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Mason Page 16

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Okay, where to now because that woman in the last store really needed to pop her eyes back in her head? Did you see the way she was staring at my bump?’’ I ask in disbelief. We’d just been in one of the popular clothes stores in town and were literally followed around by one of the assistants like we were thieves. Then to top that shit off, she eyed my bump like it was infected, looking disgusted and I wanted to rip her eyes out with my nails.

  “Yeah I did. For a second I got worried you were going to go Michael Myers on her ass.’’

  “Trust me, if I had a butchers knife I would have used it on the bitch,’’ I laugh.

  “Shit you sound scary,’’ she laughs. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.’’

  I’m still laughing when we join the queue for Greg’s to get the cupcake I promised Harlow earlier when the old lady in front turns around.

  “Ohhh, how cute,’’ she gushes, her hands pressing against my baby bump. I’m frozen at first, my face turning bright red before turning my stunned gaze over to Harlow to see she has the same wide eyed expression as me. “How far along are you? My daughter could never give me Grandkids. They are so precious, babies.’’

  I’m completely speechless. I know she’s asked me a question, and I know I should answer, but I don’t feel like she’s actually asking me. She wakes up bean, and I want to shake the ever loving shit out of her. I’ve spent most of our shopping trip either being watched, or in a toilet because of bean pressing down on my bladder. Now this lady comes along, whom, may I add is a stranger, not only touches me, but wakes her up.

  I’m pissed.

  Like, mama bear pissed.

  Who in their right mind would think touching a pregnant ladies bump would be okay? Especially a stranger who could flip out and attack them over it. It’s like my belly has a sign on it saying touch me, I’m a baby.

  “Dear, she just kicked,’’ she gushes loudly and I’m about to tell her no shit, I’m the one carrying her, until my mouth snaps closed in a tight lipped expression when she reaches out to grab her husband’s hand, placing it on my bump before I can even tell her no.

  “Oh yes, how lovely,’’ he smiles at me, obviously not seeing my complete and utter terror. I feel Harlow snicker against me and I give her a warning glare to not encourage them further.

  Too late.

  “Our daughter could never have grandbabies. We were so disappointed,’’ he tells me sadly and that’s when I snap.

  “Well you’re not having mine so get your paws off my stomach now, both of you,’’ I snap, stepping backwards.

  “Watch your manners young lady,’’ the old lady scolds.

  The nerve! “Manners? Where were your manners when you just had your dirty mitts all over my stomach?’’

  “That is no way to talk to your elders,’’ the man says calmly, and I give him a glare, narrowing my eyes at him.

  “I’m sorry. Would it have been more polite if I had started rubbing my hands all over your stomach?’’ then snap my mouth closed when I realise how that sounded. My face reddens further when Harlow spits out a laugh and I turn, grab her arm and stomp away.

  “The nerve of some people. What is it with people today? Have I got something on my back?’’ I ask turning to give her my back, but don’t give her the chance to answer. “I cannot believe she stood there, touching me, violating my personal space then acted like I was the one who was in the wrong. Seriously… who the hell do they think they are?’’

  “I don’t know, but your face was a picture,’’ she laughs, then holds her phone up for me to see the side profile of my face, looking pissed, open mouthed and wide eyed at the old bag who touched me.

  “At least I have a picture of her so I can remember who she is. Shit, she freaked me out,’’ I shudder, and then shudder again when the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. The feeling of someone watching me starts to freak me out and I start taking notice of our surroundings, not seeing anyone I recognise, out of place, or even the old bag from earlier. I even checked twice for her and her husband.

  “What’s up?’’ Harlow asks and I snap my head to hers startled.

  “Sorry. It’s nothing. Come on, let’s go get me an outfit for my date, then maybe we can try to brave the queue again without being mauled,’’ I giggle, but it’s forced, my mind still on the feel of someone watching me.

  Luckily, by the time we hit the last clothing store, I find what I want. It will go perfect for mine and Mason’s date tonight.

  Because I’m still unsure of where he’s taking me I decided to keep it fancy casual. You know when it’s not fancy, but it’s not a jeans and t-shirt kind of place either. So I decided to go with a deep green maxi dress that has a white and green patterned scarf around the waist. When I tried it on the scarf came above my bump, so it fit perfectly. It shows more cleavage than I usually like, but to hell with it, they’ll probably drop two sizes and sag south once I’ve had the baby, so I’m flaunting it while I’ve got it.

  I’ve got jewellery at home that will go nicely with the outfit and some flat shoes that will look perfect as the dress falls to mid-thigh.

  “Want to go for a coffee?’’ I ask Harlow, checking my watch to see I’ve got an hour and half still until Mason picks us up.

  “If you want to, we could actually go to the club if you want, see if Mason is there.’’

  “Come on then. Let’s go get them a cupcake each before we go,’’ I smile.

  Harlow nods, and once we’ve purchased a box we start making our way down to the club.

  “What is the club called?’’ I ask her, never having asked until now.

  “Malik said it used to be M5C, but Mason changed it to MC5. The rest argued for a while over it.’’


  “Well M and C are their initials, and there is five of them, but Max and Myles said MC5 sounded like a motorcycle gang.’’

  “A motorcycle gang? We have scooter runners, not MC’s running around the place,’’ I laugh.

  “That is why Mason ignored them, and changed it to MC5. He said M5C didn’t go and sounded too much of a mouthful. Then downstairs is called V.I.P.’’

  “Have you ever been?’’

  “You’re joking right? Malik wouldn’t dare let me step foot in a strip club,’’ she laughs shaking her head at me.

  “What about the normal bar?’’

  “Oh, I’ve been in once, but to be honest, Malik doesn’t spend much time there,’’ she shrugs.

  “I can’t wait to see where he works,’’ I gush out smiling.

  “How are you and Mason getting along?’’ she smiles knowingly, her shoulder bumping with mine.

  “We’re getting on really good actually. He is so sweet and attentive, and has changed so much during the time I’ve been back. But sometimes I miss his flirtatious personality.’’

  “Have you guys… you know…-”

  “Had sex? No, we haven’t. Not from my lack of trying either. It’s not like I don’t know he wants to. He has a constant boner that shows me how much he wants it, but he will never take it any further than kissing and cuddling.’’

  My voice sounds bitter, even to my own ears and I have to wince a little. Shit I sounded like a bitch.

  “So you’re a sexually frustrated, pregnant lady with high crazy hormones?’’ she giggles and I shoot her a warning look.

  “Yeah,’’ I breathe sadly. “It’s a shame I can’t knock him out and have my wicked way with him,’’ I wink.

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,’’ she laughs and we step outside the club. The huge MC5 sign is painted on in bright, bold, red letters.

  “Let’s see if we can sneak up on them,’’ I shush her, opening the door to the main area and sneak to a standing table which is placed near a wooden block that will hide us. Once we’re there we both peek around it and my eyes water instantly.

  Mason is standing at the bar pulling a drink while a girl in the same uniform as him is rubbing her fake tits
up his arm, her fingers brushing against his bicep.

  “That bitch,’’ I whisper yell and go to step out, but Harlow grabs my arm stopping me. “Let me go,’’ I snap.

  “Shush, look,’’ she points, her eyes on where Mason is.

  My heart hurts, it feels heavy in my chest and I can’t help the tear that falls from my eyes. When I turn back around he’s no longer masking a relaxed expression, but one of pure torture and anger.

  He tells the girl something then moves to serve the next person, but he comes back to step around the girl, she sticks her ass into his groin, and rubs herself against my man.

  “That fucking bastard,’’ I cry on a whisper, not having the strength to walk away or avert my eyes. I’m about to plead with Harlow to take me home, but then he slams down the customers drink on the bar and turns a furious glare on the girl, who is now looking white as a ghost.

  “I’ve got a fucking girlfriend, a pregnant girlfriend, who I’ve told you I’m happily in a relationship with,’’ he says, talking slowly when he mentions our relationship. My heart races, but now it’s for another reason, it’s because he called me his girlfriend and told her we’re happy.

  “Why would you want to settle down, have a brat that will only end up hating you for running out on it and it’s mom in years to come? You aren’t fooling me Mase, I know you’ll have those pants of yours down at your ankles by the end of the week.’’

  Not being able to take it anymore I step out from my hiding spot, and Harlow doesn’t stop me. Instead, she follows behind me as I walk up to the bar.

  Mason doesn’t see me at first, he’s too busy giving fake boobs her last warning, but when he turns to talk to the customer he was in the middle of serving, he stops, frozen, as he looks up into my eyes. If I hadn’t just witnessed their encounter for myself I’d say he had something to feel guilty about, but I know he doesn’t.

  “Babe,’’ he grins and the girl working behind the bar swings her attention to us, and I give her a smug expression.

  “Hey baby,’’ I coo. “I just wanted to run by and see you at work. We are going to wait until you’ve finished,’’ I smile sweetly, then give fake girl a condescending smile.

  “Well grab a chair and I’ll be over. I just need to finish serving,’’ he grins, his face genuinely pleased to see me.

  I nod my head grinning, and watch him walk into the back with a food order. I’m still watching his ass walk away when a loud cough startles me, averting my attention.

  “Hi, I’m Denny, Mason’s girlfriend,’’ I smile snidely.

  “Well, enjoy it while it lasts,’’ she smirks back, her eyes glaring holes into my head.

  “Why do you say that?’’ I ask sweetly.

  “Because Mason doesn’t do girlfriends, he does fuck buddies or one night stands.’’

  “Have you been either one of those?’’ I ask faking a hurt glance.

  “Not yet, but I will be,’’ she smirks and I smile inside.

  “Did you hear her?’’ I ask Harlow, smiling, but Harlow just smiles timidly, before lowering her gaze to the floor. “Trust me sweetie, you’ll be waiting an awfully long time for that to happen. He’s with me and that’s how it’s staying.’’

  “What because you’re carrying his sprog? Sorry sweetie, but you’re not the first girl that’s probably tried to tie him down. Once he sees what a mistake he’s made, I’ll be here waiting.’’

  “Are you sure about that?’’

  “Oh yeah,’’ she grins, her eyes hard.

  “You seriously are delusional. Everything about me is real; everything he sees in me is real. It’s me he comes home to, me he shares a bed and a home with, and it will be that marries his sorry ass. Now I expect you to get off your whore horse and realise what a slut you sound like.”

  “You need to hear what you sound like. I’d bet my whole months wages that the baby ends up not even being his.’’

  “Well unlike you I can keep my legs closed. Ever thought why he slept around? Ever thought it’s because that’s all you’re worth? He knows he’ll never be able to bring you home to his Granddad or his brothers. He knows he’ll never make a home with you and that waking up the morning after is enough to put him off you for life. Don’t think you’re something special. You girls may think sleeping with him once is like winning a gold medal, but it’s not. I’m the one who feels like she’s won the lottery. I’m the one that get’s all of him, not you, so fuck off, do your job, and back the fuck off my man,’’ I snap, my voice rising.

  I take a deep breath the same time I hear a tiny chuckle beside me. I look back at the girl who is glaring at me with so much hatred; I nearly take a step back. Nearly. Then a flicker of movement catches my attention from the corner of my eye and I gasp in horror. Mason is standing by the entrance to the backdoor, his face a blank mask.

  When he starts walking over I start to regret talking back to the bimbo, but then I remember the look she gave me, the words she said and I clench my fists, ready for the fight with Mason if I have too.

  “Go take a seat over there, Harlow. Danni, get her a drink of coffee,’’ he orders, his eyes not moving away from mine when he grabs my hand and pulls me over to the other side of the room, to where the exit doors are.

  The doors lead to the staff room, the office and other rooms. When he pulls me into the one of the rooms not labelled, I shiver, and it’s not from the cold, but from the tension coming from Mason.

  “Look I’m sorry…No actually I’m not. She’s a bitch and I’m glad you didn’t sleep with her. But, I’m not sorry for what I said…’’ I ramble.

  “Shut up,’’ he growls and I snap my eyes up to meet his dark, desire filled eyes. My mouth snaps closed and when it does he takes a step closer, his body flush up against mine. My breathing is coming in deep, fast pants and I can’t take my eyes away from his. It’s like he has me in a trance.

  “That… that was the sexiest, most hottest, encounter I have ever witnessed,’’ He breathes out.


  “You heard,’’ he seductively grins. “I think I like you getting all territorial over me.’’ His voice is a mere whisper, his breath fanning across my cheek. My face flushes and I remind myself to keep calm. I don’t want to show him how much his proximity is affecting me, but it’s proving to be too hard -pun intended-when his hardness is pressing against my lower stomach. “Did you mean what you said?’’

  My mind struggles to even contemplate his question, and I reply with a short, moaned, “Huh?’’ the feel of his lips against my neck is doing dangerous things to my mind and body, sending me to a puddle of goo.

  “Did you mean it when you told her I was your man?’’ he chuckles, amusement filling his voice as he kisses a line at edge of my jaw, up to the corner of my lips, where he ends up stopping, his lips hovering over mine, so close, yet, not close enough.

  “You tell me, Mason,’’ I manage to breathe out, my eyes fluttering closed as I lean forward. My lips manage to touch his for a brief second before he pulls back, his eyes drawn together in confusion.

  “What do you mean?’’ His voice is husky and I have to tighten my knees together to try and ease the ache he’s started, but it does nothing but make me ache more, my body screaming –no, demanding, for him to pleasure me, to touch me.

  “Are you my man?’’

  “Of course, just like you’re my woman, love,’’ he whispers.

  My face splits into a huge grin, love sparkling in my eyes for the first time in a long time. When Mason notices his lips crash down to mine in a hungry, passionate kiss that has me feeling dizzy, disoriented, and feeling completely undone.

  I’m squirming beneath his touch, our chests rising and falling and both of us clinging to each other like it’s our last kiss.

  “Hey Mase, Elliot’s here, so you can get off…Wow!! Shit! Didn’t see you there,’’ Maverick mumbles after walking in and catching Mason pressing me up against the wall. My face flames and I bury my
head in Mason’s chest, fighting the urge to giggle. Yep, that’s right, I’ve turned into one of those. One of those people, who, when they’re nervous ends up laughing over the most awkward, and saddest moments.

  I remember once getting into trouble at school, and I ended up laughing in the teachers face because I’d been that nervous, that worried that he’d tell my parents, I could only laugh. It was either that or cry. The teacher didn’t think my giggling was amusing, nor did he think it was clever and I ended up getting lunchtime detention for the whole week.

  “Bro, seriously fuck off,’’ Mason growls, his chin resting on top of my head. His body is still shaking, and I can feel him fighting for breath. His very impressive erection is still pressed up against me, and I end up biting my lip to stop myself from laughing. Mason must sense something because the hold he has on my hips tighten.

  “Yeah, so, I’ll just go back to work. Have a goodnight,’’ he says before closing the door and that’s when I hear him burst into laughter and I end up following, but my face still flames with mortification.

  “You think it’s funny my brother caught us making out like two thirteen year olds in a storage closet?’’

  “Yeah, um, no, but kind of,’’ I giggle, my face pulling away to look up at him.

  “What am I going to do with you?’’ he chuckles, pulling away. The cold air from the loss of his body covers me and my skin breaks out in goose bumps.

  “What time are we heading out?’’

  “Tonight, so we can be back in time to watch a movie earlier enough so you don’t pass out on me.’’

  The crinkles at the corner of his eyes and the dents where his dimples are show he’s amused.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here,’’ I grin, loving that he notices my issue to not finish a movie until the next day. It’s happened every time we’ve watched a movie together. We’ll put it on; I’ll fall asleep near the ending and then finish it off the next morning. We’ve become adept to it.

  The first time it happened, Mason had been talking to me throughout the movie and he was surprised at how quiet I was being, but when he looked he found himself cuddled up to a sleeping me.


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