smile tugging at his lips until he drops his eyes to my legs, his eyes darkening once again as he takes me in.

  My body hums with awareness, the desire pooling between my legs, and my pulse races with lust.

  I want him.

  I want him so goddamn much it hurts.

  I tighten my legs together needing to ease the ache pulsing between them when his eyes once again reach mine. His eyes are still dark, his breathing heavy and his lips are now curved into his signature smirk, the same smirk that got me to notice him five years ago at fourteen years old. Even then I knew that smirk would be the death of me, and that it would only cause me heartache, but not once did I ever care.

  I guess I wish I could go back in time and tell my fourteen year old self to open her eyes and tell her she will care.

  Because trust me, I do. A lot!

  “You look… fuck! You look beautiful, Denny,’’ he tells me, his smirk long gone and only honesty written in his expression.

  “Thank you. You don’t look so bad ya’ self,’’ I grin, my eyes now trailing over his body just like he did with mine only moments ago. His large chest is covered by a dark purple buttoned up shirt, his large arms bulging through the material. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, but even still you can see how powerful they are with each muscle and vein tensing through his forearms. He’s wearing his normal Levi jeans, no rips like most of his other jeans have, and has paired them with a black belt. His legs look as powerful as his arms. They aren’t tree trunk built, but they’re powerful all the same; I should know, I have admired his body naked. And trust me when I tell you I stored every inch of his delicious body to memory so I’d never forget, including the dimples at the bottom of his large back. And although I’m only getting frontal visual at the moment, I can still picture how tight his ass will look in those jeans. How his muscles tighten when I scraped my nails down his back.

  Shaking my thoughts before they go somewhere I’m not comfortable with yet, I make my way down to his shoes. Never have I seen Mason Carter wear a pair of black dinner shoes before. He looks so deliciously handsome I’m finding it hard not to jump him.

  Which wouldn’t be a good thing at the moment considering this is our first date and I have a baby in my stomach that may get squashed in the process.

  “You look real good,’’ I say when I reach his eyes, my tongue slowly licking my bottom lip.

  We stare at each other for what seems like eternity, and nowhere near long enough before Mason looks away, his face filled with amusement and lust.

  “Come on then before your belly starts demanding food,’’ he chuckles.

  “Hey, I’ll have you know I’m feeding for two now. I don’t have to feel guilty for eating my body’s weight in food. It’s the only time we can do it without feeling guilty I’m sure,’’ I tease, not knowing what I’m talking about in the slightest.

  “Come on then,’’ he laughs, and shuts the door behind me like a gentleman.

  *** **** *** **** ***

  Mason and I are seated straight away thanks to him booking in advance. The little restaurant he’s brought me to is half an hour away from where we live. I’ve never eaten here before, and from the looks of the decor I’m surprised I haven’t. This place is somewhere my mother would have dragged me to if she knew about the place, and I know for a fact she doesn’t because without a doubt she would have bragged to all her friends she had eaten here.

  The place is beautiful with its candlelight settings and old wooden decor. It gives the place a homely, rich aroma. It’s inviting.

  The place is painted blood red, the colour matching nicely with the dark wood, and beams. The place looks antique with old books littering the shelves, crooked candle holders, and old fashioned lighting. And in spite of all of the accessories decorating the place, it still manages to pull off that rich look to it.

  “I promise, the place doesn’t look like much from the outside, but I promise the food is great,’’ Mason assures me once we’ve taken a seat.

  He’s right. From outside I’d gotten worried he was lost, or he was taking me to dark, heavy metal bar. It’s not in the nicest locations and the outside looks worn down from the peeling paint and crappy surroundings. It’s nothing like I expected it to be when we were walking up from the car park.

  “No, I like it already,’’ I tell him truthfully.

  “Good. I’m glad,’’ he smiles widely, making me feel shy. “I used to come here with my Nan. She loved it here. I haven’t really been here much though the past year. When I decided to take you out I knew this would be the perfect place to go.

  “Their menu is mostly Italian, but I know Nick will make you whatever you like, babe.’’

  Him bringing me here, somewhere he used to come with his Nan has me smiling. I feel privileged that he would want to bring me somewhere so special to him and his Nan.

  “What was your Nan like?’’ I smile. I don’t remember much of their Nan; she died not long after they moved here. She used to be good friends with my Nan, my mother’s mom who works at Grayson High. They went to the same church, but by the time I was old enough to attend with my Nan, their Nan had died.

  “She wasn’t our blood Nan, but she was more of a Nan than our real Nan was. She died a few months after we came to live with Granddad. We were lucky that when our biological Nan left our Granddad before our mom was born, that he managed to move on, otherwise we’d never have had her in our lives.

  “She never had a good upbringing, but my God, she never let any of it define her. She was so full of life, full of love, that it blew me away whenever she paid attention to me. To any one of us really. We felt the love she had for us. She taught us the sensitive side of being a man, whereas Granddad taught us to be men. If she were here right now, knew what I did to you, she’d kick my ass to Belgium and back. The woman had so much fight in her and she was only four foot nine.

  “She also had our Granddad running rings aro
und her. They were best of friends. But if you got on her wrong side you were toast,’’ he laughs and I love it when he laughs. He looks so carefree and his facial features soften. It makes him appear his age and not the older, rugged, older-than-his-years lad I’ve come to know.

  “She sounds like an amazing woman.’’

  “What about your other Nan, the one from Wales?’’

  “Well, she will be kicking your arse when she sees you,’’ I tell him straight faced, raising my brow, then laugh loudly when his face loses its entire colour. “I’m kidding. Kind of. She’s cool. She’s nothing like my dad. She’s opinionated, strong, worldly, funny, youthful, and totally loveable.’’

  “What about you’re other Nan? I know you have one that lives not far from us,’’ he asks, taking me by surprise knowing that much about me.

  “Yeah. We used to get along until the night that I kicked you in the balls,’’ I tell him, my voice trailing off. I really shouldn’t have reminded him of that. I wince just thinking about it, remembering the sound of his pain.

  When Harlow and I went to a party after one of Malik’s races not long ago, Mason had turned up all over some girl. When he started sprouting shit at me I kneed him in the balls.

  Not one of my finest moments.

  “I remember,’’ he winces, his one hand reaching under the table to no doubt cup his package.

  I giggle at his expression and I know that I shouldn’t. What I did to him was totally stupid, dangerous, but totally justified.

  “Anyway, I was completely drunk and a complete mess and one of my Nan’s friends must have reported back to her after seeing me. My Nan told my mom and all hell broke loose. My Nan said I shamed her family and to never speak to her until I got God’s forgiveness. I may or may not have answered back and made it worse, but it’s not the point,’’ I answer, wincing a little when I remember the horrible words they said to me. “Can I ask you something?’’


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