Planet Noglion

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by Olivia Black

  Alien Lovers 5

  Planet Noglion

  Eric Wilson volunteered to leave Earth to get away from his homophobic family. The only way he'd ever be able to have a life and fall in love was for him to start over somewhere far away. From the start, Eric knew there was no guarantee which planet he would live on. But, he never expected to go to the desert planet of Noglion. Eric doesn't know much about the alien world. The only thing he's heard are rumors, and those rumors terrify him.

  Commander Gru Poez'iq knew he wanted Eric as soon as the beautiful human boarded his starship. But, in order to claim a pet, Gru has to get permission from his older brother, Finn. On Noglion, the males of the same bloodline share a mate. With his brother's blessing, Gru goes to the arena and fights for Eric. After claiming the human's body, Gru and his brothers, Khaun and Finn, must love and protect their pet, even if it's from other Noglions, jealous that they claimed a human.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Futuristic, Menage, Science Fiction

  Length: 39,500 words


  Alien Lovers 5

  Olivia Black

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright (c) 2018 by Olivia Black

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-184-1

  First Publication: May 2018

  Cover design by Jess Buffett

  All art and logo copyright (c) 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Olivia Black writes contemporary and paranormal gay romance with Siren Publishing. She lives in San Diego and spends most of her time writing and drinking coffee. Olivia is a hopeful romantic and believes everyone deserves to find their happily ever after. You can contact Olivia Black at [email protected].

  For all titles by Olivia Black, please visit


  Planet Noglion

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Planet Noglion

  Alien Lovers 5


  Copyright (c) 2018

  Chapter One

  Eric Wilson pressed his chin to his chest. He kept his gaze directed at the floor, afraid to look up, scared to make eye contact with any of the Noglion males on the starship. Eric shook, fear consuming him. He glanced over at the trembling young man next to him, Dennis Osborne. The poor guy was young, maybe twenty, and more scared than Eric, if that were possible.

  "I'm not worth it," Georgie said, his voice breaking the silence. "I'm sorry. I made a mistake. A terrible mistake, but you can't trade them for me. It's not right. Take them back to the ship. I'll go to Noglion."

  Relief poured through Eric. In truth, he didn't want to go to the alien planet of Noglion, not after everything he'd heard. The rumors about the males were enough to make his skin crawl. It was said that they kept their human pets naked, except for a collar and leash. And although Eric had volunteered to leave Earth to find a mate on a faraway planet, he wasn't interested in being anyone's pet.

  "It's too late for that, little human," a deep, gravelly voice replied.

  Eric pulled his lower lip into his mouth and bit down. The male's voice affected Eric more than he cared to admit. Goosebumps broke out on his arms, and he shivered involuntarily, even though the temperature on this ship was quite warm. He'd barely caught a glimpse of these males before averting his gaze. But now, he had to admit that he was curious. Eric took a deep breath, steeling his nerves, before glancing up. When he saw the huge males, he let out a shocked gasp and his eyes widened.

  The Noglion males were enormous humanoid-looking aliens. Their bodies were thickly muscled and massive, and they were all tall. Each stood at nearly seven feet tall and wore tan-colored loincloths, brown leather sandals that laced up their thick calves, and there were bronze bands wrapped tightly around their muscular biceps. Their skin looked as though it were covered in scales, from the top of their bald heads down to their feet.

  The scales on each male were different, the diamond-shaped markings in various colors--greenish gray, olive green, and tones of brown. Their muscles were on display, massive and intimidating. And their eyes were yellow with thin elliptical-shaped pupils and bony brow ridges, pronounced and sticking out. But the most frightening thing about the Noglion males was their claw-tipped hands. The nails looked like sharp blades.

  As Eric took in the sight before him, he quickly realized that the Noglion males shared similar traits with reptiles. It was slightly terrifying.

  "You have a mate, and he wants you back. You don't need to worry about these humans. They will be well cared for."

  Eric started shaking his head. He didn't want to be cared for by these males. He didn't want to go to Noglion. Eric took a step back. He wanted to run away, but he quickly realized that he couldn't go anywhere. The Glecerian ambassador, Rett T'Rul, was blocking the pathway back to the ship and in front of him stood several rows of Noglion males. There was nowhere to run.

  His heart started pounding rapidly, and his world spun. Eric's knees weakened. Dennis seemed to understand. The other human reached out and grabbed hold of Eric's arm, steadying him before he could fall.

  "Go to your mate."

  The Noglion male gave Georgie a little push, coaxing him to move. Georgie stumbled forward. He looked a little worried as he walked toward his mate, Rett. They silently stared at one another and Eric held his breath, waiting. When Georgie reached Rett's side, a Noglion male moved toward Eric and Dennis. He tilted his head to the side, a signal for them to follow.

  Eric opened his mouth, ready to object, but one fierce look from the Noglion male and he remained silent. The words froze on his tongue, and his throat closed up, preventing him from speaking. Fear, unlike anything Eric had ever felt before, sang through his veins, making him shake uncontrollably. Dennis, the man beside him, held Eric's arm as they were led away. Eric glanced at Dennis and quickly realized that the other man was wearing a similar expression. It was one of absolute dread. It seemed as though neither of them wanted to go to Noglion.

  Eric took Dennis's hand within his own and squeezed. They walked side-by-side, arms touching, as they moved down a long deserted hallway behind the Noglion male. The only sounds that could be heard were their feet hitting the grated, metal floor. Eri
c felt as though he was marching to his doom. The worst part of this whole thing was that Eric had volunteered to leave Earth. Eric left knowing that he might end up on one of the other alien planets that Glecerus had an open-trade agreement with.

  The large Noglion male stopped in front of an electronic pad installed by the door. He reached up to press his palm on the device. It beeped once before the door slid open. The male stepped aside and motioned with his head for them to enter.

  "Go inside."

  Eric walked through the doorway followed by Dennis, and automated lights flared on. He stopped a few feet inside the room and eyed the large sleeping compartment. Eric glanced around the space, surveying his new environment. Within the sparse room, there was a king-sized bed and a small sitting area with a couple of chairs. And off to the right, there was a bathroom.

  "Stay inside this room," he ordered. "You're on a ship full of unmated Noglion warriors. If you leave, one of them might go against orders and claim you."

  Eric nodded in understanding.

  "The ship's commander, Gru Poez'iq, will come to speak with you shortly."

  When the door slid shut, Eric dragged his feet as he walked over to the sitting area. He dropped down into one of the chairs, no longer able to stand. Eric leaned forward and buried his face in his hands. He said a silent prayer, hoping this was all a bad dream, but he knew that it wasn't. He knew he was on a starship heading toward Noglion.

  The ship vibrated as the engines revved. At that moment, Eric knew without a doubt that they were pulling away from the Glecerian starship. There was no going back.

  "What's going to happen to us?" Dennis whispered.

  Eric could only shake his head. He had no idea what the Noglion people were going to do to them. Humans were considered exotic. They were seen as a symbol of wealth and power. At least, that was what Eric heard that most aliens believed. Humans, on the other hand, left Earth because food, water, and other basic necessities were in short supply. After the Great War, the world almost ended. Millions of lives were lost, and some parts of the world were completely wiped out. Earth didn't have a hope of survival until the planet of Glecerus offered to help.

  They were willing to trade technology and medicine for single males and females to become mates to their people and the people of other planets in which they had an open-trade agreement. Men and women were encouraged to volunteer. If you volunteered and made it through an extensive testing process, the government would take care of your remaining family members for the rest of their lives. They would live modestly without worry. They would receive food, water, and other basic necessities. It was a good deal, especially when so many people went without.

  Eric's family was poor, as were most of the other people that volunteered. As soon as he was old enough, Eric signed up. He could still remember the process. Eric had endured a rigorous medical, psychological, and sexual personality test. The sexuality test was quite intimate. Eric had to share all of his deep, dark, kinky desires.

  Once he passed all of the tests and was given the approval to leave Earth, he was given a manual titled, What to Expect from Your New Home World: Rules, Customs, Policies, Expectations, and Information. He'd thumbed through the giant book a few times but couldn't seem to find the time to actually sit down to read it. It was thousands of pages of information that Eric had neglected to read. He was regretting it now, especially since he was sitting on a starship heading toward Noglion.

  Eric didn't really know anything about the planet or the people. He'd only heard a few things whispered about the Noglion people. There were rumors and stories revolving around collars and leashes and human pets.

  Dropping his hands, Eric looked up at Dennis. "Did you read the manual?" he asked, hoping Dennis might have some information to share. "Do you know anything about Noglion?"

  Dennis stopped pacing and leaned against the wall. He sighed and shook his head. "I thought I would be staying on Glecerus."

  "Yeah." Eric nodded. "Me too."

  They fell into an uncomfortable silence, neither of them able to fill the space between them with meaningless words. Time seemed to move at a snail's pace. The uncertainty of their situation seemed to hang over them like a storm cloud, dark and ominous. What would happen once they reached Noglion? Eric took a few unsteady breaths in a desperate attempt to stay calm. In reality, he was scared of the unknown and unsure of how to handle this situation.

  When the door slid opened, Eric rose and faced the male that stepped into the room. Eric stood silently at attention. His body rigid. His heart pounding frantically.

  "I'm the commander of this starship. My name is Gru Poez'iq."

  Neither Eric nor Dennis said a word.

  "And your names?" Gru asked. "What should I call you?"

  "D-Dennis," the other man stammered.

  "Eric," he breathed out, barely able to speak.

  "Eric," Gru repeated. The way the male said his name made Eric's stomach clench. Eric tried to look away, but he was held entranced by Gru's stare. "It will take a day for us to reach Noglion. Until then, the two of you will need to stay in this room."

  "Are we..." Dennis paused for a moment. He glanced at Eric, making eye contact before asking, "Why aren't we allowed to leave the room?"

  Eric was surprised Dennis could speak, let alone question the Noglion commander. He had so many questions that he wanted to ask, but he didn't dare open his mouth.

  "There are thirty-two Noglion warriors on this ship. If you leave this room without an escort, there is a good possibility that you will be claimed. I have ordered the men not to touch you, but most have never been close to a human. I doubt they would be able to control themselves. You're both safe in here." Gru's reptilian eyes ran over Eric's body. "You are far too attractive."

  It took a moment for Eric to process the commander's words. You are far too attractive. Was that a compliment? Eric stared up at the foot taller Noglion male in surprise.

  As if sensing Eric's uneasiness, Gru continued, "You both are my responsibility until we reach Noglion. Please make yourselves comfortable. I'll have some food trays delivered soon."

  Without another word, Gru turned on his on his heel and left the room. As soon as the Noglion male disappeared and the door slid closed, Eric's entire body went slack and he exhaled. Eric forced himself to move, taking one step after the other, as he walked to the bathroom. Lifting his hand, he pressed the button on the wall and the door slid open.

  Eric stepped over the threshold, and the door closed behind him, locking him inside. He pressed his back against the cool metal and slid down until he was sitting on the floor. Eric pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his shins.

  He leaned his head forward and closed his eyes. Eric sat there unmoving for several minutes, trying to collect his thoughts.

  "Eric," Dennis said, knocking on the door. "Are you okay?"

  No. "Yeah," he replied, trying to keep his voice from shaking. "I'm just gonna take a shower and get cleaned up."

  "Oh..." He paused for a moment. "Okay."

  "I'll...uh..." Eric cleared his throat. "I'll be out in a bit."

  It took a while to gather his strength, but eventually, Eric pushed himself up off the floor. He removed his clothing, taking off the Glecerian issued pants and shirt and folding them. Eric stepped into the small shower enclosure.

  He hit the button, and the wall rose, closing him inside. Eric activated the shower, and a foamy substance sprayed down from the showerhead. Eric immediately turned his head so that the stuff didn't come into contact with his face. Every place the foam touched made his skin tingle. Eric rubbed his skin, moving his hands over his flesh, soaping himself. Soon, the foamy substance pouring from the showerhead changed, and a pink-tinted fluid spilled out, removing the soap from his skin.

  Eric washed and rinsed until the shower shut off. A series of vents placed on the wall turned on, and warm air filled the stall, drying him off. When the vents shut off, the wall lowered, open
ing. Eric stepped out of the stall. He grabbed his clothes and put them back on. Eric pressed the button on the wall, and the door slid open.

  As soon as he stepped out of the bathroom, Eric's eyes landed on Dennis. The other man was sitting on the bed, eating with his fingers.

  "The food was delivered while you were showering."

  "How does Noglion food taste?"

  He shrugged. "It's pretty good."

  Eric sat on the bed. He looked at all the dishes. The food was unfamiliar and foreign. Eric peeled off a bite-sized piece of meat and popped it into his mouth. The flavor exploded across his tongue, and his stomach clenched with hunger. Eric moaned softly as he chewed.

  "It tastes like chicken."

  Dennis chuckled. "Do you want some wine?"

  Eric nodded. "Absolutely."

  Dennis lifted the pitcher of wine. He poured a generous amount of the red-colored beverage into a cup before passing it to Eric. Eric lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip. The sweet juice ran down his throat, and he nearly moaned before taking another drink. They devoured the food in a matter of minutes, only crumbs and a half bottle of wine remained.

  "This wine," Dennis slurred. "I think..." He coughed. "Something's wrong." The glass fell out of Dennis's hand, and he dropped down, falling back onto the bed.

  "Dennis?" Eric moved closer to the other man. He was unconscious. "Dennis!"

  Eric shook him. When Dennis didn't respond, Eric checked his pulse and sighed in relief. Thank God, he was still alive. Everything inside Eric went on alert. He had a bad feeling. Something was definitely wrong.

  It didn't take long before Eric started feeling sick to his stomach. His blood turned to ice in his veins, yet beads of sweat broke out on his brow and upper lip. Eric shuddered, his entire body shaking uncontrollably.


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