Blood Thief Box Set (Alpha Billionaire Vampire Romance)

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Blood Thief Box Set (Alpha Billionaire Vampire Romance) Page 27

by Flynn, Mac

  He looked back to Simon's retreating back and nodded. "Yep. I just wish I knew why he's so bugged about this whole thing, and it isn't because Certus is kidnapped."

  I arched an eyebrow. "How can you tell?"

  He shrugged. "Let's just call it spiritual insight. What I do know is you're the only one who's going to get it out of him before these baddies tell us."

  I snorted. "I have trouble getting the time of day out of him."

  Specter ghosted around him and grinned. "Come on, you know he likes you. Don't be in denial."

  I eyed him as he circled me. "Speaking on that subject, what about you and Maeve?"

  He laughed and floated a couple of yards up the path toward the house. "I don't mind talking about that. Now that you're here I actually have a chance with her." He spun around so he faced me and grinned. "But you're right. We both need to tell them, and probably before the night's over."

  I furrowed my brow and followed him. "Why before the night's over?"

  He glanced down the path at the house. Simon's form lurked in the shadow of the stately old home. Specter pursed his lips. "Because if my gut feeling is right something bad is gonna happen. Real bad."


  I wondered about Specter's gut feeling, and his lack of the required body part, as our other two friends drove up. Maeve and Dolf stepped out of the car.

  Specter floated over to her with his arms wide open. "Darling!" His astral arms wrapped around her as best he could. "You would not believe the night I'm having!"

  She tried to push him away, but her hands went right through him. "What are you talking about?"

  Dolf glanced at Simon. "You guys have trouble out here or something?"

  "Or something," Simon commented as he and I joined our group.

  "It was awful!" Specter moaned. "There was this terrible phantom trying to break me apart, and then there was this cyclone-"

  "That was you," I reminded him.

  Specter's eyes flickered to me but he kept his latch on Maeve. "And Faith won't ask Simon what's been bothering him!"

  Maeve and Dolf's attention fell on me. I looked to Simon and sighed. "Is there something you're not telling us?"

  Maeve crossed her arms and leaned to one side. "I bet there is. You don't expect us to believe this Trica guy knows a lot about you and you don't know about him."

  Dolf snorted. "Hell, I'd like to know what the hell this Trica guy looks like."

  Simon pursed his lips. "He is missing the middle finger on his right hand."

  We all blinked at him. Maeve arched an eyebrow. "Seriously? He's missing his middle finger?" Simon nodded.

  A stifled, sputtering snort escaped Dolf's shut mouth. "So he can't even give us the two-fingered salute?"

  Simon narrowed his eyes. "He is more than capable of destroying all of you."

  "Then why this 'game?' Why not just take care of us now?" Maeve challenged him.

  "Because he wishes to amuse himself with our lives. That is how he entertains himself," Simon explained.

  My eyes flickered to Simon. "Sounds like somebody we know."

  "None of you are dead yet," he pointed out.

  Specter raised his hand. "I beg to differ."

  Maeve rolled her eyes. "All right, we're getting nowhere fast with this. If this crazy vampire wants to play a game with us, fine. What do we do next?"

  "We're supposed to go back to that place where we swiped the bracelet and get something," Specter told her.

  She furrowed her brow. "The Eres bracelet? We stole that."

  Specter floated around her and draped his springy body over shoulders. "Yeah, but we stole the bracelet while it was inside the safe, so that means Dolf gets some more exercise lifting some heavy security."

  She shook her body and loosened him from her shoulders. "Fine. Let's just get this over with before this Trica guy decides to end the game for Certus."

  Dolf held up the keys to the large limo and rattled them. "I'll drive."

  Our three companions wandered toward the vehicle. I took a step, but noticed Simon didn't follow. I looked back over my shoulder. He stood in the shadow of that lonely old house. His head was tilted back and his gaze lay on a window on the upper floor. His eyes held a soft look in them I could only describe as remorse.

  I sidled up beside him. "You okay?"

  He started and lowered his gaze to the front door. "I am fine."

  I frowned "You didn't look fine. You looked like you were remembering when you're dog died."

  A soft chuckle escaped his pursed lips. "That is a very apt analogy."

  "Are you two coming?" Dolf called from the car.

  Simon smiled down at me and offered me his arm. "Shall we?"

  I took his arm, but couldn't return his smile as he led me to the car. There was something painful we was keeping from us.

  Something I was soon to find out.

  Our little group climbed into the car and Dolf drove us to the Eres estate. We made a pass by the front gates. There was a black-suited, dark-glasses-wearing security guard on either side inside of the gate. Beyond that pair were many more that patrolled the heavily-lit grounds.

  "This is going to be fun. . ." Dolf mumbled.

  Maeve pursed her lips and shook her head. "I don't know how we're even going to get close to the house."

  Specter waved his hand. "You think this is hard you should've tackled that Demon Phantom."

  Maeve frowned at him. "So how are we getting across that lawn?"

  He grinned. "How's your flying?"

  Her frown deepened. "I am not letting you carry me."

  He shrugged. "Then we don't get in because right now only Santa Clause can get through that mess of security."

  "A simple plan, but lacking in tact," Simon spoke up.

  Specter glared at him. "Let me guess, you've got a better plan?"

  Simon crossed his legs and that sly smile slipped onto his red lips. "I may have an idea."

  Maeve sighed. "You're cute when you're plotting, Simon, but spit it out."

  His eyes swept over us. "We have so far kept ourselves in the shadows during our memorable heists, but I propose we meet this challenge in the open."

  Specter floated over to his other side and pressed his cold hand over Simon's forehead. "Did one of my bones hit you in the head a little too hard?"

  His eyes flickered to Maeve, but he nodded at the wall of the estate as we drove past it. "Do you sense anything amiss on those grounds?"

  She followed where he gestured and shrugged. "Just a bunch of men in black-" She frowned. Her eyes narrowed as she leaned toward the wall. "That's odd."

  Specter arched an eyebrow. "What is?"

  She pursed her lips. "I'm sensing a magic vibe around the house that wasn't there before."

  Simon looked past her and at our wolfy driver. "Do you smell any humans, Dolf?"

  Dolf lifted his nose and wrinkled it. "No, but a whole bunch of werewolves that haven't bathed in a while." He glanced over his shoulder. "I thought you said this Trica guy didn't like werewolves."

  "Apparently this is the exception. What else do you smell?"

  Dolf shrugged. "Some vampires, too, and a lot of scented candles."

  Simon looked to Specter. Our ghostly friend held up his hand. "I get it. There's some ghosts in there, too, right?"

  Simon chuckled. "Quite a few, though none quite on the level as the Demon Phantom."

  Specter wiped his brow. "Good. I don't think I've got more than a couple more Specter Spectacular Spectacles in me tonight, and I'm charging everyone an exhibition fee for these next ones."

  Maeve blinked at him. "Some Specter what?"

  While Specter informed her of his magnificence, I leaned forward and caught Simon's attention. "But what does this mean?"

  "It means it's a trap," Dolf called from the front seat. He parked the car two blocks from the estate and turned around to drape his arm over the divider window. "And we're walking right into it."

  "Our f
oe means for it to be a challenge," Simon corrected him.

  "It's a trap if it kills you, and going in there with that much supernatural security will make mincemeat of us," he protested.

  Simon's sly, crooked grin slipped onto his lips. "Are you conceding defeat before an attempt?"

  Dolf frowned. "I don't concede anything, but this is suicide."

  Simon shrugged. "Then remain in the car. I will bring the safe in your place."

  Dolf narrowed his eyes. His hand stretched over the seat sprouted fur. "Nobody takes my place."

  Simon bowed his head. "Then I expect good results." His eyes swept over our group. "From all of you."

  Maeve straightened in her seat and pursed her lips. "So no human witnesses, and nothing to keep us from doing the most damage, am I correct?"

  Simon nodded. "You are. You have carte blanche to commence with whatever attacks you wish. Just remember not to destroy one another in the process."

  Our witch friend smiled and reached into her coat pocket. She brought out a small pestle, mortar and a bag of dust like what she'd sprinkled on me. "Where do we start?"

  Simon looked to Dolf. "I believe the gates are rather weak looking, don't you agree?"

  Dolf grinned and looked ahead. "I think you're right," he replied as he started the car.

  He turned us around and drove us back to the gate. I looked at Simon and pointed at myself. "So what do I get to do? Be bait?"

  "You will remain with me as we bring up the rear," he told me.

  My face fell. "Is that it?"

  Specter laughed. "I could possess you again if you want."

  I studied him for a moment before I returned my focus to Simon. "On second thought, that doesn't sound too bad."

  Maeve nodded at the top of my head. "And it will keep my spell in your hair."

  Specter clapped his hands and rubbed them together. There wasn't any noise. "So when do we start the chaos?"

  "In five seconds!" Dolf called from the front seat.

  The front gate came up on us. It was set far enough back from the road there wasn't much of a turn into it. Dolf punched on the gas and threw his head back in a maniacal laugh.

  The suited guards stepped behind the gate to see what all the squealing tires was about. Their mouths dropped open and they leapt out of the way a half second before we slammed into the gate. The thick iron bars were no match for the weight and speed of the limo. Their bolts tore from the stone wall and the gates came crashing down. We skidded off the gravel driveway and bounced onto the grass.

  I clutched the car door beside me and glanced out the rear window. The guards picked themselves up and one of them threw off his glasses. He tilted his head back and let loose a long, loud howl.

  Maeve whipped her head to Dolf. "What'd he say?"

  "He's calling that!" Dolf warned us as he nodded out the front windshield.

  He gestured to a flurry of phantoms and a pack of transforming black-suited were-guards. A half dozen bonfires were lit around the house, and over each one presided a woman. The bonfires shrouded the house and close grounds in a thick fog bank.

  Maeve rolled up her sleeves and grinned. "This might be fun after all."

  "And I'll help," Specter offered.

  Dolf careened us into the fog. Large thumps on the roof announced the arrival of the werewolves. Dolf applied the brakes and we skidded to a stop within the dense fog.

  I screamed when something clawed at my window. Simon flew past me and opened the door nice and hard. There was a yelp, and he turned to me with his sly smile. "I believe I just broke its snout."

  "Let's move!" Maeve shouted as she rushed out the other door. Specter flew through the ceiling.

  A burst of colorful light came from where Maeve had gone followed closely by a lot of yipping. The light twirled around like a disco ball and illuminated the shadows of the two dozen fighters. There was a high-pitched cackle followed by a high-pitched scream. It was wonderful chaos.

  Dolf opened his door and grinned at us as he quickly transformed. "I can't let them have all the fun." He leapt outside and the sounds increased.

  Simon grasped my shoulder and grinned at me. "We should take cover."

  I blinked at him. "Before what?"

  He nodded at Maeve's open door. The fog was slowly swirling. "Before our ghostly companion's trick commences."

  Simon pulled me from the vehicle and into the thick fog. I clapped my hand over my head as we ducked and dodged the battle. We burst from the fog at the far end of the lawn close to the garage. I looked over my shoulder. The house was completely shrouded in swirling mist. Our friends were nowhere to be seen, but their battles were a chorus of yipping and screams.

  A long, low howl interrupted the cries of defeat. It was followed by a half dozen stronger ones. Simon stopped us at a tree near the garage and turned. His eyebrows crashed down.

  I glanced from him to the fog and back. "What is it? What's wrong?"

  "Dolf is in-"

  The lights from Maeve's disco-ball fun disappeared. "Get off me!" I heard Maeve shriek.

  "Maeve!" Specter shouted. The perfect swirl slowed to a stop.

  I whipped my head to Simon. "We have to help them!"

  He turned to me and clasped his hands on my shoulders. "Remain here."

  "But-" He leaned down and caught my lips in a long, passionate kiss.

  Too long. I heard another howl of trouble from Dolf. Simon pulled us apart and raced toward the fog. I stretched out my hand, but it was too late. He disappeared into the thick mist.

  I backed up so I stood beside the tree. The garage stood some ten feet behind me. I gripped the rough bark of the tree and waited. My ears picked up on the slightest sounds. A groan from a werewolf, a scream from a witch. I couldn't decipher if they were friend or foe.

  "Come on," I whispered. I gripped the bark tighter. "Come on."

  The disco lights returned. The fog started to swirl again. A single, triumphant howl filled the air.

  My shoulders fell. I clutched my chest and smiled. "Thank god."

  "May I join in the celebration?"


  My eyes widened and I spun around. Standing three yards behind me in the shadow of the side of the garage was a man of thirty. He was a few inches taller than me and wore an impeccable black suit with a white shirt and blood-red tie. His short black hair stood on end in a becoming messy manner. On his lips was a familiar sly grin, and his eyes glowed red in the deep darkness. One of his hands was tucked into his suit pants pocket. The other hung by his side.

  I took a step back. He gave off a creepy vibe. "Who are you?"

  He sighed and shook his head. "I never expected Simon to tell his 'friends' about me, but not to tell his fledgling? That's inexcusable. Especially how a fledgling should know her 'brother.'"

  I frowned. "If you're my brother than I'm a single child."

  The man chuckled and pulled his hand from his pocket. His middle finger was missing. I gasped as he strode toward me. He paused and lifted his hand. "Ah. My dear brother was kind enough to tell you of my deformity, was he?" He clenched his hand into a fist and he grinned at me. "But you, also, have a deformity. Unfortunately, yours is a far deeper one. A deformity of the soul."

  I blinked. He disappeared. I felt a hand brush against my hair and spun around to find him standing behind me. His hand was covered in the dull powder Maeve had sprinkled over my head.

  He raised his deformed hand and studied the powder. "A useful concoction, but only when it remains in your hair."

  A chill sank into my bones. My blood ran cold as I whipped my head left and right. I caught sight of a shadow. It pulled itself from those of the garage and shifted into the shape of a cloaked figure. The thing pulled a dagger from its cloak.

  I turned to run, but Trica caught hold of my arm and pulled my side against him so we stood perpendicular to one another.

  His eyes were on the Phantom and he grinned. "Death is a magnificent creature, isn't it?"
/>   My eyes flickered to the Phantom. Its dagger glistened in the light of the blinking stars. It was only ten feet from us. I tried to tear myself free, but his grasp was as strong as iron. As strong as Simon's.

  Trica leaned down and whispered into my ear. "Will you come with me without struggle, or shall I give you to him?"

  I bit my lip. One promised certain death, and the other promised death. I whipped my head around and glared at him. "Fuck off."

  He straightened and chuckled. "A very admirable reply. I think I'll keep you."

  He pulled a small knife from inside his suit jacket. The silver blade shone brightly in the dark. He flicked his wrist. The knife flew from his hand and into the chest of the Phantom. It let out a horrible scream and clutched at the knife.


  Trica spun around and pulled me with him. Before us stood Simon. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair disheveled, but there wasn't a scratch on him. His eyes blazed with anger and his lips were curled back in a snarl.

  Trica smiled and bowed his head. "Good evening, big brother, and good night."

  He pulled a white packet from his suit and threw it to the ground. The packet exploded into a thick fog bank. Simon lunged at us, but disappeared into the mist.

  Trica tossed me over his shoulder and sprinted across the lawn toward the lapping water. I heard the roar of a boat engine and saw a large speed boat at the dock. A pale woman stood at the controls. Trica hopped and landed on the buoyant floor. He dropped me into a corner and took the controls. We zoomed into the center of the wide river.

  I sat up and spun around to face the shoreline. Simon flew down the lawn and clattered onto the dock. He skidded to a stop at the edge. His red eyes glowed in the dark night.

  Trica glanced over his shoulder and grinned at Simon. "Open the safe and I'll meet you there!"

  We sped off down the river. Simon's figure faded into the distance. I spun around and glared at my two captives. The other vampire sat near me. Her red eyes watched me.

  "Is she the one?" she asked Trica.

  Trica grinned at me and nodded. "Yep. What do you think of my new sister-in-law?"


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