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Mason Page 18

by Lisa Helen Gray

  Everyone grunts their agreements and I duck my head, a little embarrassed to have so much attention on us.

  “I like you kid,’’ the large bloke grins at Mason and Mason grins back. “Come on Kelly, we got steak to eat.’’

  The blonde woman shakes her head, amusement showing on her face. If I had to guess, the woman was used to her bloke’s interactions. I give her a smile when she gives our table a glance and she gives me a soft smile back before following her bloke over to the table they’re being directed to.

  “I cannot believe you just did that,’’ I whisper yell across the table to him. I’m also proud he got the podium dickhead to change his mind, but Mason doesn’t need anything more adding to his enormous ego.

  “Believe it babe. I’m a fucking God,’’ he chuckles then breathes in when the food arrives at our table. “Ahh, about time, I’m starving,’’ he grins, giving me a wink and I shake my head and the waitress just gives me a small smile and a girly giggle. Now that her eyes are off my man, I’m actually glad we’ve got her as a waitress. She doesn’t seem hard headed like the others I’ve come to know when I’ve gone out to dinners with my parents.

  We ate our dinner and dessert before leaving the fancy restaurant. After much discussion during our meal we both decided a KFC would have been much better. Just because a place is fancy and has high prices, doesn’t mean the place is high quality. Even the waitress who had waited on us gave us a discount, saying she felt bad with the little food I consumed.

  I’d asked for a well done steak, but what I got was a medium rare and with the baby, I didn’t want to eat it, or risk seeing the blood seep out and pass out. So bless her heart, she knocked off the price for my meal and gave us the desserts for free.

  Mason had been ecstatic.

  I decided to wait outside under the shelter of the restaurant while Mason ran halfway down the road to the parking lot to retrieve the car.

  The door behind me opens and the couple from earlier walk out, both car seats held by the large bloke.

  “Hey, I know you. You’re the chick with the kid,’’ he tells me grinning.

  “He’s not a kid and yes that’s me.’’

  I try to smile, but the bloke kind of freaks me out. Even with his easy playful attitude, his size and height give him a dangerous edge to him.

  “Suppose not,’’ he mutters, before looking at his wife. “Wait here, I’ll get the car.’’

  He runs off down the street and I stand awkwardly under the shelter until the woman next to me speaks.

  “How far along are you?’’ she asks sweetly.

  “I’ve got just over eight weeks left,’’ I tell her, my hand rubbing affectingly over my pregnant belly.

  “Your first?’’

  “Yeah. How old are these two?’’ I ask her, bending down at the knees to touch the little ones hand. Her hand immediately opens and latches onto my finger and my heart races. This is going to be me in over eight weeks and the thought has me excited and nervous. “They are adorable,’’ I tell her standing back up.

  “They’re only four months old,’’ she answers proudly, just as my little girl decides to kick me in the bladder. I double over and clutch my stomach and the woman rushes over to me, her hand on my back.

  “Are you okay? What’s wrong?’’

  Before I can answer a car door slams and Mason is in front of me. “Babe, what is it?’’

  “It’s just a kick. It took me off guard,’’ I tell him, straightening up. The woman backs off a little, her nose scrunching up.

  “Let’s get you home,’’ he tells me, wrapping his arm around me.

  “Can we wait a second for her husband to come back?’’ I ask him, gesturing to the woman alone with two kids next to me.

  “Hey, sorry, I didn’t see you there. No problem,’’ Mason replies just as another car pulls up behind Mason’s.

  “It’s nice to meet you,’’ I tell the woman.

  “I’m Kelly and that large Ogre is my husband, Dante,’’ she replies smiling.

  “I’m Denny and this is Mason, my boyfriend.’’

  “Nice to meet you,’’ Kelly smiles then Dante puffs his chest out grinning.

  “Dude, be prepared,’’ is all he says to Mason, before Kelly smacks him on the chest.

  “What do you mean?’’ Mason asks confused.

  “The birth? It’s like watching the goriest horror movie.’’

  “What?’’ Mason snaps, looking horrified.

  “Yeah,’’ Dante nods his head. “First time for me was the worst. I had nightmares for weeks mate. And it was over my best friend wife’s pussy,’’ he tells Mason, earning another smack from his wife. “It was a disaster man. Her hole was like this,’’ he says, his hands spread out showing how big and I chuckle.

  “It wasn’t,’’ Kelly says, smacking Dante on the arm. “He passed out, so don’t ask him anything,’’ she giggles.

  “I did not. I was just taking a breather. I had just delivered a baby Kelly. That shit was scary as fuck and you can talk, you didn’t do anything,’’ he teases, a huge grin upon his face. The dude isn’t as scary as I originally thought. He’s kind of like a big bear. A big bear that’s huge and has muscles that looks like The Rock’s.

  “I’ll be fine. I can handle anything as long as they’re both safe,’’ Mason replies and I smile softly up at him.

  “The kids got game,’’ Dante chuckles before picking the car seats up. “It’s nice meeting ya both, but we need to get going before the old lady at the B&B locks us out,’’ he grunts, running over to the car shielding the babies in their seats.

  “Old lady?’’ I ask confused, wondering if I really want to know.

  “Ignore him,’’ she laughs. “He’s just scared because she didn’t fall for his charm or jokes when we arrived. We’re only here for one more night before we head back home, so good luck with the pregnancy,’’ she tells me, before turning to Mason. “And make sure you don’t faint. Be a man about it,’’ she chuckles, tapping him on his chest once before following her husband and rushing over to the car.

  “Take me home?’’ I grin up at Mason and he grins down at me.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Arriving back at home, the sky completely opens and rain pours down, soaking the both of us as we rush as quickly as we can through the garden to our house.

  Mason opens the door as the first crack of thunder booms through the night sky. The sound forces me to jump, nearly biting my lip off in the process.

  I’m shivering by the time we make it inside, and I run my hands up and down my soaked, bare arms.

  “Let’s get you out of your wet clothes,’’ Mason tells me huskily, his face inches away from me. We haven’t put the lights on yet, but I still manage to see his eyes rake down my chest. It’s then I realise I’m not wearing a bra, and the wet material is clinging to my bare breasts, my erect nipples showing clearly through the material.

  “Ah-hum,’’ I nod, agreeing, but no words leaving my mouth.

  Mason chuckles and takes another step closer to me, not bothering to turn on the lights.

  His hands reach my waist and although we were both out in the rain, his hands feel like they’re on fire when they touch me and I sway forward into him, my stomach blocking me from getting any closer.

  “Hmmm,’’ Mason grunts, his hands sliding up over my ribs to under my breasts and my body arches towards his touch. His thumbs, ever so slightly, swipe over my erect nipples and I let out a quiet moan.

  Wetness pools between my legs and all the pent up sexual frustration that I’ve been gathering since being back with Mason threatens to erupt.

  His phone rings, but he ignores it as his head leans in for a kiss. My mouth meets his in a heated explosion, my hands clinging to the back of his head, running my fingers through his wet hair. My moan reaches my ears when the ringing stops and Mason pulls away, leaving me a panting mess.

  My legs threaten to give out when his lips reach my neck, pl
acing light and hard kisses as he kisses a path all the way down to my chest, then down between my breasts, before finally, finally sucking a nipple into his mouth.

  The sensation is overwhelming and I cry out in pleasure. The material from the dress, his heated breath has me close to cumming.

  His phone rings again, and we both groan, but mine turns into a cry of pleasure when he takes my nipple in his mouth while rolling the other one between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Ahhh, please,’’ I pant breathlessly.

  “Hold on babe,’’ he grunts, his voice heavy with arousal.

  Another call ends, but then it starts again, but this time with a different ringtone and I stiffen under Mason.

  “Shit!’’ he grunts pulling away, his face looking pained and pissed. “I need to answer that,’’ he whispers, sounding regretful. I nod my head, unsure if I can manage to talk.

  “Hello,’’ he answers, and then listens to the other person on the phone. “What the fuck? I’m with Denny, can’t you handle it? Fuck! Yeah. Okay. I said okay Mav.’’

  He ends the call standing with his back to me, his breathing heavy. I can feel the tension rolling off him and I take a step towards him.

  “Is everything okay?’’ I ask softly, worried about what has gotten him so worked up.

  “No. I need to go babe,’’ he says, regret filling his eyes. “That bitch from earlier, who worked at the bar, tried setting fire to the bar.’’

  I gasp horrified. As if the crazy bitch did that. “Oh my God, is everyone okay? Are you sure it was her?’’

  “Luckily no one was hurt and the damage is contained to the one office. We have her on camera, but Mav needs me to go down. The police want to question me about her or something and as I run that part of the business, I need to be the one to answer them.’’

  “Go! Go! Sort it out,’’ I urge, completely shocked someone would do that. Not only have they put people in danger, but they nearly burnt down someone’s livelihood.

  “I don’t want to go,’’ he groans, grabbing me by my hips.

  A shiver runs down my body and now that his warmth is gone, my teeth start chattering. I hear him curse into the darkness before grabbing my hand.

  “Let’s go get changed and then I’ll go sort this mess out. Hopefully it won’t take too long.’’

  I head up the stairs, switching lights on as I go with Mason following behind me.

  Once we reach the bedroom, Mason’s gaze doesn’t leave mine; I can feel his stare burning into my skin, and my arousal returning. Taking off my wet dress is difficult at first, the material has tightly clung to my skin and when I try to get it over my head, but I get it stuck.

  Mason’s laughter pisses me off, but half of me can see what he finds amusing. I’m soaking wet with a dress stuck over my head, bare breasts, only a black thong covering my lady bits and a pregnant stomach. I must look a picture.

  “You’re beautiful,’’ Mason whispers close to my ear and it makes me jump. I hadn’t realised he had been that close.

  His hands reach above me, my breath hitches and then I can see. My back is to Mason, which I’m half thankful for and half hating. When his warm fingers run down my side, then back up to lightly brush against my breast I shiver. My whole body breaks into goosebumps and then embarrassingly, I moan loudly when I feel his erection at my bottom, his hands sliding down to cup my ass cheeks.

  “Hmmm… you have a great fucking ass,’’ he hums in appreciation, his touch setting me on fire.

  “Thank you,’’ I cough out. “I’m going to take a shower to warm up,’’ or cool off, but I’m not sure which is winning.

  “Right. Yeah. You go shower and I’ll be back in a bit. I’ll text you when I’m on my way back,’’ he tells me, and then sweetly, he places a kiss on my shoulder before turning me around. His gaze never leaves my face and for that, I am thankful for. If he took one look at my body, my breasts, I’d probably jump him and right now he needs to go sort his business out and I need to cool my libido down.

  I lean in to give him a kiss, hoping it will be a quick one so he can get going, but then his hands come around me, cupping my ass cheeks, and brings me flush against him, my bare breasts against his bare chest and I moan in approval. God he feels so freaking good.

  “I won’t be long.’’ His voice is husky, filled with so much built up sexual tension.

  “Okay,’’ I whisper back, then give him another peck on the lips before grabbing my dressing gown hung on the back of the chair.

  *** *** **** *** *** ***

  Mason has been gone for over two hours and it’s now getting really late. I’m bone tired, but ever since I came up over an hour ago, I’ve been restless, tossing and turning. My body is frustrated, begging for the release it craves so desperately, the release Mason left me begging for earlier tonight.

  Frustrated, I kick the covers off my feet and half off the bed and slide my feet out. Since unpacking all my stuff, I’ve managed to give everything a place. Even the dildo I secretly bought when I moved into Nan’s after the first month of living with her. Oh, and it’s not for reasons you’ll be thinking of, but right now, this second, I’m so fucking thankful I bought one.

  Grabbing the chair from my vanity desk, I drag it across the bedroom to the wardrobe, open the doors then drag the chair in as far as it will go. It’s a walk-in wardrobe, but not like the ones you see on the television. You know the one where it’s as big as your whole bedroom or the whole downstairs? Yeah, mine is literally like a broom closet you’ll find at an old church school. Either way, it’s still big enough to fill all my clothes and I do have a lot.

  Up on the top, there are three shelves and on the second shelf are my hidden boxes. Boxes I told Mason to secure and to never look through as they hold my most inner, most personal items.

  A dildo and all of my diaries.

  Grabbing the box I know it’s in I slide it across until I’ve securely got it in my hand and make my way back to the bed.

  I gasp when I bring it out of its packaging, forgetting how bloody big it is. I’m also confused as to why you can pick a colour. Seriously, it goes up your doo-dah and it’s a wham bam, thank you ma’am. I’m confused to the vibrations set on it, but then I’m blonde, so hey, what the hell do I know?

  Not having used it since before moving back home, I quickly think of something to use as lubricant. My mind runs wild, and I nearly squeal in triumph when I think of the lip balm I have in my handbag downstairs, but then choke it down.

  Nearly tripping back over the blankets, I lob the bright pink dildo on the bed and rush over to the nursery. Mason or someone had put all the essentials on the changing mat. Talcum powder, baby shampoos are lined up with other bottles, so I grab the one I want… the baby oil.

  It doesn’t take me long to switch out the lights, remove my pyjama bottoms and knickers, and lubricate the dildo.

  That’s when I switch it on and no vibrations happen. Shit!! Maybe I need a new one. It has been sitting in a box for months on end with no one to play with it.

  Switching the light back on I roll to the side and grab the remote. I’m hoping it carries the same batteries as the dildo because there is no way I’m calling Mason and asking him if he has any spares lying around. That would seriously be awkward.

  Finally changing the batteries and placing the dead ones into the remote I roll to the other side, switch off the lamp and lay back down.

  I’m breathing heavily and have to give myself a minute to relax.

  All this trouble just to have an orgasm that only lasts a few seconds.

  I lightly rub the vibrator across my already wet slit, the vibrations making me feel crazy. Now I know why they added the vibrations, I think as I run it across my clit.

  I’m drowning in pleasure in just a few seconds of having it near me, so I gently run it back up and down once, before coating it with my arousal, making it more lubricated.

  It feels uncomfortable at first as I enter and pull it back o
ut, the rubber feel of the vibrator rubbing harshly against my sex. Grabbing the baby oil I pour some more on, making it slide in easier, bit by bit.

  Once fully in I begin to relax back down on the plush cushions, the blanket now down by my feet.

  The light flicks on and I let out a startling scream, my hands grabbing for the blanket to cover myself up. Once I’m covered I look towards the door, hoping to God it isn’t Harlow or any of Mason’s brothers, but when I turn and see Mason’s face, I start to wish it was one of them.

  “You need a hand?’’ he says quietly, quirking an eye.

  “Um…no,’’ I stutter, my face flaming hot and most likely bright red.

  “Are you sure? You looked like you were struggling.’’

  “No. Not struggling. Why don’t you go um… take a shower,’’ I suggest, really needing him out of here.

  Just my luck he walks in when I’m finally getting myself some, not that I used it for that previously.

  Mason walks around the bedroom to my side of the bed, before turning the lights down low by the switch next to my side of the bed, leaving the room lit in a dim glow.

  Sitting next to me he puts one arm over me, and the other one symmetrical, but on the side nearest to us, the move making it feel like he’s caging me in.

  “What…w-what are you doing?’’ I ask when he brings his head down lower, and for a second I nearly forget about the dildo still half inside of me. It must have fallen out when I grabbed the blanket in a hurry to cover myself up.

  “Denny…why do you have a dildo between your legs?’’ he asks, and he makes the question sound so normal, like it’s asked every day. I’m completely mortified and I duck my chin as low as it can go, but he only removes the hand nearest us both and uses it to prop my chin up. “Answer me.’’


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