After the Rain

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After the Rain Page 8

by De Jong, Lisa

  Why am I telling her this stuff? This woman has something about her that makes it easy for people to open up. That much is obvious.

  “Here you go,” Kate says, setting two plates in front of me. The look on my face must say everything because she raises her eyebrows as soon as she gets a glimpse of me.

  I clear my throat. “I’m really sorry, but I need to get going. There are a couple things I need to get done at home. Can you come over when you get off?” Smiling, I add, “Wear something that will be comfortable outside. It’s supposed to be warm later.”

  “Okay,” she replies, biting down on her lower lip. As she walks away, I can’t help but watch her ass in those jeans. But it doesn’t take me long to remember who I’m sitting with.

  “Well, Ms. Carter, I have to get going,” I announce as I stand up. Kate walks past, handing me a to go container for my breakfast. I package everything up while Ms. Carter watches me.

  “Beau,” she says when I’m finished, “when you know something is right in your heart, you shouldn’t wait to make it happen. Life is full of uncertainties.”

  I’m not quite sure how to reply to that. I know what I have with Kate because I thought I had it before and then I lost it. It’s the worst fucking pain I’ve ever felt, and I’ll do absolutely everything to make sure I never have to go through it again. She’s stuck with me this time.

  “I’ll always remember that,” I say, waving at her before walking out the door.

  On my short drive home, I pay extra attention to the houses I pass. I love a lot of things about this town, and I often wonder if it’s a place Kate wants to come back to after we graduate. There’s something about being able to name everyone you walk past on the street or being able to drive two minutes and get anywhere you want. It’s simple, and it suits me.

  As soon as I get home, I pack the truck with all the things I need for Kate’s surprise. I want to get everything set up before she gets off work, and I only have a few hours.

  By the time Kate pulls in her driveway, I have everything ready to go. I planned this all week, even getting my mom and her mom in on it. It wasn’t easy, but I think it’s going to be perfect.

  My original plan to wait in my house until she had time to shower falls by the wayside as soon as I see her step out of her car. She’s like a magnet, always drawing me near.

  I open my front door, and the smile she flashes me when she turns around lights my heart on fire.

  “Hey, do you want some company while you get ready?” I ask. The warm summer breeze blows her hair back as I walk toward her. It’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.

  “Do I have a choice?”

  Cocking my head to the side, I smile. “Not really. You already made me spend the morning without you. It wouldn’t be all that nice to make me wait much longer.”

  She closes the gap between our bodies, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Maybe if you tell me what this surprise is all about, I’ll let you come in.”

  Leaning forward, I whisper, “You win. I’m going to tell you my secret.” I stop, trying hard to keep the big grin off of my face. Moving my mouth even closer to her ear, I say, “I’m stronger than you so it’s probably not in your best interest to blackmail me.”

  In order to show her there’s truth behind my secret, I bend down and lift her by placing one arm under her knees and another against her back. When she squeals, the grin I’ve been trying to suppress refuses to stay hidden any longer.

  “Let’s get you in the shower, shall we?” I say, walking up to her front door.

  “Isn’t it a little soon to start carrying me over the threshold?”

  I kiss her cheek. “I’ve been carrying you around for years. Why does it matter?”

  She shrugs. “It’s bad luck.”

  “We don’t need that, do we,” I say standing her up on her feet. I follow her into the house, relieved that we’re the only ones here. It’s not that I don’t like her mom and Daniel … I just like being alone with her more.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower really quick,” she says, walking backward in the direction of the hallway.

  “Wait,” I yell, causing her to stop in her tracks. “Does any bad luck come to a guy who lusts after his girl in her mother’s house?”

  She raises an eyebrow as she looks at me, obviously trying to decide where I’m going with this. “Not unless you know something I don’t.”

  “Good.” Keeping my eyes on her, I walk up to where she stands. I swear I can see her heart beating through her shirt. If I always have this effect on her, I’ll be one happy man. Placing my hands on her hips, I pull her toward me. She’s anticipating what I’m about to do to her; I can tell by the way her eyes are devouring my lips. My mouth comes within an inch of hers. I feel her warm breath against my lips, and I know she feels mine.

  When she closes her eyes, I lean back and say, “Don’t you have to get in the shower?”

  Her eyes shoot open. “Kiss me first.”

  And I do. With the front of my body against her front, I press my lips to hers and kiss her like I haven’t seen her in months. The way it affects her is obvious as her back arches and fingers curl into my hair. Her touch just makes me push for more as I slide my tongue against the seam of her lips to deepen the kiss. Hearing her moan into my mouth literally takes my fucking breath away.

  My hands venture up her sides until my thumbs brush against her breasts. With the way my cock is reacting, I know I need to stop this before I lose control.

  Sliding my hands up her chest and over her shoulders, I let them rest at the base of her neck, slowly ending the kiss. “You better get in the shower. We haven’t even gotten to your surprise yet.”

  She nods, caressing my lower lip with her thumb. “As long as you promise we can do more of that later.”

  Pressing my hips against hers, I say, “Baby, we can do a lot more than that later.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that,” she says before kissing my cheek and disappearing down the hall.

  Later That Day – July 2013

  AFTER I GET DRESSED in my white tank and cutoff shorts, Beau tells me to get in the truck, and he starts to drive out of town. Even if we’re just going on a road trip, I’m content with the summer breeze coming through my window and country music playing on the radio.

  I’m so lost in the tranquil scenery that it doesn’t immediately register that Beau has pulled up to a small log cabin by the lake. Confused, I look over at him; he has a huge dimple-bearing grin on his handsome face.

  He grabs my left hand and brings it to his lips. “We’re sleeping under the stars tonight.”

  “In a cabin?” I ask, even more confused.

  “No, over there,” he says, pointing to a tent closer to the water. “Consider the cabin insurance.” He grins. “In case it rains.” He’s so perfect I almost want to cry. This reminds me of one of Asher’s notes.

  I wonder if Beau saw it when he picked them up off the floor. It really doesn’t matter … there’s no one else I’d rather sleep under the stars with.


  “Yeah, baby?” he responds, running his thumb across my cheekbone.

  “It’s hard to believe you’re real sometimes,” I say, leaning into his touch.

  “I’m real, and I’m not going anywhere.” He kisses the corners of my mouth before ending on my lips. “Come on, let’s get out of this truck and enjoy some alone time with nature.”

  When Beau said he had a surprise for me, I was expecting him to have planned a nice dinner or maybe a road trip, but I wasn’t expecting anything like this. This is almost every dream I’ve ever had come true.

  “What do you have planned?” I ask, running my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck.

  “Let’s go, and I’ll show you,” he replies as he slides back over to the driver’s seat and opens his door.

  I climb out of the truck and stretch my arms up while breathing in the damp summer air. There’s no on
e out here besides Beau and me. We’re completely surrounded by trees and water. It’s moments like these that strip away all the noise which life provides.

  “Go get your swimsuit on,” Beau says as he walks past me, brushing the palm of his hand over my ass.

  “I don’t have a swimsuit with me.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I wait for him to turn around and admit I found a wrinkle in his little plan. It feels like he’s always the one with the upper hand … maybe it’s my turn.

  He glances back at me like it’s no big deal and says, “Just take your clothes off. I’ll keep you warm.”

  Stepping forward, I point my finger at him. “Beau! I am not getting in that lake without any clothes on.”

  He turns and walks toward me, closing the space between us. “You’re really cute when you’re mad, you know that?” He pauses, running his fingers through his hair. “There might be something on the bed for you inside the cabin.”

  “I’m glad you like me mad because if you keep that up, I can guarantee you’re going to see me like that a lot,” I say, patting his chest.

  “I’m so lucky.” He smiles, placing a quick kiss on my lips and cupping my ass with both hands. “Definitely lucky,” he says as he lets go of me and walks toward the water.

  I can’t keep the smile off my face as I walk into the small cabin. There’s a quaint kitchenette with a fridge, microwave, and hot plate on one side and a sparsely decorated living area on the other. At the back of the cabin, there are two doors. One leads to a small but functional bathroom, and the other leads to a bedroom with barely enough room for a double bed. In the center of the bed is the red overnight bag I’ve had since I was ten. It’s a little scary to think that Beau may have chosen my wardrobe for this trip. Who knows what he has picked out?

  After I slip out of my clothes, I open the bag and find my green bikini tucked into the side. I put it on quickly, eager to get back outside to Beau.

  As I open the door, I see him sitting on the edge of the water with his back to me. It’s a beautiful sight; he’s in nothing but swim trunks, and the sun is radiating off his tanned skin. He must hear me as my feet step over the tall grass because he peeks over his shoulder, giving me a glimpse of him in his aviator sunglasses.

  “Looks like you found it,” he says, letting his lips curl up into a sexy half grin.

  “I did,” I reply, stopping next to him.

  “Let’s use it then,” he says, standing up next to me. “First one out to that floating dock wins.”

  He doesn’t give me time to even get a word out before he jumps in and starts swimming through the water.

  I follow him in, enjoying how the warm water feels against my skin as I make my way to the dock. By the time I reach it, Beau is already lying on top soaking in the summer rays.

  I climb onto the dock and position myself next to him. “It looks like you won.”

  “I wanted the best view of this gorgeous girl when she swam in and water was dripping down her sexy body,” he says, sitting up on his elbows.

  “Did I make it in time to see that, too?” I tease.

  “Come here?” he says using his index finger to summon me.

  I comply, crawling up the length of his body until mine is perfectly aligned with his. “Is this what you want?”

  His hands grip my hips tightly before working their way up my sides to pull my body weight on top of his. “This is what I had in mind. I want to feel every part of you on every part of me.” Placing his finger under my chin, he tilts my head back to get better access to my neck and places kisses at the base of my throat.

  “Do you know what would be even sexier than you naked?” he asks, his lips still against my skin.

  “No,” I whisper as his mouth travels down to the space between my breasts.

  “You naked and wet underneath me.” He carefully rolls me onto my back and continues to shower my body with warm kisses.

  “Beau,” I moan, starting to lose control. I don’t really have the willpower to stop him. Beau Bennett is impossible to say no to, and my body is a traitor, craving his touch.

  “Not today, but someday after the sun goes down, I’m going to bring you out here, and we’re going to make love on this dock. You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about it, Kate,” he says, running his tongue up my bare stomach.

  “So you’re just teasing me?”

  “No, baby, I’m just preparing you for later.” His lips move back up my body, stopping with a few soft kisses on mine. “No one else needs to see what’s mine,” he says in his deep, sexy voice before lifting himself off me.

  Rolling onto his side, he props his head up with his arm and stares down at me. Now I know how guys feel when girls let them get to the brink and then stop … he got me all wound up, and now he’s going to make me wait for hours before he winds me back down.

  I don’t know how long we lay there, but by the time we decide to head back to shore my skin has a pink tint. The sun is starting to go down, and I haven’t eaten in hours. Beau pulls us each a sandwich and water from the cooler, and we sit at the small picnic table behind the cabin to watch the sun go down over the water.

  Neither of us says much as we overlook the water. This moment is peaceful and serene; it speaks for itself.

  When there’s nothing left but darkness and stars, I’m more than ready to crawl in the tent and call it a night. Before tucking ourselves in, we use the cabin to change into our pajamas and brush our teeth. It’s tempting to just stay in there and enjoy the comforts of a bed, but there won’t be any stars.

  I need the stars.

  “Are you done?” Beau asks, knocking on the bathroom door.

  “Just about,” I answer back, pinning up a few pieces of loose hair with bobby pins.

  He opens the door and stands behind me, enveloping me in his arms. “I’m going to go wait inside the tent, okay?”

  “Okay.” I smile at our reflection, watching him brush the remaining hair from the back of my neck. Our eyes connect in the mirror before he kisses the back of my neck and my bare shoulders. When he leaves the room, all I can think about is getting out of this cabin and into the tent with him.

  After brushing my teeth, I turn off all the lights and head outside. Beau has a lantern on in the tent, which makes it easy for me to navigate through the dark yard.

  As I unzip the tent and step in, Beau whistles while his eyes rove over my body. I’m relieved my mom packed a little pair of black sleep shorts with a matching cami to sleep in because it’s warm out here. Beau has two sleeping bags laid out on top of each other to pad the hard ground and a thin grey sheet over top.

  “It took you long enough,” he says as I zip the door back up. I crawl in next to him as he begins to kiss the side of my neck. He doesn’t waste any time before his hand finds the inside of my thigh and begins to massage the sensitive skin.

  His hand presses between my legs as his mouth caresses my collarbone. Lifting his head, he looks into my eyes as his fingers move in small circles right where I need them. “Does that feel good, baby?”

  I nod, unable to speak. I just want to get lost in the moment. Closing my eyes, I feel him—all of him—pressed against me. His lips are like a magic wand leaving spine-straightening tingles in its path.

  When I lose his touch, my eyes shoot open, already begging for more. He’s leaning over me with a smile spread across his face. “Look,” he says, pointing his finger to the top of the tent.

  I do as he asks, noticing the netted opening in the top of the tent. “I’m about to make love to you under the stars,” he says quietly as he grabs my hands in his to pull me up. As he pulls my cami over my head, the moonlight reflects the hungry look in his eyes.

  My fingers run across his smooth, hard chest as he massages my breasts in his palms. His touch is perfect; it’s not too light and not too rough. It’s loving, yet a little bit possessive. Lying down on my back, I wait for him to make the next move.

  His fingers brush against m
y stomach when he reaches them in my waistband to remove my shorts. I watch impatiently, waiting for him to remove his own. When we’re both free, skin-to-skin, he positions himself and slowly enters me. I wouldn’t be able to remove my eyes from his if I tried. I love him so much, and I need him to see it.

  He begins to thrust in and out of me a few times before stopping short, buried deep inside of me. “How much do you love me, Kate?”

  Barely able to breathe, I say, “A lot.”

  He pulls himself out until only the tip remains. “How much do you love me?”

  “More than I’ve ever loved anything.”

  He pushes back into me, stopping again. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  “Beau,” I say, eager to feel the friction again.

  “Say it.”

  “I’m yours … forever. I love you.”

  “I love hearing you say that,” he says, resting his hands on top of my head and brushing his lips against mine.

  As he moves in and out of me again, I run my hands up and down his toned back. The way his fingers worship my body makes me feel beautiful and loved. After a few minutes, he flips us over so I’m straddling his hips with him still buried deep inside me. I lift myself up and then sink back down as his fingers dig into my sides.

  I feel myself building, and I speed my motions, hoping to take him along with me. The anticipation, motion, and heat between us push me to the brink. When I finally come, I come hard, pulsating around him a few times before he follows me. It’s amazing having this control and having this effect on him. After we both catch our breaths, I lay my head softly against his chest and let his fingers skim my back.

  “How do you feel?” he asks quietly.

  “Perfect,” I reply, kissing his chest.

  “Every moment with you is perfect.”

  One-Year Anniversary - September 2013

  KATE AND I HAVE BEEN TOGETHER for one year today. Time seems to move so much faster when I’m happy, and I’ve been grinning like a fool for months now.


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