The Boyfriend Arrangement: A Fake Marriage Romance

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The Boyfriend Arrangement: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 26

by Lara Swann

  And then he’d kissed me. Sure, I’m convinced it was just another trick to get a rise out of me, but it was the first decent kiss I’d ever had…and after that, we couldn’t stop ourselves.

  We poured our passionate dislike into every touch, every kiss, every stolen, secret moment - until my body raged for him at night and my blood lusted after that hard, infuriating body I’d held myself so aloof from. And surprisingly, he didn’t push us further - despite that devilish reputation, our little teases played out for months without a single suggestion for more.

  Or at least - not a spoken suggestion. His body…well, that was hell-bent on convincing me.

  Which meant that tonight had been my idea. The intelligent, driven academic girl. The butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth good girl. The frigid, stuck-up bitch girl. Inviting the most outrageous, inappropriate piece of delicious man-flesh to the hotel room her father had paid for.

  The father who would never approve of his good, obedient daughter’s wild behavior.

  And my father was right about that, of course. I knew that. He always was. But that couldn’t stop the driving lust, the endless curiosity - and surely, I couldn’t be expected to go off to university still a virgin? Not that I was going to ask my father that particular question.

  With a brief frown, I tried to push him out of my mind, the thought of his disapproval sending a shimmer of unease through the hot lust I’d been enjoying just a moment ago.

  He’ll never know. And you’ve done everything else he could ever have expected…

  Seth’s voice deepened with amusement while his hands explored the smooth dress he was so keen to have me out of, bringing me back to the moment I wanted to lose myself in as he stroked my ass with a firm confidence that had me rocking back against him, his mouth stealing kisses from mine as he murmured into it, turning our easy banter into something more as he stroked the pure desire simmering within me.

  “So high and mighty, Baby-Bella, perhaps I should do something to take you down a notch…”

  I shuddered at his words and let his mouth take mine again, meeting him with every movement as my body pressed hard against his.

  I could feel my chest rising with every quickening breath I took, my breasts sensitive and desperate to be free of the restrictive dress to take the attention he promised so much of. I’d only felt his tongue against them once before, and that had been what finally drove me to insisting on this night.

  His hands found the zipper to the side of the dress the moment I raised myself on my toes to murmur in his ear.

  “God, Seth…do…”

  He laughed again, but it was strained this time, his own desire thick in his voice, and the knowledge of what I was doing to him drove my need even deeper. One smooth movement opened the side of my dress and his head dipped to kiss along the laced edge still holding up at the top, my hands balanced against his broad shoulders as I threw my head back and let him have what he wanted.

  He gave a couple of quick tugs of my dress down, before raising his mouth back to me in a frustrated growl, his body pressing up against mine, hips rocking and letting me feel his thick need for me for the first time.

  God damn.

  What I felt there was far bigger than I’d anticipated, and even as I felt myself clenching with the need to feel him deep inside me, my nerves danced through me again.

  “How do I get this damned dress off you?”

  His mouth covered mine as he spoke, teasing and nibbling at my lips while I tried to reply, breathlessly gesturing with one arm.

  “Over my head.”

  Before I’d quite understood just what my answer to that question meant, he had the bottom of the dress in two hands and was drawing it up and over my shoulders. It slipped past me with an ease I wasn’t expecting and suddenly I was standing before him in only the thin, laced material of my panties and bra, my elegant high heels suddenly seeming to enhance my vulnerability instead of the sexual confidence I’d felt only moments before.

  My face flushed instinctively as I found myself both trying to cover my exposed body and push him away with a glare.


  “You asked for it, babe - and see, it worked. Not nearly so smarmy now are you?”

  His grin sent both lust and fury spiraling through me and as I stepped forward to explode in indignation he folded his arms neatly around me, pulling me back into him and letting me feel the sudden heat of flesh on flesh.

  Electricity sparked between us and I shuddered with the sudden intimacy as every part of me longed to feel him all over. The warmth of his body overtook me and I couldn’t help burying my head against his chest, inhaling his musky male scent as I let my arms find his the hard muscles of his back.

  My sputtering embarrassment subsided into a moan as his hands glided across my sensitive exposed skin. He came down to nuzzle at my bare neck, the roughness of his stubble contrasting with his soft lips to make me breathless all over again before he raised his head to look me in the eyes.

  I bit my lip at the intensity between us, lost in his eyes as I felt his hands running through my artfully styled hair, pulling it out of its coiled position on top of my head and gently taking it down to curl in waves around my shoulders. His fingers tangled in my thick locks and caressed my scalp as he shook it out, eyes taking on a strange gleam as his gaze lingered on my red-gold hair glinting in the low light.

  It was strange for a moment, having it tumble down around me out of my usual practical tie, but the look in his eyes was making me feel like a different person tonight.

  “You look so beautiful like this…Belle…my beauty.”

  The whispered caress touched something inside me, making my heart squeeze with a sudden longing I couldn’t name. He’d only called me that a few times - the one name that didn’t seem invented to wind me up - and every time I’d seen that strange look in his eyes.

  Before I could stop it, my mind turned to the one place I’d promised myself I wouldn’t go tonight, the words slipping past my lips as I felt him slowly stepping forward, taking me backwards until the full weight of the bed was behind me - the significance of what we were doing hitting me again.

  “Seth…what is this?”

  His eyes clouded over instantly, and though his body was just as close and warm as it had been before, I felt his mental step back. His slow, arrogant smile covered whatever had been between us for an instant and he kissed me with a rough desire that drove any further thought from my mind.

  “We’re having fun, baby…somehow we haven’t killed each other yet and I’m not bored, that’s all.”

  I knew that - hell, I didn’t even want it to be more than that. I couldn’t stand this guy, and he definitely wasn’t long-term material. All I’d wanted was a memorable first-time experience - and from all the rumors, I had no doubt how well he would provide that. But sometimes when he looked at me…I gave myself a mental shake of the head, letting myself rise to the light, teasing tone he’d take again. I kissed him back, my hands reveling in the hard feel of his body under me before I shot him a sharp look of my own, a matching haughty smile spreading across my lips.

  “Good to know, jackass, since I can’t promise to stand you much longer.”

  He chuckled and took me down to the bed in one swift, easy movement, his arms holding me to break the fall as my breath left me in a small cry of surprise. Then I was under him and I couldn’t think anymore as he worked his way across my bare, willing skin, hands and lips creating rivulets of fire all across my body.

  “Then I’ll make sure I take full advantage now, baby.”

  His growl got a moaned response and I wrapped my legs around the rough denim at his hips, my center feeling unexpectedly exposed against him, ready and wanting so much more while my hand clutched at the head hovering over my breasts.

  His thick need pressed between my legs now, only his rough jeans and the light lace of my panties separating us as the light rocking motion of his hips stirred my blood and his m
outh started to lavish attention through the slight fabric of my bra, the moisture there spreading desperate heat across my chest.

  “Oh god, Seth…”

  I wanted more. I couldn’t help myself, crying out and bucking against him as his tongue stroked the outline of my hard nipples roughly, sending sparks shooting straight to my pussy where I was hyper-aware of his hardness just inches away.

  My blood was rushing in my ears now my pulse was beating hard enough I felt like my whole body was throbbing with urgency. He shifted his hips so my legs fell away from him and in an instant he had me pinned - one hand gathering mine above my head with his body heavy above me while his legs trapped mine against the bed.

  Then his mouth returned to ravish my chest again, my heaving breaths coming shorter as his hand made its slow, teasing way down to the center of every throbbing desire pulsing through my body. When one large finger finally stroked against my waiting entrance, I jerked under him, whimpering a little as my hips thrust instinctively towards him.

  “Damn, Bella, you’re so wet for me.”

  I was, I could feel my desire soaking my panties and as his mouth teased my pert, eager nipples and his hand shifted to cover my entrance, I was suddenly finding it hard to breathe. I’d never felt slutty before - I’d been raised too well for that, but I could suddenly understand the appeal, the crazed desire to give into the power of the feelings rushing through me, to be wild and unrestrained and let Seth do everything and anything he wanted to me.

  Then his finger stroked across my clit and all the pressure mounting within me felt like it was about to explode with that one simple touch, my head thrown back as I cried out in response. His mouth was there instantly, covering mine and taking my cries as his body continued working me relentlessly, tension building in my stomach until I wasn’t sure I couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “I want it all Bella. I want to taste every cry as I make you come undone beneath me.”

  I shuddered at the fierce words, moaning into his mouth as his tongue twisted with mine and every part of my body beat in time with his. It was more intense than anything else I’d ever felt in my life, and I could barely understand it.

  I might be a virgin, but I wasn’t completely naive - I’d experimented before, I knew what this should feel like. And yet it was so much more that it seemed almost impossible that the little pleasure I’d taken in the privacy of my bedroom could be related to this deep, primal act of passion. Seth was taking over every inch of me with his mouth, his tongue, his devilish hands, every slight touch of my exposed flesh against his rock hard body making fire spark in delight within me.

  And despite all my nervousness at the thought of actually doing it - actually giving up myself to this man - the craving was building too quickly and too thoroughly to deny. My whole body was throbbing with need now and I tried desperately to grind against his strong hands while he kept me pinned with nothing more than a shift of his body. He wasn’t letting me do anything other than lie there and take it, setting and controlling the pace with a deliberation and command I could scarcely believe.

  I’d heard all the not-so-subtle talk about how good he was, of course, but I figured that meant he wasn’t inconsiderate and knew how to use his sizable cock - not that he would leave me panting, wet and desperate while he slowly took me apart. My anxiety about my first time had almost disappeared under the deep need to have him inside me, to feel something filling that waiting emptiness inside me.

  “Seth…damn it…I need more.”

  That cocky smile and the glazed look in his eyes told me he knew exactly how much I was suffering under his attentions. One hand unclipped the front-facing clasp on my bra in a display of expertise that had me wondering just how an eighteen year old had come by these skills, and then his mouth closed over me and I couldn’t wonder anything anymore.

  Electricity surged down to where his hand was slowly teasing me while he slipped my panties down my legs, and I could hear myself moaning in sheer wanton lust. He chuckled at me, hot eyes watching as a smile danced around his lips.

  “Tell me what you want, Bella.”

  I bit my lip, but I couldn’t deny what was raging inside me, the way my eyes clung to him and my body writhed against his.

  “You…goddamn it, you arrogant cock. I want you inside me. Now.”

  He laughed openly now, but his hands were on his belt in an instant, fingers working it open as I found my eyes glued to the thickness trapped underneath. My pussy clenched in anticipation as he shifted the denim jeans down and I saw his hard length spring out, thick and ready for me.

  I’d never expected to be impressed with what I saw - from everything I’d heard, cocks weren’t much to look at. But the crazed lust he’d filled me with must have been playing with my mind, because I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

  I wanted it. I wanted him. And then I was moving, quick enough I surprised myself as well as him, inching down the bed until I was eye-to-eye with the throbbing length of him. My hand came around it to feel it’s silken-steel warmth and then my lips were right there and I was taking him into my mouth without another thought.

  If anyone had asked beforehand, I would have sworn up and down that I wouldn’t do this the first time. But I wasn’t thinking here, just feeling and acting. And it felt so goddamn right. He was big inside me, warm and hard with a salty, musky taste that had me longing to feel him somewhere else entirely. I couldn’t get him far inside, but just my tongue swirling around the tip, my hand squeezing lightly underneath, had him gripping me hard, a low groan escaping above me.

  “Shit, Bella…who would have thought…”

  My eyes darted up to meet his, my mouth curving around his thick cock as I enjoyed taking the upper hand for just a moment. My other hand gripped the back of his firm ass, caressing and enjoying as I sucked and moaned lightly against him.

  I could feel the way his own desire was throbbing, building inside of him until a moment later he started moving slowly against me, one hand lightly guiding my head as I continued for all I was worth, satisfied at finally feeling how much this was affecting him too.

  His breath hitched and he withdrew a moment later, his arms wrapping around me while he pushed me back against the soft cluster of cushions at the head of the bed. He grabbed something off the nightstand and the crinkling foil let me know what he was doing before he came back over me.

  His hands held my hips as he shifted into position, the sudden thickness against my entrance sending waves of nervous excitement through me while his mouth gently covered mine, taking a deep, slow kiss that left me mindless against him. My body was tense and ready, crazy with the lust and need that he’d drawn out with sweet, slow torment and waiting to explode.


  I could hear the deeper undertone in his voice, but I wasn’t up for talking, for hearing whatever it was he wanted to say. I needed it now or I wasn’t sure I’d build the nerve again.

  “Fuck me, Seth. Now.”

  He answered my wish a moment later, that teasing cock sliding slowly into me in one smooth movement, our bodies joining tightly together. There was a momentary pain, but I was wet and ready and it dissolved into a tight friction unlike anything I’d felt before.

  He didn’t give me much chance to recover, his hands moving from where they’d been anchoring us to cup my breasts, stroking and teasing while his mouth worked mine with a passion that had me clenching hard around where he’d settled inside me. My hands explored his back, hovered at the nape of his neck as I enjoyed the way our bodies pressed close together, every slight movement creating a spark of electricity that shot right through me.

  His hands moved around my back, letting every inch of exposed skin feel him as he started moving slowly inside me. I gasped at the sensation, his thick cock seeming too much for me to handle but creating such intense friction that my whole body felt like it was beating in time with his movements, blood rushing through me as the tension in my stomach started moving to
wards a pleasure I couldn’t describe.

  “God, Seth…fuck…”

  His chuckle was too strained to be convincing, the effort of holding himself back becoming apparent within moments. I was grateful for the restraint as I adjusted to the feel of him inside me, but the slow movement was quickly not enough and I found myself rising against him, meeting him stroke for stroke as I wanted more.

  “Damn it, Seth, harder…I need…”

  My breath came in short gasps, insistent, and a moment later he took me at my word, throwing me back on the bed and thrusting suddenly inside me, stars shattering behind my eyes with that one quick motion. All the power in his hard, muscled body exploded against me as he let the last vestige of control slip, the wild animal that had always beat just below the surface taking over. I cried out hard, my legs wrapping around him as I clung on with everything I had, nails scratching along his shoulders while he nibbled at my lips and his hands left hard, bruising marks against my skin.

  “Christ, I’ve never felt anything like you, Bella.”

  I wasn’t sure my tight pussy could take it, but every thrust brushed against my clit, taking me closer to the explosion I felt building inside. I was moaning incomprehensibly now, but I couldn’t help myself, I couldn’t believe what this felt like - what he was doing to me. The aching tightness only took me higher and I heard myself gasping Seth’s name as he grunted under me.

  “Seth…I…I can’t…”

  “Don’t. Don’t hold back. Come for me, Bella.”

  It was all I needed, his hard rasping breath in my ear as my climax roared through me, wave after wave crashing against my suddenly over-sensitive nerves. I screamed and his mouth covered mine, taking my release as he’d promised while my body gripped his with a tightness I couldn’t control. A moment later it proved too much for him, and I felt his last two hard thrusts before he joined me in an oblivious heaven, his cock throbbing hard as it jerked again and again inside me.

  For a moment, I knew nothing except the feel of his arms and the warm, musky scent of our joint bodies around me, lost in depths of pleasure I couldn’t have imagined.


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